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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mob denier.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00732A5D 00732A7F Helping the family out? That's dangerous work... Hope you're being safe about it.
2 00732A5E 00732A80 Not a bad instinct. Happy to have the extra body.
3 00732A5F 00732A82 Pop... So he's not totally gone. That's reassuring. Or upsetting. Haven't decided yet, and don't have time to.
4 00732A60 00732A81 The Family? Steer clear of them, Vin. They're trouble.
5 What has you looking for those gangsters, anyway? Your new friend here drag you into this?
6 00732A65 00732A8C Hah! I like that attitude.
7 00732A69 00732A84 Oh, it's you! Who were you, again?
8 00732A86 So what did Pop have to say? Anything comprehensible?
9 00732A89 Okay, now that we're here, it's time to find Sloane.
10 She used to patrol this area, said if I ever needed help to head this way and she'd find me.
11 00732A8B Always nice to see some friendly faces, though I don't recognize yours.
12 007345E2 Hey, you! Yeah, you! You're gonna come over here and settle an argument for us. We was just about to take our lunch break, but I ain't leaving until we figure this out.
13 Tell this guy it's real.
14 00734608 You're back! That was incredible, what did you find?
15 00734857 We used to use pipes like these to pump the water out of buildings and go hunting for salvage.
16 But couldn't we reverse the flow, and use the pressure to flush the Family out?
17 With the right adjustments, we can blast enough water inside to take out any guards and create some kind of opening.
18 007348A3 H-Hey, look, I just work here, okay? I don't want any more trouble. Take what you want, but don't hurt me!
19 007348A4 We did it... The plan worked!
20 0073E9B6 So, you going to follow in Vinny's footsteps and come with?
21 0073FCA1 Phew. That brought back some memories.
22 0073FCA2 It's real!
23 0074F790 I heard your "work" from out here. Not how I would have done it, but impressive nonetheless. I hope you have something to show for your violence?
24 0074F791 Look, I can't just give out classified info... You'll have to make me an offer better than the kneecaps I'll lose for telling you.
25 00753BB9 How did I not see it? Pop...
26 00733312 00733315 It's nice to know I haven't lost my touch.
27 007345B6 00734606 Really? Then we were right! I can hardly believe it!
28 007345B7 00734607 I think I know the building you're talking about.
29 We received reports of people slinking around that area, but it's so full of Overgrown that I dismissed the idea out of hand.
30 That was dumb of me... Let's head that way, see what's there. Maybe we can sneak inside.
31 007345B8 007345E3 I need proof, or I ain't budging.
32 007345BA 007345D8 Whoa, what? You mean what I saw was commie money?
33 007345BE 007345D3 That's no way to win an argument!
34 007345C0 007345DC What in the--? Let me see that!
35 Well I'll be damned! Is this some kind of trick? No... it is real!
36 007345C2 007345DB Unbelievable. You just walk into someone else's conversation and side with this instigator?
37 There's no way the two-dollar bill ever existed. What would you even use it for? We don't have a two-cap cap, do we? There's no need!
38 007345C3 007345D4 See! What'd I tell ya!
39 007345C5 007345DD The two-dollar bill!
40 007345C7 007345D5 Missing the good old days?
41 007345C8 007345DE I don't miss the danger. But it does feel good to be a Muni again, even as a fill-in.
42 007345CA 007345D6 Hmm, worth a shot.
43 We'll hang back and keep watch from this direction. Good luck!
44 007345CC 007345DF Whoa, you sure? The Family doesn't always respond well to reason.
45 007345CE 007345D9 That sounds... extreme.
46 007345CF 007345D7 Hey, let's not turn this into a blood feud with the Family if we can help it, alright?
47 00734848 00734879 These pumps are finicky. We'll need to turn the valves in the right order to reverse the flow.
48 The valves are marked with their numbers. I think the order should be: three, two, four, one. Can you remember that?
49 00734849 00734876 I've needed a breather for years. But we're too close to our goal. Let's keep going.
50 0073484B 0073487A *sigh* Okay, concentrate... Back to business.
51 0073484E 00734858 Let's start over. It's three, two, four, one.
52 0073484F 0073485A No, that's not quite right.
53 00734850 00734855 Now that you mention it, we did have an incident once where a newbie mixed up the valve order and blasted a bunch of Overgrown to kingdom come...
54 00734880 0073489F Now we just need to look around and see if there's a cure stashed here somewhere.
55 Before we do, though, tell me something. Once we're past all this, do you think I should come back here? Leave the business, try and return to my old life?
56 00734882 0073489D Seems like we owe my father another visit. Senile or not, we have to get him to cough up some info if we want to save Abbie.
57 00734883 007348A2 I guess it is. It's just hard to come to terms with that. I chose a different path, after all.
58 I never saw myself as someone who would drop everything to 'follow his dream.' It just never seemed realistic.
59 When my family came begging, I went back to them. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I always want to do what's right.
60 I'm just not sure what that is right now.
61 00734884 007348A0 Which is why I never considered it an option.
62 I'm Mr. Dependable, and I take pride in that. I tend the bar, I keep the books, I look after my little sis.
63 It's just... Being here, doing what I love again... It's really made me reconsider, you know?
64 00734885 00734886 Whoa! That did it! Let's get in there and clear out what's left!
65 00735519 0073551F You know I'd love to have you back, Vin. But Abbie comes first.
66 0073551A 00735522 That's what I keep telling myself. But there's a part of me that still thinks I did wrong by you.
67 0073551B 00735520 They're your family, Vin. You did the right thing.
68 0073551C 00735524 You're pulling my leg. There's no way...
69 0073551D 00735523 I'm telling you, it's real! I've seen it with my own two eyes.
70 0073551E 00735521 We made it. Thanks, Vin, you held up pretty well after your hiatus.
71 0073E954 0073E995 Alright, I saw some of my cadets head down the road past your makeshift landing pad. Head over there and help out anyone you can find.
72 Vin and I will take our own path and help out the rest. Meet us up the road closer to City Hall when you're done.
73 I have a hunch about where we can find that warehouse of yours.
74 Good luck.
75 0073E955 0073E99A You really must be new here. Think plants, but mutants.
76 They creep over everything and everyone, devouring it all. Their spores infect things and turn them into mindless drones.
77 They've always been out there in the Pine Barrens, ever since the war.
78 It's our job to keep them out of the city proper so the people here can enjoy the lives they've made for themselves.
79 0073E956 0073E9A5 Trust me, this is the right way to go about this.
80 Abbie's stable for the moment, but these Munis could be dying this very minute. And the search could take days without Sloane's help.
81 0073E957 0073E99C You sound even more determined than Vin does.
82 0073E958 0073E998 And what about you? You as good a Samaritan as Mr. Russo here?
83 0073E959 0073E9B0 Listen, you're our best bet for finding that warehouse. Let us help you. Together we can find your squad faster, and then you can repay the favor.
84 0073E95A 0073E9AC Vin... I'm so sorry.
85 You know I want to help, but first I've got my own problem to solve.
86 I'm only out this way because my squad got scattered fighting Overgrown nearby. I'm still missing a lot of my people.
87 I need to find them, but there's a lot of ground to cover.
88 0073E95B 0073E99F Abbie's on Devil's Blood. We're here trying to find an antidote.
89 I know the mob moves in and out of the district. Don't ask me how.
90 It's the perfect place to hide chems. Tucked in a dangerous part of town away from their precious casino, out of the spotlight.
91 If they do have a warehouse here, maybe we can find a lead on a cure. Please, I need your help.
92 0073E95C 0073E993 Oh really? And what exactly is this "problem," Vin?
93 0073E95D 0073E997 Helping Abbie? What does Abbie have to do with those lowlifes?
94 0073E95E 0073E9AB A "cure?" I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.
95 0073E95F 0073E9A8 Abbie... My daughter...
96 Er... Isn't she great? So smart, she can do anything. Close to breaking character
97 0073E9A9 Abbie, darling... Such a strong child...
98 0073E9AA Damn! Some father...
99 No, it's not his fault. It's just... I wish he could be here for us right now.
100 00745294 Hey, I'm not one of them! Not anymore...
101 00750B76 Hang in there, Abbs. Abbs = Abbie, his sister
102 0073E960 0073E9AF Of course we can trust her. Do you think I'd put my sister's life in her hands if we couldn't?
103 Before I moved to Appalachia with my family, I spent some time "away."
104 I left the family business and joined the municipal government. Sloane was my colleague.
105 I wanted to make something more of my life. The Munis help the people of Atlantic City rather than exploiting them.
106 Sloane is a good person. I'm sure she won't lead us astray.
107 0073E962 0073E99B Sloane's a friend, a former colleague. She works for the city, doing "street cleaning."
108 Oh, it's not what you're probably thinking -- she's a monster hunter. She and her crew take care of any Overgrown that slip into town from the Pine Barrens.
109 She kills things. Bad things, like Overgrown, mind you. You'll get along great.
110 0073E964 0073E9B2 Alright, let's see if she still knows my whistle...
111 *whistles*
112 0073E969 0073E9A1 Alright, we'll need to borrow that Vertibird of yours again. I'm coming with you this time.
113 We'll fly into downtown and I'll get us in contact with an old friend of mine familiar with the rumors. She'll know where to go from there.
114 0073E96C 0073E9A4 Well... Yeah, it's a stretch, I'll grant you. But it's a starting point.
115 0073E96E 0073E992 That's right, it's a lead. It could come to nothing, but it's worth a shot.
116 Better than twiddling our thumbs while Abbie wastes away.
117 0073E970 0073E9A7 Glad you agree. I know it's a long shot, but it gives us a starting point.
118 0073E972 0073E996 I remember he would take 'business trips' to the city center. That's government territory, so it always struck me as out of character.
119 He told us he had a warehouse there. Never said what it was for, and I never found out, either.
120 If he really was involved with Devil's Blood, though, maybe that place has something to do with it?
121 Maybe the Family is keeping stock there? Even an antidote, if we're lucky?
122 0073E973 0073E9AE Hey, that's my sister you're talking about!
123 I am not going to give up so easily!
124 0073E975 0073E991 Yeah, I'm sure. That chem is much too strong. It's taken more lives than I can count. We can't afford to give her a drop more.
125 0073E977 0073E9B5 Well, I've been trying to remember anything Dad may have told me about his... 'job' back in the day, and something came to mind.
126 0073E979 0073E9A3 I agree... Ever since Abbie mentioned Pop, I've been racking my brain, trying to remember anything he might have told me.
127 0073E97B 0073E990 If he won't help us, we'll need more of a Hail Mary.
128 0073E97E 0073E994 Damn! Some father...
129 Ugh, sorry. It's not his fault, I know, I just wish he was here for us right now.
130 0073E984 0073E9B1 Why's it so damn cold in here? Turn up the heat!
131 0073E98A 0073E9A2 Abbie? In trouble? She... I... If only I could have... Very close to breaking character
132 Erhm... If only I could have, er, spent more time with her...
133 0073E98C 0073E9A0 Off a rocker? I don't have a rocker. Left it in Atlantic City.
134 0073E98E 0073E9B7 Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! I know a lot, but I've been around a long time.
135 0073FC54 0073FC92 It's fake!
136 0073FC55 0073FC90 Yeah, get outta here!
137 0073FC56 0073FCA3 Hmm... This raises more questions. Let's go eat. I think better when I eat.
138 Thanks, stranger.
139 0073FC57 0073FC93 I told you. No real American would put up with such a thing.
140 0073FC58 0073FC83 I told you so! Now let's get some grub, I'm starving.
141 0073FC59 0073FC95 Proof! I need physical proof!
142 0073FC5A 0073FC86 Hey, you don't want to take this seriously? Then beat it!
143 0073FC5C 0073FC98 What!? Prove it to me!
144 0073FC5E 0073FC89
145 0073FC60 0073FC9C And this moron thinks it does!
146 0073FC61 0073FC8D You might be a bigger smart aleck than my friend here, pal. Now where do you really land on this?
147 0073FC62 0073FC88 Allegedly.
148 0073FC63 0073FC9B That's right. This moron doesn't think it exists.
149 0073FC65 0073FC8C
150 0073FC67 0073FC9E Oh, very funny chucklehead. So which one is it, then?
151 0073FC69 0073FC8F Money! A denomi- a deno- er, it's prewar money!
152 0073FC6B 0073FCA0 Ahaha! That's what you get for pulling a stranger into this.
153 Good on you, stranger. Didn't even have to hear about a two-dollar bill to know it makes no damn sense.
154 0073FC6C 0073FC91 You get to be on the right side of history, how's that work for ya?
155 0073FC6E 0073FCA4 Hey! You don't even know what I'm talking about!
156 0073FC70 0073FC94 So how're you gonna prove it? Gonna pull one out of thin air?
157 0073FC71 0073FC84 It's true!
158 0073FC72 0073FC96
159 0073FC74 0073FC87 If you say so. But if things start going south, bail and find another way in. Fighting is a last resort.
160 0073FC76 0073FC99 If they're guarding a building off their usual turf, it has to be something important. But how do we get in?
161 0073FC77 0073FC8A Abbie... Poor girl. I hope for her sake whatever hunch you have pays off.
162 You should check down this alley. We've seen Family members hanging around a building down there.
163 I don't want a fight, so we've never pressed them on why. Could be what you're looking for.
164 0073FC78 0073FC9D Stay? I couldn't do that... Right? My family needs me in Appalachia. Abbie needs me.
165 0073FC7A 0073FC8E You're right. Abbie needs our help.
166 0073FC7C 0073FC9F Right, we need to search for that warehouse. Abbie's life depends on it.
167 0073FC7E 0073FC85 R-Really? Are you sure? Abbie needs you...
168 0073FC7F 0073FC9A Like I said, to help Abbie we need you. Plus I can't just leave my old comrades to die.
169 0073FC80 0073FC97 If you insist, I won't turn you down. But I hope you aren't doing this out of some misguided sense of guilt.
170 0073FC82 0073FC8B Listen, I'd wager I've known Vin a fair bit longer than you.
171 His family may have some skeletons in their closet, but compared to the rest of Atlantic City, Vin has the conscience of a newborn babe.
172 007442FD 00744303 *sigh* Maybe I did. But it's too late to go back now, right?
173 007442FE 00744304 I... *sigh* I know. That's what I tell myself every day.
174 007442FF 00744301 I... Look, that was a private conversation, but you're doing us a huge favor here, so I guess I'll spill my guts to you, too.
175 Yes, I had second thoughts about leaving Atlantic City. I loved my job with the Munis.
176 Wading into this scummy pond water, taking the torch to endless nests of Overgrown, it was the furthest thing from my past -- and current -- life.
177 It had meaning. I wasn't slinging cocktails for killers, or working all night just to keep my mom's insane project in business.
178 I really felt like I was living, you know? Not shutting my eyes to the world outside, wishing it would all just go away.
179 So you can imagine I have a few regrets.
180 00744300 00744302 So you don't like compliments. Check.
181 0074498D 007449A8 There has to be something... Hey, what about these?
182 0074498E 007449A7 This is the building the terminal referenced. No obvious way in...
183 0074498F 007449A1 You're going to have to try. If you mess up, I'll be here to remind you.
184 It shouldn't be too dangerous... I don't think.
185 00744990 0074499F That's right. Let's have at it.
186 00744991 007449A3 Wait, you don't think...? It's not like that.
187 Is it?
188 00744992 0074499C I know you will. I'm sorry to make you choose again, but I really do feel it would be right for you to return.
189 Think it through. I'll be here for you either way.
190 Good luck, Vin.
191 00744993 007449A4 I knew this was coming... but I'm still not sure what to say. In my heart I'm a Muni, but I left for a reason.
192 My family needs me, desperately. If I'm not there for them, they'll probably devolve into raiders or ghouls or worse. And I'm only half joking.
193 I need to think about it. I will take it seriously, I promise.
194 00744994 007449A5 It's a good plan, Vin, but this is the end of the line for me.
195 If a municipal officer got caught assaulting a gangster hideout, it could jeopardize the peace we have in Atlantic City.
196 Before I go, though, I want to make you an offer. I want you to come back to us when this is all through.
197 Curing Abbie takes precedence, I would never say otherwise, but it's clear you miss the job.
198 We'll take you back, I'll pull whatever strings are necessary.
199 What do you think?
200 00744995 007449A0 It does sound a bit ridiculous, but I've seen it happen before. If it does work, it would also catch any guards by surprise.
201 00744996 0074499D That's... a risk. But if we control the pressure correctly, we should be alright.
202 You'll just have to trust me on execution.
203 00744997 007449A6 Really? I thought it was kind of brilliant, myself.
204 00744998 007449A2 Have a little faith, will you? I know it sounds... 'creative,' but it will work!
205 00744999 0074499E Yes! We're so close, I just know this will pay off.
206 00745244 007452A5 Go talk to my father. I'll take care of Abbie.
207 007452A6 See what you can get out of my father.
208 007452A8 Good luck!
209 007452A9 You've got this! Right?
210 007452AA The valve order is three, two, four, one. Got it?
211 007452AB Who is this?
212 007452AC Thanks for your help. Let's keep going.
213 007452AE Let's see what you can do.
214 007452AF Just be careful. We don't need a fight on our hands.
215 007452B0 Let's see what Vin found.
216 007452B1 I hope you two find what you're looking for.
217 007452B3 Thank you! You saved my life.
218 007452B4 Thanks! I thought I was dead meat.
219 007452B5 My bad day got a whole lot better. Thank you.
220 007452B6 You're a hero!
221 007452B7 I could've taken 'em... if I'd had more ammo.
222 00750B78 Scram, we're in the middle of somethin' here.
223 00750B79 Was I talkin' to you? Didn't think so.
224 00750B7A Private matter, step aside.
225 00750B7B Don't touch the hair!
226 00750B7D I'm feeling a bit better now, thank you...
227 00750B7E Still a little woozy...
228 00750B7F Devil's Blood is a real trip, isn't it?
229 00750B80 I may need to close my eyes for a bit...
230 00750B82 Abbie? Where did that girl scamper off to?
231 00750B83 Did you hear that noise?
232 00750B84 Who are you again?
233 00750B85 Keep it down, will ya?
234 00750B87 Oh my darling girl... I just can't bear to watch!
235 00750B88 Vin will think of something. He's so good at that.
236 00750B89 I just want to dance this all away! But that wouldn't be appropriate.
237 00750B8B So we're good, yeah?
238 00750B8C Hope you, uh, find what you're looking for.
239 00755FE2 W-Who are you?
240 00758123 Let's meet in Atlantic City and go from there.
241 00758124 Let's see what Sloane has to say.
242 00758125 You wanna talk, then talk to this guy.
243 0075BFB5 Let's get in there! "There" = chem lab
244 0075BFB6 Let's see what we can find inside.
245 0075BFB7 Thanks for helping my people. I owe you one.
246 0075BFB8 Find anything?
247 00745246 00745285 It's my life we're talking about here! I don't want to take a decision like this lightly.
248 I didn't before, and I won't now. It's just not who I am.
249 00745248 0074529A "Crap?" Is that how you see my life decisions?
250 I thought I could trust you to be a confidant, after all we've been through, but clearly I was mistaken.
251 Fine, I won't saddle you with any more of my baggage. Let's just go, and pray that we find what we're looking for.
252 00745249 00745289 What would you do in my position?
253 0074524B 0074529E That's a very... blunt assessment, but I appreciate your honesty.
254 Maybe I need to give my own happiness priority.
255 0074524D 0074528C I guess our being here now is evidence enough of that, isn't it?
256 They really do rely on me. Should I leave them in the lurch to pursue my own happiness?
257 0074524F 007452A2 *sigh* Yeah... Yeah, you're right. This is something I need to work out for myself.
258 Thanks for humoring me for a bit. It helps me sort through my feelings. I appreciate it.
259 00745250 0074528F You've given me some food for thought. Thank you. I'll sort out my own feelings later.
260 00745251 007452B8 Now, it looks like there's another floor to this place. Let's get up there and take a look.
261 00745252 00745291 Well who do we have here?
262 00745254 00745280 Me? I'm Gene. I cook Blood for the Family. Not my first choice, but it has its perks.
263 Wait, why am I answering your questions? Who are you, what are you doing here?
264 00745256 00745295 Hey, I ain't paid for my loyalty, we all know that much. Or at least I thought we did.
265 00745259 00745298 A cure for Devil's Blood addiction?
266 T-That info is what we call 'classified.' You'll have to make me an offer better than the kneecaps I'll lose for telling you.
267 0074525B 00745287 Yes, well, yes. But it is much better than the cinder block shoes they offered to give me as a competing 'chemist.'
268 And I get all the Blood I want in exchange. Which is a lot.
269 0074525D 0074529D Oh, well, uh, look away. Just don't hurt me!
270 0074525F 0074528B I dunno, I've had some pretty bad nightmares. Chems will do that to you.
271 00745260 007452A1 What does this accomplish, exactly?
272 00745262 00745293 Whoa, whoa, whoa, okay... Point taken, point taken!
273 00745264 00745282 I... remember that feeling, yeah. Ugh, appeal to my soft side, why don'tcha?
274 00745266 00745297 That's real sad, but you know whose life is also on the line? Mine!
275 00745268 00745286 Caps? What am I gonna do with caps? I'm locked in a chem lab all day.
276 0074526A 0074529B Then I guess we're done here?
277 0074526B 0074528A Oh no, no, no. We're not leaving until we get that info.
278 0074526C 0074529F Then make me an offer I can't refuse!
279 0074526E 0074528D I... Ugh, you're right, you're right... It's just...
280 00745273 007452B9 Then prove it.
281 They've kept you here in servitude, you don't owe them anything. Show us who you really are, and help save my sister's life.
282 00745274 00745292 Look, I would if I could, okay? But I can't cook an antidote for Devil's Blood. Not with what I've got here.
283 I only use synthetic materials. Hate to talk down my own product, but it's almost like knock-off stuff.
284 Wasn't always that way. In the good ol' days -- before I was caged up like a lab rat -- we used a purer, organic compound. But times change.
285 00745275 00745281 But if you had that organic compound, you could create an antidote? Can't we get it for you?
286 00745276 00745296 Well, maybe if you could get it, but good luck with that. Even I don't know where it comes from.
287 Only the original creator does, and he's long gone. Concerta Lombardi drove him into exile when she took power. Might have even whacked him by now.
288 So unless you happen to know where Tony Russo is hiding out, you aren't getting your cure. Sorry, pal.
289 00745278 00745284
290 0074527A 00745299
291 0074527D 007452A0 Uh, no, she's talking about...
292 0074527E 0074529C My father?
293 Damn it, Pop. I knew you had something to do with this. Just not what...
294 0074527F 0074528E Wait, Tony is your dad? The mafia boss, Antonio Russo?
295 Oh my god, you're Vinny!? I really am losing my kneecaps.
296 0074F52C 0074F532 Whoa, whoa, whoa! No can do, friend. This warehouse is off limits. Family only, capiche?
297 Now, we gotta settle this argument before we take our lunch break, so why don't you forget all about that and pick a side?
298 0074F52D 0074F539 Damn, I messed up...
299 0074F53A No... This ain't right...
300 0074F52E 0074F53C Hey, that smarts!
301 0074F53D Is that supposed to hurt?
302 0074F53E Agh! You little...
303 0074F53F Gah!
304 0074F52F 0074F541 Not so smart now, are ya?
305 0074F542 I'll have you sleepin' with the fishes!
306 0074F543 Hey, you wanted a fight!
307 0074F530 0074F534 Why I oughta!
308 0074F535 Oh, startin' somethin', are ya?
309 0074F536 You wanna mess with the Family!?
310 0074F531 0074F537 Vin? Getting into trouble again, I see!
311 00750B75 00750B8E I wonder what Pop knows...
312 00750B8F There has to be some way to help Abbie...
313 00750B92 How to go about this...?
314 00750B93 That was a rush. Just completed first combat in a while for him
315 00750B94 There has to be some way to sneak inside...
316 00750B95 Is that--? No, just another Overgrown. On the lookout for approaching mobsters
317 00750B96 Three, two, four, one. Don't forget. Referring to the order the player must turn valves to solve a puzzle
318 00750B97 Who the hell are you? Referring to Gene the chem cook
319 00750B98 Hang in there, Abbs. Abbs = Abbie, his sister
320 00750B9A Glad I came by when I did.
321 00750B9B It'll be okay, Vin.
322 00750B9C How do we get inside...?
323 00750B9D Poor Abbie... Abbie Russo, Vin's sister, who is in trouble
324 00750B9F You really gonna keep goin' on about this? To his companion
325 00750BA0 I ain't budgin'. Referring to his stake in the ongoing argument
326 00750BA1 C'mon, let's wrap this up. I'm hungry! Let's wrap up the argument
327 00750BA3 Let's just all be friends, alright?
328 00750BA4 You just go on your way and leave me to my horrible, horrible fate.
329 00753BAC 00753BBA Yeah, that's... a lot to take in, isn't it?
330 The man created the poison that's killing his daughter.
331 As for the how or the why, only he knows. Though profit and power must play into it.
332 00753BAD 00753BB5 A defense mechanism, I suppose. Maybe he thought if he acted harmless then the Family would have no reason to pursue him to Appalachia.
333 Those hitmen from the Rose Room proves that wrong.
334 00753BAE 00753BB8 I'm not the only one who was fooled! It's not like you made any more progress than I did.
335 But... That's not an excuse. I should have seen through it.
336 With everything else going on, maybe I was just relieved I didn't have to deal with him anymore. I never was his favorite.
337 00753BB0 00753BB6 You're right. We need to head home and confront my father.
338 Do whatever it takes to make him admit he's been playing us, or dig up something that could lead to a cure.
339 I know this was a lot to go through, but thank you again for doing this.
340 I'll meet you at home when you're ready.
341 00753BB1 00753BB7 He... What? There's no way...
342 Unless... I was pretty busy... And I'd been away from home, working for the Munis for a while...
343 Did I just take it for granted?
344 00753BB2 00753BB3 Senile? Oh kid, did you really fall for that act? The man's sharp as a carving knife.
345 He was barkin' orders right up until he fled. Never a hint of forgetfulness -- not one!
346 He's been pullin' the wool over your eyes, Vin. I'm just sad to see you fell for it.
347 0075414F 00754154 I've come to ask you a favor. Remember those reports we used to get about the Family snooping around our turf? We're here to find them.
348 00754151 00754153 I can't say for sure, but Pop... Well, he was in the Family. You know, the mob. The same mob that sells Devil's Blood.
349 Maybe he was just collecting vigorish, but -- and I really hate saying this -- I hope it was Blood related, because it could be our only lead.
350 00754152 00754155 What...? Oh, right. You mean caps.
351 Was hoping you'd have more of a heart, but fine. I'll buy whatever help I can get if it means saving Abbie.
352 00754E3A 00754E3B Uh, that wasn't what I expected.
353 007551E0 007551E3 Hey, you didn't forget to bring the spare key with you, right?
354 007551E1 007551E2 Of course not. What do I look like, a moron?
355 0075811A 00758122 You know I never wanted to be rid of you in the first place, but... yeah, I really did.
356 0075811B 00758120 Phew. Didn't think I'd ever hear that whistle again, Vin, but it sounds as good as ever.
357 0075811C 00758126 Thanks, Sloane. I bet you thought you were rid of my poor aim when I left the Munis.
358 0075811D 00758121 What brings you back to AC, Vin? You bringing me a new recruit?
359 0075811E 0075811F Ugh, enough about me. What did you find in the warehouse back there?