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Fallout Wiki

The Mass Pike Tunnel terminal entries are a series of entries found on two terminals in the Mass Pike Tunnel in Fallout 4, and on the Devil's terminal in the Creation Club content "X-02 Power Armor."



Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

> Turret Control[]


Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
STATUS: Online, Engaging Target
ADMIN: Raiders

Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.

Please choose an option:



Shutting down/Activating

> Shutting down.../> Activating...

About your Defense System[]


Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.

Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.

Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.

> Loading Terms of Usage...

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 1 Turrets Linked
Node | Condition | Status | Distance
100% Online, All Clear, 17,79m



Boston Public Transportation Dept.

=                  Main Menu                    =

> Security Door Control[]


Maxlock Security Door Control Interface
STATUS: Locked/Busy

Open Door[]


Security lock released. Opening doors....

> Accessing Maglocks...

Close Door[]


Security lock engaged. Sealing doors...

> Initializing Maglocks...

Devil's terminal[]


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Leaving the Enclave[]


I was once a military officer. A patriot who wore the uniform with pride. I finished with honors at the academy, rose quickly through the ranks, and joined an elite troop of soldiers known as the Devil's Hand.

As a special forces unit, we were given access to new prototypes, the crown jewel of which was the X-02 power armor.

With it, we cleansed the Wasteland of mutants, ferals, and the unpure. We found old technology and discovered unchartered land. We did it all with ruthless efficiency. For that I was decorated. Distinguished. And yet, I felt more disillusioned than anything.

We mock the outsiders for being unclean, but after each mission I was the one who always felt dirty. Everything was done to maximize Enclave resources and strategic positions, with no consideration for those who paid the cost of our labors. Some were children. Others barely born. But if you asked me why I defected, it wasn't one thing. There was no crying child, no singular event that made me turn.

My belief in what we were doing simply eroded over time, like a callous slowly peeling off the skin. I used to believe the Enclave was here to protect the ideals this country was founded on. Now I realize that couldn't be further from the truth.

And so eventually, I left the Enclave for good.

Becoming the Devil[]


At first, I wasn't sure if they'd come after me. The suit was valuable property, one of only a handful of modern X-02 prototypes, but the colonels were facing issues on a number of fronts.

As it turns out, President Eden's death provided an ample distraction for my defection. Maybe there'd come a time when the rent would be due, but for now, I was left to roam the Commonwealth by myself.

One day while scavenging, I came across an old holotape for a locally syndicated radio program. The show was terrible, and was rightfully canceled after a few episodes. The devil was a caricature, with horns and a pitchfork and multiple catchphrases. But the name of the character drew me in. He was a devil, just like me, but somehow he didn't let that define him. They turned him into a real patriot.

Before I knew it I started emulating some of his backstory. I found a bunker under an old police ration site with plenty of resources. I started listening to distress signals on the radio and helping out settlers. In the radio program, the Black Devil could hear the songs of America from thousands of miles away. I can't do that, but what I can do is set up a radio signal to transmit the old Enclave songs I have on holotape, and hijack a few eyebots to monitor settlements remotely.

Some of the settlers have picked up on the cues and started playing the music when they need help. I've limited the station to broadcast only a handful of songs at the moment. I have eight in total, but I'd rather not play them all. Some of them open up old wounds.

A humble request[]


I need to shut off the radio. For my own sake.

Back when I was with the Devil's Hand, we used to play them while in the throes of battle. When I became the Black Devil, the music put my mind where it needed to be. But now, too many of the wrong memories get triggered by the melody.

Besides, with my health being what it is, I can't be the Devil anymore. So I've decided to leave the suit here in hopes someone will take up the mantle in my stead.

To whoever is reading this now, I only ask one favor. To get through the door, you turned the radio back on. All I'm asking is for you to shut it back off, but this time for good. The console has a kill switch that will short circuit the radio signal. Triggering that should also disable the electronic lock on the safe, just in case you need a reward to make it worth your while.

I'm asking you this favor because I might still be out there, living as a common civilian. And if I should pass by a radio, I'd rather not hear that music ever again.

Short circuit radio transmission[]


Executing program...


Radio signals terminated.

Restore Enclave Radio[]


Executing program...


Radio signal restored.
