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Midwest Encounter is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story introduction[]

The Midwest Brotherhood prepares a last assault against the Calculator! Join forces with Super Mutants, Survivors, and even the wild creatures of the Wasteland to defend your land!



  • Battlefield size: 4 feet x 4 feet (120 cm x 120 cm).
  • Terrain: Player's choice

This scenario pits the Calculator’s forces against the Midwest Brotherhood. Place terrain as per the normal rules. Each player deploys within Yellow of opposite board edges, and starts off with 400 Caps' worth of models + equipment per side.

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: 6 rounds.


The objective is to obliterate the enemy forces.

Additional rules[]

Each force has to have at least a heroic unit. The Calculator's forces can be composed of Synths and Survivors. The Brotherhood forces can be composed of any faction in the game, excluding Synths.

Victory conditions[]

Condition Reward
Victory is achieved by whomever has the most remaining Caps on the board at the end of Round 6. Killing an enemy hero is worth double the points. The Victor earns 150 Caps.

External links[]
