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This is a transcript for dialogue with Miss Edna.


1ConvDiamondCitySchoolEdnaChild01SceneDo you need any help with your assignment?SchoolChild: No. I think I got it...A1a
2SchoolChild: No. I think I got it...All right, but don't strain yourself. You should always feel free to ask questions.A1a
3ConvDiamondCitySchoolEdnaChild02Scene{teaching class} Who can tell me? If Henry and Sally had four Mutfruits, and they cut them all up into four slices each, how many slices would they have?SchoolChild: Sixteen. That's easy!A1a
4SchoolChild: Sixteen. That's easy!{teaching class} Ah, but what if Henry and Sally have twenty slices, but they only cut each Mutfruit four times. How many Mutfruits did they start with?SchoolChild: Umm... they started with twenty... and... divide by four... Five! They had five.A1a
5SchoolChild: Umm... they started with twenty... and... divide by four... Five! They had five.Very good!A1a


6ConvDiamondCitySchoolEdnaChild01ZwickyPostMarriageSceneSchoolChild: Miss Edna, what's it like being married?It is a great feeling, little one. And don't worry. Nothing is going to change. We're both going to be here for you and all the other students.A1a


7ConvDiamondCitySchoolhouseEdnaChild01SceneSchoolChild: Miss Edna, do robots have families?All of the children who come here are like family to me. I'm so happy seeing you all grow and learn, year after year.SchoolChild: What about Mister Zwicky? Is he like family to? Like a husband?A1a
8SchoolChild: What about Mister Zwicky? Is he like family to? Like a husband?{nervous, secretly in love with Mister Zwicky.} I... um... well... We are colleagues. We spend a lot of time together, yes, but that's all.A1a


9ConvDiamondCitySchoolhouseZwickyEdna01Scene{pronounced ZEH-WICKEE} Lovely day for learning, isn't it Mister Zwicky?MisterZwicky: Yes, of course. *sigh* I'm glad you're here...A1a
10MisterZwicky: Yes, of course. *sigh* I'm glad you're here...{secretly in love with Mister Zwicky / Surprised} You... you are?MisterZwicky: I... what I meant was... It'd be impossible to handle all the kids by myself. You're really an... invaluable part of the school.A1a
11MisterZwicky: I... what I meant was... It'd be impossible to handle all the kids by myself. You're really an... invaluable part of the school.{a little disappointed} Oh... right... Thank you.A1a
12ConvDiamondCitySchoolhouseZwickyEdnaPreWed02Scene{pronounced ZEH-WICKEE} Oh, Mister Zwicky, you look so tired. Perhaps you should take the day off.MisterZwicky: And leave you here alone with all the students? I wouldn't do that to you... you're... you're...A1a
13MisterZwicky: And leave you here alone with all the students? I wouldn't do that to you... you're... you're...{filled with longing, secretly hoping he says he loves you} I'm...?MisterZwicky: You're... you're worrying too much! I'll be fine.A1a
14MisterZwicky: You're... you're worrying too much! I'll be fine.{a little disappointed} Yes... Yes of course...A1a


15-{sound placeholder - hit}
16{sound placeholder - death}
17Yes, dearie?


18DiamondCitySchoolhouseIntroChildF01: But I'm tired!I am detecting a high degree of fatigue in all our little scholars. Perhaps the quiz can wait?Zwicky: *sigh* All right, you guys win. We'll do the quiz later.A1a
19EdnaGreetSceneAh, a new scholar come to join us. Let's test your math skills. What is twelve times fifteen?Player Default: One sixty-five.A
20Time for a quiz! What is twelve times fifteen?Player Default: One sixty-five.A
21Player Default: One sixty-five.{player answered the math problem incorrectly} No no no. It is 180! I see your parents are not practicing your multiplication tables with you.Edna: Family. It is important, yes? This thing called "love" I hear the children talk about. I think they need that to learn.A1a
22Player Default: It's the square root of "who gives a crap."Now, now! Watch your language around the little ones. I see your parents did not raise you to respect your education.Edna: Family. It is important, yes? This thing called "love" I hear the children talk about. I think they need that to learn.X1a
23Player Default: Is it one eighty?That's right! I see your parents raised you with a respect for your education.Edna: Family. It is important, yes? This thing called "love" I hear the children talk about. I think they need that to learn.Y1a
24Player Default: No no no. It is 180! I see your parents are not practicing your multiplication tables with you.Family. It is important, yes? This thing called "love" I hear the children talk about. I think they need that to learn.Player Default: A child needs all the love you can give them...A1a
25Player Default: A child needs all the love you can give them...Oh, please do not get upset! Why is it when I talk about these things, there are always tears?Edna: I have one more question before you leave. It's not another quiz. I just... don't get to talk to many adults.A1a
26Player Default: Love won't keep your family alive. Sometimes you need to be hard.Oh... I see...Edna: I have one more question before you leave. It's not another quiz. I just... don't get to talk to many adults.B1a
27Player Default: I think they just need to know the world isn't going to collapse around them at any minute.Yes... I suppose you can't raise a child if the sky is falling...Edna: I have one more question before you leave. It's not another quiz. I just... don't get to talk to many adults.X1a
28Player Default: What would a robot know about love?{sad, insecure, you're a robot and you don't know what love is} I... I don't know... Actually...Edna: I have one more question before you leave. It's not another quiz. I just... don't get to talk to many adults.Y1a
29Player Default: Oh, please do not get upset! Why is it when I talk about these things, there are always tears?I have one more question before you leave. It's not another quiz. I just... don't get to talk to many adults.A1a
30This "love" I hear about. Do you think you can have it for someone, even if the two of you are very, very different?Player Default: If you love someone, hold on to them. Tomorrow you might not have the chance.A1b
31Player Default: If you love someone, hold on to them. Tomorrow you might not have the chance.{more confident about expressing your love to Mister Zwicky} I... Thank you. You have helped me make up my mind about something.A1a
32Player Default: Everything you love will just get taken away from you in the end.{crushed} It isn't worth it, then? I see... Thank you. I think this will help me make up my mind about a problem I've been having...B1a
33Player Default: That's between you and the other person.So I have to figure it out for myself, huh? Perhaps it is better to keep things the way they are...X1a
34Thank you. I've made up my mind about something. This was very helpful.X1b
35Player Default: Who are you talking about?{Nervous} No one! Just... imagine one is tall, and handsome, and smart. And one is... gentle but a bit... metallic.Player Default: If you love someone, hold on to them. Tomorrow you might not have the chance.Y1a
36-{just got married to Mister Zwicky} You helped me make a very big decision. Thank you. I think I know what this "love" is now.
37{secretly in love with Mister Zwicky} Mister Zwicky is the teacher here. Isn't he wonderful? I mean... knowledgeable?
38{devoted, loving} Oh don't mind me. I can be so clumsy with my retractable fingers. Now, who can count to three?
39{secretly in love with Mister Zwicky} Mister Zwicky is training me to teach some classes on my own, but... I prefer when he is here.
40{devoted, loving} Don't forget to keep up on your reading. There's always something new to learn.
41{devoted, loving} It's so delightful to see more adults taking an interest in education.
42{devoted, loving} Now, now, if you spend any more time here, I'll have to assign you a desk. *laughs*
43{just got married to Mister Zwicky} I'm so happy.


74FFDiamondCity09Scene{about to get married to a human} Darling, are you sure about this? I am... not a normal girl.PastorClements: Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife!A1a