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This is a transcript for dialogue with Nora the female Sole Survivor.


1REAssaultKMK_COMPrestonFriendSceneMaleEvenToned: You must be the one I've heard about. The new General people are talking about.{Friendly} That's right. We're rebuilding the Minutemen.PrestonFriend: That's what I heard. I wasn't sure what to make of it.A1a
2MaleEvenToned: You must be the one I've heard about. The new General people are talking about.What's it to you?PrestonFriend: Nothing. Just curious who would be crazy enough to try to bring the Minutemen back from the dead.B1a
3MaleEvenToned: You must be the one I've heard about. The new General people are talking about.Maybe. Depends on what you've heard.PrestonFriend: I heard you're trying to put the Minutemen back together. I can't see that working out, personally, but it's really none of my business.X1a
4MaleEvenToned: You must be the one I've heard about. The new General people are talking about.Who are you?PrestonFriend: I knew your friend Garvey, back in the old days in the Minutemen. He's a real good guy. But I guess you already know that.Y1a
5REAssaultKMK_COMPrestonPlayerScenePreston: What do you think, General? Ben here had a good reputation in the old Minutemen. We could use him back.We can always use a new recruit.A1a
6Preston: What do you think, General? Ben here had a good reputation in the old Minutemen. We could use him back.I don't think he's the kind of person we're looking for.Preston: I'd be willing to give him a second chance, but it's your call.B1a
7Preston: What do you think, General? Ben here had a good reputation in the old Minutemen. We could use him back.{Suspicious} It doesn't sound like he's even interested.X1a
8Preston: What do you think, General? Ben here had a good reputation in the old Minutemen. We could use him back.{Suspicious} I don't know, Preston. Do you really trust him?Preston: Yeah, I do. The problems before were with the leadership, not the rank and file.Y1a


9REAssaultSC01_Stage010_NessForcegreetNPCFNess: There you are. Beginning to think you wouldn't show.{Irritated / Irritated} Sorry to keep you waiting.Ness: Well, you're here. Let's get started.A1a
10NPCFNess: There you are. Beginning to think you wouldn't show.{Quietly. Annoyed / Irritated} I've been busy. Let's get on with it.Ness: *Hmph*B1a
11NPCFNess: There you are. Beginning to think you wouldn't show.{Quietly. Annoyed / Player} Well, I'm here now.Ness: Let's get started.X1a
12NPCFNess: There you are. Beginning to think you wouldn't show.{Quietly. Puzzled, concerned. / Suspicious} Who are these people?Ness: Mercs I hired, same as you. I'll take all the help I can get.Y1a
13REAssaultSC01_Stage110B_NessRewardNess: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Satisfied / Grateful} All right, thanks.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.A1a
14Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Apologetic / Apologetic} I... sorry.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.A2a
15Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Politely / Apologetic} Sorry, thanks again.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.A3a
16Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Annoyed / Irritated} Fine.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.B1a
17Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Angry} You're going to pay what you promised. Or else.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.B2a
18Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Irritated} *Hmph*Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.B3a
19Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Irritated} Whatever.Ness: Now get out. I've got work to do.X1a
20Ness: Oh, right, your pay. Here, just like we agreed.{Suspicious, increasingly angry. / Suspicious} Is that a secret compartment? All right, Ness. What's really going on here?Ness: Look, you got your pay. Now scram. This doesn't concern you.Y1a
21REAssaultSC01_Stage110D_NessExplain2Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Stern} Yeah, sure.Ness: Thanks. Now get out of here before the others start asking questions.A1a
22Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Amused} All right, deal.Ness: Thanks. Now get out of here before the others start asking questions.A2a
23Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Angry} And let you walk away with all of this? Not a chance.Ness: Glad I brought some insurance.B1a
24Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Coldly / Angry} I don't think so.Ness: Glad I brought some insurance.B2a
25Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Pressing for a reward. / Stern} I want my pay.Ness: All right, fine.X1a
26Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Pressing for a reward. / Stern} Throw in another hundred caps.Ness: All right, fine.X2a
27Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Pressing for a reward. / Stern} And all the loot I can carry.Ness: All right, fine.X3a
28Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Player} I'll think about it.Ness: All right, fine.X4a
29Ness: Can I count on you to keep this quiet? You got your cut, I got mine. We're even.{Curious / Question} What were they smuggling?Ness: Whatever they could turn a profit on. Mostly guns and chems, from what I've seen.Y1a


30RECampKMK_DN079ASceneMaleBoston: Hoo-boy. You may want to keep your distance.{Friendly} Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.Traveler: Oh, I'm not worried about that. It's just, well... I think I ate a bad can of meat.A1a
31MaleBoston: Hoo-boy. You may want to keep your distance.{Irritated} I'll go where I want.Traveler: Hey, feel free to sit down or whatever. But, uh, well... I think I ate a bad can of meat.B1a
32MaleBoston: Hoo-boy. You may want to keep your distance.I'm just passing through.Traveler: Speaking of passing through... I think I ate a bad can of meat.X1a
33MaleBoston: Hoo-boy. You may want to keep your distance.{Surprised} Why? Are you threatening me?Traveler: Nah, nothing like that. It's just... well, I think I ate a bad can of meat.Y1a


34RECampKMK03SceneTrader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.I don't need any chems right now, thanks.Trader: That's cool.B1a
35Trader: I figure you must want some chems real bad to barge in here in the middle of the night.{Question} You sell chems?Trader: Yeah, of course, whatever I've got's for sale.Y1a


36RECampLC01_CaptorsDeadMaleEvenToned: Jesus. They're dead...{You just executed two people. / Somber} I'm sorry. They didn't leave me any choice.Jules: It's alright. I-I just wish they could've seen reason.A1a
37MaleEvenToned: Jesus. They're dead...{You just rescued someone from execution. / Question} And you're okay?Jules: It's alright. I-I just wish they could've seen reason.A2a
38MaleEvenToned: Jesus. They're dead...{You're about to execute someone. / Confident} And now it's your turn.Jules: Wait, what?B1a
39MaleEvenToned: Jesus. They're dead...{You're extorting someone you just saved. Give it some sleaze. / Stern} Rescues don't come cheap. Pay up.Jules: Oh, I-uh. I guess that seems fair. Here. It's all I've got. Thanks again, I guess. I... I just need to get out of here.X1a
40MaleEvenToned: Jesus. They're dead...{Question} What happened here?Jules: It's like they said. I took up with them, trying to make my way to the Bunker Hill. They were the nicest folks I'd met outside the Institute, so...Y1a
41RECampLC01_MainSceneFred: Shut up!{Trying to talk down two folks intent on killing another man. / Pleading} Look, I'm sure we can work this out. No one has to die.Fred: Fat chance. This synth's been watching us for weeks. Knows everything about us.A1a
42Fred: Shut up!{Stern} You're not killing anyone.Fred: Says you.B1a
43Fred: Shut up!{Removing yourself from a dangerous situation. / Neutral} This is between you folks. I'm not getting involved.X1a
44Fred: Shut up!{Question} What's going on here?Fred: This thing's a synth. That's what. We've been traveling with it for weeks.Y1a
45Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!{Trying to talk someone down from killing someone else. / Neutral} You need to let him go. Think about it. If he meant to hurt you, wouldn't he have done it already?Fred: Maybe he's just bidding his time. I don't know and I don't care. But this thing is not walking away from here.A1a
46Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!{You're threatening to kill a pair of hostage takers if they don't release their hostage. / Stern} If you don't let him go, I'll kill you both myself.Fred: Jesus. You're serious...B1a
47Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!{You're threatening to kill a pair of hostage takers if they don't release their hostage. / Stern} You don't need to be afraid of the Institute. You let him go or I'll kill you both myself.Fred: Jesus. You're serious...B2a
48Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!{You're agreeing that a hostage should be executed. / Stern} You know what? You should kill him.X1a
49Jules: Please. You believe me, right? You can't let him do this!{Pleading to free a hostage. / Pleading} If he was with the Institute, don't you think killing him would just make them madder? Let him go. It's safer that way.Fred: I... Jesus. You're right.Y1a
50-{Somber. You just had to kill two people. / Somber} Hey.


51RECamp02_DrethGreetFemaleEvenToned: Well, now, who's this? You here to trade, boy?{Considering / Player} You a trader? Sure, let me see what you've got.Dreth: All right, let 'im through.A1a
52FemaleEvenToned: Well, now, who's this? You here to trade, boy?{Irritated / Irritated} No thanks.Dreth: Then scram. I got business to do.B1a
53FemaleEvenToned: Well, now, who's this? You here to trade, boy?{Evenly / Player} Depends on what you're selling.Dreth: Arms. Ammo. Guy like you's bound to find somethin'. Come on.X1a
54FemaleEvenToned: Well, now, who's this? You here to trade, boy?{Cautiously / Question} Who are you? What are you doing out here?Dreth: The name's Dreth. That's all you need to know.Y1a
55RECamp02_DrethSaleFemaleEvenToned: Name's Dreth. That's all you need to know. Now... you buyin'?{Curious / Question} Mind a few questions?Dreth: Talk is cheap. Everything else has its price. Now... you buyin' or not?Y1a


56REChokepointCT02_Guard01ConvoMaleEvenToned: No funny business.{Neutral} I won't be any trouble.Guard01: Better not be. Stash takes care of a lot of people, including me. We'd be on you like rads on ghouls.A1a
57MaleEvenToned: No funny business.{Irritated} Quit wasting my time.Guard01: I think you're the one wasting mine. Get out of here.B1a
58MaleEvenToned: No funny business.{Neutral} Relax. I'm not here to cause any problems.Guard01: Good to hear. Never know who you'll encounter out and about in the Commonwealth.X1a
59MaleEvenToned: No funny business.{Question} What are you guys doing out here?Guard01: Working. Gotta earn those caps, right? Jet don't pay for itself!Y1a
60REChokepointCT02_Guard02ConvoFemaleEvenToned: Hands where I can see 'em.{Neutral} Don't worry. I'm not going to try anything.Guard02: Sure, that's what they all say before pulling a gun.A1a
61FemaleEvenToned: Hands where I can see 'em.{Irritated} Whatever. I'll do what I want.Guard02: Won't be saying that once you're dead. I think someone needs to get moving.B1a
62FemaleEvenToned: Hands where I can see 'em.{Neutral} Quit being so paranoid.Guard02: Hey, this paranoia's what keeps us alive.X1a
63FemaleEvenToned: Hands where I can see 'em.{Question} What are you guys doing out here?Guard02: We work for Stash. Wherever she goes, we go.Y1a
64REChokepointCT02_Merchant01ConvoPlayer Default: Exactly what you need.{Neutral} All right. Let's have a look.Merchant01: Exactly what you need.A1a
65Player Default: Your loss.{Neutral} Sorry, not interested.Merchant01: Your loss.B1a
66Player Default: Depends on what you're selling.{Neutral} Two people. That's a pretty small crew...Merchant01: Yep. There's Simon, loyal employee and customer, and his sister, Lexa. She's more disgruntled. Wants her brother off the chems.X1a
67Player Default: I'm Stash, your friendly, traveling chems dealer! Don't mind the crew. They're just overprotective.{Question} Stash? How'd you get that name?Merchant01: Oh parents on chems, but hey, it suits me. So what'll it be? Take a look!Y1a
68FemaleEvenToned: You look like you could use a little pick-me-up. Am I right?{Neutral} Let's see what you got.Merchant01: Exactly what you need.A1a
69FemaleEvenToned: You look like you could use a little pick-me-up. Am I right?{Neutral} Sorry, not interested.Merchant01: Your loss.B1a
70FemaleEvenToned: You look like you could use a little pick-me-up. Am I right?{Neutral} Depends on what you're selling.Merchant01: Whatever you need to put that extra oomph in your day.X1a
71FemaleEvenToned: You look like you could use a little pick-me-up. Am I right?{Question} Who are you?Merchant01: I'm Stash, your friendly, traveling chems dealer! Don't mind the crew. They're just overprotective.Y1a


72REChokepointMS13MarowskiMessageMaleGhoulCombatant01: Marowski has a message for you.What does Mr. Marowski want with me?Thug01: "Mr. Marowski" wants to talk to you about some missing chems. Like, a lot of missing chems.A1a
73MaleGhoulCombatant01: Marowski has a message for you.I don't give a shit what Marowski wants.Thug01: Well that's one way to play it. He wants to talk to you about some missing chems. Like, a lot of missing chems.B1a
74MaleGhoulCombatant01: Marowski has a message for you.Let's hear it.Thug01: He wants to talk to you about some missing chems. Like, a lot of missing chems.X1a
75MaleGhoulCombatant01: Marowski has a message for you.Marowski? Who's that?Thug01: Jesus, you're really going to play dumb? Marowski, does a nice little chems business out of Goodneighbor.Y1a


76REChokepointRJ01_DemandTollGunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Irritated} Fine, here. Take your money.Gunner01: Thank you. Move along.A1a
77GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Trying to pull one over on someone... / Question} Uh, here you go.Gunner01: Thank you. Move along.A2a
78GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Angry} Yeah, that's not happening.Gunner01: Guess we're doing this the hard way, then...B1a
79GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Angry} I don't think so.Gunner01: Guess we're doing this the hard way, then...B2a
80GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Angry} Take your toll and shove it.Gunner01: Guess we're doing this the hard way, then...B3a
81GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Conspiratorial} How about knocking some caps off the price?Gunner01: Look it's not my place, but I can probably let you go for 1500.X1a
82GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Conspiratorial} Come on, you can do better than that.Gunner01: Look it's not my place, but I can probably let you go for 1500.X2a
83GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Conspiratorial} I feel like you're about to say a number I'm really going to like.Gunner01: Look it's not my place, but I can probably let you go for 1500.X3a
84GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Conspiratorial} You sure I can't get you to drop some more caps off the price?Gunner01: Look it's not my place, but I can probably let you go for 1500.X4a
85GunnersMale01: Hold it. We're under orders to charge anyone coming through this area a fee. Cost is 1000 caps.{Defiant} What if I don't pay?Gunner01: You want to pay. Trust me.Y1a


86REChokepoint01_DemandToll1RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Irritated, paying a bribe / Irritated} Here.Raider01: Yeah, yeah, get moving.A1a
87RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Coldly. / Angry} Out of my way.Raider01: It's your funeral.B1a
88RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Coldly. / Angry} I don't think so.Raider01: It's your funeral.B2a
89RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Coldly. / Angry} Not a chance.Raider01: It's your funeral.B3a
90RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Negotiating with a raider. Coldly. / Irritated} Come on. Do I look like I can afford that?Raider01: All right, all right. 250.X1a
91RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Negotiating with a raider. Coldly. / Irritated} Be reasonable.Raider01: All right, all right. 250.X2a
92RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Negotiating with a raider. Coldly. / Irritated} Last chance. Give me a fair deal, and no one gets hurt.Raider01: All right, all right. 250.X3a
93RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Negotiating with a raider. Coldly. / Irritated} Is that the best you can do?Raider01: All right, all right. 250.X4a
94RaiderFemale01: Hey, buddy! Toll here's 250 caps.{Irritated, cocky / Irritated} And if I don't?Raider01: Then you die. Any more questions?Y1a
95-{Cooly / Stern} And if I don't pay?
96{Cooly / Player} I don't want any trouble.


97REChokepoint02_MrGutsyForcegreetMrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Slightly confused. / Player} 'Will you comply?'MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?Y1a
98MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Parroting a robot. Mocking. [RE-RECORD] / Sarcastic} 'Will you comply?'MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?Y2a
99MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Parroting a robot. Robotic monotone. [RE-RECORD] / Sarcastic} 'Will you comply?'MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?Y3a
100MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Mocking a robot that keeps repeating itself. Really, over the top sarcastic-- monotone, robotic voice, robotic pauses. Go for it. :) / Sarcastic} 'Will you comply?'MrGutsy: Loop detected. Error. Err-Y4a
101MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Confidently, arguing with the robot. [RE-RECORD] / Confident} Let me through. I'm on important military business!MrGutsy: Analyzing vocal patterns. Confidence interval... 60%. Affirmative. You may pass.X1a
102MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Frustrated / Angry} No!MrGutsy: Target has refused to comply.B1a
103MrGutsy: Repeat, will you comply?{Pacifying him / Apologetic} All right, I'm going.MrGutsy: Cooperation acknowledged. Thank you.A1a
104MrGutsy: Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect. Return to your home immediately.{Irritated / Irritated} Get out of my way.B1a
105MrGutsy: Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect. Return to your home immediately.{Annoyed, arguing with a robot. / Irritated} This is pointless. The war is over.MrGutsy: Irrelevant.X1a
106MrGutsy: Civilian! A mandatory curfew is in effect. Return to your home immediately.{Confused / Puzzled} A... curfew?MrGutsy: By order of Provisional Governor Graham, a state of martial law has been declared.Y1a


107RESceneCT03SceneFemaleEvenToned: Please, do you have any RadAway? I think I may be dying.{Neutral} Sure. Here you go.ActorAlias: Oh thank you! You just saved my life.A1a
108FemaleEvenToned: Please, do you have any RadAway? I think I may be dying.{Neutral} I would if I had some.ActorAlias: Oh thank you! You just saved my life.A2a
109FemaleEvenToned: Please, do you have any RadAway? I think I may be dying.{Neutral} Sorry, no.ActorAlias: Didn't think so.B1a
110FemaleEvenToned: Please, do you have any RadAway? I think I may be dying.{Neutral} I've seen worse. You don't look like you're dying.ActorAlias: It's just a matter of time. If I can't treat it, it'll only get worse.X1a
111FemaleEvenToned: Please, do you have any RadAway? I think I may be dying.{Question} You think you're dying?ActorAlias: If I don't get help soon, I know I am.Y1a


112REObjectJSDN054PreQuestSceneAtom Cat: Nothing else to find here. This hunk o' junk is picked clean, Daddy-O.That's disappointing.Atom Cat: Ain't that a bite? We got lots more back at the garage if you want to trade, though.A1a
113Atom Cat: Nothing else to find here. This hunk o' junk is picked clean, Daddy-O.I wasn't looking.Atom Cat: Ah, just admiring my plates then? It's a custom job.B1a
114Atom Cat: Nothing else to find here. This hunk o' junk is picked clean, Daddy-O.Too bad.Atom Cat: Ain't that a bite? Well if its parts you're looking for, we got lots back at the garage.X1a
115Atom Cat: Nothing else to find here. This hunk o' junk is picked clean, Daddy-O.You building something?Atom Cat: My friends and I soup up old Power Armor. We have groovy metal suits like you have never seen.Y1a


116RESceneKMK06SceneFemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?{Friendly} Of course. Here you go.ActorAlias: Oh! Thank you... thank you!A1a
117FemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?{Friendly} Here. It's not purified, but it's something.ActorAlias: Oh! Thank you... thank you!A2a
118FemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?{Apologetic} Wish I could help, but I don't have any.ActorAlias: Oh! Thank you... thank you!A3a
119FemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?Nope, sorry.ActorAlias: I see...B1a
120FemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?{Thinking} I don't know...ActorAlias: It'll do. Thank you.X2a
121FemaleEvenToned: Please... I'm so thirsty. Could you spare any water?{Question} What kind of water did you need?ActorAlias: Purified would be wonderful, but anything you have would do.Y1a


122REObjectRJ03BarterMaleBoston: Looking to wet your whistle, huh?{Curious / Player} What do you have for sale?Mac: A wide and varied supply of spirits and sodas! And maybe a snack or two, if you're feeling peckish.Y1a
123REObjectRJ03Scene01MaleBoston: Ah, a new customer! Welcome to Mac's Bar! We are currently open for business. Please excuse the mess.{Friendly} Nice location.Mac: Thank you kindly! Picked the place myself. Plenty of room for expansion in an up and coming neighborhood at an unbeatable price.A1a
124MaleBoston: Ah, a new customer! Welcome to Mac's Bar! We are currently open for business. Please excuse the mess.{Sarcastic} You're kidding, right?Mac: 100% serious. She may not look like much, but when I've got the hottest spot in the Commonwealth, we'll see who's laughing at ole MacB1a
125MaleBoston: Ah, a new customer! Welcome to Mac's Bar! We are currently open for business. Please excuse the mess.{Disbelief} This must be the smallest bar I've ever seen.Mac: Actually, I used to have a smaller one up near Quincy until the Gunners run me off. It was about the size of a barstool.X1a
126MaleBoston: Ah, a new customer! Welcome to Mac's Bar! We are currently open for business. Please excuse the mess.{Question} Why start a bar out here?Mac: Ever since I was little I wanted to own a bar. A place where people could come and relax and tell me their troubles.Y1a


127REParentAssignToWorkshopSceneMaleOld: You showed up just in the nick of time.{Friendly} Glad to help.WorkshopAssignableNPC: You're one of the good guys.A1a
128MaleOld: You showed up just in the nick of time.{Irritated} You're lucky I was here to save your ass.WorkshopAssignableNPC: I know it.B1a
129MaleOld: You showed up just in the nick of time.{A little annoyed/scolding / Stern} You're lucky I got here when I did.WorkshopAssignableNPC: I know it.B2a
130MaleOld: You showed up just in the nick of time.I was just passing through.WorkshopAssignableNPC: It was my lucky day, then.X1a
131MaleOld: You showed up just in the nick of time.{Question} You looking for a new place to settle?WorkshopAssignableNPC: Could be. Why, do you know of somewhere good?Y1a
132WorkshopAssignableNPC: You wouldn't happen to know of any good places to settle around here, would you? I'm tired of always being on the run.{Friendly} I sure do.WorkshopAssignableNPC: Oh. Okay.A1a
133WorkshopAssignableNPC: You wouldn't happen to know of any good places to settle around here, would you? I'm tired of always being on the run.{Friendly} I wish I could help. I hope you find something.WorkshopAssignableNPC: Oh. Okay.A2a
134WorkshopAssignableNPC: You wouldn't happen to know of any good places to settle around here, would you? I'm tired of always being on the run.No, sorry.WorkshopAssignableNPC: Yeah, same story everywhere. Well, thanks for your help.B1a
135WorkshopAssignableNPC: You wouldn't happen to know of any good places to settle around here, would you? I'm tired of always being on the run.Nah, can't think of anything.WorkshopAssignableNPC: I was just asking. Thanks again for your help. See you around.X1a
136WorkshopAssignableNPC: You wouldn't happen to know of any good places to settle around here, would you? I'm tired of always being on the run.{Question} What are you looking for?WorkshopAssignableNPC: I just want to find someplace safe to live without these assholes trying to kill me all the time.Y1a


137RESceneKMK_MS09JackSceneNPCMJackCabot: Well, how about this! Fancy meeting you out here.{Friendly} I'm glad to see you're getting out and about.JackCabot: Hmm. Well, now that my time isn't entirely taken up with my father's condition, I thought I should get out and see the world a bit.A1a
138NPCMJackCabot: Well, how about this! Fancy meeting you out here.{Irritated} I thought I was through with your crazy bullshit.JackCabot: Likewise.B1a
139NPCMJackCabot: Well, how about this! Fancy meeting you out here.{Neutral} I've got to get going, Jack.JackCabot: Likewise.B2a
140NPCMJackCabot: Well, how about this! Fancy meeting you out here.Is there something you need?JackCabot: No. In fact, I'd just as soon we don't cross paths again.X1a
141NPCMJackCabot: Well, how about this! Fancy meeting you out here.{Puzzled} What are you doing out here?JackCabot: I don't see what that is to you.Y1a
142RESceneKMK_MS09JackSceneVendorJackCabot: I'm sure I can give you a better price than most any common trader.{Friendly} Sure, let me see if I have any.JackCabot: I appreciate you taking the time.A1a
143JackCabot: I'm sure I can give you a better price than most any common trader.I'm not interested in selling anything right now.JackCabot: Suit yourself. I just thought I'd ask.B1a
144JackCabot: I'm sure I can give you a better price than most any common trader.{Puzzled} Let me see if I have anything like that on me.JackCabot: Thank you for checking.X1a
145JackCabot: I'm sure I can give you a better price than most any common trader.{Puzzled} What do you need it for?JackCabot: Oh, well, I'm not quite ready to discuss it publicly. It's early days yet. Might not work out. I'm sure you understand.Y1a


146RESceneKMK_MS09LorenzoSceneNPCMLorenzoCabot: Well, well. Fate brings us together again. I'm so enjoying the chance to finally experience this new world of ours.{Friendly} Nice to see you getting out and about.Lorenzo: Oh, yes. I have so much catching up to do after 400 years of being alone with my thoughts.A1a
147NPCMLorenzoCabot: Well, well. Fate brings us together again. I'm so enjoying the chance to finally experience this new world of ours.{Angry} You murdered those people, didn't you?Lorenzo: Murder? You still cling to such outdated notions.B1a
148NPCMLorenzoCabot: Well, well. Fate brings us together again. I'm so enjoying the chance to finally experience this new world of ours.{Sarcastic} Yeah, just my lucky day to run into you again.Lorenzo: I was just heading back to Cabot House after a little research expedition.X1a
149NPCMLorenzoCabot: Well, well. Fate brings us together again. I'm so enjoying the chance to finally experience this new world of ours.{Question} Did you kill those people?Lorenzo: Oh, you mean the ones with the radiation syndrome? Yes, I did.Y1a
150Lorenzo: I find it a simply fascinating subject, especially the parallels with my own condition.{Friendly} I'm glad you found something to keep you busy.Lorenzo: This is just one of my many lines of research I've begun. It truly is a whole new world to discover.A1a
151Lorenzo: I find it a simply fascinating subject, especially the parallels with my own condition.{Disgust} You're just as crazy as Jack said.Lorenzo: I'll take that as a compliment.B1a
152Lorenzo: I find it a simply fascinating subject, especially the parallels with my own condition.I've got to get going.Lorenzo: Indeed. I'm sure you have very important places to be.X1a
153Lorenzo: I find it a simply fascinating subject, especially the parallels with my own condition.{Question} Have you actually learned anything about what causes people to become ghouls?Lorenzo: No, not yet. I'm just at the beginning of my research. I'll need to collect much more data before I can start drawing any conclusions.Y1a


154REScene03SceneCrFeralDogVoice: (Growl){Friendly} Easy there, girl. I can fix you up.Dog: (Whine)A1a
155CrFeralDogVoice: (Growl){Disgust} Good riddance, you mangy thing.Dog: (Growl)B1a
156CrFeralDogVoice: (Growl)You look hurt.Dog: (Whine)X1a
157CrFeralDogVoice: (Growl){Question} What's wrong? You hurt?Dog: (Whine)Y1a
158Player Default: (Whine)Here, this will make you feel better.Dog: (Bark!)A1a
159Player Default: (Growl){Disgust} Never mind. You don't deserve to live.Dog: (Growl)B1a
160Player Default: (Whine)There you go. Feel better now?Dog: (Bark!)Y1a
161Player Default: (Whine)None of my business.Dog: (Whine)X1a
162Player Default: (Bark!)You need a name. I'll call you Sparky.A1a
163Player Default: (Growl)You're just as ugly as ever, Buttface.B1a
164Player Default: (Bark!)What's your name, girl?Y1a
165Player Default: (Whine)Get along then, mutt.X1a


166RESceneKMK08ConfirmScene{Friendly} You know I'll take care of her.DogVendor: Yeah, okay, you look like you won't eat her or anything.... So you really want to buy her?A1a
167{Friendly} I'll take good care of her, don't worry.DogVendor: Yeah, okay, you look like you won't eat her or anything.... So you really want to buy her?A2a
168{Irritated} Never mind.DogVendor: Oh, okay. See you later.B1a
169{Puzzled} It's up to you. You were the one who offered to sell me the dog, remember.DogVendor: Yeah, I know, I just... when it comes down to it, I always have trouble actually selling them, you know?X1a
170{Question} Is your dog for sale or not?DogVendor: Well, yes, but... I just have trouble actually selling my dogs when it gets right down to it. I get kind of attached, you know?Y1a
171Player Default: Yeah, okay, you look like you won't eat her or anything.... So you really want to buy her?{Friendly} Yes, I really want to buy your dog.DogVendor: Oh, well. Maybe next time, huh?A1a
172Player Default: Yeah, okay, you look like you won't eat her or anything.... So you really want to buy her?{Apologetic} Well, I would if I had the money.DogVendor: Oh, well. Maybe next time, huh?A2a
173Player Default: Oh, okay. See you later.{Irritated} Not any more.DogVendor: Oh, okay. That's fine. I'll see you around, then.B1a
174Player Default: It's up to you. You were the one who offered to sell me the dog, remember.{Sarcastic} Is there any paperwork you need me to fill out first? A list of references?DogVendor: I'm not really sure what you're talking about, but I think you're making fun of me. Which is fine. I get that all the time.X1a
175Player Default: Is your dog for sale or not?{Puzzled} How many different ways do you need me to say yes?DogVendor: Yeah, I know, I don't actually end up selling a lot of dogs.Y1a
176RESceneKMK08SceneDogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Friendly} I'll buy another dog.DogVendor: Oh, yeah? You sure? I mean, she's a great dog, don't get me wrong.A1a
177DogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Friendly} You've got a deal.DogVendor: Oh, yeah? You sure? I mean, she's a great dog, don't get me wrong.A2a
178DogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Neutral} I don't need another dog.DogVendor: Oh, good. I didn't really want to sell her anyway.B1a
179DogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Neutral} I don't need a dog.DogVendor: Oh, good. I didn't really want to sell her anyway.B2a
180DogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Neutral} I'll have to think about it.DogVendor: Oh, that's fine. I sell dogs for a living, but I always hate to actually have to sell them. I will though, if you change your mind.X1a
181DogVendor: Nice dog! But he looks lonely. Don't you think he could use a playmate?{Question} Why are you selling her?DogVendor: Oh, I don't want to. But, I love dogs, and I gotta make a living somehow, so I raise 'em and sell 'em.Y1a


182RESceneLC01_SceneAccused: Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.{Trying to talk down someone holding a gun to someone else's head. / Pleading} Look. All I need is for you to put down the gun. Then we can talk this through.A1a
183Accused: Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.{Threateningly. / Stern} You won't be doing anything if I take you down you first.B1a
184Accused: Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.{Nonchalant. / Neutral} You know what? Just kill him.X1a
185Accused: Don't listen to it. It'll say anything to convince you.{Talking to someone holding a gun to someone else's head. / Pleading} Why don't you just tell me how this happened?Accusor: How this... fine. I was on my way to Bunker Hill. I round a bend and I see this guy. Me. Gun drawn. Ready to fire. After that, it's, it's a blur.Y1a
186Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.{You're trying to convince someone holding a gun to not kill a hostage. / Pleading} Let's all just calm down. No one has to die.A1a
187Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.{Goading someone to commit violence. / Stern} Just kill this thing and be done with it.B1a
188Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.{Attacking the man holding a gun to the head of a hostage. / Stern} You're not the one that's going to die here.X1a
189Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.{Removing yourself from a situation where one character is holding a gun to the head of another. / Neutral} This is none of my business.X2a
190Accused: Please, please you've got to believe me. You can't let that thing do this.{You're trying to convince someone accused of being a Synth that you're on their side. / Conspiratorial} Hey, I'm on your side. I just need you to tell me the truth. Then maybe I can help.Y1a
191-{Neutral} Hey. I'm on your side. I just need you to tell me the truth.


192-You out here all by yourself?Merchant: Hardly. Gus looks out for me, so don't get any ideas. Now are you buyin' or not?


193RETravelCT06_StashScenePlayer Default: Exactly what you need.{Neutral} On second thought, let's see what you got.Merchant01: Exactly what you need.A1a
194Player Default: Until next time.{Neutral} I gotta go.Merchant01: See you around. Don't get yourself killed.B1a
195Player Default: So customers are easy to come by...{Neutral} Lexa's right. You should get Simon to quit.Merchant01: In the end, I know you're right. You know, that whole mixing business with pleasure thing. I just gotta figure out how to go about it.X1a
196Player Default: She just wants her brother off drugs, but what can I say? Jet keeps him sharp. He does a good job, so I can't complain.{Neutral} Seems Simon is doing okay. Maybe you should just... leave him be?Merchant01: My thoughts exactly. Just gotta keep Lexa off my back. She thinks he'll get us killed someday.Y1a
197Player Default: Exactly what you need.{Neutral} On second thought, let's see what you got.Merchant01: Exactly what you need.A1a
198Player Default: Your loss.{Neutral} I gotta go.Merchant01: Until next time.B1a
199Player Default: What I wouldn't give for steady customers. Simon's about all I got, and he works for me. But now Lexa wants me to cut him off.{Neutral} So customers are easy to come by...Merchant01: Sure. Steady ones? That's the challenge. The Commonwealth has its dangers, and a typical lifespan ain't what it used to be.X1a
200Player Default: Just a matter of time till someone tries to take what's yours. Lexa warns me that "someone" could be Simon one day.{Question} What's Lexa's deal with Simon?Merchant01: She just wants her brother off drugs, but what can I say? Jet keeps him sharp. He does a good job, so I can't complain.Y1a
201FemaleEvenToned: Interest you in a little something to liven up your day?{Neutral} Let's see what you got.Merchant01: Exactly what you need.A1a
202FemaleEvenToned: Interest you in a little something to liven up your day?{Neutral} Sorry, not interested.Merchant01: Your loss.B1a
203FemaleEvenToned: Interest you in a little something to liven up your day?{Sarcastic} I bet they're just lining up to sample your goods.Merchant01: What I wouldn't give for steady customers. Simon's about all I got, and he works for me. But now Lexa wants me to cut him off.X1a
204FemaleEvenToned: Interest you in a little something to liven up your day?{Question} Where are you heading?Merchant01: Everywhere and nowhere. Staying in one place will get you killed these days. Especially if you're a chems dealer.Y1a


205RETravelJS02DialogueEscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?I do. It's over this way.EscapedSynth: Your assistance is appreciated.A1a
206EscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?Sorry, I don't.EscapedSynth: Your assistance is appreciated.A2a
207EscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?I don't.EscapedSynth: Oh, well thank you for taking the time.B1a
208EscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?Pay up, and I'll tell you.EscapedSynth: I do not have much, but for your service I will give you what I can.X1a
209EscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?I don't, but give me your caps, anyway.EscapedSynth: I do not have much, but for your service I will give you what I can.X2a
210EscapedSynth: Would you happen to know the way to Bunker Hill?Why do you need to go there?EscapedSynth: I cannot divulge my reasons, but I need to get there urgently.Y1a


211RETravelKMK_BoSM02SceneNPCMBoSInitiateClarke: You... you just killed them. That's all the Brotherhood ever does. Kill everything.{Angry / Angry} They're monsters, Clarke! Ferals! We have to put them down.Clarke: 'Put them down'? They're people! You slaughtered them like animals!A1a
212NPCMBoSInitiateClarke: You... you just killed them. That's all the Brotherhood ever does. Kill everything.{Appealing to him / Pleading} You know that's not true, Clarke. You had friends in the Brotherhood.Clarke: ...I miss them, you know? Lucia. Gavil. Even Elder Maxson.B1a
213NPCMBoSInitiateClarke: You... you just killed them. That's all the Brotherhood ever does. Kill everything.{Angry, frustrated / Angry} They were trying to kill you!Clarke: Then you should have let me die!X1a
214NPCMBoSInitiateClarke: You... you just killed them. That's all the Brotherhood ever does. Kill everything.{Worried, concerned / Concerned} Are you all right?Clarke: No, I'm not all right! I was trying to help them, and you... you just slaughtered them.Y1a


215RETravelKMK_MS16SceneRecruiter: If you're interested in making some easy scratch, my boss is putting together a crew for a new job.{Friendly} Sounds good. Where do I sign up?Recruiter: You gotta talk to Bobbi No-Nose, in Goodneighbor, you know? She'll decide if you fit the bill.A1a
216Recruiter: If you're interested in making some easy scratch, my boss is putting together a crew for a new job.I'm not interested.Recruiter: Your loss. If you change your mind, talk to Bobbi No-Nose in Goodneighbor.B1a
217Recruiter: If you're interested in making some easy scratch, my boss is putting together a crew for a new job.{Sarcastic} Random stranger approaches me in the middle of nowhere, offers me a job. What could possibly go wrong?Recruiter: You telling me you don't trust this face?X1a
218Recruiter: If you're interested in making some easy scratch, my boss is putting together a crew for a new job.{Question} What's the job?Recruiter: You gotta to get the details from Bobbi. You know, Bobbi No-Nose, in Goodneighbor. I don't know nothing else about it.Y1a


219RETravelKMK_MS16MelSceneHancockAliveNPCMMel: Hey, I didn't expect to see you again.{Apologetic} Listen, about Bobbi...Mel: I'd rather not talk about her, ok?A1a
220NPCMMel: Hey, I didn't expect to see you again.{You don't want to see this person / Irritated} I didn't intend on it.Mel: Ouch.B1a
221NPCMMel: Hey, I didn't expect to see you again.{Friendly} You look well.Mel: Well? No. No, I don't look well.X1a
222NPCMMel: Hey, I didn't expect to see you again.{Question} How've you been?Mel: Not good, old friend. Not good.Y1a
223Mel: If I stay around here, Hancock is gonna kill me. That is all there is to it.{Apologetic} I'm sorry about all this.Mel: It's my fault for joining up.A1a
224Mel: If I stay around here, Hancock is gonna kill me. That is all there is to it.{Disgust} So you are going to run away.Mel: No, you are not going to make me feel bad about this.B1a
225Mel: If I stay around here, Hancock is gonna kill me. That is all there is to it.{Confident} Hancock isn't going to kill you.Mel: You don't know Hancock, friend.X1a
226Mel: If I stay around here, Hancock is gonna kill me. That is all there is to it.{Question} Where are you headed?Mel: Not that I don't trust you, but I'm not gonna tell you that.Y1a


227RETravel04SceneMisterGutsy: Please provide proof of your identity. Be advised that I am authorized to use deadly force if you fail to comply.{Confident} The Great War's been over for 200 years.MisterGutsy: That is exactly what Chinese spies always say. Deadly force commencing!A1a
228MisterGutsy: Please provide proof of your identity. Be advised that I am authorized to use deadly force if you fail to comply.{Disgust} Go fuck yourself, you crazy robot.MisterGutsy: Analyzing... American colloquialism confirmed. Probability of use by Chinese infiltrator... zero-point-three percent.B1a
229MisterGutsy: Please provide proof of your identity. Be advised that I am authorized to use deadly force if you fail to comply.{Irritated} I'm clearly not an infiltrator.MisterGutsy: Seventy-three percent of confirmed Chinese infiltrators denied being infiltrators prior to being apprehended with deadly force.X1a
230MisterGutsy: Please provide proof of your identity. Be advised that I am authorized to use deadly force if you fail to comply.{Disbelief} Don't you realize that the Great War is over?MisterGutsy: Suspect refuses to confirm identity. Commencing apprehension with deadly force.Y1a


231RETravelKMK08SceneFemaleRough: Looking to trade?What's the news?Trader: Ever seen that old sailing ship up on top of the building in Charleston?Y2a
232FemaleRough: Looking to trade?You hear anything interesting lately?Trader: Ever seen that old sailing ship up on top of the building in Charleston?Y3a
233FemaleRough: Looking to trade?You must know everything that's going on around the Commonwealth.Trader: Ever seen that old sailing ship up on top of the building in Charleston?Y4a
234FemaleRough: Looking to trade?{Puzzled} Anything else?Trader: Ever seen that old sailing ship up on top of the building in Charleston?Y5a


235RETravelSC01_Stage10_SkylanesIntroNPCFNess: Hey, buddy! You looking to earn some caps?{Eager / Friendly} Sure.Ness: Then I've got the job for you.A1a
236NPCFNess: Hey, buddy! You looking to earn some caps?{Dismissive / Stern} Not interested.Ness: Your loss.B1a
237NPCFNess: Hey, buddy! You looking to earn some caps?{Guarded / Player} Depends on the job.Ness: Hear me out.X1a
238NPCFNess: Hey, buddy! You looking to earn some caps?{Curious / Friendly} What's the job?Y1a
239RETravelSC01_Stage20_SkylanesIntroRestartNPCFNess: Change your mind?{Apologetic} Yeah, I'll hear you out.Ness: You won't regret it.A1a
240NPCFNess: Change your mind?{Firmly, irritated / Irritated} No.Ness: *Hmph*B1a
241NPCFNess: Change your mind?{Irritated} I'm listening.X1a
242RETravelSC01_Stage20_SkylanesLeadInNess: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.{Question} The Skylanes wreck? I've been there.Ness: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.A1a
243Ness: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.{Player} The Skylanes wreck. I've been there.Ness: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.X1a
244Ness: I've got a lead on a crash site. Big old jet. That much scrap could be worth a lot to the right buyer.{Question} You mean the Skylanes wreck? I've been there.Ness: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.Y1a
245Player Default: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.{Amused / Amused} If you're looking for the secret compartment, I got that too.A1a
246Player Default: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.{Amused / Amused} You're after the secret compartment. I cleaned it out already.X1a
247Player Default: You have? Well, I think I can still get something out of it.{Amused / Amused} Are you looking for the secret compartment? I found it already.Y1a
248RETravelSC01_Stage30_SkylanesMainNess: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Friendly} Sounds fair.Ness: All right. There's a little ridge just south of the crash site. Meet me there, and we'll take them on together.A1a
249Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Friendly} I'm in.Ness: All right. There's a little ridge just south of the crash site. Meet me there, and we'll take them on together.A2a
250Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Irritated} Come on. Make it worth my time.Ness: 100.X1a
251Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Stern} You can do better than that.Ness: 100.X2a
252Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Irritated} Last chance. 200.Ness: 100.X3a
253Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Player} I'll think about it.Ness: 100.X4a
254Ness: How about 50 caps? Sound fair?{Question} How many Raiders?Ness: Not sure. I stopped counting when they started shooting. Maybe eight or ten.Y1a


255RETravelSC03_ImpersonatorNPCMPrestonGarveyImpersonator: Hey, man. I don't think we've met, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.{Amused, playing along. / Amused} Uh-huh...PrestonImpersonator: We "Protect the people at a minute's notice." That's the idea, anyway.A1a
256NPCMPrestonGarveyImpersonator: Hey, man. I don't think we've met, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.{Deadpan / Irritated} You're not Preston Garvey.PrestonImpersonator: Say what, man?B1a
257NPCMPrestonGarveyImpersonator: Hey, man. I don't think we've met, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.{Amused. (Not a joke in this case. You really are the General.) / Sarcastic} Yeah, and I'm the General.PrestonImpersonator: Hah, that's a good one. Well, I see you already know about us.X1a
258NPCMPrestonGarveyImpersonator: Hey, man. I don't think we've met, but your timing's impeccable. Preston Garvey, Commonwealth Minutemen.{Curious / Question} Minutemen?PrestonImpersonator: We "Protect the people at a minute's notice." That's the idea, anyway.Y1a
259PrestonImpersonator: Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?{Amused, playing along. / Friendly} Sure.PrestonImpersonator: That's generous of you, man. You really are one of the good guys, you know?A1a
260PrestonImpersonator: Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?{Apologetic / Apologetic} Sorry, I don't have the caps.PrestonImpersonator: That's generous of you, man. You really are one of the good guys, you know?A2a
261PrestonImpersonator: Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?{Irritated at the swindler. / Irritated} Get lost.PrestonImpersonator: It's a cruel world, when one man can't count on another for help. Stay safe out there.B1a
262PrestonImpersonator: Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?{Stern. Not joking this time. / Stern} No, really. I am the General.PrestonImpersonator: Say what, man?X1a
263PrestonImpersonator: Help us out, and you can count on the Minutemen to be there when you need us. Can I put you down for, say, 100 caps?{Coldly / Angry} Really? The Minutemen are collecting bribes now?PrestonImpersonator: Hey, man, we're just trying to make the Commonwealth a little better for everyone. Isn't that something you're willing to give a little for?Y1a
264Player Default: Well, I'd better keep moving. But if you ever need us, you can count on the Minutemen to have your back.{Coldly. This joke is getting old. / Angry} I know Preston Garvey. You aren't Preston Garvey.A1a
265Player Default: It's a cruel world, when one man can't count on another for help. Stay safe out there.{Coldly. This joke is getting old. / Angry} You're not fooling me. Get lost.B1a
266Player Default: Say what, man?{Sarcastic, amused by the impersonator / Sarcastic} You really need to get a better overcoat. And you forgot to pin up the hat. Still, not bad. Not bad at all.X1a
267Player Default: Really? The Minutemen are collecting bribes now?{Coldly. This joke is getting old. / Angry} It's charlatans like you that give the Minutemen a bad name.Y1a