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This is a transcript for dialogue with Moonshiner Ned.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00623AF6 00623AFB Oh goody, I hope you're here to make some moonshine because we haven't made our special batch in some time.
2 Mire Magic Moonshine, made with the finest venom from some sizable salamanders.
3 0064E9EC Won't be long now, we should be able to light the fire shortly to start this jamboree.
4 00623AF7 00623AFD We just need the right amount of that venom in our tub and to keep those annoyed creatures from ruining our stills.
5 00623AF9 00623AFC That's what I like to hear! You can never shine the moon enough.
6 00648080 00648081 Nobody has been here in quite a while to make it. It has been quite lonely.
7 Tasty moonshine though, so I'm sure you'll be pleased.
8 0064D512 0064D536 Outstanding work moonshiners! I don't think I've ever seen the tub so full, you've really outdone yourselves!
9 0064D513 0064D523 Jolly good show! We've got just enough venom to make a batch, and there's still plenty of room in the tub! Let's see how much more we can collect!
10 0064D514 0064D520 Going well moonshiners! The venom you've collected is filling the tub nicely! We're halfway there, most impressive. Keep up the fine work!
11 0064D516 0064D521 Well done, you've found the tub! I can't say that for many of the moonshiners who've come through here.
12 Keep filling it with venom now. Your mother would be proud!
13 0064D517 0064D524 Don't forget to fill the tub with that sizable salamander venom.
14 0064D518 0064D52C They all look so slimy and useless for anything other than moonshine.
15 0064D52D Well, you don't see angry sizable salamanders do that everyday.
16 0064D52E Ahem. Excuse me, but if you haven't noticed. The stills are being attacked!
17 0064D52F Is there any reason why you're not protecting the stills?
18 0064D530 Destroyed stills are not good for making moonshine. Need I say more?
19 0064D531 The stills aren't going to protect themselves.
20 0064D519 0064D51F I am certain that your mother would be proud. Please do visit anytime you need some shine.
21 0064D51A 0064D529 I can't believe my eyes! If I had tear ducts I would cry at a moment like this. Such a wonderful Moonshine Jamboree.
22 0064D51B 0064D533 Oh dear, that's too bad. I've seen better jamborees when hanging around with opossums. That reminds me, I must be off now.
23 0064D534 We'll it's time to repair the stills, again. Why do I even bother? Off with you now! Come back when they're ready and we'll give it another go!
24 0064D51C 0064D526 Such a shame, and that was my favorite still too. You will be missed, Madam Elsie.
25 0064D527 Madeline, no! My dear Madeline, destroyed. You all might be the worst moonshiners yet.
26 0064D528 How could you let them destroy Ethel. Ethel, I am so sorry. Poor Ethel.
27 0064D51E 0064D522 Well I think we're ready to get this Jamboree going. Light the fire moonshiners, and try not to shoot each other!
28 0064E9EA 0064E9EB I do love a good Moonshine Jamboree.
29 00659747 00659752 Oh Hello there! Are you here to make some moonshine?
30 00659753 Another stray comes to our cozy cabin!
31 00659748 0065974A Aha! You'll have to do better than that.
32 0065974B Engard!
33 0065974C Take that you Looting Lizards! And That!
34 0065974D You Reptilian Rapscallions do not belong in the house! Get out!
35 0065974E Oh dear.
36 0065974F Let this be a lesson you Saurian Scoundrel!