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This is a transcript for dialogue with Madison Li in Fallout 4.


1BoS203_02_DoctorLiStage40{Irritated} Oh, it's you. You're not authorized to be here.Player Default: Actually, I was looking for you.A
2{Work is being interrupted. / Irritated} You again? What do you want now?BoS203DoctorLi: You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.A
3Player Default: Easy, I just want to talk.{Suspicious} About what?BoS203DoctorLi: You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.A1a
4Player Default: Fine, I'll come back later.{very sarcastic / Irritated} So you can interrupt me twice? No thanks.BoS203DoctorLi: You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.B1a
5Player Default: Is this how you treat everyone, or are you just putting on the charm for me?{Irritated} I wasn't aware that I had to answer to you at all.BoS203DoctorLi: You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.X1a
6Player Default: What are you working on?{sigh before line rhetorical and annoyed / Irritated} There's no getting rid of you, is there?BoS203DoctorLi: You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.Y1a
7Player Default: About what?{Confident} You're obviously here for a reason, and you've already spoiled my experiment, so you might as well spit it out.Player Default: I've been sent by the Brotherhood of Steel to find you.A1a
8Player Default: I've been sent by the Brotherhood of Steel to find you.{Amused} You don't beat around the bush. I'll give you that.BoS203DoctorLi: I knew it was just a matter of time before your people would track me down.A1a
9Player Default: I'm not here for any reason in particular.{Irritated} That's a load of crap and we both know it.B1a
10{Irritated} A Brotherhood of Steel airship arrives in the Commonwealth, you find a way to intercept our teleport signal and now you show up at my door.BoS203DoctorLi: I knew it was just a matter of time before your people would track me down.B1b
11Player Default: Let's just say that you've regained the attention of a certain group that I represent.{annoyed / Irritated} Stop beating around the bush... it's obvious that you're from the Brotherhood of Steel.BoS203DoctorLi: I knew it was just a matter of time before your people would track me down.X1a
12Player Default: You're the scientist. Why do you think I'm here?{Sort of sarcastic. / Thinking} Well, let's see.Y1a
13{sort of sarcastic / Sarcastic} A Brotherhood of Steel airship arrives in the Commonwealth, you find a way to intercept our teleport signal and now you show up at my door.BoS203DoctorLi: I knew it was just a matter of time before your people would track me down.Y1b
14Player Default: You don't beat around the bush. I'll give you that.{Somber} I knew it was just a matter of time before your people would track me down.A1a
15{Concerned} I've been looking over my shoulder for almost a decade, waiting for them to send someone like you to kill me.Player Default: I'm only here with good intentions... you have my word.A1b
16{Irritated} Where are you going? I thought you wanted to talk!A1a
17Player Default: Actually, I was looking for you.{Puzzled} Me? Why?Player Default: I've been sent by the Brotherhood of Steel to find you.A1a
18Player Default: I wasn't aware that I needed authorization.{Irritated} Father may have given you the keys to the castle, but this is still my laboratory.B1a
19{Irritated} If you plan to stay down here with us, you need to learn how things work.Player Default: Easy, I just want to talk.B1b
20Player Default: I'm new around here.{Irritated} You must think I'm some kind of idiot.X1a
21{Irritated} Father may have given you the keys to the castle, but I still decide who goes in and who goes out of my laboratory.X1b
22{Irritated} So why don't you just run along and let me get back to work.Player Default: Easy, I just want to talk.X1c
23Player Default: Authorized to be where? What is this place?{Irritated} You're standing in the Advanced Systems divison. And you... you're not a part of my staff.Y1a
24{Irritated} If you want a tour of the place, why don't you ask Father seeing that he's apparently given you the keys to the castle.Y1b
25{Question} Now can I get back to work?Player Default: Easy, I just want to talk.Y1c
26Player Default: I'm only here with good intentions... you have my word.{please remove the "hm" from the beginning... she does this on the next line, so it sounds odd / Suspicious} You're giving me your word, even though we just met. Fine.BoS203DoctorLi: Since Father trusts you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.A1a
27Player Default: If I wanted to kill you, we wouldn't be talking.{Confident} That's a fair point.BoS203DoctorLi: Since Father trusts you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.B1a
28Player Default: No, I just want to talk.{Irritated} Fine.BoS203DoctorLi: Since Father trusts you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.X1a
29Player Default: Why would we want you dead?{Confident} I did some pretty sensitive work for the Brotherhood of Steel.Y1a
30{Irritated} Even though Lyons let me go, there were a few others in the ranks that thought I knew too much.Y1b
31{Confident} That's why I came to the Institute. It was only place that I thought I'd be out of the Brotherhood's reach and still be able to do my research.BoS203DoctorLi: Since Father trusts you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.Y1c
32Player Default: You're giving me your word, even though we just met. Fine.{Confident} Since Father trusts you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.A1a
33{Confident} I might not agree with everything he says, but I know he'd never allow harm to come my way.A1b
34{Irritated} Say what you came here to say, and then leave me alone.Player Default: The Brotherhood needs your help, Doctor.A1c
35Player Default: The Brotherhood needs your help, Doctor.{Surprised} Needs my help? Why?A1a
36{Irritated} They seemed to have everything under control when I left.Player Default: The Brotherhood valued your presence and we'd like you to come back.A1b
37Player Default: You're wasting your time working for the Institute.{Amused} Wait a second...B1a
38{Amused} You're asking me to rejoin them, aren't you.B1b
39{Question} Why the hell would they want me back?Player Default: The Brotherhood valued your presence and we'd like you to come back.B1c
40Player Default: You should return to the Brotherhood.{Question} Even if wanted to return to them, why would they want me back?Player Default: The Brotherhood valued your presence and we'd like you to come back.X1a
41Player Default: Are you happy here?{Somber} You'd think being surrounded by cutting edge laboratory equipment and some of the greatest minds the world's ever known would be enough.Y1a
42{Suspicious} Only problem is the lack of transparency. I don't think we get the full story on everything that occurs down here.Y1b
43{Question} What does that have to do with why we're talking?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs your help, Doctor.Y1c
44Player Default: Are you happy here?{Amused} Are you kidding me?Y2a
45{Confident} I am surrounded by cutting edge laboratory equipment and some of the greatest minds the world's ever known.Y2b
46{Question} What does that have to do with why we're talking?Player Default: The Brotherhood needs your help, Doctor.Y2c
47Player Default: The Brotherhood valued your presence and we'd like you to come back.{Sarcastic} Well, how sweet of them.BoS203DoctorLi: Tell me something...A1a
48Player Default: You need to stop working for the enemy and come work with us.{Sarcastic} There's the old Brotherhood spirit!B1a
49{Sarcastic} I'd almost forgotten how much I missed the intimidation and the threats.BoS203DoctorLi: Tell me something...B1b
50Player Default: The Brotherhood is having problems and we need your help.{Confident} I don't see how that's my problem.BoS203DoctorLi: Tell me something...X1a
51Player Default: Did you abandon any projects you wanted to complete?{Suspicious} You should know better than to ask me that.Y1a
52{Confident} If they didn't tell you what I was working on, they didn't want you to know.Y1b
53{Irritated} I'm certainly not going to put my neck on the line and spread their dirty little secrets.BoS203DoctorLi: Tell me something...Y1c
54Player Default: Well, how sweet of them.{Confident} Tell me something...A1a
55{Question} Why would I possibly want to come crawling back to the Brotherhood?A1b
56{Question} What reason would I have to throw away everything I've accomplished here?Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.A1c
57Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.{Concerned} He trusts you because you're family. I'm not. I can't just take your word for it... I need more than that.Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.A1a
58Player Default: The Brotherhood has always been straight with you.{Thinking} I am getting a bit tired of all the secrets here.A2a
59{Suspicious} Sometimes I feel like Father isn't being straight with me... like there are things I'm not supposed to know about. I don't like that.A2b
60{Question} But still, how can I turn my back on all of this?Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.A2c
61Player Default: Your work could be instrumental in freeing the Commonwealth.{Disgust} *Sigh* You really know how to push my buttons, don't you.A3a
62{re-record / Irritated} You know, I never understood why the Institute was so damn selfish.BoS203DoctorLi: All those innocent people up there... dying. And here I am surrounded by technology that could make their lives better.A3b
63Player Default: I wish there was something I could say that would convince you.{Irritated} You're wasting your breath. I'm a scientist, not a soldier.A4a
64{Irritated} The Brotherhood desired my creations in order to destroy... to take control.A4b
65{Irritated} I'm not interested in returning to that way of life.Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.A4c
66Player Default: The Institute is decievingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you.{Irritated} So now you're just going to hurl baseless accusations to get what you want?B1a
67{Irritated} Come on, you can do better than that.Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.B1b
68Player Default: The Institute is decievingIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you.{Irritated} That's the smartest thing I've heard you say yet.BoS203DoctorLi: I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil.B2a
69Player Default: I was just told to get you to come back.{Irritated} The Brotherhood wants me back, and the best they can do is send a robot that does nothing but follow orders.X1a
70{Disgust} Sorry, but you're going to have to do a lot better than that.Player Default: Father trusts me, and so should you.X1b
71Player Default: I give up. What would it take to convince you?{re-record not necessary / Confident} All right, I'll play your game.BoS203DoctorLi: I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil.Y1a
72Player Default: Why did you leave the Brotherhood in the first place?{Irritated} I was tired of being stepped on and used by the Brotherhood.Y2a
73{Confident} First there was the water purification project, designed to freely benefit the entire Capital Wasteland.Y2b
74{Irritated} Even though the Brotherhood allowed it to be activated, they wanted to control it.Y2c
75{Disgust} Then there were other, more classified projects. Always using my work as weapons of war.Y2d
76{Disgust} I simply had enough.BoS203DoctorLi: I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil.Y2e
77Player Default: That's the smartest thing I've heard you say yet.{Confident} I had a colleague down here... a Doctor Virgil.A1a
78{Somber} Several months ago, there was an accident in his lab, and he was killed.A1b
79{Suspicious} I wanted to help with the investigation, but Father had the laboratory sealed saying that it was contaminated.A1c
80{Suspicious} The incident never sat right with me. The more I asked about it, the more I felt like Father was deflecting my questions.A1d
81{Confident} If you bring me solid information on what killed him, I'll take it as a favor from the Brotherhood, and consider your offer.A1e
82{Question} Do we have a deal?Player Default: Deal.A1f
83Player Default: Deal.{Confident} All right.A1a
84{Confident} Doctor Virgil's lab was in the Biosciences Division.A1b
85{Confident} I can give you a code that will get you into the section, but the lab itself has been sealed so you'll have to breach it on your own.A1c
86{Sarcastic} I'd tell you to be quiet about it, but you're Brotherhood and discretion isn't exactly your strong suit.A1d
87{Irritated} And finally... if you get caught, we never had this conversation.BoS203DoctorLi: Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.A1e
88Player Default: I already have something that might convince you.{Surprised} How did you...?A2a
89{Concerned} Never mind, just let me see what you've got.BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.A2b
90Player Default: No.{Irritated} Then we have nothing more to say to each other.B1a
91{Disgust} Now, if you'll please get out of my way, I have a lot of work to do.BoS203DoctorLi: Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.B1b
92Player Default: I know this may come as a shock, but Doctor Virgil is still alive. I met him myself.{sarcastically amused / Amused} Oh, please. Do you really think a cheap tactic like that is going to work on someone like me?X1a
93{Irritated} Stop trying to avoid the legwork by lying. Either you get me the evidence or we have nothing else to talk about.X1b
94{Question} Deal?Player Default: Deal.X1c
95Player Default: Are there any other options?{Confident} That's my offer. Take it or leave it.Player Default: Deal.Y1a
96Player Default: Deal.{realize player is right... almost a soliloquy / Somber} All those innocent people up there... dying. And here I am surrounded by technology that could make their lives better.A1a
97{realize player is right... almost a soliloquy / Somber} Yet we hide down here and insulate ourselves from everything and everyone.A1b
98{light sadness... shaking head to self / Somber} It's not right... it's not right.A1c
99{direct to player now / Confident} I'll make my way back to the Brotherhood, but I'm going to have to do it on my own. I can't take any chances being seen with you.A1d
100{Confident} Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Doctor Madison Li.BoS203DoctorLi: Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.A1e
101BoS203_03_DoctorLiStage50{Irritated} I thought I was clear. Bring me the evidence, and I'll consider returning to the Brotherhood.Player Default: Is there anything I can say to make you reconsider?A
102Player Default: Is there anything I can say to make you reconsider?{Question} I don't know. Is there?A1a
103Player Default: I'll get on it.{Confident} Good.B1a
104Player Default: I don't like running errands.{Irritated} And I don't like being asked to pull up stakes and invalidate the last decade of my life.X1a
105{Confident} I'd say it's more than a fair trade.X1b
106Player Default: What sort of evidence should I look for?{Sarcastic} If I knew that, I wouldn't need your help.Y1a
107{Confident} Look for Virgil's notes or his personal recordings. Anything that can shed some light on what happened.Y1b
108{Irritated} Now, get to it... before I change my mind about the whole thing.Y1c
109BoS203_04_DoctorLiStage60{upset/shocked / Angry} I can't believe what was on that holotape...BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.A
110{Irritated} Took you long enough to find that evidence. Let me see what you've got.Player Default: I'm afraid it's bad news.A
111BoS203DoctorLi: Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Doctor Madison Li.{Confident} I'll make my way back to the Brotherhood, but I'm going to have to do it on my own. I can't take any chances being seen with you.A1a
112{Confident} Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Doctor Madison Li.BoS203DoctorLi: Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.A1b
113Player Default: And for that, I thank you.{Somber} I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace.A1a
114{Somber} Father took me in and gave me access to cutting edge technology that I only dreamed existed.A1b
115{Confident} I became jaded. I thought that the Institute cared. That they wanted to better mankind. Maybe in their own twisted way, they still do.A1c
116{Confident} But now I realize if you can't trust the people you're working for, then it's all pointless.A1d
117{Concerned} If they lied about Doctor Virgil, who knows what else they've been lying about... or what their plans are for my work.BoS203DoctorLi: I'll make my way back to the Brotherhood, but I'm going to have to do it on my own. I can't take any chances being seen with you.A1e
118BoS203VirgilTape: I have a plan... and if it works, I'll be somewhere safe. Somewhere not even the Coursers can find me.{shock... realization (the spunky facade fades) / Surprised} They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.A1a
119{shock... realization (the spunky facade fades) / Somber} All those years of loyalty... for nothing.Player Default: No matter how badly it hurts, you needed to hear the truth.A1b
120Player Default: No matter how badly it hurts, you needed to hear the truth.{Friendly} And for that, I thank you.BoS203DoctorLi: I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace.A1a
121Player Default: Now you know that Father is a liar. He doesn't deserve to have you here.{Irritated} And I'll never forgive him for it.BoS203DoctorLi: I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace.B1a
122Player Default: At least the Brotherhood never lied to you.{Somber} I'm such a fool.BoS203DoctorLi: I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace.X1a
123Player Default: Is this enough to convince you?{Somber} More than enough.BoS203DoctorLi: I came to the Institute to get away from the Brotherhood... from the whole world. I just wanted to do my research in peace.Y1a
124Player Default: I'm afraid it's bad news.{Suspicious} Since when do you know what I consider "bad news."A1a
125{Suspicious} Just let me hear it.BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.A1b
126Player Default: This wasn't easy to find.{annoyed/sarcasm / Sarcastic} Is that supposed to make me feel bad?B1a
127{Irritated} Just give me what you found.BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.B1b
128Player Default: Here you go.{Surprised} A holotape? This better not be a waste of my time.BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.X1a
129Player Default: How do I know you'll honor our agreement?{Irritated} I never promised I'd return to the Brotherhood, I said I would consider it.Y1a
130{Confident} You're just going to have to trust me.Y1b
131{Confident} If the Brotherhood didn't, they wouldn't have risked sending you to find me in the first place.Y1c
132{Confident} Now hand it over.BoS203DoctorLi: They... lied to me. They lied to me, and I didn't even realize how far it went.Y1d
133BoS203_05_DoctorLiStage70{Confident} I'll be along soon. Just tell whoever sent you to prepare for my arrival.Player Default: I wish you'd come with me now.A
134Player Default: I wish you'd come with me now.{Concerned} That would be dangerous.A1a
135{Concerned} If we're seen together, it could jeopardize everything. Father would never willingly allow me to leave the Institute.A1b
136{Confident} I made it from the Capital Wasteland to the Commonwealth on my own, you know. I can take care of myself.A1c
137{Question} Now is there anything else? I need to prepare to leave.Player Default: I wish you'd come with me now.A1d
138Player Default: Good luck, Doctor.{Confident} To both of us.B1a
139Player Default: Do you have security codes to any of the other sections?{Confident} Here, this is everything I have. It's not much, but you can use them however you like.X1a
140{Question} Anything else?Player Default: I wish you'd come with me now.X1b
141Player Default: How are you going to get back to the surface?{SinisterSmile} Let's just say I still have a few people I can rely on in here. Including someone that knows how to operate the teleportation system.Y1a
142{Confident} Don't worry, I'll keep my word.Y1b
143{Question} Was there anything else? I need to get my things together.Player Default: I wish you'd come with me now.Y1c
144BoS203_07_DoctorLMQ207LinkScene{Irritated} Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.BoS203DoctorLi: I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.A1a
145Player Default: Thank you. I'm sure that will come in handy.{Irritated} Given that the Relay is the only way to access the Institute, "handy" is something of an understatement.BoS203DoctorLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.A1a
146Player Default: I don't want one of those things anywhere near me.{Candid / Stern} If you expect to be coming and going, you're going to need one. You may have noticed the Relay is our only access to the surface.BoS203DoctorLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.B1a
147Player Default: That seems kind of unnecessary.I assure you, it's necessary. The Relay is the only access to the surface that we possessBoS203DoctorLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.X1a
148Player Default: A courser chip? What's it do?The same thing it does for our Coursers. Creates a link to the Relay that allows them, and now you, to get in and out at will.BoS203DoctorLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.Y1a
149BoS203DoctorLi: If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.{Irritated} Speaking of... I trust our "discussion" will remain between the two of us. Now, I need to get back to work, and I'm sure you have other things to do.A1a
150BoS203DoctorLi: Now, for the sake of keeping up appearances... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.{Stern} I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.BoS203DoctorLi: You're to be given full access, with the ability to relay in and out of the Institute at will.A1a
151BoS203DoctorLi: I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.{Irritated} You're to be given full access, with the ability to relay in and out of the Institute at will.Player Default: Thank you. I'm sure that will come in handy.A1a
152Player Default: Given that the Relay is the only way to access the Institute, "handy" is something of an understatement.{Irritated} In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.BoS203DoctorLi: If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.A1a
153BoS203DoctorLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.{Stern} If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.BoS203DoctorLi: Speaking of... I trust our "discussion" will remain between the two of us. Now, I need to get back to work, and I'm sure you have other things to do.A1a
154-What's your problem? You going to say anything?
155Hello? Anyone in there?
156What's with the silent treatment?
157Well, have you decided to get the evidence from Virgil's lab, or is this another waste of my time?A


158BoS301_06_LiStage0070{Irritated} If you're here to talk me into working on Liberty Prime, you can forget it.Player Default: You promised you'd help us.A
159Player Default: You promised you'd help us.{Confident} You're right, I did.BoS301Li: But you neglected to mention that I'd be asked to work on Liberty Prime.A1a
160Player Default: We had a deal!{Confident} I said I'd return to the Brotherhood of Steel, and I have.BoS301Li: But you neglected to mention that I'd be asked to work on Liberty Prime.B1a
161Player Default: One of us is liar, and it isn't me.{Irritated} Don't try and pin that nonsense on me. I said I'd come back to the Brotherhood, and I have.BoS301Li: But you neglected to mention that I'd be asked to work on Liberty Prime.X1a
162Player Default: What changed your mind?{Confident} Nothing changed my mind.Y1a
163{Confident} I promised you I'd return to the Brotherhood, and I've kept my end of the bargain.Player Default: You promised you'd help us.Y1b
164Player Default: What changed your mind?{a bit apologetic / Apologetic} No, that won't be necessary.BoS301Li: Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.Y2a
165Player Default: What changed your mind?{Irritated} Of course not.BoS301Li: But you neglected to mention that I'd be asked to work on Liberty Prime.Y3a
166Player Default: You're right, I did.{Irritated} But you neglected to mention that I'd be asked to work on Liberty Prime.A1a
167{Irritated} I've been down this road with the Brotherhood before.A1b
168{Irritated} Why would I make the same mistake twice?Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.A1c
169Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.{Thinking} You know, if anyone else wearing a Brotherhood of Steel uniform said something like that, I'd laugh in their face.A1a
170{Confident} But coming from you, it sounds like you actually mean it.BoS301Li: Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.A1b
171Player Default: If you don't work on Prime, I'll have you shot.{Angry} You son of a bitch!B1a
172{Angry} And for a moment there, you almost had me thinking that you actually cared about the Commonwealth... and about me.B1b
173{Angry} Fine, you want your robot fixed, I'll fix it. Just stay the hell out of my way.BoS301Li: Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.B1c
174Player Default: If not for the Brotherhood, do it for Doctor Virgil.{Somber} What they did to Doctor Virgil was cruel... it was wrong. How could I be so blind?X1a
175{Irritated} You really know how to push my buttons, don't you.BoS301Li: Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.X1b
176Player Default: If not for the Brotherhood, do it for Doctor Virgil.{Somber} All those people dying in the Commonwealth while I was surrounded by food, medicine and comfort.X2a
177{Somber} How could I be so blind to the Institute's greed?X2b
178{Irritated} You really know how to push my buttons, don't you.BoS301Li: Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.X2c
179Player Default: Why won't you help us with Liberty Prime?{Irritated} We went over this already.Y1a
180{Irritated} I left the Brotherhood because they had me work on weapons of war.Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.Y1b
181Player Default: Why won't you help us with Liberty Prime?{Irritated} I originally left the Brotherhood because I was tired of being stepped on and used.Y2a
182{Irritated} First there was the water purification project, designed to freely benefit the entire Capital Wasteland.Y2b
183{Irritated} Even though the Brotherhood allowed it to be activated, they wanted to control it.Y2c
184{Irritated} But that wasn't enough. They forced me to help design Liberty Prime. Turned my work into a weapon of war.Y2d
185{Irritated} I had enough, so I left. It's as simple as that.Player Default: Because we care what happens to the Commonwealth.Y2e
186BoS301Li: But coming from you, it sounds like you actually mean it.{Confident} Tell Proctor Ingram to get her scribes ready.A1a
187{Confident} It's going to take a hell of a lot of work to get Liberty Prime back online, but we'll get it done.A1b
188BoS301_07_IngramStage0090BoS301Scara: Good luck.{Confident} Once you start building the actuators we need one for each limb, so you'll need to make a total of four.A1a
189{Confident} Good luck.A1b
190NPCFProctorIngram: Well, things are off to a good start... isn't that right, Doctor?{Concerned} I hope so.A1a
191{Irritated} Prime's suffered some significant damage to his memory core. I wish your people would have been a bit more careful, Proctor.A1b
192{Confident} The good news is that the damage isn't irreversible and I should be able to get the power flowing into his CPU core without overloading.A1c
193{Irritated} If your people stay out of my way, that is.Player Default: Sorry about that, Ingram.A1d
194BoS301Ingram: What we need you to do is to build the actuators for us.{Irritated} Now that you know what the actuators are, you need to know how to make them.BoS301Scara: Here's a list of materials you'll need and the plans to make the actuators.A1a
195BoS301Ingram: What we need you to do is to build the actuators for us.{Irritated} Even if you know what the actuators are, you still need to know how to make them.BoS301Scara: Here's a list of materials you'll need and the plans to make the actuators.A2a
196BoS301Ingram: Here, Doctor Li gave me a list of materials and the plans to build the actuators.{Confident} These are the plans and the materials list. Don't lose them.BoS301Ingram: Now before you get that look on your face, you'll be happy to know that we have plenty of the raw materials on that list right here at the airport.A1a
197BoS301Li: If your people stay out of my way, that is.{Irritated} Especially him. I don't want him anywhere near me while I work.Player Default: Sorry about that, Ingram.A1a
198BoS301Li: If your people stay out of my way, that is.{Irritated} Especially her. I don't want her anywhere near me while I work.Player Default: Sorry about that, Ingram.A2a
199BoS301_08_IngramStage0120NPCFProctorIngram: That's all four actuators... delivered and done. Nice work.{Confident} Right on schedule.A1a
200{Confident} I've completed the restoration of Prime's basic functions and he's ready to go.A1b
201{Confident} In fact, it's getting difficult to explain to the system why it can't move right now.BoS301Ingram: Well, as soon as my scribes get those actuators in place, we'll have his arms and legs installed in no time.A1c
202BoS301Ingram: But since we arrived, our scouting teams haven't located a single bomb.{Concerned} That's going to be a problem.A1a
203{Irritated} Without a fully loaded nuke pack, Prime won't have the firepower to take on the Institute.Player Default: She's right.A1b
204BoS301_11_IngramStage0195BoS301Scara: Proctor? All the readouts look green. I think it's time for you to activate the power transfer.{Confident} Proctor? All the readouts look green. I think it's time for you to perform the power shunt.BoS301Ingram: Actually, I think I'm going to let you press the button.A1a
205BoS301Ingram: After all, without your help, we'd still be staring a pile of disassembled parts.{Irritated} It would be better if a trained technician performed that task, but I suppose you deserve to be the one to do it.A1a
206BoS301Ingram: After all, without your help, we'd still be staring a pile of disassembled parts.{Angry} I could care less who throws the goddamn switch. Let's just get this done already.A2a
207NPCFProctorIngram: Looks like the Mark 28's are going to do the trick. That was a good find.{Confident} I'll work with your team to ensure that Prime's bombs remain stable after they're loaded into his pack.A1a
208{Confident} It won't be too much of a problem.BoS301Ingram: Well, Professor, I have to admit, we couldn't have done this without you.A1b
209BoS301Ingram: Well, Professor, I have to admit, we couldn't have done this without you.{Irritated} It's a little early to begin celebrating, Proctor Ingram.A1a
210{Confident} We haven't fully thrown the switch on Liberty Prime and I'm just hoping all the work I've done to keep his systems stable are going to hold.Player Default: I have full confidence in the abilities of everyone here.A1b
211BoS301_12_LibertyPrimeStage200BoS301LibertyPrime: Diagnostic command: accepted.{Confident} Give him a moment, he needs to adjust to his new configuration.BoS301LibertyPrime: Voice module... online. Audio functionality test... initialized.A1a
212-Get away from me. Some of us have work to do.
213Don't worry, I'll fix your damn robot. Now get the hell away from me.
214As soon as those bombs arrive, I'll help Proctor Ingram get them loaded onto Liberty Prime.
215Rearming Prime with nukes should get him back to full fighting potential.
216Ingram wants to see you right away. I think it's important.
217Any luck with those actuators yet? Liberty Prime isn't going far without his arms and legs.
218Go tell Ingram I'll be down soon. Just need to get my things together.


219-{Confident} That's all I can do, Paladin. The rest is up to you.
220{Confident} Remember to stay clear when Prime throws his bombs. Get caught in the blast and you could be vaporized.
221{second line is the sarcastic part / Sarcastic} Farewell, Paladin. Give Father my regards.
222{Confident} The power shunt is ready to go. Push that button, and Prime will be running off of his own reactor.
223{Irritated} You going to stand here all day, or are you going to plug in the Agitator?


224BoSPrydwen_01_MadisonLiPost{Irritated} Well, it appears you got what you wanted. The Institute's destroyed and everyone up here thinks you're a hero.Player Default: I never asked to be called a hero. I was just doing what I thought was right.A
225Player Default: I never asked to be called a hero. I was just doing what I thought was right.{Irritated} Well, maybe you should take a step back for a moment and analyze what you just did.BoSLi: The fact of the matter is that innocent people died because Elder Maxson had delusions of grandeur.A1a
226Player Default: I think I deserve a little praise. After all, I saved the Commonwealth.{Irritated} Maybe. That remains to be seen.B1a
227{Irritated} But even if you did, was it worth the cost?BoSLi: The fact of the matter is that innocent people died because Elder Maxson had delusions of grandeur.B1b
228Player Default: I was simply following orders, Doctor Li.{Sarcastic} Does it make you feel better when you say that?BoSLi: The fact of the matter is that innocent people died because Elder Maxson had delusions of grandeur.X1a
229Player Default: What's the matter?{Irritated} Please tell me you're kidding. You can't be that blind.BoSLi: The fact of the matter is that innocent people died because Elder Maxson had delusions of grandeur.Y1a
230Player Default: Well, maybe you should take a step back for a moment and analyze what you just did.{Angry} The fact of the matter is that innocent people died because Elder Maxson had delusions of grandeur.A1a
231{Angry} He kept preaching that the Institute was "playing God" for creating the synths.A1b
232{Angry} Well you know what, maybe he should take a look in the mirror, because he's the only one that I saw that's been playing God.Player Default: I suppose a few sacrifices had to be made in order to preserve the greater good.A1c
233Player Default: I suppose a few sacrifices had to be made in order to preserve the greater good.{Sarcastic} Just keep telling yourself that. I'll bet it helps you sleep at night.BoSLi: You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?A1a
234Player Default: I don't want a lecture in morality.{sarcasm about the rank Player earned by blowing up Institute / Sarcastic} Of course. I wouldn't want to ruin your celebration... Sentinel.BoSLi: You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?B1a
235Player Default: I don't want a lecture in morality.{sarcasm about the rank Player earned by blowing up Institute / Sarcastic} Of course. I wouldn't want to ruin your celebration... Paladin.BoSLi: You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?B2a
236Player Default: I'm sorry you feel that way, but what's done is done.{Irritated} That's the first honest thing I've heard you say in a long time.BoSLi: You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?X1a
237Player Default: Don't you think they needed to answer for their crimes?{Angry} Oh God. Now you're starting to sound like Maxson. He really got under your skin, didn't he?BoSLi: You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?Y1a
238Player Default: Just keep telling yourself that. I'll bet it helps you sleep at night.{Angry} You know I actually convinced myself that you were using Liberty Prime as leverage? That you were hoping for the Institute to surrender?A1a
239{Angry} This is the second time I've let the Brotherhood betray me and I don't intend for there to be a third.A1b
240{Angry} I've already told Proctor Ingram that I'm through working on Liberty Prime.A1c
241{Angry} I'm going to work on my own projects in peace. So from now on, I suggest we stay out of each other's way.BoSLi: "Ad victoriam," Sentinel.A1d
242BoSLi: I'm going to work on my own projects in peace. So from now on, I suggest we stay out of each other's way.{mocking the Brotherhood's motto, lots of sting / Irritated} Ad victoriam, Sentinel.A1a
243BoSLi: I'm going to work on my own projects in peace. So from now on, I suggest we stay out of each other's way.{mocking the Brotherhood's motto, lots of sting / Irritated} Ad victoriam, Paladin.A2a
244-{Irritated} Instead of celebrating, perhaps we should mourn for the innocents who died in the InstituteA
245{Irritated} The Institute is gone, there's nothing more to talk about.A
246{Irritated} Look, I'm really busy and not in the mood for talking.A
247{Irritated} I have some important work to do. If you'll excuse me.A
248{Irritated} We really should just stay out of each other's way.A


249BoSM04_Li_Postquest_VirgilCured{Irritated / Irritated} What is it now?Player Default: Our... friend found a cure for his condition. He's going to be all right.A
250{Impatient / Irritated} I'm busy. What do you need?Player Default: Our... friend found a cure for his condition. He's going to be all right.A
251{Impatient / Irritated} What do you need?Player Default: Our... friend found a cure for his condition. He's going to be all right.A
252Player Default: Who... Virgil.{Quietly, awed, impressed. A huge scientific breakthrough. / Happy} Incredible. What a breakthrough.A1a
253{Grateful / Grateful} Thank you for letting me know. This really means a lot to me.A1b
254{Irritated. Player walked away from her in the middle of a conversation. / Irritated} Well?A1a
255Player Default: Our... friend found a cure for his condition. He's going to be all right.{Confused, then pleasantly surprised. / Surprised} Who... Virgil.Li: Incredible. What a breakthrough.A1a
256Player Default: I was ordered to kill Virgil. But I was able to find a cure for him instead.{Confused, irritated. The player's not making sense. / Puzzled} What? What do you mean you "found a cure"? There's no cure for...B1a
257{Awed. It's a miracle this worked. / Surprised} His research. That was what he was working on. I knew it had to be something big, but I never imagined...Li: Incredible. What a breakthrough.B1b
258Player Default: I have something for you.{Confused, curious, dawning recognition as she reads the letter. Something amazing has happened. / Surprised} A letter? From... oh. Oh...Li: Incredible. What a breakthrough.X1a
259Player Default: I have something for you.{Confused, then pleasantly surprised. / Puzzled} A cure? Who... Virgil.Li: Incredible. What a breakthrough.X2a
260BoSM04_Li_Postquest_VirgilDeadPlayer Default: It's better this way. He wasn't himself.{Coming to terms with the loss of a friend. / Depressed} If I was trapped in a body like that, all alone, maybe death would be a blessing. I don't know. I really don't.A1a
261Player Default: It's Virgil. I'm sorry, he's dead.{Quietly, concerned. Not really surprised. / Concerned} What happened?Player Default: It's better this way. He wasn't himself.A1a
262Player Default: I killed Virgil. He was a threat to the Brotherhood. We had to deal with him.{Shocked, livid. This changes everything. Emphasis 'you'-- she feels the player betrayed her. / Disbelief} After all that talk about 'trust' and 'loyalty', you killed him?B1a
263{Livid, bitter. She resents the player and everything he stands for. / Angry} I thought... no. No. You're no better than the Institute. Damn you all.Player Default: It's better this way. He wasn't himself.B1b
264Player Default: Do you ever think about Virgil?{Surprised, curious at what the player's getting at. / Puzzled} All the time. He's the reason I'm here, remember?Y1a
265{Quietly, concerned / Puzzled} Why bring that up? Has something happened?Player Default: It's Virgil. I'm sorry, he's dead.Y1b
266Player Default: Do you ever think about Virgil?{Sad, angry at the Institute. / Depressed} Yes, I knew him. We were colleagues. Proctor Ingram told me what happened to him. To think Father covered it all up...Y2a
267{Quietly, concerned / Puzzled} Why bring that up? Has something happened?Player Default: It's Virgil. I'm sorry, he's dead.Y2b
268Player Default: I'm not sure.{Sad at the death of a friend / Sad} It could have been anything. What a shame.X1a
269Player Default: I'm not sure.{Angry, bitter, mocking. / Angry} Don't lie to me. I know how the Brotherhood operates. He was a loose end, and you just had to tie it up.X2a
270{Angry, bitter. / Angry} For all your talk, you're no different than the Institute. Damn you.X2b
271Player Default: Does it matter?{Intense. Thinks she's being manipulated. / Angry} Yes, it matters! I want to know the truth. What happened?Player Default: It's better this way. He wasn't himself.Y1a
272-{Irritated. / Irritated} Well?


273DialogueInstituteMadisonFirstGreetingScenePlayer Default: Thank you. I do appreciate that.{Irritated} Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.MadisonLi: I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.A1a
274Player Default: Thank you. I'm sure that will come in handy.{Irritated} Given that the Relay is the only way to access the Institute, "handy" is something of an understatement.MadisonLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.A1a
275Player Default: I don't want one of those things anywhere near me.{Candid / Stern} If you expect to be coming and going, you're going to need one. You may have noticed the Relay is our only access to the surface.MadisonLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.B1a
276Player Default: That seems kind of unnecessary.I assure you, it's necessary. The Relay is the only access to the surface that we possessMadisonLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.X1a
277Player Default: A courser chip? What's it do?The same thing it does for our Coursers. Creates a link to the Relay that allows them, and now you, to get in and out at will.MadisonLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.Y1a
278MadisonLi: If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.{Irritated} Now unless there's something else, I really do need to get back to work.Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.A1a
279MadisonLi: Ah, it's you. You're here, then.{annoyed, dismissive} Yes, yes... I know who you are. We all do. While I'm sure Father is very happy that you're here, I do hope it doesn't interrupt our work.Player Default: Don't worry. I promise I won't get in your way.A1a
280Player Default: Don't worry. I promise I won't get in your way.{Neutral} Thank you. I do appreciate that.MadisonLi: Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.A1a
281Player Default: Well, that's insulting.{Apologetic} I'm... I'm sorry. Not my intention. There's just quite a bit going on right now, and your arrival has the potential to throw things off schedule.MadisonLi: Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.B1a
282Player Default: I get the impression you don't want me here.{clipped, somewhat annoyed / Stern} What I want, in this case, is largely irrelevant. Father gave his orders.MadisonLi: Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.X1a
283Player Default: What is it you're working on?{Stern} Advanced Systems; special projects. You've seen the boy... err, synth, already? We've been hard at work on him for quite a while now.MadisonLi: Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.Y1a
284PlayerVoiceFemale01: Excuse me... doctor?{non-plussed} Ah, it's you. You're here, then.MadisonLi: Yes, yes... I know who you are. We all do. While I'm sure Father is very happy that you're here, I do hope it doesn't interrupt our work.A1a
285MadisonLi: Before I forget... Let me see that Pip-Boy of yours.{Stern} I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.MadisonLi: You're to be given full access, with the ability to relay in and out of the Institute at will.A1a
286MadisonLi: I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you. Father's orders.{Irritated} You're to be given full access, with the ability to relay in and out of the Institute at will.Player Default: Thank you. I'm sure that will come in handy.A1a
287Player Default: Given that the Relay is the only way to access the Institute, "handy" is something of an understatement.{Irritated} In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.MadisonLi: If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.A1a
288MadisonLi: In case the significance is lost on you, you'll be the only one here with that kind of access.{Stern} If nothing else, it should demonstrate the amount of trust Father has placed in you.MadisonLi: Now unless there's something else, I really do need to get back to work.A1a
289DialogueInstituteMadisonSubsequentScenePlayer Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.{bristling} Yes, well...A1a
290With the reactor running, we've moved back to our regular projects. Doctor Watson is, I believe, working on power consumption in our laser weapons.A1b
291{pointed} Doctor Ormand is... well, I'm not quite ready to divulge that yet. She has several, let's say, "ambitious" proposals.A1c
292Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.{bristling} Taking your new appointment in stride, I see.A2a
293Very well: we've shifted resources off of other projects, like the child synth, to focus on Phase Three.A2b
294{pointed} I'm hoping that the above-ground efforts are successful. I understand those depend heavily on you.A2c
295Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.{bristling} I'm sorry, I report to the Director, not you.A3a
296Player Default: I'm good for now, thanks.{Polite. Ending a conversation.} Alright.B1a
297Player Default: Tell me about the people in your division.{Exposition} I'm not sure what there is to say.X1a
298{Choosing words carefully} Doctor Watson is the Specialist Projects Lead Scientist. He's... how to put it... very organized and precise.X1b
299{Hint of pride (you trained this woman)} Doctor Orman is the youngest scientists in the Institute, and she's something of a prodigy when it comes to physics.X1c
300Player Default: Is everything okay, Doctor Li? You seem pretty tense.Yes, things are... it's fine.Y1a
301I'm sorry. I don't socialize much. I prefer to focus on my work.Y1b
302{Professional, even stern} I hope you appreciate the responsibility that will come with being the director of the Institute. Now, what do you need?Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.A1a
303At last, the refurbished reactor is operational. I'm sure that's not why you're here, though.Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.A2a
304Welcome, director. What can I do for you?Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.A3a
305Did you need something?Player Default: I'd like a Progress Report on your division, if you don't mind.A4a
306-{Surprised, then sympathetic} I didn't mean to offend you. I just thought you might find it comforting to know that you're not the only outsider here.
307Well, take your time and consider the choice. It's a significant one.
308If you can contribute to our work here, then you should consider staying. We could use your help.
309{Candid} But if not, then it's probably best that you leave. Otherwise, you risk becoming an unwanted distraction.
310{A bit defensive} Sorry, I shouldn't have phrased it that way.
311I'm simply saying that our work requires a careful coordination between Father and the divisions.
312If something were to upset that balance, it could jeopardize our progress.


313DialogueInstituteAdvSys1Scene{Holding a meeting, formal, stern} You all know that Doctor Thompson from Facilities has expressed concerns about our power consumption.Rosalind: Here we go again...A1a
314Evan: We're well within approved operating parameters. I checked.{Lecturing, stern.} I'm aware of that. Nevertheless, we're going to have to cut back.A1a
315{Stern, lecturing} I'll have a complete rationing plan ready soon, but in the meantime I need you to make cuts anywhere you can.Rosalind: This is going to set us back by days, maybe more.A1b
316Rosalind: This is going to set us back by days, maybe more.{Matronly... sympathetic but firm} I know it won't be easy, but we'll have to make do.A1a
317That's all for now.A1b
318DialogueInstituteAdvSys3SceneRosalind: Oh, hey, I finished my component stress simulations a little early. Let me know if you need a hand with anything.{Incredulous} Already? But you just started those two days ago.Rosalind: I've been cutting back on sleep so I can get more work done.A1a
319Rosalind: Oh, hey, I finished my component stress simulations a little early. Let me know if you need a hand with anything.{Pleasantly surprised} Damn, that was quick. I assumed it would take you at least two more days.Rosalind: I've been cutting back on sleep so I can get more work done.A2a
320Rosalind: I've been cutting back on sleep so I can get more work done.{Impressed, pleasantly surprised} Well, I'm certainly impressed. Keep up the good work!A1a
321Rosalind: I've been cutting back on sleep so I can get more work done.{Impressed} I have to admit, you've really raised the bar for this team.A2a
322DialogueInstituteAdvSys5Scene{Eager} When do you think we might be able to continue my lessons in quantum electrodynamics?A1a
323{Eager} I've been thinking about unified field theory and I had a few insights that I wanted to discuss.Madison: I'm eager to hear them. Let me check my schedule and I'll see what's available.A1b
324Rosalind: I've been thinking about unified field theory and I had a few insights that I wanted to discuss.{Pleased, proud of your pupil} I'm eager to hear them. Let me check my schedule and I'll see what's available.A1a
325{Pleased, proud of your pupil} I have to admit, you're the fastest learner I've ever known. At the rate you're going, it'll be you that's teaching all of us.Rosalind: Oh, I plan to do a lot more than that. I intend to be running the Institute before I'm forty.A1b
326Madison: I have to admit, you're the fastest learner I've ever known. At the rate you're going, it'll be you that's teaching all of us.{Cocky} Oh, I plan to do a lot more than that. I intend to be running the Institute before I'm forty.Madison: I'm sure you will. Maybe you can change the motto to "Womankind - redefined."A1a
327Rosalind: Oh, I plan to do a lot more than that. I intend to be running the Institute before I'm forty.{Amused, chuckle at the end.} I'm sure you will. Maybe you can change the motto to "Womankind - redefined."Rosalind: I like it!A1a
328Madison: I'm sure you will. Maybe you can change the motto to "Womankind - redefined."{Said with a chuckle, enjoying a joke} I like it!A1a


(Advanced system notes 1)
{furious} I think he's actually lost his mind. I can't believe he really expects me to do this...Player Default: I have always been on board with the Gen 3 program. It makes sense. But this... nothing good can come from this.A1a
330Player Default: I think he's actually lost his mind. I can't believe he really expects me to do this...I have always been on board with the Gen 3 program. It makes sense. But this... nothing good can come from this.Player Default: How am I supposed to explain to my staff that Shaun wants a child synth, for no immediately apparent valid line of research?A1a
331Player Default: I have always been on board with the Gen 3 program. It makes sense. But this... nothing good can come from this.{dumbfounded, emphasis on 'child'} How am I supposed to explain to my staff that Shaun wants a child synth, for no immediately apparent valid line of research?Player Default: And to base the physical features off records of his own childhood? It defies all logic.A1a
332Player Default: How am I supposed to explain to my staff that Shaun wants a child synth, for no immediately apparent valid line of research?{dumbfounded, furious} And to base the physical features off records of his own childhood? It defies all logic.Player Default: No, I can't do this. I won't.A1a
333Player Default: And to base the physical features off records of his own childhood? It defies all logic.{furious, to self} No, I can't do this. I won't.A1a
(Advanced system notes 2)
Player Default: The responses map almost identically to expectations... Some of the most life-like I've seen.{impressed} Of course... It's not really Shaun. None of his memories are in there. That, even now, would be a step too far.Player Default: It's starting to have an effect on the team, I think. I know I've been caught up in the moment once or twice...A1a
335{tired but fulfilled} This is day... eight of trial six. The last week has been very productive, but exhausting. I think we'll need a break after this.Player Default: Binet has done some really marvelous work with the personality mesh. It's... well, it's almost too good.A1a
336Player Default: This is day... eight of trial six. The last week has been very productive, but exhausting. I think we'll need a break after this.{impressed} Binet has done some really marvelous work with the personality mesh. It's... well, it's almost too good.Player Default: The responses map almost identically to expectations... Some of the most life-like I've seen.A1a
337Player Default: Binet has done some really marvelous work with the personality mesh. It's... well, it's almost too good.{impressed} The responses map almost identically to expectations... Some of the most life-like I've seen.Player Default: Of course... It's not really Shaun. None of his memories are in there. That, even now, would be a step too far.A1a
338Player Default: Of course... It's not really Shaun. None of his memories are in there. That, even now, would be a step too far.{thoughtful, concerned} It's starting to have an effect on the team, I think. I know I've been caught up in the moment once or twice...Player Default: Just a second or two... forgetting that he's not a real boy.A1a
339Player Default: It's starting to have an effect on the team, I think. I know I've been caught up in the moment once or twice...{thoughtful} Just a second or two... forgetting that he's not a real boy.Player Default: Still, I think we'll need to consider restricting him to the lab only for the moment. I'm well aware that others are... put off by his presence.A1a
340Player Default: Just a second or two... forgetting that he's not a real boy.{thoughtful} Still, I think we'll need to consider restricting him to the lab only for the moment. I'm well aware that others are... put off by his presence.Player Default: If I were slightly more arrogant, I might consider that a sign of success...A1a
341Player Default: Still, I think we'll need to consider restricting him to the lab only for the moment. I'm well aware that others are... put off by his presence.{thoughtful} If I were slightly more arrogant, I might consider that a sign of success...A1a


342Inst303DirectorateFatherSceneShaun: I'm... I'm sorry to say I am dying.{shocked, horrified} What?!Justin: You can't be serious!A1a
343Allie: Really?{quiet but defiant} Seems a poor choice.Justin: How can you possibly justify this? He isn't one of us... he isn't even a scientist!A1a
344Inst303DirectorateOpeningSceneShaun: It's clear that our safety needs to be the primary concern going forward. To that end, where are we on Phase Three?{hesitant, concerned} Ah, sir. Are you sure that this is the time to be discussing it?Madison: Given... well, considering all parties present?A1a
345Madison: Ah, sir. Are you sure that this is the time to be discussing it?{concerned} Given... well, considering all parties present?Evan: Excuse me, but sir... Are you sure this is, well, the proper time to be discussing that?A1a
346Inst303DirectoratePreSceneLoopDoctor Filmore, did you get the requests I sent over?Evan: Doctor Filmore, did you get the requests I sent over?A1a
347-Whatever it is, it'll have to wait.A


348-{Stern, uncompromising / Stern} To be frank, I don't agree with Father's decision, but I'll accept it.
349{Stern, uncompromising / Stern} Being the director of the Institute is a serious commitment. I hope you understand that.


350Inst305Stage90DirectorateDecisionSceneEvanWatson: The Railroad won't suddenly decide to stop bothering us, and we all know why the Brotherhood is even in the Commonwealth to begin with.That would be stupid. Sitting on our hands would only give them time to prepare.AllieFilmore: We've all agreed that action must be taken.Y1a
351Inst305Stage90DirectorateSceneClaytonHoldren: The Directorate has... agreed that steps must be taken to ensure our safety in the long run...Let's not beat around the bush. The Directorate has agreed that the Brotherhood of Steel needs to be eliminated.AllieFilmore: As the incoming Director, we felt it important to inform you of the decision and get your thoughts on it.A1a


352-{Matter-of-fact / Neutral} At last, we have power adequate to our needs.
353{Measured, sizing up the player / Neutral} You've done well so far, but the evaluation is far from over.


354Inst307BriefingScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: So, what exactly is going on?We're going to cover the basics of the operation as it stands now.MadisonLi: Dr. Orman has done most of the prep work, so I'll let her explain.A1a
355MadisonLi: We're going to cover the basics of the operation as it stands now.Dr. Orman has done most of the prep work, so I'll let her explain.Evan: Doctor Orman has done most of the hands-on work, so I'll let her explain the basics to you.A1a
356Inst307LiOrmanSceneDoctor Orman, over here please. It's time.Rosalind: What, now? I'm still working over the code that Robotics sent over. The algorithim is a mess; it's not even close to peak efficiency!A1a
357Rosalind: What, now? I'm still working over the code that Robotics sent over. The algorithim is a mess; it's not even close to peak efficiency!It would seem we've run out of time. Let's go.MadisonLi: We're going to cover the basics of the operation as it stands now.A1a
358Inst307LiStartScenePlayerVoiceFemale01: Doctor Li?What can I do for you?Player Default: Shaun says "it's time."A1a
359Player Default: Shaun says "it's time."Ah. That.MadisonLi: Well, let's get to it.A1a
360Player Default: It's nothing. Never mind.{slightly confused, dismissive} All right...MadisonLi: Well, let's get to it.B1a
361Player Default: The Brotherhood needs to be taken down, and it needs to be done now.All right, all right. Calm down.MadisonLi: Well, let's get to it.X1a
362Player Default: What have you got to help me with Liberty Prime?It's that time then, is it?MadisonLi: Well, let's get to it.Y1a
363Player Default: Ah. That.Well, let's get to it.MadisonLi: Doctor Orman, over here please. It's time.A1a
364Inst307LPBriefingSceneRosalind: Oh, and don't worry. We'll pull you out of there before everything explodes.If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. Otherwise they'll be waiting for you in the Relay room.Player Default: What have I got for backup?A1a
365Player Default: What have I got for backup?Once the generators are down, we'll be able to throw everything we've got at them. And I do mean everything.Player Default: What have I got for backup?A1a
366Player Default: No questions. Let's do this.Very well. Good luck to you.Evan: If you've got any questions, this is where you ought to ask. If not, they're probably ready for you upstairs in the Relay room.B1a
367Player Default: Have we got a Plan B?We don't need a Plan B. This will work. Anything else?Player Default: What have I got for backup?X1a
368Player Default: What happens to Liberty Prime after this?He'll be destroyed along with the rest of the Brotherhood.Player Default: What have I got for backup?Y1a
369Inst307LPHistoryLiSceneYes, well.MadisonLi: The Brotherhood discovered him. An old pre-war military project that never saw the light of day due to power problems that couldn't be solved.A1a
370MadisonLi: Yes, well.The Brotherhood discovered him. An old pre-war military project that never saw the light of day due to power problems that couldn't be solved.MadisonLi: With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.A1a
371MadisonLi: The Brotherhood discovered him. An old pre-war military project that never saw the light of day due to power problems that couldn't be solved.With my assistance, they were able to get his reactor running and use him against their enemies.Player Default: That's quite an achievement.A1a
372Player Default: That's quite an achievement.In objective terms, yes it was. But the things I went through, that projected included, ultimately caused me to seek out something better.A1a
373It's what led me to the Commonwealth, and to the Institute.MadisonLi: The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.A1b
374Player Default: So it's your fault the thing is here now.{angry, lashing out / Defiant} You have no idea what I went through. The awful choices I had to make... No idea.B1a
375{regaining composure / Disgust} That... That was ten years ago. One of many things that led me to abandon my old life and seek out the Institute.MadisonLi: The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.B1b
376Player Default: Well, great. Helping the Brotherhood has really worked out well for us.{lashing out; vicious / Disgust} Oh spare me. It was ten years ago... you were sleeping peacefully in your little tube while I went through a very special kind of hell.X1a
377{regaining composure / Defiant} You have no right to judge me.MadisonLi: The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.X1b
378Player Default: What did you do?{Apologetic} I designed and oversaw the building of the reactor that ultimately solved the power problems.MadisonLi: The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.Y1a
379Player Default: It's what led me to the Commonwealth, and to the Institute.The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.MadisonLi: I know exactly what it is capable of, and precisely how to exploit those capabilities.A1a
380MadisonLi: The point here is that in designing the power system for the robot, I had full knowledge of every onboard system.I know exactly what it is capable of, and precisely how to exploit those capabilities.A1a


381-{Formal and aloof, but sincere. You do feel sad. / Neutral} We've lost a great leader, but you've lost a son.You have my deepest sympathies.
382{Uncertain, even a bit stern, like it had better be a smooth one / Neutral} Let's hope the change in leadership is a smooth one.
383{Formal and aloof, but sincere. You do feel sad. / Neutral} We've lost a great leader, but you've lost a son.You have my deepest sympathies.
384{Formal and aloof, but sincere. You do feel sad. / Neutral} We've lost a great leader, but you've lost a son.You have my deepest sympathies.
385{Uncertain, even a bit stern, like it had better be a smooth one / Neutral} Let's hope the change in leadership is a smooth one.