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Fallout Wiki

Morgantown terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in Morgantown in Fallout 76.

Morgantown station information[]


     ...:: MORGANTOWN STATION ::...
Welcome to Morgantown Station!

Please select an option from the list below:



:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::


Remember, you can always purchase tickets at your local station counter!

Thank you! Have a nice day!



...:: You are at [MORGANTOWN STATION] on [RED LINE].

     ...:: Connections available to:
     ........... [GRAFTON STATION]
     ........... [SUTTON STATION]

Enjoy your ride!



:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::
:: ERROR :::: ERROR :::: ERROR ::


Calculating estimated wait times...
Next available train will arrive in ......

...... 9999 [YEARS]
...... 9999 [DAYS]

Thank you! Have a nice day!

Responders HQ terminal[]

FO76 Responders HQ Terminal

Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Steelheart Control Terminal

Activate Steelheart[]


Option invalid, Steelheart is still recharging

Activate Steelheart[]


Steelheart waking up...

Steelheart online...

Beginning patrol...

Systems Monitoring[]


STEELHEART STATUS: Ready for deployment


Use terminal to initiate patrol routine

Purpose and Implementation[]


Raiders keep hitting our stash rooms in Morgantown. I put in some alarms, but sometimes the Raiders disconnect them. With all these Feral Ghouls infesting the town, it's getting dangerous to make our routine patrols and check the alarms.

Get a robot to do the job instead. But not just any robot. It's got to be something tough and combat-ready. Something that'll send those Raiders straight back to their ski resort. (What kind of gang holes up in a ski resort, anyway?)

Locate and re-program a law enforcement Protectron. Paint it up in Responders colors give it a cool name.

Enter STEELHEART! The streets of Morgantown will never be the same. At least until he has to recharge.

Project Log[]

Day 1[]


Nakamura found an old law enforcement Protectron in Charleston. It was still in the pod, perfectly preserved. Had it brought to my workshop at the airport.

Time to brew a pot of coffee and get to work.

Note to self: Remind Nakamura that on his next scavenging trip, he needs to find me some more coffee. A couple of those fancy lad snake cakes wouldn't hurt either. Sugar is the fuel of genius.

Day 6[]


Re-programming pretty much done. Made a few tweaks and improvements along the way, because this bot's going to see a lot of action.

Going to put this project on hold for a few days and spend some time over at Mama Dolce's Food Processing plant. Maria wants me to see if I can get the canning machines up and runningIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar

I'm also going to try to find some paint and brushes. It occurred to me that I'd better paint up this Protectron in our colors. We've had more than a few run-ins with bots on the frtizIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, and I want to make surIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar everyone knows this guy is on our side.

Day 12[]


One setback after another.

The whole operation out at Mama Dolce's was just a waste of my time. Those damn canning machines overheat after a few minutes of operation, and the noise bought us a whole lot of unwanted attention from the local wildlife.

Got back to the workshop, broke out the airbrush and had Steelheart looking pretty good. Then Maria decides to do a little commissioning ceremony, but instead of breaking a bottle of champagne on him, she used Nuka-Cola. Which of course ate through the damn paint in about five minutes.

Probably should have seen that coming.

Day 15[]


Finally got the paint fixed up. Not much I can do about that smell. I guess Steelheart's destined to reek of sugary soft drinks for the rest of his existence.

Time to move the big guy to Morgantown. Going to bring this terminal with us and wire it up next to him. Next step, take him for a walk so we can map out the patrol path. Hope we can spare enough security personnel. That place crawls with ferals.

Day 20[]


Well that was fun. We'd almost reached the pod to get Steelheart set up, and that's when the ferals spring their trap. Melody and her boys held them off like I raced to get the big guy and running.

Just when it looks like we're all done for, I power him up. Those ferals never had a chance against good old Steely's laser. And then of course, he runs out of juice. Well, it was a successful test run, anyway.

Melody says she's never seen me smile so big. I can't deny that it was pretty awesome watching Steelheart zap all those ghouls. Made me feel like a little kid who just saw his toys come to life.

Day 24[]


I rigged up a transmitter to broadcast an automated radio message when the pod Steelheart's done rechargingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar, so at least we'll know when to turn him loose. It's the best I can do until I can get his power unit fixed. That could be a while.

Anyway, I think that brings this little project to an end.

This whole experience got me thinking... at the rate we're losing people to the Raiders, the Scorched and whatever else, we might need to lean more on these robots for support.

In fact, I think I'll start planning a new project. Maybe something using the eyebots as an early warning system. The forest's a pretty big place and we could use some help watching it.
