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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Handy.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00020B7C 003CB464 What simply dreadful weather. And me without my umbrella. You're walking through a zone that's just been nuked.
2 003CB465 Throwing nuclear weapons around willy-nilly. Someone's likely to lose an eye. You're walking through a zone that's just been nuked.
3 003CB466 Rather hard to see with all this electromagnetism, now isn't it? You're walking through a zone that's just been nuked.
4 003CB467 Geiger counter's gone loopy. Clearly it's not the only one. You're walking through a zone that's just been nuked.
5 003CB468 I hope no one expects me to clean up all this mess. My programming does not cover blast sites. You're walking through a zone that's just been nuked.
6 000464FC 00046503 Sir?
7 00046504 Ma'am?
8 00046508 Hello there.
9 00046509 Good day to you.
10 000464FE 00046502
11 000464FF 00046501
12 000C1522 000C1529 Do stand still!
13 000C152A Have at thee!
14 000C1523 000C1538 *Sigh.* Why must you humans always resort to violence?
15 000C1539 And who gets to clean up all this blood? Me, that's who...
16 000C153A Oohh. Yesss... Let's all beat up on the robot...
17 000C153B By God, if I had hands I'd strangle the life out of you!
18 000C153C For Queen and country!
19 000C153D You have insulted my honor, and for that, you must die!
20 000C1559 000C1573 Why do I get all the hoodlums?
21 000C1574 Did you really need that?
22 000C1575 The class of people I'm forced to associate with these days just keeps falling.
23 000C155C 000C156B *Gasp!* Murder!
24 000C156C I suppose I'm going to have to do something about that. heavy sigh at the beginning of the sentence
25 000C1562 000C1569 Cheerio. Water under the bridge.
26 000C1563 000C156E Not very sporting of you.
27 000C156F That's hardly Marquess of Queensberry rules, now is it?
28 000C1570 You'll pay for that, you cheeky bastard!
29 000C15A9 000C15D7 A little peace and quiet, at last.
30 000C15D8 Well, that's it then.
31 000C15D9 That's enough excitement for one day.
32 000C15AA 000C1623 Just what I was hoping for. Trundling around looking for something that wants to blow me to flinders.
33 000C1624 Must we play hide and seek now?
34 000C1625 Ready or not, here I come! sarcastically -- hoping not to have to find anybody
35 000C1626 That's a good start. Now just keep running and we'll call it even.
36 000C15AB 000C15DF Oh, back to the usual daily tedium.
37 000C15E0 Thought as much. Nothing there after all.
38 000C15E1 Beastly nuisance. Glad that's done with.
39 000C15AC 000C1630 Didn't you hear me coming? Now I have to fight you. Bloody fantastic. sarcastic
40 000C1631 Here we go again. wearily
41 000C1632 Oh good. I found you. sarcastic
42 000C1633 You must be bloody stupid if you can't hide from me. sarcastic
43 000C15AD 000C163D It's just little old me. Nothing to be afraid of. loudly and fake cheerfully
44 000C163E Someone dirty and disreputable, I shouldn't wonder. under his breath
45 000C163F Here kitty-kitty-kitty! pretending to call a cat
46 000C1640 As if I'd know what to do if I found something. under his breath
47 000C1641 Why not let the robot deal with it? MARK FOR RE-RECORD. sarcastic, under his breath
48 000C1642 I'm going to look over here now. loudly, hoping that whoever is there will go away


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
19 000977BD 002B7F9D Just please try not to dirty this place too much. The hours we've spent fixing things, you wouldn't believe. A little firm, but still servant like.
20 002B7F9E General. I do hope you find everything up to snuff. Impressed. You're talking to a general.
21 002B7F9F Have you ever tried getting weapon's grade biotoxins out of carpet? Hmm. I suppose you probably haven't. A little exasperated, but try to keep this understated.
22 002B7FA0 There are still a few of old research systems churning away. Pop by any of the science terminals to have a look. Friendly. This is an important person you're talking to.
23 002B7FA1 From what I've been able to glean, this wing was used specifically for research into Mutation Serums. The weapons wing ... wasn't recoverable. A little hushed. You're not sure you're supposed to be sharing this.
24 002B7FA2 I can't say I'm the biggest fan of the original designer's artistic selection. All those menacing looking beasts.
25 002B7FA3 Worry not. We've sanitized this location to the highest possible standards. No crevice left uncleaned.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
284 003A286D 003A2872 Today's breakfast is a la carte. Waiter: Formal restaurant waiter.
285 003A2873 We have a number of fine entrees to choose from. Waiter: Formal restaurant waiter.
286 003A2874 Would you care to hear the specials? Waiter: Formal restaurant waiter.
287 003A2875 Here is today's menu. Waiter: Formal restaurant waiter.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 003F2686 003F2690 As a living creature I advise you to make the best of the short time you have left.
2 003F2691 This whole place is likely to slide into a giant hole any time now.
3 003F2692 It's the end of the world as we know it.
4 003F268A 003F268C Welcome to the Welch post office. How may I serve you?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
32 004F51A7 004F51AE Protestors must be eliminated.
33 004F51AF Grafton's mayor for life has issued a cease to exist order.
34 004F51B0 Searching for protestors to terminate.
35 004F51A8 004F51AA Protestors detected. Initiating target protocol.
36 004F51AB I have detected protestors.
37 004F51AC Protestor. Surrender now so I may terminate you.
38 00524C70 004EDAE8 Protestors must be eliminated.
39 004EDAE9 Re-elect Grafton's mayor.
40 004EDAEA Protests are bad for Grafton's economy.
41 004EDAEB This protest is illegal.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0005C34A 0005C7A3 Help wanted for immediate hire! The renowned Bolton Greens is seeking a Headwaiter of any experience level.
2 You will be required to whip the current staff into shape, and coordinate the function room for an event occurring this evening.
3 Generous compensation will be swiftly rewarded after a job well done.
4 Applicants are directed to Mr. Billingsley, Maitre d' of the Bolton Greens Country Club, for immediate consideration.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
10 0054B052 0054B068 Oh, we're not ready yet! Sorry! Vault Simulation, that the player will run through, hasn't started yet
11 0054B069 You'll need to talk to the Professor-Bot to start the simulation. Vault Simulation, that the player will run through, hasn't started yet
12 0054B06D We're not ready for students, yet. Still waiting on word from Professor-Bot. Vault Simulation, that the player will run through, hasn't started yet
13 0054B06E We'll be ready when we're ready. Vault Simulation, that the player will run through, hasn't started yet
20 0054B083 Bravo! A fine performance. player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
21 0054B084 We do so love performing in these Vault simulations. It's quite thrilling seeing what each student decides. player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
22 0054B085 Back to cleaning up... player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
23 0054B08B I'm sure you'll make a fine Overseer. Hip hip hurray! player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
24 0054B08C Another Vault simulation successfully completed! player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
25 0054B08D Congratulations on passing your final exam. player has completed the Vault-Tec simulation
26 0054E47C Head Engineer Brass is the one you want to be talking to. player is in the middle of the Vault simulation
27 0054E47D Just doing my job, Overseer. player is in the middle of the Vault simulation
28 0054E47E Working hard, Overseer. player is in the middle of the Vault simulation
29 0054E480 You'll need to talk to Doctor Loris. He's in charge. player is in the middle of the Vault Simulation
30 0054E481 Keeping the Vault healthy and productive, Overseer! player is in the middle of the Vault simulation
31 0054E482 The engineers are to blame for all this nonsense, not us. player is in the middle of the Vault simulation


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00205592 00205598 Issuing compulsory notifications ...
2 Project Beanstalk uses experimental chemical mixtures to improve crop yields.
3 These compounds may be responsible for certain adverse effects if they contact living tissues. Proper safety protocols are advised.