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This is a transcript for dialogue with raiders during Special Delivery.


Female raider[]

1MS09Mission01RaiderConv01PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!{Disgust} You promised you'd share... how do I get stuck with whiny little punks like you?PackageRaider01: Maybe Lefty won't like it much when I tell him how much you held back. What do you think of that, huh?A1a
2PackageRaider01: It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.{Disgust} Fuck off. This last one's mine.PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!A1a
3PackageRaider01: It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.{Angry} I'm not giving you any so get out of my face.PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!A2a
4PackageRaider01: It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.{Angry} I've only got one left, and it's for me.PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!A3a
5PackageRaider01: It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.{Irritated} I'm getting tired of your bullshit.PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!A4a
6PackageRaider01: It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.{Angry} You better drop it.PackageRaider01: Come on. You promised you'd share!A5a
7PackageRaider01: Maybe Lefty won't like it much when I tell him how much you held back. What do you think of that, huh?{SinisterSmile} What do you think of this?PackageBoss: Waste of ammo.A1a
8PackageBoss: What do you think of this?{Disgust} Waste of ammo.PackageRaider02: Ha ha ha ha. That must be some good stuff you got.A1a
9MS09Mission01ReinforcementsBossAliveSceneRaiderReinforcementLeader: Hey, don't shoot, assholes. It's me.{Irritated} What does Lefty want now?RaiderReinforcementLeader: He wants to make sure you're following orders.A1a
10RaiderReinforcementLeader: He wants to make sure you're following orders.{Irritated} What does he think, we can't manage to keep an eye on a bunch of rent-a-goons walking around in circles?RaiderReinforcementLeader: If you want to lead the gang, feel free to take it up with him.A1a
11RaiderReinforcementLeader: If you want to lead the gang, feel free to take it up with him.{Irritated} Hmm. Maybe I will if he doesn't get off his ass and give us some real action soon.PackageBoss: But hey, welcome to the party.A1a
12PackageBoss: Hmm. Maybe I will if he doesn't get off his ass and give us some real action soon.{Disgust} But hey, welcome to the party.A1a
13-You can't have it! It's mine!

Male raider 1[]

14MS09Mission01RaiderConv01PackageBoss: Waste of ammo.{unhinged glee at seeing someone else get gunned down / Amused} Ha ha ha ha. That must be some good stuff you got.PackageRaider02: Can I have his boots?A1a
15PackageRaider02: Ha ha ha ha. That must be some good stuff you got.{Happy} Can I have his boots?A1a
16MS09Mission01ReinforcementsBossAliveScene{calling to other raiders in the distance / Irritated} Hey, don't shoot, assholes. It's me.PackageBoss: What does Lefty want now?A1a
17PackageBoss: What does Lefty want now?{SinisterSmile} He wants to make sure you're following orders.PackageBoss: What does he think, we can't manage to keep an eye on a bunch of rent-a-goons walking around in circles?A1a
18PackageBoss: What does he think, we can't manage to keep an eye on a bunch of rent-a-goons walking around in circles?{Amused} If you want to lead the gang, feel free to take it up with him.PackageBoss: Hmm. Maybe I will if he doesn't get off his ass and give us some real action soon.A1a
19MS09Mission01ReinforcementsBossDeadScene{Worried} What the fuck?RaiderReinforcementLeader: Goddammit. Spread out and see what's been going on here.A1a
20RaiderReinforcementLeader: What the fuck?{Angry} Goddammit. Spread out and see what's been going on here.A1a

Male raider 2[]

21MS09Mission01RaiderConv01PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.{whining, pleading / Pleading} Come on. You promised you'd share!PackageBoss: "You promised you'd share"... how do I get stuck with whiny little punks like you?A1a
22{whining, pleading / Pleading} It's not fair. I helped whack the guy. I should get a share.PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.A1a
23{whining, pleading / Pleading} Come on. I just want a little taste.PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.A2a
24{whining, pleading / Pleading} You already took some. It's my turn.PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.A3a
25{whining, pleading / Pleading} You gotta give me that last hit.PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.A4a
26{whining, pleading / Pleading} It ain't fair that you and Lefty get all of it.PackageBoss: Fuck off. This last one's mine.A5a
27PackageBoss: "You promised you'd share"... how do I get stuck with whiny little punks like you?{Nervous} Maybe Lefty won't like it much when I tell him how much you held back. What do you think of that, huh?PackageBoss: What do you think of this?A1a