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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mr. Bandit.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003FA7EC Issuing greeting: You need something, friend?
2 003FA7EE Issuing warning: Keep walking, partner.
3 003FA7EF Attempt to Disengage: I'm not looking for any trouble, hoss.
4 0048442B You just had to make this difficult!
5 0048442C This'll be over quick, pal!
6 00484421 I guess I'll be taking your stuff the hard way!
7 00484422 You asked for it!
8 RE_TravelTS02_CryForHelp 00484433 I most urgently require someone's help! Sounds like a stereotypical western bandit imitating a Posh British Mr. Handy voice
9 00484434 Oh, won't anyone help me?! Sounds like a stereotypical western bandit imitating a Posh British Mr. Handy voice
10 00484435 Please, I require urgent assistance! Sounds like a stereotypical western bandit imitating a Posh British Mr. Handy voice
11 00484436 Someone, anyone, please help! Sounds like a stereotypical western bandit imitating a Posh British Mr. Handy voice
12 00484437 Would anyone be willing to lend a poor robot a hand? Sounds like a stereotypical western bandit imitating a Posh British Mr. Handy voice
13 00453AA5 I guess we're doing this the hard way!
14 RE_TravelTS02_GoAway 0048441F Finalizing Holdup Procedure: Thanks for the contribution, friend. Now scram! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
15 RE_TravelTS02_Holdup 00484423 Executing Holdup Procedure: Drop everything you've got, friend! Nice and easy! This is a stickup! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
16 00484425 Query: Are you dense? I want the good stuff. Give it to me! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
17 00484426 Mandate: Just empty your pockets and no one gets hurt today! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
18 00484427 Frustrated Iteration: Are you hard of hearing, friend? Empty your pockets, drop the goods and walk away! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
19 00484428 Sympathetic Appeal: Look pal, just give me your things and this can all be over. Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
20 00484429 Exasperated Plea: Buddy, do you understand what's going on? You're being robbed! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
21 0048442E Ultimatum: Last chance, pal. One way or another, I'm getting paid! Drop the goods on the ground! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
22 0048442F Intolerant Demand: My patience is running low, friend. Leave something on the ground and walk away! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
23 00484430 Discontented Restatement: I'm not gonna tell you again, partner. Put it on the ground, now! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice
24 00484431 Concluding Petition: Last warning! Your valuables on the ground, NOW, or someone gets hurt! Intro read in especially robotic tone, then stereotypical Western bandit voice