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This is a transcript for dialogue with Minutemen settlement spokes(wo)man during Defend the Castle.


1MinDefendCastlePostRonnieShaw: Ha! We broke them!{Defiant} They won't be back anytime soon.PrestonGarvey: It was a tough fight, but I knew the Minutemen were up to the challenge.A1a
2MinDefendCastle_SetUpDefensesSceneMinutemanBackupSpokesman: Our sentries have spotted a large group of raiders moving on our position.We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: But our defenses could use some beefing up before it's too late.A1a
3MinDefendCastleWallsBreachedSceneThey've breached the walls!A1a
4MinDefendCastle_SetUpDefensesSceneMaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.{RE-RECORD FOR FEMALE EVEN TONED} Our sentries have spotted a large group of raiders moving on our position.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A1a
5MaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.We've spotted a large group of Gunners moving on our position.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A2a
6MaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.Super Mutants have been seen nearby spying on the Castle. We believe they are gearing up for an attack.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A3a
7MaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.{MARK FOR RE-RECORD.} Our scouts have sent word that the Brotherhood of Steel is mobilizing on our position.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A4a
8MaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.{Worried} We've seen a lot of those Institute crow-things in the area. Looks like they may be gearing up to attack us here at the Castle.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A5a
9MaleOld: Good to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.There have been recent attacks on our scouts in the area. We aren't sure who it is, but it looks to be building to a full out attack.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.A6a
10MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.But our defenses could use some beefing up before it's too late.A1a
11MinutemanBackupSpokesman: We've called in volunteers to bolster the garrison, so we have plenty of manpower.The Castle is pretty well-fortified, but it wouldn't hurt for you to take a look around and shore up any weak points you see.A2a
12-They've breached the walls!
13That'll show 'em! They'll think twice before attacking the Minutemen after this.
14{Confident} That's the way we do it, right, General?
15{Relieved} I'm glad that's over. I guess it could have been a lot worse.
16{exultant at victory / Happy} We showed them, didn't we?
17{Concerned} I hope there aren't too many of them.
18{Worried} I'm not so worried now that you're here, General.
19{Concerned} Do you think we can hold this place, General?
20{Confident} Don't worry, General. We'll kick their butts and good.
21{Confident} I'd like to see them try to take this place.
22{Confident} We'll whip them, won't we, General?
23{Concerned} Any sign of them yet?
24{Worried} I wish they'd just attack already and get it over with.
25{Concerned} It's the waiting that gets to you, you know?
26MinDefendCastle_SetUpDefensesSceneGood to see you, General, I'm afraid we've got bad news.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: Our sentries have spotted a large group of raiders moving on our position.A
27{Worried} I'm glad you made it in time, General. Things are about to get ugly around here.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: Our sentries have spotted a large group of raiders moving on our position.A
28{Worried} Good to see you, General. We've got a situation here.MinutemanBackupSpokesman: Our sentries have spotted a large group of raiders moving on our position.A