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The Mystic River is a waterway running through the New England, north of Boston.


The Mystic River flows approximately parallel to the lower portions of the Charles River. Encompassing 76 mi2 (200 km2) of watershed, the river flows from Mystic Lake near Covenant and travels past the Boston-area communities of East Boston, Charlestown, Malden, Medford, and Arlington.

From Mystic Lake, the waterway is held by a dam near a military checkpoint above the west shore. After passing Wattz Consumer Electronics and Poseiden Energy Turbine #18-F, the river runs underneath the Tucker Memorial bridge. Continuing eastbound under two unnamed bridges past the BADTFL regional office, the Irish Pride Industries shipyard, the waterway is joined by the Malden River from the north before both emptying into the Boston Harbor near the USS Constitution.

The river joins the Charles River to form inner Boston Harbor. The north central commonwealth area is border by the Mystic River to the south and elevated freeway to the east and west.[1]


The Mystic River appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

The Mystic River is based on the real-world location of the same name, a river following an equivalent path through the Boston metro area. In the 1861 poem Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Paul Revere rides along the banks of the Mystic River.



  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 274: "ZONE 2: NORTH CENTRAL COMMONWEALTH
    Bordered by the elevated freeway to the east and west and the Mystic River to the south, this part of the Commonwealth consists of the main township of Malden in its center, with various interesting and dangerous smaller locations surrounding it. The farther south you go, the more industrial the landscape becomes. The farther east you go, the more dangerous the inhabitants become. However, you are encouraged to chance a meeting at the more esoteric establishments in this zone, allowing you to befriend both robots and ghouls alike. And even Deathclaws! But not Super Mutants."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)