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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for Jonny, son of Balthas in Modoc.


{100}{}{A small boy.}
{102}{}{Blonde hair, blue eyes; your typical all-American looking kid.}
{151}{}{I want my dog back!}
{152}{}{Whimper... }
{154}{}{Laddie! I've missed you, boy. Thank you for bringing my dog back to me.}
{155}{}{Hello, I haven't seen you around here before.}
{156}{}{Is your name Jonny?}
{157}{}{What's your name, little boy?}
{158}{}{Tell me your name, you little monster.}
{159}{}{Would you like some candy, little kid?}
{160}{}{Hello again.}
{166}{}{Your mother and father have sent me to find you.}
{168}{}{Have you talked to Vegeir about me going home?}
{169}{}{Yes. He says he wants your parents to come down and get you.}
{170}{}{No, not yet.}
{171}{}{My dad said Laddie went with you to look for me. Where is he? I miss him.}
{172}{}{I'm sorry Jonny. Laddie died while we were searching for you.}
{173}{}{Rose said she would look after your dog.}
{174}{}{My name is Jonny. What's yours?}
{175}{}{My name is }
{177}{}{My name's not important.}
{178}{}{My name's Jonny, and I don't like you.}
{179}{}{[He points to you and starts screaming.] Stranger! Stranger! Stranger!}
{180}{}{Very nice to meet you }
{182}{}{See you around, kid.}
{183}{}{That's swell! I wanted to go home, but Vegeir says his people can't travel that far above ground and wouldn't take me... Not that I doubt you, but what's my father's name?}
{189}{}{Don't you trust me, Jonny?}
{190}{}{Hmm... no. Thank you for bringing my dog back to me, but I have to go now. Bye.}
{191}{}{It was sure nice meeting you, but I have to go now. Bye.}
{192}{}{That's right! Yipee! I'm going home. Ask Vegeir if it's all right for you to take me home. He's been so nice to me, I don't want to leave until he says it's all right. Please hurry; I'm homesick.}
{193}{}{Okay mister, I believe you. Ask Vegeir it's all right for you to take me home. He's been so nice to me, I don't want to leave until he says it's all right.}
{194}{}{Okay miss, I believe you. Ask Vegeir it's all right for you to take me home. He's been so nice to me, I don't want to leave until he says it's all right.}
{195}{}{No. I'm going to go play with my friends now. Bye.}
{196}{}{I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Bye.}
{197}{}{Yes it is! How did you know? Laddie must have told you. She's such a smart dog.}
{199}{}{You're coming with me, kid. There's a reward for bringing you back.}
{200}{}{Yes, I think that's best. Although I trust you, I'm sure Vegeir just wants to make sure I get home safely. Thank you for your help.}
{201}{}{Please hurry. I want to go home.}
{202}{}{No! I don't believe you! Give me back my dog! [Waaaaa!]}
{203}{}{Oh no! Don't you know Rose uses dog in her dishes!? Laddie is probably a burger by now.}
{400}{}{Thanks for saving me, mister.}
{401}{}{It's nice to be home!}
{403}{}{You know, I'm not afraid of the dark anymore!}
{404}{}{Thanks for saving me, lady.}
