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Fallout Wiki

The Mass Fusion main reactor terminal entries are a series of entries found on the terminals in the Mass Fusion main reactor in Fallout 4.

Prototype lab terminal[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Prototype Engineering

Research IntraMail 07-30-77[]


To: Reactor Team
From: N. Chandrich, Research Lead

Today we embark on a new frontier. Once the switch on the reactor is thrown, and the Beryllium Agitator cold-starts the fusion reaction, the reality of Cleanpower nuclear energy will be upon us all. As the research lead on the project, I'd like to thank you all for contributing to the cause. Good luck and godspeed!

Personal IntraMail 8-01-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, C. Collins
From: B. Thorpe, Prototype Engineering

Tamash reaches into his pouch and sprinkles his communing dust in a circle around himself. He closes his eyes and calls upon the Knowledge of Deeligasa. "Deeligasa, Sage of the Ages, show me what my eyes can't see!"

Personal IntraMail 8-02-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, C. Collins
From: B. Thorpe, Prototype Engineering

Tamash stops casting and switches to his Staff of Brilliant Sunlight. He incants the words and raises the staff high over his head to illuminate the room. He proudly yells aloud "Dark foe, prepare to be revealed!"

Personal IntraMail 8-03-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, C. Collins
From: B. Thorpe, Prototype Engineering

Tamash drops the staff, reaches into his left front pocket and pulls out a pinch of sulfur powder. He incants the Flameblaze spell and blows into the pile of powder towards the beast. If it works, the things has to make a -5 fire check.

> Protectron Control[]


Standard Protectron Control Interface v2.40

This interface should be used by RobCo-licensed technicians only. Improper tampering with Protectron units may lead to permanent injury.

STATUS: Unit(s) Charging/Inactive
CONNECTED: 1 Unit(s) Connected to this terminal

Activate Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pod...
...Initializing unit...
...Loading assigned subroutines...

Please advise any personnel standing near charge pod to make way.

Shut-Down Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pod...
...Pinging Protectron Unit...
...Broadcasting shut-down signal...

Please ensure that Charge Pod is unobstructed.

Choose Personality Mode[]


Personality parameter reset.

Subway Steward[]

Personality parameter reset.

Law Enforcement[]

Personality parameter reset.

Fire Brigadier[]

Personality parameter reset.

Medical Responder[]

Personality parameter reset.

Construction Worker[]

Personality parameter reset.

Attendant's terminal[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Attendant's Station

Research IntraMail 07-30-77[]


To: Reactor Team
From: N. Chandrich, Research Lead

Today we embark on a new frontier. Once the switch on the reactor is thrown, and the Beryllium Agitator cold-starts the fusion reaction, the reality of Cleanpower nuclear energy will be upon us all. As the research lead on the project, I'd like to thank you all for contributing to the cause. Good luck and godspeed!

Personal IntraMail 08-01-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, B. Thorpe, C. Collins
From: X. Vincent, Reactor Attendant

Shadowfiend looks for a safe corner and draws both of his Snakebite Daggers. He crouches and says "Tamash, there's something amiss here."

Personal IntraMail 08-02-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, B. Thorpe, C. Collins
From: X. Vincent, Reactor Attendant

Shadowfiend instantly hurls his daggers at the slithering form and yells out "Gandar! Above you, my friend!" I got a 16 for the first dagger and a 7 for the second.

Personal IntraMail 08-03-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, B. Thorpe, C. Collins
From: X. Vincent, Reactor Attendant

Shadowfiend removes his hand crossbow from it's leather holster, slots in a clip of bolts +2 and takes careful aim at the creature. Using his Power of Truesight, he attempts to aim at the creature's weak point and fires. Got a 3, a 19 and a 12. Damn, lousy rolls.

> Assaultron Control[]

Activate Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pad...
...Initializing unit...
...Loading assigned subroutines...

Please advise any personnel standing near charge pod to make way.

Shut-Down Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pad...
...Pinging Assaultron Unit...
...Broadcasting shut-down signal...

Please ensure that Charge Pad is unobstructed.

> Turret Control[]


Standardized Turret Control Firmware v8.13
STATUS: Offline, All Clear
ADMIN: Mass Fusion Security

Please exercise caution around turret. Users should always assume that turrets are loaded and capable of live-fire.

Please choose an option:






Shutting down

About your Defense System[]


Turret operation should be limited to trained professionals only.

Consumer commands are limited to activation/deactivation of the turret(s) hardlined to this terminal. For all other operations, please refer to a licensed technician.

Any tampering will void warranty and indemnify the manufacturer against potential injury and/or death caused to users or passers-by.

System Diagnostics[]


System Diagnostics: 2 Turrets Linked

> Security Door Control[]


MaxLock Security Door Control Interface
STATUS: Unlocked

Close Door[]


Security lock engaged. Sealing doors...

Open Door[]


Security lock released. Opening doors...

Reactor control terminal[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Reactor Control

The Main Reactor is currently ONLINE.
Power Capacity: 22,105 MW
Efficiency Rating: 99.9997%
Radiation Level: CRITICAL - 153 Rad/s

Critical levels of radiation have been detected in the reactor chamber. Please take appropriate safety precautions.

Research IntraMail 07-30-77[]


To: Reactor Team
From: N. Chandrich, Research Lead

Today we embark on a new frontier. Once the switch on the reactor is thrown, and the Beryllium Agitator cold-starts the fusion reaction, the reality of Cleanpower nuclear energy will be upon us all. As the research lead on the project, I'd like to thank you all for contributing to the cause. Good luck and godspeed!

Personal IntraMail 08-01-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, B. Thorpe
From: C. Collins, Reactor Control

Gandar draws his Demonbane Blade from its scabbard and waits for Tamash's incantation to take effect. He carefully watches the room for any signs of movement.

Personal IntraMail 08-02-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, B. Thorpe
From: C. Collins, Reactor Control

Gandar heeds Shadowfiend's warning and attempts to sidestep the attack he's expecting. At the same time, he takes a mighty swing with his blade. Looks like I got an 18. Not bad.

Personal IntraMail 08-03-77[]


To: D. Wahbash, X. Vincent, B. Thorpe
From: C. Collins, Reactor Control

Gandar backs off from the creature, realizing that the hellspawn is made of pure magic and his weapon would be useless. "My friends! Magic is the only thing that can stop this creature of darkness!" He kneels down and says a quick prayer to Bashlar, God of Steel.

Analyst's terminal[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Analysis

Research IntraMail 07-30-77[]


To: Reactor Team
From: N. Chandrich, Research Lead

Today we embark on a new frontier. Once the switch on the reactor is thrown, and the Beryllium Agitator cold-starts the fusion reaction, the reality of Cleanpower nuclear energy will be upon us all. As the research lead on the project, I'd like to thank you all for contributing to the cause. Good luck and godspeed!

Personal IntraMail 08-01-77[]


To: C. Collins, B. Thorpe, X. Vincent
From: D. Wahbash, Facilities

After dispatching the goblins, you enter a large chamber. The room is moist, dark and reeks of offal. Shadowfiend, you feel as though a thousand eyes are staring at you from the darkness but your darkvision reveals nothing. Gandar, you notice that your sword is giving off a faint shimmer. Tamash, your spirit guardian whispers words of warning to you that something otherworldly is here!

Personal IntraMail 08-02-77[]


To: C. Collins, B. Thorpe, X. Vincent
From: D. Wahbash, Facilities

Tamash, something is preventing your summoning ritual from completing. All you feel is the cold touch of something dark and primeval creeping up your spine. You decide that rather than risk angering it further, you should cease casting. Shadowfiend, you think you see something slithering across the ceiling above Gandar.

Personal IntraMail 08-03-77[]


To: C. Collins, B. Thorpe, X. Vincent
From: D. Wahbash, Facilities

Shadowfiend, your daggers harmlessly strike the cold stone of the ceiling as they seemingly pass through the shadowy, serpent-like form! Tamash, your staff would normally fill the chamber with pure sunlight, but something is preventing the magic from reaching its full potential. All you can manage is enough light to barely illuminate the room. Gandar, your sword cleaves air as your blade passes through the enemy unharmed.

> Safe Control[]


Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED

Disengage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Disable..

Engage Lock[]


...Checking Clearance..........
...Locking Mechanism Enable...

> Protectron Control[]


Standard Protectron Control Interface v2.40

This interface should be used by RobCo-licensed technicians only. Improper tampering with Protectron units may lead to permanent injury.

STATUS: Unit(s) Charging/Inactive
CONNECTED: 1 Unit(s) Connected to this terminal

Activate Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pod...
...Initializing unit...
...Loading assigned subroutines...

Please advise any personnel standing near charge pod to make way.

Shut-Down Unit(s)[]


...Accessing pod...
...Pinging Protectron Unit...
...Broadcasting shut-down signal...

Please ensure that Charge Pod is unobstructed.

Choose Personality Mode[]


Personality parameter reset.

Subway Steward[]

Personality parameter reset.

Law Enforcement[]

Personality parameter reset.

Fire Brigadier[]

Personality parameter reset.

Medical Responder[]

Personality parameter reset.

Construction Worker[]

Personality parameter reset.

Reactor security control[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Security Station

Security System Status: ENABLED

Security IntraMail 09-05-77[]


To: Alpha Security Units
From: W. Feld, Security Captain
CC: T. Reisenbaur, HR Coordinator

Please inform your security officers that Dr. Noel Chandrow is no longer welcome on Mass Fusion property. If he's seen within 100 yards of the building, please inform me immediately.

> Security System Control[]


Security System Status: ENABLED

Disable Security System[]


ERROR: Unable to connect to the security network from this station. Direct network access may be available from the facilities office.

> Security Door Control[]


MaxLock Security Door Control Interface
STATUS: Locked

Open Doors[]


Security locks released. Opening doors...

Close Doors[]


Security locks engaged. Sealing doors...

Facilities terminal[]


Mass FusionOS v4.86
Main Reactor - Facilities Room

Security System Status: ENABLED

Personal IntraMail 07-15-77[]


To: D. Gregg, Reactor Facilities
From: J. Niles

I don't know what to do, Debbie. I had Jenny from Mainframe Control up on three in here and she was crying on my shoulder about that guy Victor in Records. He keeps asking her to adopt his stupid puppy and won't leave her alone about it. What do you think I should tell her? Maybe I should talk to Victor and adopt the darn thing myself? Let me know!

> Security System Control[]


Security System Status: ENABLED

Disable Security System[]


WARNING: This will disable all automated security defenses on the Main Reactor level. In accordance with Hazardous Material Control Directive 9104-A, federal, state, and local officials must be notified before security is disabled. Please also alert the Mass Fusion Security and Legal departments before disabling this system.

Do you still wish to proceed?


Disabling radiation alarms... done.
Disabling turrets... done.
Disabling robotic defenses... done.

All security systems have been disabled.
