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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mother Charlotte.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 006FA1E0 006DEF89 So much overcome, and still standing tall. Come closer; let me get a look at you.
2 006DEF8D Now that you're warmed up, come closer. Speak to me with no filters, no hesitations.
3 0072C967 You are not my child. Dismissive
4 0072C968 We have no obligations to each other, and that's not a relationship at all. Dismissive
5 0072C969 If you wish to become known, do something noteworthy. Dismissive
6 0072C96B Come forth. Let me drink you in.
7 0072C96C My, how your spirit has grown since last I laid eyes upon you. Speak to me, dear.
8 0072C96D Our Sensation arrives. Are you living the title? Breathing it?
9 006FA1E1 006B294A I always wonder what makes a champion.
10 006B294C You must have a secret, to keep riding the top with such ease.
11 006DEF9A As always, I am at your disposal. An honor deserved by a champion.
12 006DEF9B I do hope you've enjoyed the festivities. That you've... discovered something.
13 0072C96E Let this not be your last performance. You still have so much to give. Slightly menacing
14 0072C970 If you ever lose your way, know that my arms are open.
15 0072C971 How I doted upon your last performance. The triumphs, the pitfalls... the surprises. Keep them coming.
16 0072C972 You're an inspiration to my children. Do ensure you live up to their attention.
17 006FA1E2 006FA219 Just when we were getting to know each other so well.
18 006FA1E4 006FA21B We all have different faces. That doesn't make any one of them less real. Not unless you decide that, of course.
19 To you, I'm Charlotte. To my children, I am Mother. To my enemies, well... Let's just hope you never need to see that face.
20 006FA1E6 006FA20F It would be all too simple for me to tell you. A champion must find that answer for themselves. Otherwise they will never be one.
21 006FA1E8 006FA211 It takes a child to make a mother. My children trust that I still have something to teach them. That they can come to me for comfort and acceptance.
22 So many were orphaned by the war. Whether they lost their parents, their livelihood, or their will to live.
23 To those who need a mother's guidance, I will give all that they are willing to take.
24 006FA1EA 006FA221 Whatever may strike your fancy.
25 006FA1EC 006FA21E *chuckles* We are much more than insane, sweetheart. To box us into such a degrading word... I despise it. Warm and amused at first. Deadly at the end.
26 If you truly seek to understand us, then I invite you to come back and play again. Maybe next time you'll learn something.
27 006FA1EE 006FA21D We keep this city alive. Games, gambles, performances, things that keep a sparkle in people's eyes.
28 Imaginations must keep wandering. Otherwise, humanity is as good as dead.
29 006FA1F0 006FA217 Panic followed the bombs. Where social structure collapsed, so did drive and meaning.
30 Nobody wanted to perform anymore. Even if they did, it was too dangerous, or there were more important needs at hand.
31 To keep my craft alive, I had to create a safe place for it. A family of performers, each provided with unconditional support and protection.
32 The show must go on, after all. Even past the end of the world. With drama. This is her slogan.
33 006FA1F2 006FA212 Perhaps the best way to understand the Game is by playing it.
34 006FA1F4 006FA216 My darling child, you have been taught to believe it is morbid and inhumane. The rules of the pre-war world bound us, shackled us.
35 If it is our true wish, should we not battle with our lives to reach the finish? Should we not learn just how far our wills can take us?
36 If the Game had no entrants, there would be no Game to run.
37 006FA1F6 006FA213 What is the purpose of any entertainment? To feel alive. To find meaning. To learn something about yourself.
38 Most look upon bloodshed as tragedy. I see opportunity. This war gave us all a chance to rediscover who we are, why humanity exists.
39 No longer do we live in perfect safety without ever knowing our own capabilities. We must survive. And so, we must face ourselves.
40 006FA1F8 006FA225 That would be my darling Veracio. And how proud I am.
41 006FA1FA 006FA218 How I enjoyed our conversation. I'll be right here when you return.
42 006FA1FC 006FA223 Oh, there is only so much we can glean from conversation alone. But by all means, ask away.
43 006FA1FE 006FA210 We are artists, innovators, entrepreneurs, philosophers. But yes, above all, we are Showmen.
44 A family I started, but it has grown so much bigger than I could have imagined.
45 006FA200 006FA21C One of my children's greatest innovations. We have truly created the experience of a lifetime.
46 006FA202 006FA224 We'll handle that, my darling. Just close your eyes and think happy thoughts.
47 006FA204 006FA21A Then I take it, you're afraid to tell me what's most important to you? Or perhaps you don't know what is?
48 I'm afraid I have no interest in cop-out answers. Come to me when you know what makes you feel alive.
49 006FA206 006FA215 Ah, the whims of fate. There to trick you into believing you did not create your own destiny.
50 You entered the Game. You conquered its obstacles. You defeated each of the Twins in fair combat.
51 And you have the gall to tell me you just "got lucky"?
52 006FA208 006FA21F They are... factors, certainly. But what of the person with the perfect routine, who never strays outside their box?
53 They will never unlock their potential without pushing their limits.
54 Sometimes, in our moment of greatest need, we find a different kind of power. One that we didn't even know existed.
55 006FA20A 006FA222 So we are all born with the same potential, and all that's needed to unlock it is a muse.
56 Tragic for those who never find one. Too unreliable. I say we all have the power to choose something to strive for. Emphasis on "choose"
57 006FA20C 006FA214 I teach all my children confidence. It opens the doors to opportunity, paves the way for potential to shine.
58 But arrogance? Oh, how it wipes the gleam off an enticing prize, how it makes the most beloved icon suddenly drab and grotesque!
59 Wield your confidence tastefully, Sensation, else it become your disgrace.
60 006FA20E 006FA220 Is it the fire in their eyes? The strength in their muscles? The fuel in their belly? Each new victor brings a different answer. What is yours?
61 0072C960 0072C984 Show me something new!
62 0072C985 You bore me!
63 0072C986 You're the child of tedium!
64 0072C961 0072C978 You won't last long!
65 0072C979 Don't you dare disappoint me!
66 0072C97A I'm afraid it's the end for you.
67 0072C962 0072C97C Ugh...
68 0072C97D This cannot be... my limit...
69 0072C97E Impossible...
70 0072C963 0072C980 How tedious.
71 0072C981 As it should be.
72 0072C982 Very disappointing.
73 0072C964 0072C974 Ugh!
74 0072C975 Agh!
75 0072C976 How dare you!
76 0072C965 0072C988 How often must I be disappointed?
77 0072C989 A Mother's heart can only break so many times before she begins to sharpen the pieces.
78 0072C98A I've given everything to my children, and still... it's not enough. They deserve the world, its peaks, and the heavens above.
79 0072C98B When your spirit hits a breaking point, that is where limitless begins.
80 0072C98C I must push them past their limits. Break free their true potential.
81 0072C98D Progress is complacency. We must strive for more than progress.
82 0072C98E Inspiration does not strike the artist. The artist hunts, stalks, starves for inspiration... and when the barest flash appears, the artist strikes.
83 0072C98F Glory is an artist's birthright. Yet so few prove the resolve to claim it.
84 0072C990 Anything my children need, I will sacrifice.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
60 006B3C8C 006DEF81 The winner's stage can only fit so many. To those who remain: claim your rightful place! Prove your victory and take the stage alone!
61 006DEF82 So it comes down to this: a battle between two victors, both dominant in their own right. Prove your way, and claim your superiority!
62 006DEF83 Here we are at the final showdown. Two parties, and only one will be crowned. Show me, with all you have, who will claim the throne tonight!
63 006B3C8D 006B3C95 Oh, you've made me so proud. Now, step up to the winner's stage, my children, for the final act. With blood, sweat, and tears... you earned it.
64 006DEF97 For inspiring me and all those watching, I grant you the glory of the winner's stage. Where you, in one final act, may secure your absolute victory.
65 006DEF98 Such skilled and obedient children. You're so close to your reward. Step up to the winner's stage, my darlings, and perform in one final act for me.
66 006DEF99 The winner's stage awaits you, in all its glory, to serve as one final battleground. So take the stage and show us what a victor looks like!
67 006B3C8E 006B3C9D I'd like for our brave contestants to enter the Shark's Den and prove their dominance. Lay claim to your territory.
68 Defend it from all who would seek to dethrone you! Remain until the end, and you shall perform for me personally in the grand finale.
69 006D6214 One of you has been selected to defend an innocent volunteer. This volunteer has their own task to complete.
70 Others seek to halt their progress, or better... their life. Help this volunteer survive the ordeal alive... and so might you.
71 006D6215 I have let nature loose in the Aquarium tonight. How it fights to grow back, to overtake this world that once was its own.
72 If you wish to survive, you must show me the power of the human spirit. Fight back these monsters. Show me who belongs on top!
73 006E2A9A Now, while I do so love my children, they do at times... misbehave. Your task is to offer them a sharp reminder of their responsibilities. Threat in the "sharp"
74 It does not befit a Showman to gripe, wail, or lay about. Thus I call upon our competitors to re-invigorate them. Shame them until they repent! Disappointed, threatening, righteous
75 006B3C8F 006B3C93 Oh, my darlings, how eager I am to meet you. So much new blood. So much potential to show me something truly... sensational.
76 006DEAD3 If this is your first time competing, or your tenth... If you've ever felt misunderstood, or held back from your true potential... Mother sees you.
77 006DEAD4 To those who have made it this far: You are my children-to-be. You are the lifeblood of this dying world. You are everything! Show me your talents!
78 006B3C90 006B3C96 (TEMP) You overcame our challenge. Maybe you have the skills to stand up to us after all... Come down to the aquarium and we'll see.
312 0073280F 0072D428 How extraordinary! For overcoming great challenges, conquering your rivals, and stealing our hearts, we now rightfully name you our Sensation! Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement
313 Now, come up to the box and grant me the honor of meeting a champion.
314 0072D42A A new set of trials overcome! A new Sensation, changed in the wake of adversity and triumph! Tonight, you are reborn! Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement
315 0072D42B Such passion and ferocity! We have seen you perform, Sensation, but never quite like you have tonight. Join me and tell me your inspiration. Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement
316 0072D42C "Sensation" is not a title, but a living embodiment of vigor, determination, and talent. Tonight, you have proven yourself our Sensation! Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement
317 0072D42D Come forward, Sensation! Let me see what burns in your eyes tonight. Show me what fueled this magnificent victory. Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement
318 0072D42E For a battle so fiercely fought, a victory so perilously won, I grant my fullest congratulations. You are our Sensation! Congratulatory, making a big victory announcement