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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mr. Clark.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005E43A3 005E43A7 Welcome to the Shelters Claim Center!
2 005E43A8 So lovely to see you again, visitor.
3 005E43A9 I was just in the middle of something... *quiet buzzing* What was it...?
4 005E43AA I'll keep this place clean in case more visitors arrive.
5 005E43AB I hope you're enjoying your Shelter, visitor!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005CBA80 005DC5EA It looks like you've successfully registered as a Shelter owner. Congratulations, visitor! A marvelous new world of home expansion awaits!
2 005DB35D 005DB371 Cursory analysis suggests that you are likely here to- *buzzing noise* Goodness, forgive my tone! I'm experiencing some memory issues.
3 *clears throat* As I was saying, a bright-eyed visitor like yourself must be here to claim your free Shelter today! Is that right?
4 005DB35F 005DB376 Ah, there's nothing quite like a successful marketing campaign! Now that you're here may I interest you in claiming a free Shelter?
5 005DB363 005DB375 Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. Well, if you change your mind please feel free to visit again! The Shelters Claim Center is always open.
6 005DB367 005DB36E Oh...I thought I'd finally found a customer.*sigh* If you change your mind please return at your leisure. The Shelters Claim Center is always open.
7 005DB36D 005DB374 May I see it? Oh! That looks like the key to Mr. Gill's safe. And you found it on a corpse? I suppose that means the worst for Mr. Gill...
8 005DC5DC 005DC5E5 I'll distribute your free Shelter to you along with some materials to build your Shelter's entrance, as a personal thank you for being my customer.
9 Before we part ways, visitor, is there anything else I can help you with?
10 005DC5DE 005DC5E8 Gladly! Shelters are the homes of the future, perfect for post-apocalyptic living. Each Shelter is a unique interior ready to be decorated!
11 All Shelters come equipped with workshop functionality to allow you to create the home of your dreams - an escape from the dangers of Appalachia.
12 Shelters are accessible via entrances like the one I just distributed to you. Simply place the entrance in your C.A.M.P. and step into your new home!
13 Is there anything else I can help you with?
14 005DC5E0 005DC5E6 Then allow me to extend a warm Shelters Claim Center farewell to you along with my thanks for being my first customer. Enjoy your new home, visitor!
15 005DC5E2 005DC5E9 Then please accept my warmest salutation, visitor. Thank you for visiting the Shelters Claim Center. Farewell! Enjoy your new home!
16 005DC5E4 005DC5E7 If you have further questions about Shelters, I suggest a return visit to the registration terminal.
17 The bombs fell before the customer service scripts could be uploaded to me, so the terminal will have to do. I apologize for its lack of inflection.
18 005DCA47 005DD4E0 I'm so grateful to have a customer! I was beginning to think this day would never come.
19 005DCA48 005CBA88 Oh, a visitor! I thought this day would never come! I haven't had a visitor in ages. Welcome to the Appalachian Shelters Claim Center, visitor.
20 I'm called Mr. Clark. It's my job to help eager new customers such as yourself take your first step into the miraculous world of Shelters!
21 005DD032 Naturally! Not to worry, visitor. I'm equipped to answer most basic questions from my customers. How can I help you today?
22 005DD033 Splendid! Before I can distribute your Shelter to you you'll need to register as a Shelter owner. The terminal in the back will guide you through it.
23 Once you've finished registering return to me and I'll distribute your free Shelter to you.
24 005DD01E 005DD030 Then on to more pleasant business, visitor! Are you interested in registering as a Shelter owner and claiming your free Shelter today?
25 005DD01F 005DD02B A few, over the years. Two of the scientists who were working on the Shelters project before the war used this Claim Center to hide from the bombs.
26 They left in search of greener pastures once the blasts were over and I never saw them again. The Claim Center was empty for a long time after that.
27 Mr. Gill is the only other person who's ever been inside. Aside from yourself, of course.*Sigh* Such a shame. So much good marketing gone to waste.
28 005DD022 005DD02E Very well, visitor. Are you still interested in claiming your free Shelter today?
29 005DD023 005DD035 That's Vault 51...I don't know much about it, I'm afraid. The Vault was sealed along with the others in Appalachia, but only one person ever emerged.
30 His name was Mr. Gill. He lived here for awhile observing Vault 51. Something inside interested him. I believe he was investigating- *buzzing sound*
31 I'm sorry, most of my memories regarding Vault 51 are corrupted. I think Mr. Gill kept notes on the Claim Center terminal, if you'd like to know more.
32 005DD025 005DD02F I was programmed to distribute Shelters from this Claim Center and I intend to do just that! I've been waiting for a customer like yourself for ages.
33 The apocalypse did put a bit of a damper on my sales projections, but with your arrival it seems my troubles are over!
34 005DD027 005DD02D Yes, unfortunately so. My network was recently used to- *buzzing sound* Ah, it seems I can't remember exactly what caused it *nervous laugh*.
35 But rest assured, Candida- *buzzing sound* -visitor, memory issues notwithstanding, I'm eager to help usher you into the world of Shelters!
36 005DD029 005DD036 Shelters are expansions for your home. Each Shelter is a unique interior that comes ready to be built in and decorated by its owner.
37 005DD4DE 005DD4DF Certainly. Your free Shelter is a complimentary expansion for your home, modeled after the very Claim Center we're standing in!
38 It comes equipped with workshop functionality, so you can get started building and decorating right away.
39 Simply place the Shelter entrance you claimed today in your C.A.M.P. and prepare to enter a bright new world of home expansion and customization!
40 005E43A4 005E43A5 I'm afraid not. Mr. Gill was quite paranoid about things like that. He kept his effects in a locked safe, and always carried the key on him.
41 If he wrote down the password he likely locked it in there.