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Fallout Wiki

Move along now. There's nothing to see here.— NCR police officer, Fallout 2

The NCR police is the law enforcement agency of the New California Republic.


The professional police force of Shady Sands is responsible for enforcing law and order in the capital of the New California Republic. Well armed and provided with standardized dark blue uniforms, the police comes down hard on law breakers. The capital is particularly heavily policed, particularly when the no weapon policy is concerned,[1] and curfews.[2]

All police officers are authorized to use lethal force when necessary, though unless someone is committing a crime or openly brandishing weapons, they try to exercise restraint.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

  • Upstanding citizens can gain a recommendation from Sheriff Dumont for work at Roger Westin's estate.
  • While officers will tell the player character to put away their weapons, they check all party members for drawn weapons. With a large party, there might not be enough time to tell everyone to put theirs away, leading to the entire city turning hostile. Entering the capital through the bazaar is the best bet to avoid unnecessary conflicts.


The NCR police appear only in Fallout 2.


  1. NCR policeman: "{104}{}{Stranger, we got a no weapon policy in this town. Put your weapon away.}"
  2. NCR policeman: "{106}{}{It's after curfew, stranger. Why don't you head home?}"
  3. NCR policeman: "{115}{}{If you don't stop fooling with that I am authorized to shoot you.}"