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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mike Tiller.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
9 005D9970 005D9CAB H-h-hold it right there. Don't come any closer! Freaking out, scared
10 005DCC0C There's nothing to say! Just go, and leave me! Freaking out
28 005DCCF0 No! Please! About to be killed
39 005D9971 005D9CAC Oh god... you made it! How did you even...? Please, don't hurt me. Scared
49 005DCC92 Are you... going to let me live... please? Pleading
50 005DCC93 Please... Don't kill me... I just need to take these back to Foundation myself. Pleading
51 005DCC94 Please be careful with the weapons... I don't want anyone else to get hurt... Lower energy
52 005DCC95 Thanks for knocking some sense into me... I'll meet you back at Foundation. Relieved
65 005DCD10 You should... probably talk to Gloria. Ashamed
66 005DCD11 I'm real glad you didn't kill me and all, but... It's probably a good idea for you to leave now, don't you think? Timid
70 005DCD19 Thanks again for not killing me. Real glad things worked out... Timid
71 But... I'm going to have to really think about how to make things right... I'm not sure that'll ever be possible. Ashamed, sad
72 005D9974 005D998F Oh god... You're right... They'll never believe me. I've got to... gotta get out of here! Panic setting in
73 005D9976 005D999D I dragged all these in here, though, and... you're right. Man, that was dumb. Trying to reason, giving up.
74 Fine... You bring them and meet me at Foundation, okay? Trying to act brave.
75 005D9978 005D9991 Oh, o-okay! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me. Scared
76 Um, just please bring them back? I'll... meet you at Foundation's supply room. Timid
77 005D997A 005D999E Thank you... I think this is my only option... I'll pack up and meet you at Foundation.
78 005D997C 005D9994 What? No. These are too dangerous. I have to hide them... destroy them... or something. Pleading
79 L-let me explain... Trying to calm down
80 005D997E 005D998C Okay... I can explain. Trying to calm down
81 005D9980 005D9996 No, you don't understand. What I did, I... Oh, man... Freaking out
82 005D9982 005D998E Investigating...? W-what? You've been to the lookout tower? You have to understand, it was an accident! Freaking out
138 005DCB4A 005DCC76 It's true... Maybe if I had proper training... this... wouldn't have happened. Filled with regret
154 005DCB5D 005DCC86 I... don't think this is a good idea. Those weapons... we lost our guys because of them... Worried
185 005DCB8F 005DCC1F I'm sorry I didn't come back right away... I was scared, but that Brotherhood member showed up, and... Trying apologize
186 005DCB90 005DCC7F Gloria and Tad will know what to do. I'm sorry, they're the only ones I'd trust to take care of these. I have to make sure they get back to them. Trying to be brave.
187 005DCB93 005DCC26 They're too dangerous for anyone! They just... obliterated... so effortlessly... all dead. emphasis on "anyone". Feeling shell shock
188 Look, I'll... Go back to Foundation, but I can't let you have these weapons. I'll leave... if you let me take the weapons back there myself. Finding courage through fear
189 005DCB95 005DCC8A I mean, sure, but that doesn't change... what I did. How can I face them... after I... I... On the verge of tears
190 No... You're right. They should hear it from me. I'll go back... on one condition. Let me bring the weapons back myself. Giving in, gaining renewed determination
191 005DCB97 005DCC58 We were just testing these out... Tad picked them up a while back, they seemed really powerful. Still nervous but trying to explain as calmly as he can
192 They were always telling me "Be careful, Mike, don't pick it up that way, Mike..." But my finger slipped and... I... Killed them... all... instantly. A little frustrated, scared
193 But... it was an accident, I swear... I'd never... Oh, god. Starting to lose it
194 005DCB9A 005DCC01 This door is barred tight and the way behind me is flooded... You can't get in. Just give up, and go tell Gloria I'm dead! Freaking out but trying to sound sure of himself
195 005DCB9B 005DCC5F No! Just stay away! Afraid
196 005DCB9D 005DCC35 No way! These things... they're evil! No, they stay with me. Freaking out
197 005DCBA1 005DCC3B I'm... Mike. Mike Tiller. Go to Foundation, tell them you found me dead. Because... I'm... I'm never leaving! I'm not going back, you can't make me! Pleading
198 They'll never believe me... They'll think I'm a murderer! Pleading
199 005DCBA2 005DCC13 I-I-I'm sorry! Don't hurt me, it was an accident! Afraid


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
3 005D9969 005D99A4 Oh, hey... Since the, um, accident, Ward decided it might be best if I stay away from guard duty. I've just been helping out around here now. Depressed
17 005E57FE (sigh) Oh... it's you. Sorry -- what happened had nothing to do with you. But seeing you again kinda... brings it all back. Can't sleep at night... ya know? Depressed
31 005E57D9 005E57F5 Oh, uh, hi. Depressed
32 005E57F9 (Sigh) Depressed
33 005E57FA Oh no, you're back... Depressed


(Weapon demonstration)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005DB4E0 005DB4EA Oh god... What have I done? He just killed his friends by accident :(
4 005DB4E3 005DB4E8 O-oh! Sorry, I wanted to lock the terminal first. Let me put this in my bag really quick. Sounds as if it's off in the distance