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This is a transcript for dialogue with Karl (Den) Karl.


{100}{}{One very drunk person. [He has a sign that says "Will work for food."]}
{102}{}{He is so filthy that you notice some wildflowers growing out of his hair.}

{150}{}{Here, have a beer.}
{151}{}{Here, have a bottle of booze.}
{152}{}{Here, have a Nuka-Cola.}
{156}{}{The ghosts won’t be able to find me here… [sob]}
{157}{}{It’s good to be home again.}
{159}{}{It’s Karl; he’s passed out.}
{160}{}{He’s going to have to sleep it off.}
{161}{}{Ah! The ghosts from the farm have come to gets me!}
{162}{}{Spare some change for (hic) an out-of-work farmer?}
{163}{}{Sure thing, fella; how much do you need?}
{164}{}{How about I buy you a hot meal?}
{165}{}{Sorry, I don’t have any money.}
{166}{}{What’s your story?}
{167}{}{Here cha-ange?}
{169}{}{Oh, kind and generous person. (hic) How can Karl help you today? (hic) [He takes off his cap and holds out his hand.]}
{170}{}{Here. Here's $100.}
{173}{}{Sorry, I don’t have anything for you. Bye.}
{174}{}{Do you know where I can find a GECK?}
{175}{}{You mentioned something about a garden earlier. Tell me more.}
{178}{}{Me go.}
{179}{}{Hey cheapskate! (hic) Come on, I know you gots money… (hic) Just some spare change then… (hic) something, anything! Show some compassion.}
{180}{}{Here. Here's $25.}
{184}{}{Here. Here's $1.}
{185}{}{Here money.}
{186}{}{No money.}
{187}{}{What do you want?}
{188}{}{[Tell Karl about what Jo said.]}
{189}{}{Ghosts, Karl… they’re everywhere. Look, there’s one now!}
{190}{}{Gibba gibba.}
{191}{}{You here (hic) to have fun with poor Karl again? (hic) Well, what are you waiting for? (hic) Let’s get this over with!}
{198}{}{[In a slurred voice.] Mighty kind of ya… (hic) A $1000 otta gets me by.}
{199}{}{Sure, here you go.}
{200}{}{For how long, a year? No way; here’s $25.}
{201}{}{You must take me for a fool. I’m out of here.}
{202}{}{[Karl’s mouth drops open in surprise] Thanks! You’re a (hic) very generous person… (hic) If thars anything ya needs (hic) just come see me. By the way, (hic) me name's Karl.}
{203}{}{Sure, Karl; now that you mention it, I’m looking for an item called a GECK. Any clues as to where I might find one?}
{204}{}{I’ll keep that in mind. Take care of yourself, Karl.}
{205}{}{What kinds of person are ya? (hic) Playing tricks on a poor homeless farm-(hic)-er. Leave me alone!}
{206}{}{Yeah… (hic) Some sort of lizard (hic) I hear. Never seen one, though.}
{207}{}{No, I’m looking for a GECK, not a gecko.}
{208}{}{Never mind. Thanks for the info.}
{209}{}{Oh! Ya means gecko… (hic) Yeah, it’s a liz-(hic)-ard about so big. [Karl holds his hands out to show the size. You can’t tell, but the lizard is either 3 inches long or 3 feet long.]}
{210}{}{Let me try to explain. I’m not looking for a lizard called a gecko. I’m looking for an object called a GECK.}
{212}{}{Why didn’t you say so? (hic) I know where to get it… (hic) Garden of… [Karl falls flat on his face and passes out.]}
{213}{}{[Maybe when Karl wakes up, you can talk to him again.]}
{214}{}{Bless you! (hic) Ya saved me life.}
{215}{}{I’m looking for a GECK; can you help me?}
{216}{}{Don’t mention it. I’ll see you around, Karl.}
{217}{}{Um… (hic) I’m not real hungry right now… (hic) How about if you give me the money and I’ll get it later? (hic)}
{219}{}{You shyster. I’ll bet you use the money you collect to buy drugs, don’t you?}
{220}{}{Shi… shy… shick… Whatever you just sed? (hic) Take that back… (hic) Whatever it means, it can’t be good.}
{221}{}{[Before you can reply, Karl falls forward and passes out.]}
{222}{}{Thaaaats okay… (hic) I don’t suppose you have any liquid refresh-(hic)-ment. It get’s mighty (hic) cold out here at night.}
{224}{}{You are truly (hic) my bestest friend in this whole (hic) cursed world. [Karl proceeds to drink the liquid refreshment, at which point he then passes out]}
{225}{}{Oh well, maybe you’ll be able to talk to Karl later.}
{226}{}{You are truly (hic) my bestest friend in this whole (hic) cursed world. [Karl opens the bottle and proceeds to drink -- and then proceeds to yark all over you.] Ptui! What the?! Are you trying to poison me or something?! Get out of here!}
{227}{}{Why, thank (hic) you; you’re so (hic) kind. Why don’t I help you with that heavy purse? [Karl reaches into your purse and takes half your money.] Very kind of you (hic) if you needs anything, don’t hesitate to ask.}
{229}{}{I go.}
{230}{}{Jooky… hic… It’s a party in a can.}
{231}{}{Maybe later, then.}
{232}{}{Gee... (hic) ...thanks. Maybe I can buy a (hic) bullet to shoot myself with. (hic) Course I’d have to save (hic) up for the gun.}
{233}{}{You mean… I can go home? No more ghosts? [Karl breaks down and cries. Boy, nothing like seeing a grown man cry.] Thank you, I can finally go home again!}
{234}{}{Where?! Nooooooooo! They’ve found me!}
{235}{}{Why yes, I had the biggest garden (hic) a person could want. Except (hic) where I’m from, we calls it a farm…}
{236}{}{Don’t you remember? We were talking about the GECK, and you mentioned a garden.}
{237}{}{Forget it, this is going nowhere.}
{238}{}{Hey! (hic) You’re kind a cute! Let’s me and you go out back (hic) and gets better acquainted. I can pay… I’ve got a $1000. [Karl leers suggestively to you.]}
{239}{}{You do know you’re talking to a man, don’t you?}
{240}{}{Sure, but it’ll cost you $1000.}
{241}{}{Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather talk about finding a GECK.}
{242}{}{Not on your life!}
{243}{}{Yer sooo purty... (hic) If you don’t says anything, I won’t. (hic)}
{244}{}{[You can hardly keep from gagging.] I’ve got to go.}
{245}{}{OK, $1000.}
{246}{}{[You and Karl slip out back for a quickie. To your surprise, you find that you enjoyed it.]}
{247}{}{[He sobers up quickly and begins to tell his tale.] I used to be an upstanding citizen before coming here. I was a peaceful farmer that worked the fields as hard as any man -- until they started showing up at night. All glowing, with pasty white skins... Spooked the hell out of me, it did. Night after night they showed up and stole crops and cattle alike; I could do nothing to stop them. I know what you’re gonna say - "Why didn’t you ask for help?" I tell ya, I did! Nobody would believe me, they thought I was crazy. Finally, it just became too much for me. I COULDN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I just up and left and came here -- and here I’ve been ever since. [Karl starts to weep uncontrollably. You decide to leave him with his misery.]}
{248}{}{Oh jeez. I must have dropped my money along the way. Here's $}

{255}{}{*snort* *grunt* *snort*}

{260}{}{Oh jeez. I must have dropped my money along the way. Here's $}
{261}{}{. It's all I've got.}
{262}{}{Oh jeez. I must have dropped my money along the way. Sorry, it was fun anyway.}

{300}{}{I'm going home, thanks to you!}

{400}{}{You have sent Karl on his way back to Modoc.}
