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Fallout Wiki

Look out! A malfunctioning Protectron has targeted you as a threat.— Pre-Battle introduction text

Malfunctioning Protectrons are an enemy in the Wastelad holotape minigame.


One of the most widespread pre-War robots, the Protectron is a staple of America before the bombs dropped. However, years without maintenance has made the previously reliable Protectron a malfunctioning mess.

It's a compact, bipedal work drone with a pair of manipulators and integrated lasers for self-defense. It has a thin alloyed shell meant to protect its internal components from the environment and damage that could be sustained in the course of its duties. The head assembly is typically shielded by a semi-transparent or opaque dome from reinforced glass.

They can typically be found traveling the wasteland, but are concentrated around pre-War industrial buildings and military installations.


Malfunctioning Protectrons appear only in Wastelad.
