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This is a transcript for dialogue with Murphy.


DialogMurphy01 Steal your secrets? Not at all. Fear 50 Good. I was afraid I was gonna have to abandon my lab here. That would mean starting all over again. 1
Disgust 50 It's not easy trying to make Ultrajet you know! 2
DialogMurphy02 What secrets? Disgust 90 The secret of making Ultrajet obviously! 3
Disgust 60 Oh dammit, now the cat's out of the bag. Typical me. 4
DialogMurphy03 Yeah sure, I'm here for everything you got. Hand it over, zombie! Anger 70 No! No way! You're not taking the formula from me! 5
DialogMurphy04 Ultrajet? That some sort of super chem? Neutral 50 I suppose you could say that. Ultrajet is almost double the potency of Jet... perfect for Ghouls. Jet barely affects us you see. 6
Disgust 70 Only trouble is it's almost impossible to gather the ingredients together. 7
Surprise 90 Say, you might be able to help me with that! 8
DialogMurphy05 What the heck are you talking about? Neutral 50 You never heard of it? Ultrajet is almost double the potency of Jet... perfect for Ghouls. Jet barely affects us you see. 9
Disgust 70 Only trouble is it's almost impossible to gather the ingredients together. 10
Surprise 90 Say, you might be able to help me with that! 11
DialogMurphy06 Stop trying to talk your way out of this, zombie! Anger 90 What the hell is your problem? Fine! You're gonna be like that... 12
DialogMurphy07 Yeah sure, what do you need? Neutral 50 It takes 3 things to make Ultrajet. Two of the ingredients I got plenty of. The other one is a little harder to find: Sugar Bombs. 13
Neutral 50 I distill it down to its base contents and add that to the formula then presto... Ultrajet. 14
Happy 80 For every box of Sugar Bombs you bring me, I'll pay you 15 caps. So you in? 15
DialogMurphy08 Nothing's free in this world, Murphy. Disgust 80 Yeah, no kidding. I didn't think you were a freakin' charity. 16
Neutral 50 It takes 3 things to make Ultrajet. Two of the ingredients I got plenty of. The other one is a little harder to find: Sugar Bombs. 17
Happy 80 For every box of Sugar Bombs you bring me, I'll pay you 15 caps. So you in? 18
DialogMurphy09 No way. I'm not helping you make chems! Disgust 70 Fine, fine. Sheesh. Take it easy. You change your mind, gimme a shout. 19
DialogMurphyMoreCapsSC Make it 30 caps each and you got yourself a deal. Disgust 70 Fine, anything to get what I need. Now scram, I got some preparing to do! 20
DialogMurphyTLBarrett What's the deal with Barrett? Neutral 50 He's my assistant and my backup. In case things get rough. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you. 21
DialogMurphyTLFamily Have you ever heard of The Family? Disgust 80 Sure. I stay away from them and they don't bother me. It's a good relationship. They live somewhere East of here. 22
Disgust 50 If you're feeling foolish, I think there's an underground way through to their place deeper in the metro station here. 23
DialogMurphyTLSBombs Here's all the Sugar Bombs I've got. Happy 70 Good... good. There's more out there, so go and find it. 24
Here's all the Sugar Bombs I've got. Happy 70 Nice work. The Ultrajet's coming along nicely. 25
Here's all the Sugar Bombs I've got. Happy 70 Excellent! keep it coming. 26
DialogMurphyTLUltrajet Can I buy some Ultrajet? Neutral 50 Hmmm, so you wanna live life on the wild side, huh? Okay. Go for it. 27
Can I buy some Ultrajet? Neutral 50 Yeah, as soon as you bring me some more Sugar Bombs. 28
DialogMurphyWait Let me think about it a bit. Disgust 70 What is it with you people? Stop thinking so much. That's what got us all here in the first place. 29
DialogMurphyYes Alright, Murphy... I'm in. Disgust 60 Good. Now get going, I have a ton of preparation to do. 30
GREETING GREETING Disgust 90 So, what did ya bring me? 31
GREETING Disgust 90 So what's the deal. You gonna get me some Sugar Bombs or what? 32
GREETING Fear 90 You're n..not here to try and steal my secrets are you? 33
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 70 Nope. It's 15 each. You wanna do it or what? 34


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Yep, do what you gotta do. 35
HELLO HELLO Happy 60 You got the stuff, I got the caps. A match made in heaven. 36
HELLO Neutral 50 All my equipment is ready. Just need some Sugar Bombs. 37
HELLO Neutral 50 Ah. You're back. Good... 38
HELLO Surprise 100 Whoa, who the hell are you? 39
HELLO Disgust 70 So what's the deal, smoothskin? 40