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This is a transcript for dialogue with Kenny Weathers.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 You're a killer. Go away. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 We're being held here against our will! I beg you, help us! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Are you going to free us, or what? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Thank you. We never would've escaped without your help. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 At least I'm free to bury my kin. 5
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic000 Relax, this'll be over quickly. <Set off the explosive in his collar> Neutral 50 {panicking} What have you done? 6
Relax, this'll be over quickly. <Set off the explosive in his collar> Neutral 50 {close call} Are you trying to get me killed? Get away from me! 7
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic001 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {Quiet pathetic moan} Bye. 8
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic002 I've paid for your freedom. You're free to go. Sad 100 {Doesn't make sense} Why free me now? After what you done? I ain't saying thank you. 9
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic003 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {Angry} Bye. 10
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic004 Let me deactivate your collar. Neutral 50 No way! I seen what happens when you mess with these collars! 11
Let me deactivate your collar. Neutral 50 Sounds like I don't have much choice. 12
Hold still. <Deactivate the charge and remove his collar>
RF detonator? Give me a second.<Deactivate the charge and remove his collar> Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Hey, you did it! Nice work! 13
Hold still! <Deactivate the charge and remove his collar> Neutral 50 [FAILED] Forget it, I'm not gonna get my head blown off just because you don't know what you're doing! 14
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic006 Never mind. I'll see if there is another way to free you. Neutral 50 Good idea. I'd like to keep my head intact. 15
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic007 I'm working on it. Neutral 50 Sorry, I'm just glad someone is doing something. The last thing I need is to be made some legionaire's bitch and sent off to God knows where. 16
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic008 <Give Kenny the key from Canyon Runner> Neutral 50 {Shocked disbelief} Freedom? Thank God Frank thinks we're enslaved. 17
Neutral 50 Now we can actually start fresh. Thank you for helping us. 18
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic009 I've paid for your freedom. You're free to go. Neutral 50 {Shocked disbelief} Freedom? Thank God Frank thinks we're enslaved. 19
Neutral 50 Now we can actually start fresh. Thank you for helping us. 20
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCKennyWeathersTopic010 <Give Kenny the key from Canyon Runner> Sad 100 {Doesn't make sense} Why free me now? After what you done? I ain't saying thank you. 21


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {Quiet pathetic moan} Bye. 22