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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mr. Farmhand.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0004FE61 0012331D Biological material detected.
2 00127E04 Suitable compost material detected.
3 0012D3B6 Commence biological material processing.
4 003C569C You have been selected to be composted.
5 003C569D Farm requires new sources of fertilizing material.
6 003C569E Plant. Fertilize. Grow. Reap.
7 003C569F New source of compostables found.
8 00093A2F 0017B3CA Error... Compost reserves depleted. Gathering biological material.
9 0017B3E6 Stand still. Your biological material is required.
10 0017B3E8 Welcome to the Vault-Tec Farm.
11 0017B3ED Welcome to the Farm of the Future. From Vault-Tec.
12 0017B3FD Warning. Do not interfere with Vault-Tec duties.
13 003C56BA Continuing composting operations.
14 003C56BB Scanners indicate you are made of ninety percent compostable material.
15 003C56BC Soil fertilization requires additional biological material.
16 003C56BD Your cooperation is required. Please stand still.
17 003C56BE Vault-Tec wishes you a happy day on the farm!
18 003C56BF Farming operations in progress.
19 003C568D 003C56A9 Potential source found...
20 003C56AA Initialize scanning protocol...
21 003C56AB Detecting potential composting target...
22 003C56AC Scanning for fertilizer...
23 003C56AD Alert. Possible source of compostables detected...
24 003C568E 003C5695 Returning to normal operations...
25 003C5696 Terminating search.
26 003C5697 Nothing found.
27 003C568F 003C5699 Unable to locate...
29 003C569A Scanners failing to acquire...
30 003C569B Searching for nitrates...
31 003C5690 003C56AF Scanning...
32 003C56B0 Locating material...
33 003C56B1 Acquiring...
34 003C5691 003C56A1 Recycling subroutines nominal.
35 003C56A2 Reacquired potential source of nutrients.
36 003C56A3 Maximizing throttle on all farming implements.
37 003C56A4 Turning to ash, then fertilizing.
38 003C56A5 Scanning acceptable levels of compostable material.
39 003C5692 003C56B3 Begin mulching subroutines.
40 003C56B4 Target is rich in nitrates.
41 003C56B5 Rich source of plant nutrients found.
42 003C56B6 Reducing to fertilizer.
43 003C56B7 Gathering all sources of nutrients.
44 003C56B8 Remain calm. Composting will begin shortly.
45 003C56B9 Error. Error.