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Fallout Wiki

"Metallic Monks"

Metallic Monks is an ambient music track composed by Mark Morgan for the Fallout soundtrack. The track is available as a part of the Vault Archives compilation.


Metallic Monks appears in Fallout; it plays while the Vault Dweller is in Lost Hills.

It was reused in Fallout: New Vegas when the Courier is outside Vault 22, in Freeside, at the NCR sharecropper farms, at Cerulean Robotics, inside one of the houses in Camp Searchlight, at the forest in front of Jacobstown, at the McBride home, at Old Mormon Fort, at REPCONN headquarters, outside of the Broc flower cave, in the mining office at Sloan, at Nellis medical station, at Goodsprings cave, at the New Vegas medical clinic, at The Tops presidential suite, at the Scavenger platform, at El Dorado Dry Lake, at the Dead Horses camp in Honest Hearts, at Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab in Old World Blues, and in the Courier's Mile in Lonesome Road. It also plays when unlocking the hermetically sealed door in the executive suites in Dead Money. It also occasionally plays when all NPCs in an interior have been killed.

Behind the scenes[]

The track includes a Morse code message: -.-. --- .- ... - --. ..- .- .-. -.. -.-. ..- - - . .-. -.-. .- -- .--. (COASTGUARDCUTTERCAMP), which may reference to US Coast Guard Cutter Campbell.
