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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mr. Navigator.


1IronsidesCheerSceneIronsides: Hip, hip...Hooray.Ironsides: Hip, hip...A1a
2Ironsides: Hip, hip...Hooray.Ironsides: Hip, hip...A1a
3Ironsides: Hip, hip...Hooray.A1a
4-Plotting new course.
5Still accessing extent of damages.
6Many meters off course along the Z-axis.


7MS11_0100_Meet_IronsidesRobotIronsides: I'll have none of your lip, Mr. Navigator. Have the crow's nest scan two points off the port bow. Jump to it.Aye, Captain.Ironsides: Our soldier has arrived. I trust the First Mate didn't give you too hard a time? Been too long since we've seen the Congressional Army.A1a
8MS11_0300_NavigatorFirstQuestAhoy, soldier.MrNavigator: Scavenger threat eliminated. Damage assessment will commence after this unit has completed scheduled duties.A
9Player Default: Stolen by human scavengers.Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.MrNavigator: "Lethal force is prohibited unless absolutely necessary."A1a
10RobotNavigator: Ahoy, soldier.Scavenger threat eliminated. Damage assessment will commence after this unit has completed scheduled duties.MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.A1a
11Player Default: You robots do a good job of defending your ship.Proclamation 1.MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.A1a
12Player Default: I didn't know helping you guys would turn me into a target.Warning redundant. Entire Commonwealth region is classified as "Extremely Dangerous."MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.B1a
13Player Default: Why did the scavengers attack?Scavengers have attacked ship 17 times. Destroyed 13% of ship's systems. Stole 5% of ship's store.Y1a
14Logic error. Captain's orders authorize scavenger termination only if necessary to preserve the ship.MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.Y1b
15Player Default: Why did the scavengers attack?This unit suggests Captain's core processes in need of extensive maintenance.MrNavigator: Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.Y2a
16MrNavigator: "Defend the Constitution by any means necessary."Guidance system offline. Multiple errors diagnosed. First error: Guidance Chip stolen. This unit requires its return.Player Default: I can help. Where is it?A1a
17Player Default: I can help. Where is it?Stolen by human scavengers.MrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.A1a
18Player Default: If I help you, I want something in return.Your request can be accommodated. Chip is possessed by human scavengers.MrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.B1a
19Player Default: I just need to know where the chip is.Chip is with the thieves: human scavengers.MrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.X1a
20Player Default: Who stole your guidance chip?Guidance Chip is one entry on the list of stolen items.MrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.Y1a
21Player Default: Who stole your guidance chip?Human scavengers assaulted this vessel. Destroyed naval property. Stole chip.MrNavigator: Reclaim chip at scavenger's forward recon station. Captain has approved a bounty for its return.Y2a
22MrNavigator: "Lethal force is prohibited unless absolutely necessary."Aft dinghy unlocked and available for your use. Sir.A1a
23MrNavigator: "Lethal force is prohibited unless absolutely necessary."Aft dinghy unlocked and available for your use. Madame.A2a
24MS11_0400_NavigatorSecondQuestAhoy, soldier.MrNavigator: Chip recovered. Dispensing bounty. Diagnostics report one error remaining. Guidance Radar's transmitter is non-functional. Requires replacement.A
25Player Default: Soldier's happiness is irrelevant.Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.MrNavigator: Further bounty will be dispensed upon completion. Sir.A1a
26RobotNavigator: Ahoy, soldier.Chip recovered. Dispensing bounty. Diagnostics report one error remaining. Guidance Radar's transmitter is non-functional. Requires replacement.Player Default: Happy to help you out again.A1a
27Player Default: Happy to help you out again.Soldier's happiness is irrelevant.MrNavigator: Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.A1a
28Player Default: And this is the part where I bail you out again.Soldier's statement is factually valid.MrNavigator: Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.B1a
29Player Default: What's wrong with the transmitter?Diagnostic inconclusive. No functioning Mr. Handy's available for detailed analysis.MrNavigator: Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.Y1a
30MrNavigator: Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.Further bounty will be dispensed upon completion. Sir.A1a
31MrNavigator: Acquire Poseidon Radar Transmitter at specified map coordinates.Further bounty will be dispensed upon completion. Madame.A2a
32MS11_0440_NavigatorEndQuestAhoy, soldier.MrNavigator: Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.A
33RobotNavigator: Ahoy, soldier.Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.MrNavigator: It is required you commence dialog with the Captain. Sir.A1a
34MrNavigator: Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.It is required you commence dialog with the Captain. Sir.A1a
35MrNavigator: Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.It is required you commence dialog with the Captain. Madame.A2a
36MrNavigator: Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.Bosun requires further assistance. Sir.A3a
37MrNavigator: Guidance system fully functioning. Bounty dispensed.Bosun requires further assistance. Madame.A4a
38-Scavenger threat detected. Conversation terminated.
39At current speed, we will arrive at destination in UNDEFINED hours.
40Current speed zero knots.
41Maintaining present course.