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This is a transcript for dialogue with AJ.


1MS04_0500_2_AJ{Annoyed, thinks the PC is a no one} Hey, look at the clown. This is my turf, clown. And I don't appreciate what-you-call-ems -- trespassers.Player Default: Peddling poison to kids, are we? Today you face the Silver Shroud.A
2{Annoyed, thinks the PC is a no one} Hey you. This is my turf. And I don't appreciate what-you-call-ems -- trespassers. Beat it.Player Default: Peddling poison to kids, are we? Today you face the Silver Shroud.A
3Player Default: Peddling poison to kids, are we? Today you face the Silver Shroud.{Taken aback / Puzzled} Uhh, who-you-say?AJ: Oh, for Christ's sake, did Kent put you up to this? He keeps moaning about the poor little kids.A1a
4Player Default: Peddling poison to kids, are we? Today you face the Silver Shroud.{Confused / Irritated} What's it to you?AJ: Oh, for Christ's sake, did Kent put you up to this? He keeps moaning about the poor little kids.A2a
5Player Default: Someone wants me to put you out of business. For the right price I could look the other way.{Confused / Puzzled} What?AJ: Oh, for Christ's sake, did Kent put you up to this? He keeps moaning about the poor little kids.B1a
6Player Default: I got to go.{Taunting} Yeah, you better go.AJ: Oh, for Christ's sake, did Kent put you up to this? He keeps moaning about the poor little kids.X1a
7Player Default: You AJ? The dealer who sells to children?{Pleased with himself / Happy} Yeah. That's me. I'm an... uhh... entrepreneur. I'm making a new market. Chems for Kids, I call it.Y1a
8{Pleased with himself / Happy} Cherry Flavored Jet. Bubble Gum Mentats. Them Diamond City kids just eat 'em up.Player Default: Peddling poison to kids, are we? Today you face the Silver Shroud.Y1b
9Player Default: Uhh, who-you-say?{Disgust, utterly without conscience / Angry} Oh, for Christ's sake, did Kent put you up to this? He keeps moaning about the poor little kids.A1a
10{Irritation, doesn't have time for this / Irritated} What the hell, right? Tell you what. I'll pay you 50 caps just to shut up about it. And maybe get Kent off my back, all right?Player Default: Hand over the caps.A1b
11Player Default: Hand over the caps.{Annoyed and disgusted with the PC / Stern} Here. And don't show your face around here again.A1a
12Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.{Angry, ordering his goons to attack / Angry} Screw you. Waste the freak.B1a
13Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.{Angry, ordering his goons to attack / Angry} To hell with you. Waste him.B2a
14Player Default: Stop selling to children, miscreant. Or face my wrath.{Angry, ordering his goons to attack / Angry} To hell with you. Waste her.B3a
15Player Default: For 50 caps? No way.{Annoyed, exasperated} All right, fine. Make it 75.Player Default: Hand over the caps.X1a
16Player Default: For 50 caps? No way.{Exasperated} 75 is a gift. Fine, I'll give you 90 if you just leave me in god damned peace.Player Default: Hand over the caps.X2a
17Player Default: For 50 caps? No way.{Really shaken by the player - scared, trying to talk his way out} Woah, woah. Easy there. I got friends. Powerful friends. But we can deal.X3a
18{Reigning in fear, really negotiating with the PC} Call it 200 caps and just walk away. We all come out ahead. Nobody goes to the bone house.Player Default: Hand over the caps.X3b
19Player Default: For 50 caps? No way.{Angry, giving order to his goons} You? Shaking me down? Waste him.X4a
20Player Default: For 50 caps? No way.{Angry, giving order to his goons} You? Shaking me down? Waste her.X5a
21Player Default: How about I just walk away?{Taunting} Yeah, you better go.Y1a
22-{Anger} You mess with me? You have no idea who I'm working for, scavver.
23{Anger, irritation} You just made your last mistake, pal.
24{Impatient} I'm a busy guy, so can we move this along, already?
25{Irritated and impatient} Hello? You ready to commence with the talking?
26{Annoyed} What? You here for more caps? Beat it.
27{Threatening} Tell your boy Kent I better not see him again.
28{Annoyed, close to violence} I'm getting tired of you being here. Scram.
29{Annoyed, almost violent} Don't you know when you ain't wanted.