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This is a transcript for dialogue with Margaret.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00761145 0076114F Come closer *zap* no, you're one of them. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
2 00761150 Why...do the ghosts keep coming. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
3 00761151 No, leave me *hisses* alone. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
4 00761152 The new shadow is darker. *pained scream* Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
5 00761153 Must hide, *zap* another shadow. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
6 00761146 00761164 Oooo, a new shadow... Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
7 00761165 No shape, leave me aloneee. Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
8 00761166 I hear the voice again. *screams in pain* Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
9 00761167 Spectre there, spectre here, *buzzing* nowhere is safe... Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.
10 00761168 Julio, Laurence, is that you? Converted to Lost. Lost sound like the character but speak as if in trance. Broken up with static, pauses and screams. It should sound unnerving.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
12 0072D53B 00731404 We'll be waiting.
13 0072D543 0072D556 You can get to the Lower Levels from the elevators just over there.
14 There's also a stairwell down just across the atrium that leads directly to the storage room.
15 Good luck, and thank you.
16 0072D545 0072D55C Yeah (sigh)... Also reluctant to bring up.
17 Alfie was one of us but his condition got worse until he got us to lock him in his room. Sadly explaining the situation
18 He's probably lost his mind by now but no one could bring themselves to do what needs to be done.
19 You didn't know him though. If there's anything you could do for him... We'd appreciate it.
20 0072D546 0072D557 And, uh... Someone should probably take care of Alfie... reluctant to talk about it or bring it up.
21 0072D547 0072D563 Oh, also we have a huge rat problem in the storage room. As in, huge rats. Sounds like he's over exaggerating, a bit of disgust in his voice.
22 Last time I was on a food run, something jumped right past me and snatched it. almost doesn't believe what he saw.
23 Damn near took my arm with it, too... Indignant, but in a jokey manner, making light of the situation
24 0072D548 0072D558 It's alright.
25 0072D54A 0072D564 That we've spent far too long cooped up here. I cant wait to get back to work.
26 0072D54C 0072D559 Chief Oberlin's finally getting around to dealing with this huh? And sending in a stranger to boot. He must have it tough. Sympathetic
27 Yeah there's a few things we've brought up before. Most of it in the Lower Levels. Pretty neutral, like she's expecting things still won't get done, but happy to mention them again.
28 Things like strange noises coming from the generator room. concern and mystery.
29 People are scared to go check it out in case one of the Lost are in there.
30 0072D54E 0072D566 My office is always open if you have something important to bring to my attention. Polite but dismissive slightly annoyed at being bothered for nothing.
39 007313CD 00731411 Well! Color me surprised. Good work.
40 With that out of the way, I'll be able to focus on the more important matters.
41 Like dealing with the chaos going on outside of this Vault.
42 I don't suppose that those three had anything interesting to say while you were helping them?
43 007313CF 00731403 Take your time.
44 007313D1 00731415 Well, we're not really ones to gossip...
45 007313D3 00731406 Yeah, we'll spread the word that you're someone trustworthy.
46 007313D5 0073141A We'll be here.
47 007313D7 00731409 Clear the infestation, Check out what's wrong with the generator and... Take care of Alfie.
48 Did you have any questions?
49 007313D9 007313FB You work fast. And straight to the point.
50 007313DB 0073140B We're sorry that YOU had to be the one to deal with all of that.
51 007313DD 007313FD Thanks again for all the help. You're alright outsider.
52 007313DF 0073140D Strict, but fair. He runs a tight ship. As long as you hit your deadlines and don't cause problems, he's actually pretty pleasant.
53 007313E3 00731410 He's friendly but can be dismissive.
54 He does his best to keep things safe and orderly, but we can see he kind of resents it...
55 Especially having to work for Overseer Stolz.
56 We just haven't figured out why, other than being overworked.
57 The Overseer seems to be keeping him extra busy lately. Particularly after everything that's been going on.
58 007313E5 00731402 Well, it used to be a lot busier. We'd take the rail line to work in the different wings each day.
59 Then there was the accident, which, honestly, we still don't know much about.
60 After that, most folks we knew became what we call the "Lost", and the Overseer became, well...
61 Oh, and then there was the earthquakes recently.
62 That destroyed any way of easily reaching the other wings, even if we wanted to fight them back from the Lost.
63 007313E9 00731405 Unusual for those three not to gossip with everyone they meet... Then again, you are a stranger. Overly friendly and dripping with suspicion. he knows the player is lying.
64 007313EB 0073140A I see. So those are the rumors going around? I appreciate your honesty. Curious and contemplative, hes thinking about what the player just told him.
65 007313FA 00731407 I'm sure I'll have more for you to do soon, if you're sticking around a while.
66 00748131 0074814D There's no need to be rude. Still, you've helped clear up some issues, the least I can do is give you something for helping us.
67 I'm sure you'll put it to good use.
68 00748139 0074814F First, your reward. I'll arrange for something from our armory. I'm sure you'll find a good use it in the future.
69 0074813B 00748156 Still, it can be hard for people to know who to trust.
70 But enough about that. Now that you've helped me out, is there anything I can help you with?
71 0074813D 00748150 Point taken. Very well.
72 The residents here are still a bit shaken up by recent events... And some less-than-recent events for that matter.
73 I'd recommend a light touch. You're not here to babysit, but there's also no need to be resistant to their requests.
74 And unless Mr. Stolz himself walks in here and says otherwise, I'm not at liberty to disclose anything further.
75 0074813F 0074814A I will indeed continue to be this way. Thank you. Very blunt, matter of fact and to the point.
76 00748141 00748151 There are three residents that have been complaining about a myriad of concerns: Margaret, Laurence and Julio.
77 Your best bet is to track them down. They're likely lounging about, waiting for someone else to handle the hard work.
78 They should have more than enough to keep you busy for the time being. Report back when it's been handled.
79 In the meantime, I've other matters I need to attend to. So, please, if you'd excuse me? Somewhat snarky-- he knows he doesn't need your permission
80 00748143 0074814B I understand you value your time. However, I, currently, do not.
81 Handle this for me and we can discuss "fish" of all sizes.
82 00748145 00748153 They are... vocal. They'll be more than happy to provide details on themselves.
83 00748147 0074814E Don't take too long.
84 00748149 00748155 Let me know when you've had a chance to investigate. I'll be here in the meantime, dealing with all this. Neutral but friendly/ still busy
85 0074E40E 0074E4B7 We tried to keep working here in the atrium, even outside the Vault! But in the end we just... stopped. Considering a pause between just and stopped
86 Been locked in here a while now, and looks like nothing's changing until that storm outside passes.
87 0074E410 0074E47A It's not all bad. We got food, shelter, safety and space. looking on the bright side.
88 It would sure be nice to be able to get back to work, but just think of it as an extended vacation. said in a relaxed and jokey tone
89 0074E411 0074E49D Boring?
90 0074E414 0074E488 She did keep him level-headed. She just up and disappeared one day. I hope she's doing well wherever she is... neutral tone at first, just someone talking about a sad situation that doesn't effect them. sounds a bit hopeful at the end.
91 0074E415 0074E4A8 But you don't want to find yourself on his bad side.
92 I heard he was a pretty ruthless businessman before his Overseer days.
93 I doubt he's actually changed all that much. Just don't mention his - ah... condition. It's kind of a sensitive subject.
94 0074E416 0074E48D I'm more worried about how much work we'll have to "catch up on" when things get back to normal. Not amused.
95 If they ever get back to normal. reflective
96 0074E417 0074E4AE Cold. Bottled-up. Like a shaken Nuka-Cola ready to burst. matter of fact but showing a hint of concern.
97 0074E418 0074E490 He's always been friendly... heck, even used to be fun. Reminiscing
98 Would always be up to party after work.
99 Now though? Huge stick-in-the-mud. Can't say I blame the guy but last few years he's been more...
100 What's the word?
101 0074E41B 0074E4CE You have to be in the business world, especially in war time. Matter of fact
102 He's always been pretty respectful during the rounds and inspections, especially when Cassidy was around. Not quite admiration but close. Laurence clearly respects Hugo as a business man.
103 Say what you will about the man, it's clear he would do anything for his wife. He was head-over-heels for her.
104 0074E41C 0074E47E Thanks. We couldn't have done it ourselves. Is there anything we can do for you?
105 0074E41D 0074E4B6 Ha! You're one to talk.
106 0074E41E 0074E485 Yeah, it's good to know there are still people outside, especially people who are capable.
107 0074E41F 0074E4A6 And downright rude.
108 0074E420 0074E48B Maybe we can share a few details? emphasis on few. Line can be said all at once but was also considering a pause before the word "few" as if he's considering his words.
109 0074E421 0074E4AC Not with outsiders anyway, but you're alright. said with amusement.
110 0074E422 0074E48E I don't see why not. What did you want to know? agreement and friendly.
111 0074E430 0074E496 We'll be waiting.
114 0074E454 0074E4B2 Welcome back. How are things going?
115 0074E4BB They've been left like that for so long, they've probably multiplied by now. said cynically, still nervous about the idea of a swarm near the living area though.
116 0074E4BC Since the earthquake, we've been experiencing more and more of the wasteland's wonders.
117 And we're not exterminators, much less seasoned fighters! That's why we put in a security request to deal with it.
118 0074E4BD Radrats? We'll need to make a note of all these new terms outsiders use. exasperated, so many new words now.
119 0074E4BF Remember when he skipped work because he wanted to find out if we could still get hangovers after the change? A bittersweet memory. Said sadly but with a mildly amused tone.
120 0074E4C0 Yeah I remember that, I had to take over his shift the next day, that bastard! Actually annoyed. how dare he have to work extra.
121 0074E4C1 His apartment is in the Lower Levels, the key is still down there... somewhere. Sadly telling the player how to find Alfie.
122 0074E4C2 Alfie was a good guy, had a tendency to overdo things though.
123 0074E4C5 That's if they don't turn us into one of them first. nervous
124 There's too few of us left now to take a risk like that... but, er, you look very capable! nervous
125 0074E4C6 We've been hearing whispers and pops like static electricity... which is pretty much exactly what the Lost sound like.
126 We also know what happens when you get too close. They'd kill us as soon as you'd squash a bug. anecdotal
127 0074E4C7 We're just guessing, to be honest. Hard to tell why the Lost do anything they do.
128 0074E4C9 "Smooth skin?" That's an interesting way of putting it. Unsure but trying to be polite, possible emphasis on "interesting"
129 0074E4CA Is there anything else? neutral tone but friendly and patient.
131 0074E460 0074E498 Now why would we tell you that, stranger? Suspicious, she doesn't mind talking to this strange new person but now they're digging.
132 0074E462 0074E49C What's a ... "Ghoul?" confused, never heard the term before.
133 0074E463 0074E480 Ha! Is that what they're calling our condition outside? Those bastards. he's amused, he loves it.
134 0074E464 0074E4A1 That means this is a widespread condition and not unique to us. Surprised!
135 0074E465 0074E487 I suppose we do look... Ghoulish.
136 0074E46A 0074E4AD If we make contact with the outside again, it wouldn't hurt to use their terminology. contemplative
137 0074E46B 0074E48F Ooh, I like that. Those smooth-skinned bastards. Ha!
138 0074E46C 0074E4B4 Thanks for the intel.
139 0074E46E 0074E4CD Yeah, a real "nosy" stranger. accusitory
140 Hey, Julio, get it? 'Cause they got a nose, and we don't. highly amused.
141 0074E46F 0074E49A You said it, sister.
142 0074E470 0074E47D It ruins the joke when you explain it, Laurence. unimpressed and unamused.
143 0074E471 0074E4A0 Good luck down there, and, uh... Welcome to Vault 63. A genuine "good luck" and a sheepish "welcome" since they are putting the player to potentially dangerous work