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This is a transcript for dialogue with Moe Cronin.


1ConvDiamondCityGenericMoe01SceneI'm telling ya, back before the war, everyone played baseball. Kids, the elderly.A1a
2It was considered a National Pastime, meaning it was mandatory after work hours.GenericNPC: Really?A1b
3GenericNPC: Really?That's right.A1a
4Every day the whole family would have to go out and play the ole' b-ball for a couple of innings, or they were fined for letting down the sport.GenericNPC: People took baseball that seriously?A1b
5GenericNPC: People took baseball that seriously?Why wouldn't they? Look around you. No one's playing the game, but baseball is a way of life in Diamond City. And it always has been.A1a


6ConvDiamondCityGenericMoe02SceneGenericNPC: So player's never let go of the bat? Even when they were running?No, that would be suicide. The bat was the hitter's only defense as he ran the bases.A1a
7Whoever had the ball on the opposing team would try to throw it at his head to knock him out. That's what an official "Out" meant back then.GenericNPC: Amazing.A1b


8MoeGreetScene{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Anyway, I was talking baseball here. And you can't have a ball game without a Swatter.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
9{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Now how about we get back to baseball, huh?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
10{generic "coming from another conversation and getting back to business" line} Hey, how about get back to talking about Swatters?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
11{passionate salesman} You there. You need a genuine, authentic, custom-made hickory Swatter.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
12You're the greatest baseball collector I've met in a long time. Thanks again for bringing me those relics. Now, you buyin' a Swatter today?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
13{passionate salesman} Now don't be shy. You're never too old to own a Swatter.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
14{passionate salesman} Remember, Swatters will win you the game. The game of beating people up that is.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
15{passionate salesman} Need a Swatter with a little more stopping power? Stainless steel nails, my friend.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
16{passionate salesman} These aren't just any old pieces of wood. A Swatter is a custom piece of hickory.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
17{passionate salesman} If you're here, that means you're looking for a Swatter.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
18Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Stop crowdin' my stall then.B1a
19Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Yeah, yeah.B2a
20Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} *sigh* No respect for the sport...B3a
21Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} Fine. Get going.B4a
22Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} You're missing out, pal.B5a
23Player Default: Not interested.{Irritated} You're missing out, sister.B6a
24Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing off your wares} The genuine articles...A1a
25Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing off your wares} Baseball history right here.A2a
26Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing off your wares} Feel that heft...A3a
27Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing off your wares} Hand-made. Each one.A4a
28Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{showing off your wares} A Swatter never runs out of bullets.A5a
29Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{ecstatic, player is holding the rarest baseball bat ever / Surprised} What!? That... That's an original... Look at that paint!X1a
30{Happy} I'll give you 200 caps for it. On the spot.Player Default: You got a deal.X1b
31Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{negotiating for the baseball bat with the player again / Friendly} Let's not beat around the ball cap. I want it. Same price we talked about.Player Default: You got a deal.X2a
32Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?Well, if you wanna help the sport, I got a lead on a stash of prewar collector's items.X3a
33Coach "Quitting is for Punks" Westing had an estate not too far from here. Legend says when he retired, the league presented him with a baseball, catcher's mitt, and playing card, signed by all the other coaches.X3b
34See where I'm going with this? I'll pay 100 caps, each, for those relics. What d'ya say?Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X3c
35Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{Question} You change your mind about collecting those baseball relics from the Westing Estate?Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X4a
36Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{Irritated} You'll be back.X5a
37Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{Irritated} *sigh* Fine.X6a
38Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{Irritated} Heh. Typical...X7a
39Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{sarcastic / Irritated} Sure. Sure.X8a
40Player Default: I have this 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Interested?{stretch out the "fast" : "They're going faaaaast" / Irritated} They're going fast...X9a
41Player Default: You take this charge card?{player is trying to pay with a "charge card" - it looks like a worthless piece of plastic / Irritated} Tryin' to pull a fast one on me? No. Caps only.Moe: Tryin' to pull a fast one on me? No. Caps only.Y1a
42Player Default: What's a Swatter?Ha ha, a rookie, eh? A Swatter, my friend, is a Diamond City tradition.Y2a
43See it used to be that this whole place was a stadium. And two teams would meet and play a game called baseball.Y2b
44One team would beat the other team to death with things called Baseball Bats, and the best bats were called Swatters. True fact.Player Default: Sounds like fun.Y2c
45MoeGreetSceneBaseballPlayer Default: Sounds like fun.You bet your socks it was. Now how about you pick up a little momento in the form of a genuine Swatter?Moe: The genuine articles...A1a
46Player Default: Look dumbass, that's not how baseball was played.{Irritated} That right, Mister Smarty-Pants? If you're such an expert, how do you think it was played?Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.B1a
47Player Default: Look dumbass, that's not how baseball was played.{Irritated} That right, Little Miss Smarty-Pants? If you're such an expert, how do you think it was played?Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.B2a
48Player Default: Whatever you say.Well, believe it or don't believe it, you'll be convinced once you swing a Swatter in someone's face. How about you buy one today?Moe: What!? That... That's an original... Look at that paint!X1a
49Player Default: Oh really. What kind of teams were there?There was the Diamond City Demolishers. Big brutes of guys. Played in full Power Armor with special pneumatic arms parts for swinging.Y1a
50Then you had the Lexington Ladies. An all female team, with coach Bloody Mary Sue at the helm. Highest kill count in the league.Y1b
51I could spend all day talking about the Concord Crushers or the Quincy Killmeisters, but you get the idea. It was a hell of a sport.Player Default: Sounds like fun.Y1c
52MoeGreetSceneBaseball02Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.{couple seconds of silence as you think about what was just said / Stern} ... I like my version better.A1a
53{Friendly} Now can I interest you in these genuine, authentic custom-made hickory Swatters?Moe: The genuine articles...A1b
54Player Default: What makes you the expert, anyway?{Stern} I'm a native-born son of Diamond City, that's why. Baseball is in my blood. Now are you going to answer my question, or what?Player Default: It was America's pasttime. A sport that united families on warm summer days. And it wasn't violent. Mostly.Y1a
55MoeMQ103ScenePlayer Default: I'll be careful. Thanks.{still a little nervous from before / Nervous} Yeah, yeah, just buy something next time, all right?A1a
56Player Default: Save the warnings for someone who cares.{Irritated} Fine, mister big shot. Never mind.B1a
57Player Default: Save the warnings for someone who cares.{Irritated} Fine, little miss big shot. Never mind.B2a
58Player Default: Ah yes. Gossip. The noisy killer.{slightly annoyed / Irritated} Hey, you might not care, but I have to talk to these people every day. *sigh* Whatever, just buy something next time, all right?X1a
59Player Default: What's everyone's problem with the detective agency?{Nervous} Look, if you ask me, Valentine is a good guy. Saved a lot of lives. But other people think he's just going to bring the Institute's attention.Player Default: I'll be careful. Thanks.Y1a
60{player asks about finding a missing child, you're suddenly very nervous, afraid the Institute is listening in / Nervous} Whoa, listen there. If the paper is right about the Institute, then there's no way I'm getting involved in anyone else's problems.Player Default: I'm not trying to get you in trouble. Just point me in a direction, and I'll be on my way.A1a
61Player Default: I'm not trying to get you in trouble. Just point me in a direction, and I'll be on my way.{persuaded to help / Nervous} Fine. I'll help you out. Just this once.Moe: Head to the alley behind the market. Look for the neon signs. Valentine's Detective Agency.A1a
62Player Default: Fine. Forget it.{Nervous} On your way then. Shoo.Moe: Head to the alley behind the market. Look for the neon signs. Valentine's Detective Agency.B1a
63Player Default: You're a business man. How about we make a trade?{persuaded to help / Thinking} Well, sales have been down this month... Ugh. All right.Moe: Head to the alley behind the market. Look for the neon signs. Valentine's Detective Agency.X1a
64Player Default: You're a business man. How about we make a trade?{player doesn't have enough money, still a bit nervous from before / Irritated} You're a little light in pockets there. Why don't you go bother someone else?Moe: Head to the alley behind the market. Look for the neon signs. Valentine's Detective Agency.X2a
65Player Default: You're afraid of the Institute? Who are they?{Irritated} What? Never seen their handiwork walking all over the Commonwealth? Those synth things? Machines trying to look like people?Y1a
66{Irritated} I ain't eager about being replaced by a Synth duplicate, or having someone who I thought was human suddenly pull out a gun and strike me out.Y1b
67{Irritated} So take your trouble somewhere else. I don't care if you say the Institute's not involved. They might be. That's enough.Player Default: I'm not trying to get you in trouble. Just point me in a direction, and I'll be on my way.Y1c
68Player Default: You're afraid of the Institute? Who are they?{player asks how Synths replace people / Irritated} Hell if I know. One day someone's human, next day they're a synth. And no one can tell the difference. Not until they kill someone for no reason.Y2a
69{Nervous} It was bad enough when the older, robot-looking Synths would occasionally grind a town down to pulp and haul off what was left.Y2b
70{Nervous} University Point was the last loser in that game. Nothing there but Synths now.Player Default: I'm not trying to get you in trouble. Just point me in a direction, and I'll be on my way.Y2c
71Player Default: Fine. I'll help you out. Just this once.Head to the alley behind the market. Look for the neon signs. Valentine's Detective Agency.A1a
72{Stern} And if you're smart, you won't go blabbing that around. That place is mud in a lot of people's eyes.Player Default: I'll be careful. Thanks.A1b
73MoeQuestScenePlayer Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.I thank you, and baseball thanks you.A1a
74Player Default: I'm not hunting down baseball memorabilia.{caps in the tin is a saying, similar to "money in the bank" / Tired} Suit yourself, but there's caps in the tin for you if you change your mind.B1a
75Player Default: 100 caps seems light. I need more.I like your moxie. We'll make it 125 caps a piece. How's that sound?Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X1a
76Player Default: 100 caps seems light. I need more.Look at that fire in your eyes. All right. 150 caps for each piece, and you better be worth it. Deal?Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X2a
77Player Default: 100 caps seems light. I need more.Oh, if only old Ice-Eyes Julie could see that steely gaze of yours. She might have finally met her match.X3a
78You win. 200 caps each, but that's my final offer. You taking or leaving?Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X3b
79Player Default: 100 caps seems light. I need more.{Stern} You think you can play me for a sucker? 100 caps a piece, and that's it. Take it or leave it.Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.X4a
80Player Default: What did you need again?Simple. Go to the old Westing Estate, and look for a baseball, a baseball card, and a baseball mitt, with signatures on all of them.Player Default: A card, a mitt, and a ball. Got it.Y1a
81MoeWorldSeriesBatScenePlayer Default: You got a deal.{Happy} Here's your caps. And... thank you! Thank you!A1a
82Player Default: Forget it. No deal.{Depressed} *sigh* I hate to see her go, but... all right. Let me know if you change your mind.B1a
83Player Default: This is a rare find. 250 caps.{negotiating for the baseball bat, giving in to how much you want it / Nervous} Oh...dang... all right. Deal.Player Default: You got a deal.X1a
84Player Default: This is a rare find. 250 caps.{negotiating for the baseball bat, giving in to how much you want it / Nervous} That's outrageous! No... you can't put a price on history. I'll pay it.Player Default: You got a deal.X2a
85Player Default: This is a rare find. 250 caps.{negotiating for the baseball bat, giving in to how much you want it / Nervous} All right! All right! Just hand it over, already.Player Default: You got a deal.X3a
86Player Default: This is a rare find. 250 caps.{negotiating for the baseball bat, standing strong against temptation / Stern} No. No, as much as I want it. I gotta stand my ground. 200 caps. That's my final offer.Player Default: You got a deal.X4a
87Player Default: So I take it this bat is valuable?{Nervous} Now, now. Let me be clear. I want it. You bet your socks I do. But I'm a collector. Anyone else, that bat's just a piece of wood.Y1a
88{Pleading} You want her to be in the hands of someone who appreciates what she means to history, don't ya? What d'ya say?Player Default: You got a deal.Y1b
89-Diamond City's greatest baseball collector. Good to see you again. Lookin' to buy?A
90Agggh! Three strikes... I'm out.
91Agh! Home run!
92There you go! This is what a swatter feels like, motherfucker!
93Swing for the fences, scavver! Ha ha!
94Here comes... a line drive!
95Hey, I'm talking baseball here. Show some respect.
96You throwing me a curve ball? Say something.
97What am I, striking out over here?
98Glad to see you appreciate the pastime of baseball. By the way, if you ever wanna help the sport, keep an eye out for old collector's items.
99100 caps each, but they need to be premium, you understand? Signed. In one piece. Looking for a mitt, one of those old cards, and a signed ball.
100{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} No skull in the league can withstand a Swatter!
101{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Hey! Swatter! Swatter! Swatter! Swatter! Swing swatter!
102{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Win the game! Buy a Swatter.
103{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Swatters right here! Best skull-bashers in the Commonwealth!
104{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Don't let down the home team! Buy a Swatter!
105{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Why buy just an ordinary piece of wood? A Swatter is custom-made piece of genuine hickory!
106{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Buy a Swatter! The game-changer!
107{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Swatter! Swatter! Who needs a Swatter?
108{barking sales pitches in the marketplace to a crowd of about half a dozen people} Hey. Swatter! Swatter! Swatter can hit. Boom!
109I'm not looking to make friends. Beat it.
110I'm done working for the day. Get lost.
111Trying to take some time off over here.
112Go away. You bother me.
113Go away, son. You bother me.


114FFDiamondCity06BaseballScene{Happy} This baseball is the real deal. You'd sign one of these and give it to the children of anyone you killed on the field.A1a
115FFDiamondCity06CardScene{Happy} Look at that card. See those numbers on the back? Tracks the count of enemies beaten to death by the player.A1a
116FFDiamondCity06MittScene{Happy} Check out the leather on that mitt. Really good players used them to catch bullets. True fact, there.A1a
117FFDiamondCity06MultipleScene{Friendly} I like your gumption. Let me take a look.A1a
118FFDiamondCity06ReturnSceneCan't believe you found that Catcher's Mitt. Look at the material on it. You find anything else?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
119The stitch work on that baseball you found is one of a kind, my friend. You find anything else for me?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
120You did a great job finding that card. Any luck finding other relics?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
121Hey, it's you. Find any of those baseball items I mentioned?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
122Any luck getting those relics? The future of baseball could depend on them.Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
123Got those baseball relics I asked for?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.A
124Player Default: No. I don't.{Irritated} Bad form coming up to the plate with nothing. Ah, well.B1a
125Player Default: What do you want again?All the baseball relics you can find from the Westing Estate. Signed. In one piece. You find anything?Player Default: Got 'em all right here.Y1a
126FFDiamondCity06RewardScene{Happy} You've earned those caps, my friend. Come back as soon as you find anything else.A1a
127{Happy} That's everything on the list. Thank you. Far as I'm concerned, you're now a part of baseball collector history.A2a
128-Don't forget, you can earn some good money and advance the sport of baseball by finding those relics.


129-{a man has another man at gunpoint, you're in the crowd watching / Nervous} Whoa, you seeing this? Someone's about to shoot someone.A
130{the police just shot a crazed gunman / Nervous} I can't believe that just happened...A