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This is a transcript for dialogue with Municipal auditor.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Male Female GMale GFemale Script Notes
1 0072840B 00728442 Finally! Bloodthirsty.
2 00728443 A new trophy for my mantle! Bloodthirsty, excited, tough.
3 00728444 Oh, you'll be easy! Bloodthirsty.
4 00728445 It's time for your audit! Bloodthirsty, excited, tough.
5 00728446 Don't mess with my city, punk! Bloodthirsty, excited, tough.
6 0072840C 007284DC Come out, little thorn. Cold, scary, tough. Laughs cruelly.
7 007284DD I heard something. Something puny. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
8 007284DE There's no going back. I will find you. Bloodthirsty. Emphasis on "will."
9 007284DF I will never rest until my job is done. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
10 007284E0 Someone's here. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
11 0072840D 00728431 Damn...maybe I'm not as sharp as I used to be. Tough. Frustrated.
12 00728432 I could've sworn I heard something. I know I did... Tough, sure of themselves. Frustrated.
13 00728433 Nothing... Next time, then. I'll get them next time... Tough. Reassuring themselves.
14 0072840E 0072847E Another one for my collection. *laughs* Cold, scary, tough. Laughs cruelly.
15 0072847F You're going to regret this. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
16 00728480 Aha! A fraudster! Bloodthirsty.
17 00728481 You can cheat the government, but you can't cheat me!
18 00728482 It's the end of the line. What line, I don't know! Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
19 0072840F 0072846F You can only hide for so long. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
20 00728470 *whistles threateningly* Threatening, intimidating whistle.
21 00728471 Why don't you just come out, and we can get this over with? Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
22 00728472 There's no "I" in death. But there is a "U." Well, maybe not. But there is a "D". For death. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty.
23 00728473 We both know how this is going to end. Just come out already! Cold, tough, bloodthirsty. Getting frustrated.
24 00728474 C'mon!! I don't have all day!! Cold, tough, bloodthirsty. Getting frustrated.
25 00728475 This city is under our protection! You won't come out of this alive! Cold, tough, bloodthirsty. Getting frustrated.
26 00728476 I'm not going anywhere. Cold, tough, bloodthirsty. Getting frustrated. Emphasis on “anywhere.”
27 00728410 007284B0 Fate takes another one. Somber, cold.
28 007284B1 Huh. Thought they'd be stronger than that. Callous. Gruff.
29 007284B2 Relieved from service. Forever. Cold, tough, cryptic.
30 007284B3 This day was always on the horizon. Seems like the distance has closed. Somber, cold.
31 007284B4 How sad. But there will always be more. Cold, bloodthirsty.
32 00728411 00728435 The adrenaline's coursing through me. I don't want to stop! Amped up, bloodthirsty.
33 00728436 I never quit a fight. I want more! Amped up, bloodthirsty.
34 00728437 You live another day. Unfortunately. Cold, bloodthirsty.
35 00728438 Pay your taxes next time. Or you'll be seeing me again. Cold, bloodthirsty.
36 00728439 This isn't over, weakling. I'll have your head one of these days. Cold, bloodthirsty.
37 00728412 0072848C Come out and face your demise! Angry, bloodthirsty.
38 0072848D I will track you down like the dog you are! Cold, bloodthirsty.
39 0072848E Two things in life are inevitable: death and taxes. I will bring both to you. Cold, bloodthirsty.
40 0072848F There is no escape! Come back here! Angry, bloodthirsty.
41 00728490 I can hear you breathing. I'll find you... Cold, bloodthirsty.
42 00728413 007284BE You'll be back. You can't outrun fate. Tough, intimidating. Cryptic.
43 007284BF That sucks. I was hoping for some action. Tough, intimidating.
44 007284C0 I'll still be here. Waiting for you. Tough, intimidating.
45 007284C1 Just when I thought I'd get a little exercise. Tough, intimidating.
46 007284C2 I don't like just standing around, twiddling my thumbs. Tough, intimidating.
47 00728414 00728456 Heheh...haven't you learned by now? No one hides from the IRS! Chuckles cruelly. Emphasis on “no one.”
48 00728457 Looks like the entertainment's finally here! Tough, threatening.
49 00728458 Let's tango! Tough, threatening. Bloodthirsty.
50 00728459 Ah. Fresh meat. Tough, threatening. Bloodthirsty.
51 0072845A There you are. This moment was...inevitable. Tough, threatening. Bloodthirsty.
52 0072845B Looks like your fiscal year is coming to a close. Tough, threatening. Bloodthirsty.
53 0072845C Time for the grand finale! Tough, threatening. Bloodthirsty.
54 00728415 007284AC Huh... smells like stupid in here... Huh… smells like stupid in here…
55 007284AD Heh. Maybe today won't be so boring after all... Tough, threatening.
56 007284AE I heard something. Something small, and not imposing. Tough, threatening. Casually belittling the enemy without even seeing them.
57 00728416 00728427 It's about to get messy in here! It’s about to get messy in here!
58 00728428 Hope you like pulp, because you're about to be some! Tough, threatening.
59 00728429 Let's see how you handle this! Tough, challenging, gleeful.
60 0072842A *laughs* Laughs cruelly and dryly.
61 0072842B Time for some fireworks. Tough, threatening.
62 00728417 00728462 A drop of my blood is worth more than your entire life, coward! Gruff, threatening, angry.
63 00728463 What's the matter? Getting tired? I can give you a permanent nap time! Gruff, threatening, angry.
64 00728464 I'll bleed you out like a maple tree in Canada! Gruff, threatening, angry.
65 00728465 You were picked last in gym class, weren't you?! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
66 00728466 I'll turn your tibia into a clarinet! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
67 00728467 Ugly and weak? You sure lost the genetic lottery, huh? Emphasis on “and”.
68 00728468 I'll hang out to dry like a dish towel in July! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
69 00728469 Afraid, aren't you? I'd be afraid of me if I were you. I'm even afraid of myself.
70 0072846A I bet I could deadlift you easily, punk! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
71 0072846B You ready to get audited?! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
72 0072846C Seems like you didn't file your tax returns! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
73 0072846D Remember these three words when you die: Internal. Revenue. Services. Tough, threatening, intimidating.
74 00728418 0072845E Weak, they're weak! Put them out of their misery! Barking an order. Tough, intimidating.
75 0072845F We're nearing the end here! Kill them! Barking an order. Tough, intimidating.
76 00728460 They won't hold out much longer! Finish them! Barking an order. Tough, intimidating.
77 00728419 007284C8 Don't think this is over. I'll be back! Tough, intimidating.
78 007284C9 Take cover! Barking orders.
79 007284CA Don't let them hit you! Barking orders.
80 0072841A 0072842D Never give in! Not now, not ever! Move forward! Barking orders.
81 0072842E They're open! Move up! Barking orders.
82 0072842F Let's end this! Go, go, go! Barking orders.
83 0072841B 007284C4 Go around the side! They're weak there! Emphasis on weak. Barking orders.
84 007284C5 We'll catch them off-guard. They'll never see us coming! Barking orders. Bloodthirsty.
85 007284C6 Go around and flank them! Barking orders. Bloodthirsty.
86 0072841C 00728448 *laughs* Is that the best you can do? Pathetic. Trying to be tough through intense pain.
87 00728449 C'mon, hit me again! It'll be the last thing you ever do! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
88 0072844A Oh, did you hit me? I didn't feel anything. Tough, threatening, intimidating.
89 0072844B I've had fairer fights with a radroach! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
90 0072844C Where did you learn to hit like that? Preschool? Tough, threatening, intimidating.
91 0072844D Try that again and see what happens! Tough, threatening, intimidating.
92 0072844E That was almost a good hit. Almost. In pain. Almost respects the player for that hit.
93 0072841D 00728478 This is it...the final...audit... In intense pain. Dying.
94 00728479 No...my mission...my city...I've failed you... In intense pain. Dying.
95 0072847A There will be no...vindication... In intense pain. Dying.
96 0072847B *Pained moan* In intense pain. Dying.
97 0072847C Buttercup...Avenge me... In intense pain. Dying.
98 0072841E 0072843B Heh! The pain just makes me angrier! Bloodthirsty.
99 0072843C AGH! Hit me again, I dare you! Snarls in pain.
100 0072843D Gah! It's...nothing... Trying to be tough through intense pain.
101 0072843E A broken arm? Ha! Child's play. Trying to play it tough.
102 0072843F This is...nothing...compared to what I'll do to you! Trying to play it tough. Bloodthirsty.
103 00728440 A little blood never killed anyone! Ha ha ha! Trying to play it tough. Bloodthirsty.
104 0072841F 00728492 Watch my back. It's time to tango. Tough, threatening, intimidating.
105 00728493 Cover me! I'm going in. Barking orders. Tough, intimidating.
106 00728494 *chuckles* Oh, this is going to be fun. Tough, threatening, intimidating. Laughs darkly.
107 00728420 00728450 Don't try to be a hero. Move back! Barking orders. Tough.
108 00728451 Stay back! Barking orders. Tough.
109 00728452 Watch your six! Barking orders. Tough.
110 00728453 Ha! It'll take more than that to take us out! Amused, taunting, bloodthirsty.
111 00728454 Move, move, move! Barking orders. Tough.
112 00728421 00728484 Hope you like the taste of led! Angry, bloodthirsty.
113 00728485 I'll make a keychain out of your eyeballs! Angry, bloodthirsty.
114 00728486 You don't scare me. No one does! Tough, angry, bloodthirsty.
115 00728487 Pay, or die! Angry, bloodthirsty.
116 00728489 Hyaagh! Battle cry.
117 0072848A You won't last another second, wimp! Tough, angry, bloodthirsty.
118 00728422 007284B6 There will be blood for blood! Angry, tough. Almost like a battle cry.
119 007284B7 Another life lost to the cause. Tough, bitter.
120 007284B8 You fought well. But not well enough. Tough. A bit somber.
121 007284B9 There is no rest for an auditor but death. Tough, bitter.
122 007284BA Sleep, my friend. You've earned it. Tough. Almost kind.
123 007284BB Vengeance will be swift. Tough, angry, bitter.
124 007284BC It's not over yet! Angry, bitter.
125 00728423 00728496 Just another pile of trash to clean up. Disgusted, tough, judgmental.
126 00728497 Shame. Wasn't my kill. Tough, callous.
127 00728498 More litter. Disgusted, tough, callous.
128 00728499 Nasty way to go. Disgusted, tough, almost pitiful.
129 0072849A That won't be me. That, I'm sure of. Defiant, tough, determined.
130 00728424 0072849C Give a man a gun, and he'll be armed for the rest of his life. Give him a bullet, and he won't need a gun anymore. Making a tough philosophical statement.
131 0072849D The Overgrown are nothing to be afraid of. They're just seedlings waiting to be crushed under our thumb. Tough and threatening.
132 0072849E Tim should really be giving us a bigger cut. Thinking to themselves, feeling like they aren’t being paid enough for the job they do.
133 0072849F The last detachment never made it back from the Casino Quarter. But I'm not afraid. I never am. Sounding threatening and confident.
134 007284A0 Tax fraud is a crime that never stops. So I never stop. Trying to make something as mundane as tax fraud out to be dangerous.
135 007284A1 Mother Charlotte? More like Mother Charlatan. Her and all of her goons. Disparaging the Showmen. They’re bitter because the Showmen don’t always pay their taxes.
136 007284A2 Billy Beltbuckles...If I ever catch a glimpse of that wimp, I'd snap him like a twig. Muttering bitterly to himself.
137 007284A3 Buttercup's been spending a lot of time with Anna lately...hope he's not going soft.
138 007284A4 Who cares if Fabio's the new don? Nothing's actually going to change. Tough, gruff. Ranting to themselves.
139 007284A5 Concerta's the don now, huh? Now this will be interesting. Tough, amused.
140 007284A6 Imagine if all the caps that went towards Devil's Blood went towards running this city. Now that'd be something... Wondering to themselves. Devil’s Blood is a highly addictive and extremely expensive designer drug.
141 007284A7 The only good kind of mobster is a dead mobster. Tough, intimidating, vaguely threatening.
142 007284A8 There is no such thing as "time off" when this city is filled to the brim with corruption. Tough, vaguely threatening.
143 007284A9 White collar crime. Pah. More like red collar when I'm done with 'em. Referring to tax evasion.
144 007284AA This city never sleeps. But then again, neither do we. Tough, intimidating.
145 00728425 007284CC There's nothing to fear here...if you didn't do anything wrong. Tough and vaguely threatening.
146 007284CD Cross Buttercup, and you'll regret it. Vaguely threatening. Buttercup is their leader.
147 007284CE New to AC? You look it. Tough and judgmental.
148 007284CF You auditioning to be one of the Showmen's clowns, or do you just look like that? Tough and bully-like.
149 007284D0 Some would say tax fraud is a victimless crime, but that's not true. We would kill you, and then you would be a victim. Tough and intimidating. Threatening to kill the player casually.
150 007284D1 We have ways of getting what we need at City Hall, don't you worry. Vaguely threatening and snide.
151 007284D2 Apparently, someone hijacked the last Boardwalk show. Heh. Wish I could thank 'em for that. Tough, but also amused by the gossip.
152 007284D3 The others may be singing your praises, but don't expect me to compliment you. It's not like I like you or anything. Tough, defensive. Actually respects the player but is too tough to admit it.
153 007284D4 You don't look like you're supposed to be here. Gruff, annoyed.
154 007284D5 Don't tell anyone, but, uh...Frieda beat me in arm wrestling. Sheepish, ashamed.
155 007284D6 Are we going to have a problem? No? Good. Tough, cold, threatening.
156 007284D7 Heard a rumor that the mob's gutted from the top. Guess they have no choice but to pay up now, huh? Tough, talking about current gossip. Darkly amused by the mafia being under dire straits.
157 007284D8 So, what's it going to be? You going to be on the right side of history, or the wrong one? Tough, intimidating. Asking difficult questions.
158 007284D9 I don't like killing. I'm just doing my job. Hah, just kidding. 'Course I like killing. Pretending to be virtuous and gentle, then revealing it’s a joke.
159 007284DA Don't you have anywhere else to be? Tough, vaguely irritated.