Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

The Mesa Verde caves is a set of caves located in the Mesa Verde Canyon.


A short series of caves that run underneath the Mesa Verde canyon. They were once home to a rather hefty population of mole rats, which were decimated by the Vipers' pet two-headed rattlesnakes. The player character can use these caves to bypass the Viper blockade.

Caves map[]

  • Hole: A hole leading upward to the canyon above.
  • Hole: Another hole leading to the canyon above. The ground around this hole looks heavily traveled by both mole rats and humans.
  • Molerat nest: This used to be the main molerat nest until they got eaten by the rattlesnakes. There are a lot of shiny baubles and junk scattered throughout the nest.


Mesa Verde Caves was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.[1]

