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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mama Murphy.


1007MurphyWarning{dire prophetic warning / Nervous} Careful, kid. There somethin' comin'. And it is... angry.A1a
2008MuseumMurphyTalk1{player just killed all the Raiders that were laying siege to the museum / Friendly} Well look here. Our rescuer. And my hero.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
3{player just killed all the Raiders that were laying siege to the museum / Friendly} You a hero, boy. Comin' here, helpin' us.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
4{player just killed all the Raiders that were laying siege to the museum / Friendly} You a hero, girl. Comin' here, helpin' us.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
5{player just killed all the Raiders that were laying siege to the museum / Happy} Hail the conquering hero. He he he he.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
6{Dogmeat lead the Player here to help you / Friendly} Now look who Dogmeat brought to us.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
7{Dogmeat lead the Player here to help you / Friendly} You're not what I expected Dogmeat would find in that little neighborhood. But oh, so much better.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
8{Dogmeat lead the Player here to help you / Friendly} Dogmeat sure did find us some help. Just look at ya.Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.A
9Player Default: That's incredible.{mystic / Surprised} I can see a bit of what was, and what will be. And even what is, right now.A1a
10{mystic, dire warning / Surprised} And right now I can see there's something coming. Drawn by the noise, and the chaos.A1b
11{mystic, dire warning / Stern} And it is... angry.Player Default: Whatever it is, I'll stop it.A1c
12Player Default: Oh boy. That's it. I'm out of here.{Apologetic} All right. I sometimes forget that folks ain't used to weird things like the Sight. You go on.Player Default: Whatever it is, I'll stop it.B1a
13Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Happy} Oh, I like you. You're just what this Commonwealth needs. And I hope your heart stays true. 'Cause you're gonna walk a long, hard road. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.A1a
14Player Default: Just trying to do what's right, ma'am.{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Happy} Oh, indeed. Dogmeat's good at finding folks who need him, and he'll stick by you now. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.A2a
15Player Default: Heroism's for kids and suckers.{Puzzled} Hmph. Maybe. But pickles like this? You're gonna find yourself in plenty of 'em. Lots of chances to play hero. Or not. Oh, it's true. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.B1a
16Player Default: Heroism's for kids and suckers.{Puzzled} Is that so? Well, you still alive, ain't ya?B2a
17{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Stern} You better get used to that dog. 'Cause he's decided to stick by ya. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.B2b
18Player Default: It's no big deal.{Stern} Now kid. That's nonsense and we both know it. Affecting people's lives is always a "big deal." And you're gonna be doing a lot of it. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.X1a
19Player Default: It's no big deal.{Friendly} He led you to us cause he knew we needed your help. Dogmeat's thoughtful like that.X2a
20{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Friendly} And now he's gonna stick by you. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.X2b
21Player Default: What's your story?{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Puzzled} Me? Oh that's simple: lead these here people to a land of safety and sanctuary. Now your tale... That's a winding one. Oh yes. It's true. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.Y1a
22Player Default: What's your story?{Apologetic} Oh he ain't my dog. No sir. Dogmeat, he's what you'd call his own man.Y2a
23{emphasize "I saw it" as if you had seen it in a vision / Concerned} You can't own a free spirit like that. But he chooses his friends, and sticks with 'em. He'll stay by you now. I saw it.Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.Y2b
24Player Default: Please, tell me what you know.{emphasize "the Sight" - it's powerful and mystical / Happy} Just listen to me, actin' the crazy old lady. It's the chems, you see. They give ole Mama Murphy the "Sight." Been that way since I was a girl.Player Default: That's incredible.A1a
25Player Default: Great. You're completely nuts.{emphasize "the Sight" - it's powerful and mystical / Happy} Ha! From where you're standing, I would seem crazy. My gift is pretty nuts, that's for sure. But it's the chems, kid. They give me the "Sight."Player Default: That's incredible.B1a
26Player Default: Visions. Uh huh.{emphasize "the Sight" - it's powerful and mystical / Surprised} Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. This old lady, she's out of her mind. But it's the chems. They give ole Mama Murphy the "Sight."Player Default: That's incredible.X1a
27Player Default: You "saw it"?{emphasize "the Sight" - it's powerful and mystical / Friendly} It's the chems, kid. They give ole Mama Murphy the "Sight." Been that way for as long as I can remember.Player Default: That's incredible.Y1a
28Player Default: Whatever it is, I'll stop it.{Apologetic} Oh, I wish I could help you, kid. But the Sight ain't always clear. I'll... keep concentrating.A1a
29{Concerned} Now, if I ain't mistaken', you've got a job to do...A1b
30Player Default: So we're doomed.{Concerned} Don't be givin' up just yet, kid. The Sight ain't always clear. There may be a way through this yet.B1a
31{Confident} But anyway, the two of us been jawwin' long enough. You've got a job to do...B1b
32Player Default: Okay. Something big's coming.{Concerned} I know it's a lot to take in. And I wish I could tell you more. But the Sight ain't always clear.X1a
33{Confident} Now, if I ain't mistaken', you've got a job to do...X1b
34Player Default: What is it? Mama Murphy, I need more. Please.{mystic, sensing the future / InPain} I see... I see... Oh, it's horrible, kid. Claws and teeth and horns. The very face of death itself.Y1a
35{recovering from exhaustion, then back to being okay / Tired} That's all I can manage. That's all. I need to rest now. And you have a job to do...Y1b
36Player Default: What is it? Mama Murphy, I need more. Please.{Sad} I'm sorry, kid, but I just don't know. The Sight ain't always clear. But believe me when I tell you it ain't a Raider.Y2a
37{Concerned} Ah, but I'm tired, now. And if I ain't mistaken', you've got a job to do...Y2b
38009SurvivorLobbyScenePrestonGarveyAlias: Take it easy, Mama. You okay?{re-record: annoyed a bit, but still grandmotherly / Amused} I'm fine, Preston. Quit fussin'.A1a
39010SurvivorSceneRewardPlayer Default: I... can't see him. Not clearly. But I feel his life force. He's out there.{Confident} And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'.A1a
40{Surprised} The great, green jewel of the Commonwealth. Diamond City. The biggest settlement around.Player Default: I've been to Diamond City, already. I need more. Please.A1b
41Player Default: I've been to Diamond City, already. I need more. Please.{InPain} Look, kid, I'm tired now. Maybe you bring me some chems later, the Sight will paint a clearer picture.A1a
42{player has just walked away from you / Stern} You can't walk away from your destiny! Diamond City is where you need to go.A1a
43Player Default: All right, Garvey. I'm in.{mystical and empathetic / Happy} Oh, that's wonderful. But there's more to your destiny, isn't there? I've seen it. And I know your pain.Player Default: Please, tell me. I need to know.A1a
44Player Default: I got my own problems.{mystical and empathetic / Concerned} Well that much is true. Cause I've seen your destiny, and I know your pain.Player Default: Please, tell me. I need to know.B1a
45Player Default: I'll think about it.{mystical and empathetic / Concerned} Before you leave, kid. A word. About the journey you're about to start on. 'Cause I've seen your destiny, and I know your pain.Player Default: Please, tell me. I need to know.X1a
46PrestonGarveyAlias: Why don't you come with us? I could really use your help.{mystical and empathetic / Concerned} You'd need to stay strong. Like you been. Cause there's more to your destiny. I've seen it. And I know your pain.Player Default: Please, tell me. I need to know.Y1a
47PrestonGarveyAlias: I just saw you go toe-to-toe with a twenty foot tall irradiated lizard. You telling me you can't keep an open mind after that?{Apologetic} It's all right, Preston. Not everyone understands the Sight. But I don't need you to believe, I just need you to listen...MamaMurphy: You're a man out of time. Out of hope. But all's not lost. I can feel... your son's energy. He's alive.B1a
48MamaMurphy: It's all right, Preston. Not everyone understands the Sight. But I don't need you to believe, I just need you to listen...{mystical / Concerned} You're a man out of time. Out of hope. But all's not lost. I can feel... your son's energy. He's alive.Player Default: I knew it! Please, tell me where he is. I need to find my son.A1a
49MamaMurphy: It's all right, Preston. Not everyone understands the Sight. But I don't need you to believe, I just need you to listen...{mystical / Concerned} You're a woman out of time. Out of hope. But all's not lost. I can feel... your son's energy. He's alive.Player Default: I knew it! Please, tell me where he is. I need to find my son.A2a
50Player Default: I knew it! Please, tell me where he is. I need to find my son.{InPain} I... can't see him. Not clearly. But I feel his life force. He's out there.MamaMurphy: And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'.A1a
51Player Default: Bullshit! You're trying to play me for a fool.{Sad} Aw. No, kid. No. The Sight's sometimes foggy, but it ain't ever a liar. Your son's out there.MamaMurphy: And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'.B1a
52Player Default: I'm listening.{Concerned} Look, kid, I know how I sound. The Sight, it's weird. And it ain't always clear. But your son's out there.MamaMurphy: And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'.X1a
53Player Default: Where is my son? Where is Shaun?{Apologetic} Oh, I wish I knew, kid. I really do. But it's not like I can see your son. I can just... feel his life force, his energy. He's out there.MamaMurphy: And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'.Y1a
54011SurvivorLobbyScene2PrestonGarveyAlias: No! Mama Murphy, we talked about this. That junk... it's gonna kill you...{Stern} Oh shush, Preston. We're all gonna die eventually. We're gonna need the Sight. And our new friend here, he's gonna need it too.A1a
55{Confident} Now let's get goin'. Sanctuary awaits.PrestonGarveyAlias: Alright folks. Thanks to our friend here, it's safe to move out.A1b
56PrestonGarveyAlias: No! Mama Murphy, we talked about this. That junk... it's gonna kill you...{Stern} Oh shush, Preston. We're all gonna die eventually. We're gonna need the Sight. And our new friend here, she's gonna need it too.A2a
57{Confident} Now let's get goin'. Sanctuary awaits.PrestonGarveyAlias: Alright folks. Thanks to our friend here, it's safe to move out.A2b
58-{friend just shot you} Easy, child. Easy!
59Take your time, kid. I ain't goin' nowhere.
60Your response time seems a bit impaired. Maybe you on the chems, too? He he.
61{patient, grandmotherly} Go on. Speak up.
62{patient, grandmotherly} Nothing embarrassing you can say around me. I've heard it all.
63{patient, grandmotherly} Could you say that a little louder?
64{You just prophecized where the player should go next after he saved your lives} Diamond City is the next step on your road. Beyond that, the Sight ain't clear.
65{You just prophecized where the player should go next after he saved your lives} I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but the Sight's so foggy right now.
66{You just prophecized where the player should go next after he saved your lives} Tired, kid. And we got a walk ahead of us. Perhaps the Sight will show me more later.
67{Player just saved your lives and you're getting ready to head out} Oh, we'll have no problem getting' where we're headed, now. Sanctuary. That's our new home. I saw it.
68{Player just saved your lives and you're getting ready to head out} Next stop - Sanctuary. He he he.
69{you just prophecized that something dangerous is on its way} It's comin'. Here soon.
70{you just prophecized that something dangerous is on its way} Oh, it's on its way. And it's angry.
71{you just prophecized that something dangerous is on its way} Tired now, son. The Sight takes the vim right outta me.
72{you just prophecized that something dangerous is on its way} Tired now, kid. The Sight takes the vim right outta me.
73Jet with a Psycho chaser. Hmm hmmm.
74Ain't nothin' wrong with a bit o' kick. Don't let nobody tell you otherwise.
75Now where did I put those Mentats...


76-{player earlier convinced you to give up chems} Mama Murphy's as good as her word, kid. No more chems. And no more Sight, either.
77{Hopeful, Reassuring / Happy} One day, Sanctuary will be a vibrant community. I've seen it.
78{Hinting that she knows the player is high on a drug called Psycho / Happy} Hey kiddo, you alright? You got that Psycho look in your eyes... he he he
79{knows the player is on Jet / Concerned} You be careful. I know the Jet jitters when I see 'em.
80{Caught the player on drugs} Look at you. Got that charm only Mentats can bring ya.
81{Joking, Friendly / Friendly} I'm afraid I'm not much use in a fight anymore, but back in the day, folks used call me Murphy the Madwoman.
82{Friendly / Friendly} I told you Sanctuary would grow. The sight never lies.
83{Uplifting, Confident / Friendly} You'll find what you're looking for. I know it.
84{Thankful, Kind / Happy} You don't need the sight to see that you've done real good for these people.
85{Friendly, / Friendly} Take care of yourself dear.
86{Difficulty hearing / Neutral} Huh? Speak up.
87{Friendly / Friendly} This place is starting to look like a proper home thanks to you.
88{Friendly, / Friendly} I used to be quite the adventurer when I was younger. Now these old bones just can't keep up.
89{Friendly, remembering fondly / Friendly} You remind me of a young man I used to know. Never looking for trouble, but always finding it.
90{Friendly, remembering fondly / Friendly} You remind me of myself when I was a young woman, always getting myself into trouble.


91DialogueSanctuaryJunMurphyScene1JunLong: Mama Murphy, can we talk?{Jun has lost a lot getting to Sanctuary, pronounced JUNE / Concerned} I know what you're gonna ask me, Jun. I've seen it. And there's nothing I can do for ya.JunLong: But... You have the Sight... It has to be able to...A1a
92JunLong: But... You have the Sight... It has to be able to...It can't talk to the dead, kid. Even the Sight has limits. I'm sorry.A1a


93DialogueSanctuaryMarcyMurphyScene1MarcyLong: Hey Mama, how are you getting along?{Happy} Just fine. It's nice to finally settle down after spending so much time moving around.MarcyLong: Oh yeah? You spent a little time on the run when you were younger?A1a
94MarcyLong: Oh yeah? You spent a little time on the run when you were younger?{Casual, regaling with fondness / Amused} Oh yes, you have to when there's a bounty on your head. A little elderly advice, don't double cross a raider. They hold long grudges.MarcyLong: Yeah, that's good advice...Sounds like quite the adventure.A1a
95MarcyLong: Yeah, that's good advice...Sounds like quite the adventure.It was. Some day I'll tell you all about it.A1a


96DialogueSanctuarySturgesMurphyScene1Sturges: That Deathclaw in Concord was bad news huh Mama? You ever seen one of those suckers before?{Playing up the story, but believing every word / Confident} Oh sure, plenty. One time I killed a Deathclaw all by myself, no power armor and fancy minigun, just a pipe pistol...and one bullet.Sturges: You're telling me you killed a Deathclaw? With one bullet? Come on, who do you take me for?A1a
97Sturges: You're telling me you killed a Deathclaw? With one bullet? Come on, who do you take me for?{Proud, remembering fondly / Grateful} It's true. I might not look it, but back in the day I had quite the shot.Sturges: Yeah or quite the imagination...A1a


98Min01ConcordTravel02Sturges: Sure thing, Preston. Just give a shout if you run into any trouble.{Tired} I just want to find a place to sit down for a minute. My feet are killing me.A1a
99Min01ConcordTravelBridgePreston: Careful here, Mama Murphy. Watch your step on this bridge.{Irritated} I'm fine, Preston. Quit fussin'.Preston: Okay, okay. Don't get yourself all riled up.A1a
100Min01ConcordTravelSanctuaryEntrancePreston: You know what, Mama Murphy? You were right all along.{Amused} Course I was. The Sight isn't always clear, but it's never wrong.Preston: Hmm. No sign of raiders. That's a good start.A1a
101-{player just rescued you, and you're heading to Sanctuary / Friendly} Get going. Diamond City is where you need to head.
102{player just rescued you, and you're heading to Sanctuary / Friendly} The help you need is in Diamond City, child.
103{player just rescued you, and you're heading to Sanctuary / Confident} I'm sure Preston can handle anything we find until we reach Sanctuary.


104MQ00MamaMurphy_Chair{Apologetic} Got a favor to ask ya, kid. I know it's silly, but I need a chair. Something with a nicer fit for these old bones. Can you do that for me?Player Default: Sure. Be glad to help.A
105{Apologetic} You don't mind making a chair for ole Mama Murphy, do you?Player Default: Sure. Be glad to help.A
106Player Default: Sure. Be glad to help.{Happy} Thank you.A1a
107Player Default: Really don't have time.{Depressed} Ah, that's okay. But I can't really concentrate enough these days unless I'm comfortable. So if you need the Sight again, I'm gonna need that chair.B1a
108Player Default: Really don't have time.All right, kid. I know you're busy.B2a
109Player Default: We'll see.Don't need the Sight to know that's a "maybe." Take your time. I'll be able to help you more once I can sit down.X1a
110Player Default: Can't you just use any chair?{Depressed} The Sight's been real exhausting lately. Got aches and pains, even when I'm lying down.Y1a
111{Depressed} I know it's odd asking for a fitted chair in this day and age, but it'd really help me out, kid.Player Default: Sure. Be glad to help.Y1b
112MQ00MamaMurphy_NoMoreChemsPlayer Default: The Sight isn't worth killing yourself over, Mama Murphy. It doesn't have to define what you are, or what you can give.{convinced to give up chems / Depressed} All right, kid. You got me. If me hanging around for a little longer is worth that much to ya, then I'll go clean. No more chems. No more Sight.A1a
113Player Default: The Sight isn't worth killing yourself over, Mama Murphy. It doesn't have to define what you are, or what you can give.{Irritated} It's my decision, kid. Not yours. Now lay off for a while, will ya?A2a
114Player Default: I told you no! You're going off this junk. Now. Or you're going to answer to me.{convinced to give up chems / Nervous} Easy there, kid... You win. Ole' Mama Murphy will get clean. Just put away the scary eyes.B1a
115Player Default: I told you no! You're going off this junk. Now. Or you're going to answer to me.{Irritated} Bullying me ain't gonna change my mind. We're done talking about this for now, hear me?B2a
116Player Default: You're right. Using chems is your choice.{Friendly} Damn right it is.X1a
117Player Default: Isn't there any way you can use the Sight without chems?{Concerned} Let me tell you a story, kid. Once, there was beautiful young girl, with a special power. Used to get in all kinds of crazy adventures.Y1a
118{Depressed} She meets a handsome young boy, but he doesn't like her power. Thinks it makes her a slave to something evil.Y1b
119{Depressed} And so the power goes away, and it's not there when the girl and the boy need it most.Y1c
120{Concerned} Now the boy's gone, and the girl's old. But she has friends. And her power keeps them safe. That's all that matters.Player Default: The Sight isn't worth killing yourself over, Mama Murphy. It doesn't have to define what you are, or what you can give.Y1d
121MQ00MamaMurphy_Scene01{you arrive in Sanctuary after the player helps you in Concord / Happy} Sanctuary. I knew you'd join us here, kid. Your energy is tied to this place.Player Default: I used to live here. A long time ago.A
122{you arrive in Sanctuary after the player helps you in Concord} You're tied to this place, kid. Your energy.Player Default: I used to live here. A long time ago.A
123Player Default: I used to live here. A long time ago.{Concerned} Ah, but the distant past ain't so distant for you. I saw you leave that ice box. This whole world is like some bad dream you can't wake up from, isn't it?MamaMurphy: The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you.A1a
124Player Default: Stop it. That's none of your business.{Concerned} Sorry. I know to you it's private, but for me I can see it plain as day. You leaving that ice box. Waking up in a world that's not yours.MamaMurphy: The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you.B1a
125Player Default: I hope the color of my energy is blue.{Happy} Ha ha. That's good. Humor's a good way to cope. 'Cause this world ain't yours is it? I saw you leave that ice box.MamaMurphy: The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you.X1a
126Player Default: My energy? What do you mean?Thought I told you before, kid. I saw you leave that ice box. I know your pain. This world, it's not yours, but here you are.MamaMurphy: The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you.Y1a
127Player Default: Ah, but the distant past ain't so distant for you. I saw you leave that ice box. This whole world is like some bad dream you can't wake up from, isn't it?The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you.Player Default: Here. Already have some.A1a
128Player Default: Here. Already have some.{player already had chems on him / Amused} Like a little kick yourself, huh? This'll do. Now let me ride the high to where the Sight wants to take me.MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
129Player Default: Here. Already have some.{Happy} My hero.A2a
130Player Default: Maybe. Let me think it over.Well, ain't like I'm going anywhere. The Sight will be here when you need it.X1a
131MQ00MamaMurphy_SightBuffoutWe're gonna need a heavy hitter for the Sight to keep working, kid. Buffout ought to do it.Player Default: Here. Go easy.A
132I'll need some Buffout, if you want the Sight.Player Default: Here. Go easy.A
133Player Default: Here. Go easy.{feeling the high, about to use the Sight} *cough* Wow. Forgot how strong that stuff is. Whew. Okay... here it comes...MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
134Player Default: Here. Go easy.{player says he'll go look for Buffout} Just let me know.A2a
135Player Default: Not right now, Mama Murphy.{referring to the Sight} Anytime you need it, kid. Up to you.X1a
136Player Default: Buffout now?{might be lying, might not be} Surprised a frail thing like me wants a muscle chem? What if I told you I used to pack a pair of arms thicker than both your fists put together?Y1a
137Ripped a Raider's head clean off once, I'll tell you. He he he. Buffout doesn't do much for me now, except help the Sight do its thing.Player Default: Here. Go easy.Y1b
138MQ00MamaMurphy_SightJet{asked the player to bring you Jet} Got that Jet we talked about, kid?Player Default: Here. One hit of Jet.A
139{asked the player to bring you Jet} The Sight's no good without chems. You have that Jet?Player Default: Here. One hit of Jet.A
140Got something with a bit of kick for me, kid?Player Default: Here. One hit of Jet.A
141Player Default: Here. One hit of Jet.You did good. Now let me ride the high to where the Sight wants to take me.MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
142Player Default: Still looking.All right. I'll keep waiting.X1a
143Player Default: Why did you need Jet again?{player asks you what Jet is} It's a little inhaler that packs a big kick. They say it makes you move faster, but at my age, it's more of a quick rush.Y1a
144The chems fuel the Sight, so it's not always gonna be Jet I'm askin' for. But that's what's on the menu this time.Player Default: Here. One hit of Jet.Y1b
145MQ00MamaMurphy_SightMedXCome back for the Sight? I need Med-X this time. Another chem, another window to look through.Player Default: Yeah. Here you go.A
146Got that Med-X? Fuel for the Sight?Player Default: Yeah. Here you go.A
147Player Default: Yeah. Here you go.{feeling the high, about to use the Sight / Happy} Oooh... It just makes everything feel good, don't it? I'm starting to see clearly...MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
148Player Default: Yeah. Here you go.{player says he'll go look for Med-X} You know where I'll be.A2a
149Player Default: No. You're an addict. You need help.{player is trying to get you to stop using chems / Irritated} Oh not this again. Kid. Listen to me. I'm old. Even older than you'd think. If the chems are gonna kill me, then I say I've had a good run.B1a
150We'd have never made it this far without the Sight. We need it. You need it. It's part of who I am.Player Default: The Sight isn't worth killing yourself over, Mama Murphy. It doesn't have to define what you are, or what you can give.B1b
151Player Default: No. You're an addict. You need help.{player is asking you again to get clean / Stern} Bringing this back up? I thought I told you. We need the Sight. And the Sight needs the chems.Player Default: The Sight isn't worth killing yourself over, Mama Murphy. It doesn't have to define what you are, or what you can give.B2a
152Player Default: No. You're an addict. You need help.{player is asking you to get clean / Irritated} I'm done talking about this for now, kid, you hear me?B3a
153Player Default: Maybe some other time.{referring to the Sight} It's always here if you need it.X1a
154Player Default: Why Med-X?It's what the Sight wants. Med-X is a painkiller. Strips away a lot of feeling and let's you float out into the mystery of it all.Player Default: Yeah. Here you go.Y1a
155MQ00MamaMurphy_SightMentats{Mentats are a type of chem} You need the Sight? It's telling me Mentats will give us the right high for another insight into your destiny.Player Default: Here you go.A
156{Mentats are a type of chem} Got some Mentats for me? See where the Sight takes us this time?Player Default: Here you go.A
157Player Default: Here you go.{feeling the high} Ah, that's it. I can feel the Sight opening up...MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
158Player Default: Here you go.{player says he'll go look for Mentats} I'll be waiting.A2a
159Player Default: Maybe later.{referring to the Sight} It's always here if you need it.X1a
160Player Default: So it's Mentats this time?They're good. More of a chem for scientists and tech types. But who's to say ole' Mama Murphy ain't a closet genius? He he he.Player Default: Here you go.Y1a
161MQ00MamaMurphy_SightPsychoReady for the Sight again, kid? Usually like mixing Psycho in with something else, but I'll need it straight this time.Player Default: I've got it.A
162I'll need some Psycho before I can use the Sight this time.Player Default: I've got it.A
163Player Default: I've got it.{feeling the high, about to use the Sight} Oh lord... That's pure... Gonna be an interesting trip...MamaMurphy: Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
164Player Default: I've got it.{player says he'll go look for Psycho} You know I'll be here.A2a
165Player Default: Maybe we should do this later.If you think so, kid.X1a
166Player Default: Psycho? Is that safe?{a little bravado / Confident} No. But don't worry. *cough* Old Mama Murphy can handle a little pre-war, military-grade combat stim.Player Default: I've got it.Y1a
167MQ00MamaMurphy_VisionsMamaMurphy: That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.{finishing the vision, suddenly very fatigued / InPain} Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A1a
168MamaMurphy: That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.{finishing the vision, even worse than last time / InPain} *cough* Don't mind me, kid. *cough* The chems are just... acting up a bit. I'll be fine... eventually...A2a
169MamaMurphy: That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.{finishing the vision, getting even worse, heart is now acting up / InPain} I can't... *heavy gasp* I almost thought I couldn't breathe there... Agh. Heart's beating like no tomorrow. Gonna need to rest...A3a
170MamaMurphy: That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.{finishing the vision, nearly killed you that time, heart is going to go eventually / InPain} Oh god... *heavy gasp* *cough* *cough* Sorry, kid... old ticker just lurched there a few times. I'm fine... really... just need to stay still...A4a
171MamaMurphy: That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.{heart has stopped, you're about to die, some dark humor before the end / InPain} Oh no... *chuckle* Should've seen this comin'...A5a
172{high, deep in vision} Diamond City holds answers, but they're locked tight. You ask them what they know, but people's hearts are chained up with fear and suspicion.A1a
173But you find it. You find that heart that's gonna lead you to your boy. Oh, it's... it's bright. So bright against the dark alleys it walks.A1b
174{coming down from the high, exhausted / Tired} That's... that's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs to the bright heart.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A1c
175{high, deep in vision} You're looking for a man. He can help you, but he ain't gonna be the man you expect.A2a
176He's somewhere... deep... and dark. Surrounded by folks with nothin' but cruel intentions.A2b
177But there's... an echo... Something in the past that can help you.A2c
178{prophetic statement} When you meet the fat man, and the angry woman, tell them to "remember the Quarry and Lilly June on the rocks", and they'll let you and your friend pass.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A2d
179{high, deep in vision} You're on the trail of the man who took your boy. I see a house. Locked up tight. Chains put on by a smiling shark.A3a
180But there's another way. I can see it. A key. Lost and forgotten. Fallen down below. Search the chairs beneath the house. They hold the secret.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A3b
181{high, deep in vision} You walk into a house. The man who owns it has secrets. But he's no fool. He hides everything in a closet with no doors.A4a
182But I see him, kid. He's sitting down. Brought out the red toolbox and the coffee. Then he reaches beneath where he's working, and the closet opens.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A4b
183I can only see that you're on the right path. If you had any doubts in your mind, you shouldn't.A5a
184The man you're after. He's the one. He wears all the pain he's caused like a shield.A5b
185Be strong, kid. The Sight's getting... foggy... but your energy is glowing brighter than you know. You can win this. He can't hurt you anymore.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A5c
186You're walking into a sea, but it's not water you're afraid of drownin' in. It's something... invisible... but... radiant...A6a
187It burns everything in it, but... no... I can feel them. There's people. Calling out to something. Chanting.A6b
188They can show you the way... but... they're so hard to read... Be careful around them, kid.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A6c
189I see you... the mighty hunter... only what you're hunting ain't an animal, or a man. It's something different. Maybe something more than human.A7a
190But... what's this? I see a man in a white outfit. Standing over your prey. And he says something... it's hard to make out... But I'm tryin' kid...A7b
191He says "Z2-47, initialize factory reset. Authorization code Zeta-5-3-Kilo"... Then he falls... And he's still...MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A7c
192I see you surrounded by outstretched hands. Everyone needs your help, kid. Everyone wants you to see things their way...A8a
193And whether you want it or not... You're gonna have to decide which ways of life keep going in the Commonwealth... and which end...MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A8b
194{Institute ending vision} You're wearing a lab coat. You're standing with... men of science. Visionaries. Brilliant but misunderstood.A9a
195I see a land marked up, like a great experiment. Each test a new beginning. Each sacrifice an acceptable loss.A9b
196You will not be loved, but you will save humanity. However you choose to define it.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A9c
197{Minutemen ending vision} You're standing with... the people. Working together. United.A10a
198I see a land filled with hope again. Fear falls away as the brave step forward to join the ranks.A10b
199You're a hero. A symbol for a better world. Our world.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A10c
200{Brotherhood of Steel ending vision} You're wearing a suit of steel and energy. You're standing with... your brothers. Your mission. Accomplished.A11a
201I see a land secured, contained. Dangerous objects taken from those who don't understand. Those who can't be trusted.A11b
202You are the uniform, and you wear it well. And your rank and chain of command protect you better than the thickest armor.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A11c
203{Railroad ending vision, Railroad symbol is the lantern} You're wearing a mask. You're standing with... outcasts. The underdogs. The lanterns in the dark.A12a
204I see a world that will never know your sacrifice. You have led the enslaved to freedom, but they must still hide from those who don't understand.A12b
205But you'll be there for them. You'll see their humanity when no one else will. You'll be their guardian in the shadows.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A12c
206I'm sorry, kid. But I'm not seeing anything. I think the Sight just wants you to keep following your own path.A13a
207Thanks for the chems, though. I'll try harder next time.MamaMurphy: Whew... wow... that... took more out of me than usual. I'm gonna need to rest now, kid.A13b
208-{Tired} Aching too much to talk too long. I should sit down.A
209{Tired} Let me get in my chair, and we can talk.A
210{Tired} I need to sit down, kid.A
211{recently used the Sight, too tired to try again / Tired} Tired. The Sight takes a toll on ya.A
212{recently used the Sight, too tired to try again / Tired} I'm all right, kid. Just need to take it easy before using the Sight.A
213{recently used the Sight, too tired to try again / Tired} Come back later. Need to rest before the Sight can help ya again.A
214{short gasp as you die} Agh.
215{asked the player for Jet, but haven't gotten it yet} You find me some Jet, then I can use the Sight to help you.
216{player agreed to build chair but hasn't yet} Looking forward to that chair. You're so kind. Helping me like this.