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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mister Tims of Randolph Safehouse.


1-Here I was thinking Glory was the main hot shot around here.
2We send a holotape, and boom! Everything taken care of. It was kind of spooky.
3If a stranger ever comes up to you and gives you a backbreaking bear hug, that's our runner. She practically worships you now.


Randolph station updates #1
Mr. Tims here. Randolph Safehouse was not hit. But do not make direct contact. Repeat: Do not make direct contact.A1a
5We got three packages, very scared packages, here. Requesting asssistance.A1b
6Our runner reports we got Gen 1s camped nearby. Assuming we're under surveillance.A1c
7Please have a heavy clear the area. Coordinates enclosed. After, please pass our status back to Big D. Mr. Tims out.A1d
(Update #2)
Randolph Safehouse here. Thanks, HQ. No longer under immediate surveillance. Confirmed quarantine, but give us the all clear soon, OK?A1a
9Package one is ready for shipping out of the Commonwealth.A1b
10But we got a problem along the route. If our guardian angel could clear the site, delivery can proceed. Mr. Tims out.A1c
(Update #3)
Randolph Safehouse reporting. Package one is away. No problems, route cleared as promised.A1a
12Runner reports recipient is as of now closed for business. Switchboard spooked her.A1b
13We're working a new route. If our friendly neighborhood heavy can take out hostiles at the following location, that would make our life a lot easier.A1c
14Mr. Tims out.A1d
(Update #4)
Randolph here. We're still working the route.A1a
16Runner has confirmed the final destination. He's solid.A1b
17But we got another bump we need our heavy to take out. You up for it, chief? Mr. Tims out.A1c
(Update #5)
Randolph here. Package two is away. Runner took some fire along the way back.A1a
19Touch and go, but our doc says he's going to make it.A1b
20We could really use supplies over here, any chance the Big D can let us come back in?A1c
21Barring that, we need some more hostiles removed. Mr. Tims out.A1d
(Update #6)
Randolph here. Supplies are running out.A1a
23Runner is getting cagey about the route. Can we get one last tac nuke from the heavy? Pretty please.A1b
24Once that's done, we'll move our last package. You're my hero. Mr. Tims out.A1c


25RRR06_400_DezDebriefFinalNPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the famous Fixer. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A1a
26NPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the famous Professor. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A2a
27NPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the famous Charmer. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A3a
28NPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the famous Whisper. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A4a
29NPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the famous Bullseye. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A5a
30NPCFDesdemona: I have someone here who wants to meet you.{Grateful} So you're the Wanderer. You really saved our asses.MrTims: Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.A6a
31MrTims: So you're the famous Fixer. You really saved our asses.{Happy} Oh, I'm Mr. Tims. Everyone at Randolph owes you.Player Default: What matters is you're all safe.A1a
32Player Default: What matters is you're all safe.{Worried} After we heard what happened to Switchboard, we all thought our number was up.MrTims: You saw us through some really dark times. We all pitched in together for this.A1a
33Player Default: Damned straight you do.{Apologetic} Sorry about that.MrTims: You saw us through some really dark times. We all pitched in together for this.B1a
34Player Default: So I take it there's another job.No, not this time. Randolph's already shut down.MrTims: You saw us through some really dark times. We all pitched in together for this.X1a
35Player Default: Is Randolph Safehouse OK?{Sad} No. We got orders to abandon it.Y1a
36We heard the bastards that took down Switchboard also got Herkimer and Allen, so they might've been closing on Randolph as well.MrTims: You saw us through some really dark times. We all pitched in together for this.Y1b
37Player Default: After we heard what happened to Switchboard, we all thought our number was up.{Grateful} You saw us through some really dark times. We all pitched in together for this.A1a
38{Friendly} My team's going to be hunting for a new safe house. Knowing how paranoid my runner is, it'll take awhile. Take care.A1b
39-Hey Dez. Is this the one?