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This is a transcript for dialogue with first mate.


1MS11_0080_Constitution_Scene_3Unidentified intruder. Intruder.Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. First Mate. This is the Captain. This soldier is no intruder.A1a
2Ironsides_Intercom: Mr. First Mate. This is the Captain. This soldier is no intruder.Requesting permission to use lethal force.Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.A1a
3Player Default: Whoa, whoa. Easy there.Unable to comply.Ironsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.A1a
4Player Default: Try that and you'll be nothing but scrap metal, pal.Threats detected. Awaiting permission to terminate target.Ironsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.B1a
5Player Default: This must be a misunderstanding. You invited me aboard.No records found.Ironsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.X1a
6Player Default: What, you're going to kill me?Affirmative.Ironsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.Y1a
7Ironsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.Aye. Cap-tain. Standing down.A1a
8MS11_0080a_FirstMateWalkAwayIronsides_Intercom: Stand down. That's an order. And for God's sake use the accent.Aye. Cap-tain. Standing down.A1a
9-Clear deck of intruders. Error.
10Permission to destroy intruder denied.
11Standing down.