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Fallout Wiki

The Museum Authority Building terminal entries are a series of entries that can be found on a terminal at the Museum Authority Building in the Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel.

Museum Authority workstation[]

Note: This desk terminal is located in an office cubicle on the first floor. After entering the main office area from the entrance, it is down the leftmost aisle, in the first cubicle to the right.


Museum Authority Workstation 7
Dallas Bryce

Log Entry MA-0089[]


Museum Authority Log Entry MA-0089

Remmings over at the Museum of Technology is complaining again about the Planetarium system malfunctioning. I've replaced the playback unit on that thing 3 times now. Seems like the system keeps crashing and trying to restart itself, then crashes again... keeps repeating the cycle until it's completely rebooted. I suggest that we acquire a new type of system in next year's budget. The cost of replacing it now and fitting a new system is cheaper than the amount we've spent shoving in replacement parts.

Log Entry MA-0088[]


> Log Corrupted

Log Entry MA-0087[]


> Log Corrupted

Log Entry MA-0086[]


Museum Authority Log Entry MA-0086

Brantseg over at the National Archives is requesting a new brain software package for their "TJEFF002 Thomas Jefferson" Protectron. The original software was wiped and replaced with a radio uplink and frequency scanning software package which is simply receiving and broadcasting local radio stations. I suggest we encrypt the next brain package so this type of software purchase is not necessary.

Log Entry MA-0085[]


Museum Authority Log Entry MA-0085

We've logged a fourth request from Dr. Gillian Taylor over at the National Aquarium regarding a new tank she wishes to be constructed for her whale exhibition. I've already spoken to Director Barnicky, and he maintains that a new exhibit is out of the question and the current one is becoming far too expensive to maintain. Director Barnicky has already spoken to the San Francisco Aquarium, and they have agreed to begin construction of an appropriately sized tank and viewing area for Dr. Taylor's whales. He's also negotiated with that facility to have Dr. Taylor transferred, and I support this decision.

Log Entry MA-0084[]


> Log Corrupted
