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This is a transcript for dialogue with Meg.


1MegSceneHi, I'm Meg. You new to the Hill?Meg: For 10 caps I can give you the tour. Nobody knows the place like me.A
2So you want that tour or not? 10 caps.Meg: For 10 caps I can give you the tour. Nobody knows the place like me.A
3FemaleChild: So you want that tour or not? 10 caps.For 10 caps I can give you the tour. Nobody knows the place like me.Player Default: Sure, I'll take the tour.A1a
4Player Default: Sure, I'll take the tour.And the 10 caps? Seriously, you don't have 10 caps? *groan*Meg: The market's in the back, bar's in the corner, and the outhouse is over the wall. Bye.A1a
5Player Default: Sure, I'll take the tour.Caps up front, thank you.Meg: The market's in the back, bar's in the corner, and the outhouse is over the wall. Bye.A2a
6Player Default: Not interested.Your loss.Meg: The market's in the back, bar's in the corner, and the outhouse is over the wall. Bye.B1a
7Player Default: Any chance I can get it for free?Fine.Meg: The market's in the back, bar's in the corner, and the outhouse is over the wall. Bye.X1a
8Player Default: Any chance I can get it for free?What? Even I can afford 10 lousy caps.Player Default: Sure, I'll take the tour.X2a
9Player Default: What's in the tour?All sorts of things. Get a jump on the other traders. C'mon, it's just 10 caps.Player Default: Sure, I'll take the tour.Y1a
10Player Default: And the 10 caps? Seriously, you don't have 10 caps? *groan*The market's in the back, bar's in the corner, and the outhouse is over the wall. Bye.A1a
11-You have a nice day!
12No refunds.
13A girl's got to do what she needs to get spending caps.
14If you do anything to me, I'll tell Kessler.
15I can't believe I gave you the tour for free.
16You wouldn't believe how many people take my tour.
17Mom runs the surgery. So you better be nice to me.
18I might be a doctor one day. Or maybe a sharpshooter.
19Best not talk to the raiders. They can get rough.


1CIS_ChatWithNPC_Deacon_BunkerHillMeg{Conspiratorial} Mr. D.Companion: Hey, lil' sis.A1a
2Companion: Hey, lil' sis.{Defiant} I'm not your sister.Companion: Right you are.A1a
3Companion: Right you are.{Whispered, touch of avarice (she's selling information)} Gary's wife is *missing*. Real suspicious middle of the night stuff.Companion: Who did it? You think it's... well, you know.A1a
4Companion: Who did it? You think it's... well, you know.{Whispered, relaying fun gossip} That's what everyone says. Gary quit. He was super angry.Companion: Huh. Maybe we should pay him a visit.A1a
5Companion: Huh. Maybe we should pay him a visit.{Sharp, understands what Deacon meant - warning} Until he cools off - bad idea.Companion: Keep it up, sis, and I'll double this next time.A1a
6Companion: Keep it up, sis, and I'll double this next time.{Pure avarice} *chuckle* Easy caps.A1a