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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cottonwood Cove greeter.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Halt! What business have you in Cottonwood Cove, outsider? 1
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLegionaryGuardAAMExplorerTopic000 I'm just a humble trader passing through. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Very well. You may proceed. 2
Neutral 50 However, be warned. Aggressive acts against us will earn you a place on a cross. 3
Just thought I'd check the place out. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Tread lightly, fool. You are entering Caesar's land. 4
Neutral 50 Aggressive acts against us will earn you a place on a cross. Turn back now, or pay the consequences. 5
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLegionaryGuardAAMExplorerTopic001 <Show Mark of Caesar> I was invited. Neutral 50 You wear the Mark of Caesar?! You must be who Cursor Lucullus is waiting for. 6
Neutral 50 You may continue, but be warned. Mark or no, we will not tolerate aggressive action by visitors in the camp. 7
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLegionaryGuardAAMExplorerTopic002 <Attack> I go where I please! Neutral 50 {call to battle}To arms, brothers! 8
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLegionaryGuardAAMExplorerTopic003 Be calm. I am a friend of the Legion. Neutral 50 Very well. You may proceed. 9
Neutral 50 However, be warned. Aggressive acts against us will earn you a place on a cross. 10
Be calm. I am a friend of the Legion. Neutral 50 Fool. Your deeds are known well among us. 11
Neutral 50 To arms, my brothers! 12