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This is a transcript for dialogue with Nate the male Sole Survivor.


7865Min01PrestonIntroNegative1{Question} Do you really think that's possible?Preston: Yeah, I do. Not easy, not by a long shot. But it is possible.Y1a
7866{Disbelief} It's a nice vision, but I don't see how it's possible.Preston: I never said it was going to be easy. But it is possible.X1a
7867{Depressed} You'll never rebuild this.Preston: Despair is easier. Believe me, I know.B1a
7868{Sad} You don't understand. I used to live here. Before the war...Preston: What do you mean? Before what war? Are you saying...A1a
7869Min01PrestonIntroNeutral1{Question} What do you think I'm saying?Preston: Well. That you're from before the war. The Great War. Like one of those old ghouls you sometimes run into. Is that true?Y1a
7870{Depressed} I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know what's true anymore.Preston: Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean to rile you up. We've all got our past to deal with. No shame in that.X1a
7871{Depressed} Forget I said anything. I don't want to talk about it.Preston: No worries. We've all got our past to deal with. I don't need to know anything you don't want to tell me.B1a
7872{Sad} Yes... before the war... before everything was ruined.Preston: What do you mean? Before what war? Are you saying...A1a
7873Min01PrestonIntroPositive1{trying to wrap your head around what happened to you / Puzzled} I lived here... over 200 years ago. I was... frozen or something for most of it. Just woke up a little while ago.Preston: Damn. Like one of those old prewar ghouls...A1a
7874Min01PrestonIntroPositive1A{Somber} The Institute kidnapped my son while I was still trapped. But I've found him now.Preston: Oh hell. I've heard some bad things about the Institute, but kidnapping babies now... damn.Y1a
7875{Angry} Just my son. Somebody took him away while I was still trapped. Have you run across anybody with a baby boy?Preston: Oh hell. I've heard some bad things about the Institute, but kidnapping babies now... damn.Y3a
7876{Angry} I woke up at one point... the Institute killed my wife and kidnapped my son. I did finally find him, though.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.X2a
7877{Angry} I woke up at one point... the Institute killed my wife and kidnapped my son. I'm still trying to find him.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.X5a
7878{Angry} Maybe. I woke up at one point... some people killed my wife and kidnapped my son. I'm trying to find him.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.X7a
7879{Stern} I don't want to talk about it.Preston: No worries. We've all got our past to deal with. I don't need to know anything you don't want to tell me.B1a
7880{Somber} Just my son. The Institute kidnapped him while I was still trapped. But I've found him now.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.A1a
7881{Angry} Just my son. The Institute kidnapped him away while I was still trapped. I've been trying to get him back.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.A2a
7882{Worried} Just my son. Somebody took him away while I was still trapped. I've been looking for him.Preston: Damn. You've been through a lot since you woke up. At least you found him, though.A3a
7883Min01PrestonIntroPositive1B{Puzzled} Ghouls from before the war?Preston: Yeah, I've run into a few that old. I guess ghouls don't really age - radiation preserves them or something.Y1a
7884{Depressed} I don't know. I don't know what's true anymore.Preston: Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean to rile you up. We've all got our past to deal with. No shame in that.X1a
7885{Defiant} No. That's crazy. Of course not.Preston: Hey, it's okay. I didn't mean to rile you up. We've all got our past to deal with. No shame in that.B1a
7886{Puzzled} Yes... sort of. I was born over 200 years ago, but I was... frozen or something for most of it. Just woke up a little while ago.Preston: Damn. Like one of those old prewar ghouls...A1a
7887Min01PrestonIntroTransitionPreston: Trouble is, I've got my hands full here. Do you think you could go help out the settlement?{Question} What kind of help do they need?Preston: Sounded like the usual - raiders. You'll have to get all the details when you talk to them.Y1a
7888Preston: Trouble is, I've got my hands full here. Do you think you could go help out the settlement?{Sarcastic} Oh, good. I was hoping for a chance to rescue some more helpless villagers.Preston: It's not that people are helpless. They just need someone to give them a helping hand sometimes.X1a
7889Preston: Trouble is, I've got my hands full here. Do you think you could go help out the settlement?{Apologetic} I can't help right now.Preston: That's your call. I hope you change your mind.B1a
7890Preston: Trouble is, I've got my hands full here. Do you think you could go help out the settlement?{Friendly} I'd be glad to help.Preston: That's fantastic. The Minutemen could use more people like you.A1a
7891Min01PrestonOutroFinal{Question} Why can't you lead the Minutemen?Preston: That's not who I am. I can get my men through a firefight. I can defend a perimeter against all odds.Y1a
7892{Puzzled} I don't know what makes you think that.Preston: You saved us in Concord. There wasn't anything in it for you. You had your own problems to deal with. But you did it anyway.X1a
7893{Surprised} I don't know the first thing about the Minutemen.Preston: That doesn't matter. The Minutemen of the last few years are gone, and nobody's going to miss them.B1a
7894{Grateful} That means a lot, coming from you, Garvey.Preston: I appreciate that. Does that mean you'll do it?A1a
7895Player Default: What makes you think I can do this?"{Puzzled} Why are you calling me ""General""?"Y1a
7896Player Default: Can you explain what the Minutemen are all about?{Sarcastic} So if I'm a general, where's my army?Preston: You're looking at it, I'm afraid. But I wasn't joking when I called you that.X1a
7897Preston: But one day, I hope you change your mind and accept my proposal. The Commonwealth needs you."{Irritated} I'm no ""General""."Preston: You're going to have to get used to it.B1a
7898Preston: Don't worry, I'll be right beside you all the way... General.{Impressed} That's quite a promotion you just gave me.A1a
7899Preston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Puzzled} What makes you think I can do this?Preston: You saved us in Concord. There wasn't anything in it for you. You had your own problems to deal with. But you did it anyway.Y1a
7900Preston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Puzzled} Can you explain what the Minutemen are all about?Preston: We're citizen soldiers. The people of the Commonwealth banding together to protect ourselves and decide our own future.X1a
7901Preston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Stern} No. I'm not your savior. I have my own problems to deal with.Companion: Glad you're thinkin' with a clear head.B1a
7902Preston: We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader.{Confident} Okay. I'll do it.Companion: Fine... don't listen to me. I hope this works out for us.A1a
7903Min01PrestonOutroLastMinuteman{Question} What was the Quincy Massacre?Preston: I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now.Y1a
7904{Somber} I know how it feels to be the last survivor.Preston: Yeah. I guess you do.X1a
7905{Disgust} Sounds like it's time for the Minutemen to vanish for good.Preston: No. I don't accept that. The Commonwealth needs the Minutemen. Now more than ever.B1a
7906{Confident} As long as you don't give up, the Minutemen will survive.Preston: I'm not about to give up. But I can't protect the Commonwealth all by myself. Hell, I could barely protect these people.A1a
7907Min01PrestonOutroStartPreston: Have you heard of the Quincy Massacre?{Puzzled} What was it?Preston: I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now.Y1a
7908Preston: Have you heard of the Quincy Massacre?{Thinking} I don't think so.Preston: I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now.X1a
7909Preston: Have you heard of the Quincy Massacre?{Neutral} No.Preston: I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now.B1a
7910Preston: Have you heard of the Quincy Massacre?{Concerned} Your group came from Quincy, didn't you?Preston: That's right. Mama Murphy, Sturges, the Longs... they were all from Quincy.A1a
7911Preston: I guess you know I'm one of the last of the Minutemen, but I never really told you what happened to us.{Question} Are you really the last Minuteman?Preston: Maybe not literally. There must be a lot of former Minutemen out there who gave it up in disgust after the Quincy Massacre.Y1a
7912Preston: I guess you know I'm one of the last of the Minutemen, but I never really told you what happened to us.{Neutral} I'm listening.X1a
7913Preston: I guess you know I'm one of the last of the Minutemen, but I never really told you what happened to us.{Irritated} I'm not interested in your life story.Preston: Just hear me out. This is important.B1a
7914Preston: I guess you know I'm one of the last of the Minutemen, but I never really told you what happened to us.{Concerned} I figured you'd tell me when you were ready.A1a
7915Min01PrestonSanctuaryIntroPreston: I think we could settle down here, make it a place to call home. What do you think?{Somber} I don't know. It's strange being back here.Preston: What do you mean? You used to live here or something?X1a
7916Preston: I think we could settle down here, make it a place to call home. What do you think?{Depressed} This isn't a home. It's nothing but an empty ruin.Preston: You've got to look past what it is, to what it could be. We've got water, plenty of space, should be pretty defensible...B1a
7917Preston: I think we could settle down here, make it a place to call home. What do you think?{Somber} Yeah, I used to like living here. Before the War...Preston: What do you mean? Before what war? Are you saying...A1a
7918Min01SturgesFinishAllObjectivesSturges: It's been a long road, but... yeah, I think this is it. Home. Feels good.{Question} What next?Sturges: Well... I guess figuring out how to get back to living, instead of just surviving.Y1a
7919Sturges: It's been a long road, but... yeah, I think this is it. Home. Feels good.{Sad} A home for you, maybe.Sturges: Give it some time. It's your home, too, if you want it to be.X1a
7920Sturges: It's been a long road, but... yeah, I think this is it. Home. Feels good.{Depressed} This will never be my home.Sturges: That's too bad. Maybe one day you'll feel differently.B1a
7921Sturges: It's been a long road, but... yeah, I think this is it. Home. Feels good.{Friendly} I was glad to help.Sturges: Well, I appreciate it.A1a
7922Min01SturgesIntro{Puzzled} Why do you need my help to build beds?Sturges: Look, we got a lot on our plate, and we've been on the run for weeks. We need food, water, shelter, you name it.Y1a
7923{Question} What kind of help do you need?Sturges: Look, we got a lot on our plate, and we've been on the run for weeks. We need food, water, shelter, you name it.Y2a
7924{Sarcastic} Do I look like a carpenter to you?Sturges: I don't know what you look like. You said you were willing to help; making beds is what we need help with.X1a
7925{Sarcastic} I love work. I could sit and watch it all day.Sturges: I don't know what you look like. You said you were willing to help; making beds is what we need help with.X2a
7926{Apologetic} I can't help right now.Sturges: It's a free country. Let me know if you change your mind.B1a
7927{Friendly} I'd be glad to help.Sturges: Okay, good deal.A1a
7928{Friendly} I'd be glad to help. Just tell me what you need.Sturges: Okay, good deal.A2a
7929Min01SturgesNextObjectiveFoodSturges: If we're going to settle here, we'll need to get some crops established.{Question} What kind of crops are you looking for?Sturges: It doesn't much matter. Tatos, mutfruit, corn - whatever you can get to grow.Y1a
7930Sturges: If we're going to settle here, we'll need to get some crops established.{Question} I'm not sure what you mean.Sturges: Tatos, mutfruit, corn - whatever you can get to grow.X1a
7931Sturges: If we're going to settle here, we'll need to get some crops established.{Depressed} I doubt anything will grow around here.Sturges: You'd be surprised. I'm no farmer, but I've seen people growing crops in much less promising spots than this.B1a
7932Sturges: If we're going to settle here, we'll need to get some crops established.{Confident} I'll start planting right away.Sturges: Good deal.A1a
7933Min01SturgesNextObjectiveSafetySturges: What we need is to get some defenses set up. Then maybe Preston will be able to relax a little bit.{Question} What sorts of defenses did you have in mind?Sturges: Walls, sandbags, turrets - whatever you can put together.Y1a
7934Sturges: What we need is to get some defenses set up. Then maybe Preston will be able to relax a little bit.I'll get to it when I have time.Sturges: Well, okay... the sooner the better, though.X1a
7935Sturges: What we need is to get some defenses set up. Then maybe Preston will be able to relax a little bit.{Irritated} Seems like I've done enough for you already.Sturges: I thought you wanted to help.B1a
7936Sturges: What we need is to get some defenses set up. Then maybe Preston will be able to relax a little bit.{Confident} I'm on it.Sturges: Thanks. It'll make everyone feel more secure here.A1a
7937Min01SturgesNextObjectiveWaterSturges: What we need now is a reliable source of clean water.{Question} What do you mean?Sturges: Like a well. Then we don't have to keep drinking the river water. That stuff's not good for you.Y1a
7938Sturges: What we need now is a reliable source of clean water.I'm not sure what you mean.Sturges: Like a well. Then we don't have to keep drinking the river water. That stuff's not good for you.X1a
7939Sturges: What we need now is a reliable source of clean water.{Irritated} I guess drinking from the river isn't good enough for you.Sturges: We've been getting by, but the surface water isn't safe to drink regularly.B1a
7940Sturges: What we need now is a reliable source of clean water.{Confident} I'm on it. Clean water coming up.Sturges: Great, thanks again.A1a
7941-{Question} So do you believe in these visions she has?


7942Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle1PrestonGarvey: Now you can see why I wanted to take it back.{Puzzled} Why do we need this place again?PrestonGarvey: The radio tower is the most important part, but with a bit of work this place could be a really strong outpost. Know what I mean?Y1a
7943PrestonGarvey: Now you can see why I wanted to take it back.{Concerned} Maybe. Those walls could definitely use some work.PrestonGarvey: I'll admit, it's seen better days. But the Minutemen have never been afraid of hard work.X1a
7944PrestonGarvey: Now you can see why I wanted to take it back.{Depressed} Not really, it looks pretty trashed.PrestonGarvey: Once we clear it out, you'll see.B1a
7945PrestonGarvey: Now you can see why I wanted to take it back.{Impressed} Definitely. For 600 years old, it's in pretty good shape.PrestonGarvey: That's right. They don't make em like they used to. We take this place back? People'll know we mean business.A1a
7946Min02PrestonCastlePrebattle2PrestonGarvey: Well, General, what do you think?{Confident} Set up a firing line and I'll draw them out.Companion: Using yourself as bait? I like these dangerous games you're playin'.Y1a
7947PrestonGarvey: Well, General, what do you think?{Confident} Let's hit them from both sides.Companion: Sounds like a good plan. Let's get it done.X1a
7948PrestonGarvey: Well, General, what do you think?{Concerned} I'm not ready to make a call yet.Companion: Oh come on, let's just do this already.B1a
7949PrestonGarvey: Well, General, what do you think?{Stern} No, stick to the plan.Companion: Oh come on, let's just do this already.B2a
7950PrestonGarvey: Well, General, what do you think?{Confident} Let's not over-complicate this. Just get in there and hit them with everything we've got.Companion: Good plan... there's no reason to hold back.A1a
7951Min02PrestonIntroPrestonGarvey: Should I send a garrison to man the Castle?{Neutral} I'll think about it and get back to you.PrestonGarvey: Your call. Just let me know when you're ready to pull the trigger.X1a
7952PrestonGarvey: Should I send a garrison to man the Castle?{Stern} No, we're not ready yet.PrestonGarvey: Your call. Just let me know when you're ready to pull the trigger.B1a
7953PrestonGarvey: Should I send a garrison to man the Castle?{Confident} No need for an assault force. I already cleared that place out.PrestonGarvey: Good. We'll meet you outside the Castle.A1a
7954PrestonGarvey: Should I send a garrison to man the Castle?{Confident} Yeah, let's do this.PrestonGarvey: Good. We'll meet you outside the Castle.A2a
7955PrestonGarvey: Well-fortified, centrally-located, and most important - it has a powerful radio transmitter we can use to broadcast to the whole Commonwealth."{Concerned} So what happened to this ""Castle"" if it was so well-fortified?"PrestonGarvey: This was long before I joined up, but the story I heard was that some kind of monster came out of the sea and destroyed the fort.Y1a
7956PrestonGarvey: Well-fortified, centrally-located, and most important - it has a powerful radio transmitter we can use to broadcast to the whole Commonwealth.{Concerned} I'm not sure we're ready for this big of an operation.PrestonGarvey: It is a risk. But the radio station will let us respond immediately when people need help, anywhere in the Commonwealth.X1a
7957PrestonGarvey: Well-fortified, centrally-located, and most important - it has a powerful radio transmitter we can use to broadcast to the whole Commonwealth.{Irritated} I don't see how that helps us. We already have an HQ.PrestonGarvey: It's the radio transmitter that we need. Whether we fully rebuild the Castle after retaking it will be up to you.B1a
7958PrestonGarvey: Well-fortified, centrally-located, and most important - it has a powerful radio transmitter we can use to broadcast to the whole Commonwealth.{Confident} You mean that place out in South Boston? I already cleared that out.PrestonGarvey: I thought you'd like the idea.A1a
7959PrestonGarvey: Well-fortified, centrally-located, and most important - it has a powerful radio transmitter we can use to broadcast to the whole Commonwealth.{Confident} It sounds like just what we need right now.PrestonGarvey: I thought you'd like the idea.A2a


7960Min03PrestonOutroScenePrestonGarvey: And Ronnie Shaw returns... she's something else, isn't she?{Question} What do you think of her?PrestonGarvey: People like her. She comes across pretty hardass, but she's one of the good ones.Y1a
7961PrestonGarvey: And Ronnie Shaw returns... she's something else, isn't she?{Neutral} She's the only one left who remembers when the Castle was Minutemen HQ. She knew about the old armory.X1a
7962PrestonGarvey: And Ronnie Shaw returns... she's something else, isn't she?{Irritated} Something like a real pain in the ass.PrestonGarvey: Yeah, that sounds about right.B1a
7963PrestonGarvey: And Ronnie Shaw returns... she's something else, isn't she?{Confident} Yeah, she definitely knows how to take charge.PrestonGarvey: Ha, that's a bit of an understatement from what I hear.A1a
7964Min03RonnieArmoryScene01RonnieShaw: Trick now is finding a way in.Do you know some way to open this door?RonnieShaw: No. And even if we could blast it open, we'd probably destroy what's inside while we're at it.Y1a
7965RonnieShaw: Trick now is finding a way in.Easier said than done.RonnieShaw: Don't worry. I've got an idea.X1a
7966RonnieShaw: Trick now is finding a way in.I don't see how we're getting through that door.RonnieShaw: Don't give up so quick.B1a
7967RonnieShaw: Trick now is finding a way in.I hope you have an idea.RonnieShaw: Of course I do.A1a
7968Min03RonnieInsideArmory02RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.{Puzzled} Artillery?RonnieShaw: Great big guns? Blow up our enemies from miles away? Any of this ringing a bell?Y1a
7969RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.{Concerned} Well, let's see if it was worth the effort.RonnieShaw: General, when you see those shells raining down on our enemies... well, you'll know it was worth it.X1a
7970RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.{Disbelief} All this for a pile of musty papers? You've got to be kidding.RonnieShaw: You're smarter than that. Those musty old papers are going to help us take the Commonwealth back.B1a
7971RonnieShaw: And the cream of the crop. Schematics for building artillery.{Impressed} I have to admit, Ronnie, having artillery would help out quite a bit.RonnieShaw: We used to rain down fire on deathclaws and super mutants alike. It was a glorious thing.A1a
7972Min03RonnieIntroBrawl{Suspicious} If you're a Minuteman, how come Preston never told me about you?Companion: Preston can't remember every arsehole that wears those cute little hats.Y1a
7973{Irritated} I don't have time for a dick-measuring contest. What do you actually want?Companion: I wouldn't mind watchin' that, actually.X1a
7974{Angry} I'd like to see you try.Companion: That's more like it.B1a
7975{Friendly} Easy. I just didn't know there were any other Minutemen out there.Companion: Hey, if this bloke wants a fight, we should give him one.A1a
7976Min03RonnieIntroNegativeA{Irritated} Get on with it, then.RonnieShaw: Don't get testy with me, sonny. I was field-stripping laser muskets when you were still in diapers.X1a
7977{Irritated} Actually I'm not.RonnieShaw: Not a great first impression for someone trying to help your sorry butt.B1a
7978{Friendly} I'm listening.RonnieShaw: Finally.A1a
7979Min03RonnieIntroNegativeArmory{Puzzled} How would you know about an old armory?RonnieShaw: I used to be stationed here, that's how. For a few years, right after I joined up.Y1a
7980{Surprised} First I've heard of it.RonnieShaw: I'm not surprised. It's been almost 50 years since this place was wiped out. I'm probably the last person alive who remembers how it was.X1a
7981{Irritated} You could have told me about that first thing.RonnieShaw: You could have been less of a jerk first thing.B1a
7982{Friendly} I'd like to hear about the armory.RonnieShaw: So polite now that I've got something you want, eh? Typical.A1a
7983Min03RonnieIntroSceneNPCFRonnieShaw: Ready to talk to me?{Sarcastic} You forgot to make an appointment.RonnieShaw: Oh, a smartmouth, eh?X1a
7984NPCFRonnieShaw: Ready to talk to me?{Irritated} Lady, I really don't want to talk to you.RonnieShaw: I don't much care what you want to do. But I want to talk to you, so you're going to listen.B1a
7985NPCFRonnieShaw: Ready to talk to me?{Friendly} You must be Ronnie Shaw, from the radio.RonnieShaw: Who else would I be? Can't mistake me for one of these pups you've got running things around here.A1a
7986NPCFRonnieShaw: Ready to talk to me?{Friendly} Here I am. What did you need?RonnieShaw: Who else would I be? Can't mistake me for one of these pups you've got running things around here.A2a
7987Min03RonnieIntroWasMinuteman{Puzzled} Joe Becker? Who's that?RonnieShaw: That's just sad. General Becker used to run the Minutemen. The last real leader we ever had.Y1a
7988{Disbelief} You were a Minuteman?RonnieShaw: What? You don't think an old broad like me can fight? I could kick your butt... punk.X1a
7989{Angry} I don't like what you're implying.RonnieShaw: Easy there, cowboy. Joe Becker died years before you came along.B1a
7990{Friendly} Glad to meet you. We could use some more veterans around here.RonnieShaw: You're right about that. I feel like some of these you've got still may need their diapers changed.A1a
7991Min03RonnieIntroWhatSheWantsNPCFRonnieShaw: We're not done yet.{Question} What do you actually want?Y1a
7992NPCFRonnieShaw: We're not done yet.{Question} I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you want.X1a
7993NPCFRonnieShaw: We're not done yet.{Irritated} Get to the point.RonnieShaw: I've been trying to.B1a
7994NPCFRonnieShaw: We're not done yet.{Friendly} I'd still like to hear what you came to talk to me about.A1a
7995RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.{Question} Are you offering to rejoin?RonnieShaw: I guess I am. But first things first.Y1a
7996RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.{Thinking} We could probably find a use for you.RonnieShaw: Yeah, you're not kidding. But I had something more specific in mind.X1a
7997RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.{Irritated} We were doing just fine without your help.RonnieShaw: Really? I guess you know all about the Castle's old armory then.B1a
7998RonnieShaw: Now that I'm here, I can see you really need my help.{Grateful} We can always use more experienced soldiers.RonnieShaw: Yeah, you're not kidding. But I had something more specific in mind.A1a
7999RonnieShaw: So what's your story? What makes you think anybody even wants the Minutemen back?{Defiant} At least we're trying to help people. Can you say the same?RonnieShaw: Don't give me any attitude, sonny. I've been a Minuteman longer than you've been alive.Y1a
8000RonnieShaw: So what's your story? What makes you think anybody even wants the Minutemen back?{Confident} The Commonwealth needs the Minutemen. People are starting to realize that.RonnieShaw: I've heard some good things. Wouldn't be here otherwise.X1a
8001RonnieShaw: So what's your story? What makes you think anybody even wants the Minutemen back?{Defiant} I don't need to answer to you, soldier."RonnieShaw: You don't get a pass just because everybody calls you ""General."" In the Minutemen, you've got to earn respect."B1a
8002RonnieShaw: So what's your story? What makes you think anybody even wants the Minutemen back?{Friendly} The Minutemen are the good guys again. People are starting to realize that.RonnieShaw: I've heard some good things. Wouldn't be here otherwise.A1a
8003Min03RonnieIntroYoungsterReaction{Surprised} Are you saying you were a Minuteman?RonnieShaw: Yeah, I was. Back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over.Y1a
8004{Irritated} I get it. You're a hardass combat veteran. So am I. Can we move on?RonnieShaw: Sure thing, General.X1a
8005"{Stern} Call me ""sonny"" again and you'll find out exactly how far I can shove my boot up your ass."RonnieShaw: Oh, so you do have a backbone.B2a
8006{Friendly} I seriously doubt that. But please, get to the point.RonnieShaw: Something about you I don't get. Like... you're from somewhere else...A1a
8007Min03RonnieMirelurkQueenSceneRonnieShaw: So, how'd you all get that big sea beast cleared out of here anyway?It wasn't easy, but how did that thing get the better of you back then?RonnieShaw: I wasn't here, but the survivors said it attacked out of the water in the middle of the night.Y1a
8008RonnieShaw: So, how'd you all get that big sea beast cleared out of here anyway?{Sarcastic} That big mirelurk that kicked your asses? Turns out it helps if you try shooting it.RonnieShaw: Fine, I get it. You're tough. But if you think that's enough to unite the Commonwealth, you got another thing coming.X1a
8009RonnieShaw: So, how'd you all get that big sea beast cleared out of here anyway?{Sarcastic} The queen? Please, that was nothing. I'm surprised no one cleared this place out sooner.RonnieShaw: Hmph. Well I guess you've earned that much. But don't get cocky, General. There's still a lot of work to be done here.B1a
8010RonnieShaw: So, how'd you all get that big sea beast cleared out of here anyway?{Confident} We came in with a plan and everyone stuck to it. We've got some good people Ronnie, you'll see.RonnieShaw: Well, you've made a better start than anybody else for a darn long time. I'll give you that.A1a
8011-Who are you?
8012What do you want?
8013{Question} What do you want?
8014{Question} Who are you?


8015Min207IngramSceneIngram: I'd appreciate knowing why you want me to hand over highly sensitive data first.{Question} What's the difference? I assume you got everything you needed from it.Ingram: Yeah, I guess you have a point.Y1a
8016Ingram: I'd appreciate knowing why you want me to hand over highly sensitive data first.{Sarcastic} Fine, you got me. I'm an Institute spy and we want our data back.Ingram: Cute, real cute.X1a
8017Ingram: I'd appreciate knowing why you want me to hand over highly sensitive data first.{Irritated} Just give it to me. I'm the one who got it in the first place.Ingram: All right, take it easy. No need to blow a gasket.B1a
8018Ingram: I'd appreciate knowing why you want me to hand over highly sensitive data first.{Friendly} I'd like to share the holotape with the Minutemen. I think they need it as badly as we do.Ingram: I'm not sure why you'd trust them with it, but it's up to you. After all, you're the one who got it in the first place.A1a
8019Excuse me, Proctor Ingram. Do you remember that holotape of Institute data I gave you? I really need it back.Ingram: I'd appreciate knowing why you want me to hand over highly sensitive data first.A
8020Min207SturgesSceneSturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Question} What do you hope to find?Sturges: Whatever the Institute doesn't want anybody to know.Y1a
8021Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Concerned} I hope there's something useful on there.Sturges: No way to tell until I take a look.X1a
8022Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Irritated} So this was just a fishing expedition...Sturges: No way to tell until I take a look.X2a
8023Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Depressed} There's probably nothing useful on there, anyway.Sturges: No way to tell until I take a look.B1a
8024Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Stern} We need a way to bring the fight to them.Sturges: Let's hope we got something we can use.A1a
8025Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.{Concerned} The Institute isn't our enemy, remember.Sturges: Let's hope we got something we can use.A2a
8026{Confident} Here's a holotape I happen to have. Full scan of the Institute network.Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.A
8027{Confident} Here's that holotape you gave me. Full of Institute data, I hope.Sturges: Well all right! I'll start digging into this and see if I can make heads or tails of it.A


8028Min301PrestonIntroPrestonGarvey: I've sent word for all available Minutemen to reinforce the Castle's garrison.{Question} What do you think we should do?PrestonGarvey: With any luck, Sturges will find something in that data you swiped from their computers.Y1a
8029PrestonGarvey: I've sent word for all available Minutemen to reinforce the Castle's garrison.{Concerned} I'm not sure.PrestonGarvey: With any luck, Sturges will find something in that data you swiped from their computers.X1a
8030PrestonGarvey: I've sent word for all available Minutemen to reinforce the Castle's garrison.{Concerned} I don't think we have enough troops to go on the offensive... yet.PrestonGarvey: I agree, General. And even if we were strong enough, we don't have any way to attack the Institute yet.B1a
8031PrestonGarvey: I've sent word for all available Minutemen to reinforce the Castle's garrison.{Confident} I say we attack. Take the fight to the Institute.PrestonGarvey: I'm all for that, but we don't have any way to hit them yet.A1a
8032{Stern} I've made my choice. The Institute is now our enemy.PrestonGarvey: You must not have heard yet... the Institute has been scouting the Castle. Looks like they're getting ready for a major attack.A


8033MinDefendCastlePrestonOutro{Defiant} I talked to Sturges. He's found a way that we can finally strike back against the Institute.A
8034{Defiant} It's time for us to strike back against the Institute.A
8035{Depressed} Bad news. The Institute overran our defenses at the Castle. We have a lot of rebuilding to do.A
8036{Depressed} Bad news. The Castle took a lot of damage in the attack.A
8037{Defiant} You'll be glad to know we wiped out the Institute attack on the Castle.A
8038{Defiant} Good news. The attack on the Castle failed. They won't be trying that again any time soon.A


8039MinDestBoSPrestonIntroNPCMPrestonGarvey: General. I think it's time to deal with the Brotherhood.What about using our artillery to attack their airship?PrestonGarvey: Great minds must think alike. I've been talking to Sturges about exactly that.Y1a
8040NPCMPrestonGarvey: General. I think it's time to deal with the Brotherhood.I wish I knew how. But as long as they have that airship, we have no way to strike a fatal blow.PrestonGarvey: I may have a solution to that problem.X1a
8041NPCMPrestonGarvey: General. I think it's time to deal with the Brotherhood.I don't see how. We don't have any way to attack them in the air.PrestonGarvey: I may have a solution to that problem.B1a
8042NPCMPrestonGarvey: General. I think it's time to deal with the Brotherhood.I agree. But it's going to be tough to fight their airship.PrestonGarvey: That's for sure. But I think I may have a way to take it out.A1a
8043MinDestBoSPrestonOutroPrestonGarvey: I have to admit... I didn't really think it would work.{Question} We took out the Prydwen, but what about the rest of the Brotherhood that wasn't on the airship?PrestonGarvey: The Prydwen was their nerve center and supply base. Without it, whatever's left on the ground won't pose much of a threat for long.Y1a
8044PrestonGarvey: I have to admit... I didn't really think it would work.I never doubt Sturges. Not anymore.PrestonGarvey: I know, I know. The guy built a freaking teleporter, right? I guess he wins all the arguments from here on out.X1a
8045PrestonGarvey: I have to admit... I didn't really think it would work.It's lucky we took them by surprise. If the Prydwen had escaped our barrage, we'd have never had another chance.PrestonGarvey: Believe me, I thought about that. Well, we deserved some luck for a change.B1a
8046PrestonGarvey: I have to admit... I didn't really think it would work.{Confident} The Minutemen can do anything when we stand together.PrestonGarvey: It's true. Today really showed that.A1a
8047MinDestBoSReadyToAttackNPCMMinutemenRadioVoice: General. All the settlements are reporting in. We're ready to fire at the Brotherhood airship on your order.All the artillery is locked in on the Prydwen?MinutemenRadioAnnouncer: Yes, sir. We've transmitted the coordinates. All batteries are reporting Code Red, meaning they're ready to fire on our signal.Y1a
8048NPCMMinutemenRadioVoice: General. All the settlements are reporting in. We're ready to fire at the Brotherhood airship on your order.Stand by.MinutemenRadioAnnouncer: Yes sir.X1a
8049NPCMMinutemenRadioVoice: General. All the settlements are reporting in. We're ready to fire at the Brotherhood airship on your order.I'll let you know when I'm ready.MinutemenRadioAnnouncer: Okay. We're standing by.B1a
8050NPCMMinutemenRadioVoice: General. All the settlements are reporting in. We're ready to fire at the Brotherhood airship on your order.Give the signal to open fire.MinutemenRadioAnnouncer: Yes sir!A1a


8051MinRadiantOwned01ConfirmScene{Question} Do you have any supplies I can use to build defenses?SettlementSpokesman: Oh, yeah, you can use whatever we've got. Lots of junk piled up, some of it may even be useful.Y1a
8052I'll do what I can.SettlementSpokesman: Okay, thanks. And take whatever you can use for building defenses. Better that than the raiders getting it all.X1a
8053Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: I guess we'll just have to deal with them on our own then.B1a
8054{Confident} Don't worry, I'll help you deal with these raiders.SettlementSpokesman: Thank god. You showed up just in the nick of time.A1a
8055MinRadiantOwned01SettlementIntroMaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Question} Yes, I'm here to help. What's the problem?Y1a
8056MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Question} What's the problem?Y2a
8057MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?Just tell me what you need help with.X1a
8058MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Irritated} Just give me the situation and be quick about it.SettlementSpokesman: Please, hear me out. We're in real trouble here if you don't help us.B1a
8059MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Irritated} I don't have time for this.SettlementSpokesman: Please, hear me out. We're in real trouble here if you don't help us.B2a
8060MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Confident} That's right. What's the trouble here?A1a
8061-{Question} Got anything else for me, Garvey?
8062{Concerned} Bad news. I wasn't able to defend that settlement from the raiders. They got shot up pretty bad.
8063{Stern} I taught those raiders a lesson. They won't be attacking another settlement again.


8064MinRadiantOwned02SettlementAccept{Question} How many raiders were there?SettlementSpokesman: Too many for us to handle. But I bet you won't have any problems with them.Y1a
8065{Neutral} I took care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!X1a
8066I'll see what I can do.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!X2a
8067{Apologetic} Sorry, I can't help.SettlementSpokesman: Oh. I guess all that stuff about the Minutemen standing together was just talk, then.B1a
8068{Matter of fact / Neutral} I took care of some raiders earlier.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A1a
8069{Confident} I'll take care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A2a
8070MinRadiantOwned02SettlementConfirm{SinisterSmile} Those raiders are already yesterday's news. Thanks to yours truly.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!B1a
8071{Irritated} More raiders... fine.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!B2a
8072{Confident} There's no need to worry. I already took care of those raiders.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A1a
8073{Confident} Don't worry. I'll take care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A2a
8074MinRadiantOwned02SettlementIntroMaleOld: I'm glad you're here. We've been having some trouble with raiders.{Question} What kind of trouble?SettlementSpokesman: They showed up in force a few days ago.Y1a
8075MaleOld: I'm glad you're here. We've been having some trouble with raiders.Just give me the details.SettlementSpokesman: They showed up in force a few days ago.X1a
8076MaleOld: I'm glad you're here. We've been having some trouble with raiders.{Confident} There's not a Raider alive who 'troubles' me.SettlementSpokesman: We're really counting on your help. I thought that was the whole point of the Minutemen.B1a
8077MaleOld: I'm glad you're here. We've been having some trouble with raiders.{Irritated} Not my problem.SettlementSpokesman: We're really counting on your help. I thought that was the whole point of the Minutemen.B2a
8078MaleOld: I'm glad you're here. We've been having some trouble with raiders.{Friendly} Tell me what's going on.SettlementSpokesman: They showed up in force a few days ago.A1a
8079MinRadiantOwned02SettlementRewardMaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?{Question} Are you willing to support the Minutemen now?SettlementSpokesman: Sure thing. I'm glad someone's trying to do some good around here for once. You can count on our help if you need it.Y1a
8080MaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?{Question} Are you glad you decided to support the Minutemen now?SettlementSpokesman: Sure thing. I'm glad someone's trying to do some good around here for once. You can count on our help if you need it.Y2a
8081MaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?{Question} Anything else I can do to help?SettlementSpokesman: Sure thing. I'm glad someone's trying to do some good around here for once. You can count on our help if you need it.Y3a
8082MaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?I took care of your raider problem.X1a
8083MaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?{Confident} I hardly broke a sweat kicking their asses.B1a
8084MaleOld: So can we stop worrying about paying tribute to those raiders?{Confident} They won't be bothering you again.A1a
8085-Any new trouble spots?
8086Some bad news to report. I wasn't able to help that settlement.
8087Remember that settlement that was asking for help? All safe and sound again.


8088MinRadiantOwned03SettlementRewardMaleOld: Thanks a lot for rescuing our friend.{Confident} You're welcome.WorkshopSpokesman: You should know, we've decided to join the Minutemen. You can count on our help if you need it.X1a
8089MaleOld: Thanks a lot for rescuing our friend.{Irritated} Hardly worth my time.WorkshopSpokesman: Well, I'm still grateful for what you did.B1a
8090MaleOld: Thanks a lot for rescuing our friend.{Friendly} Just remember that this is all thanks to the Minutemen.WorkshopSpokesman: We know. That's why we've decided to join the Minutemen. You can count on our help if you need it.A1a
8091MaleOld: Thanks a lot for rescuing our friend.{Friendly} I was glad to help.WorkshopSpokesman: We know. That's why we've decided to join the Minutemen. You can count on our help if you need it.A2a
8092WorkshopRE02CaptiveSceneFemaleEvenToned: Thank god! I knew you wouldn't let these bastards get away with this.How'd you get caught?caravanActor: They were waiting for me. Must have scoped out my route. I had no chance to run or fight.Y1a
8093FemaleEvenToned: Thank god! I knew you wouldn't let these bastards get away with this.Let's get out of here.caravanActor: That's better. Okay, I'm right behind you.X1a
8094FemaleEvenToned: Thank god! I knew you wouldn't let these bastards get away with this.Not just yet. Don't go anywhere.caravanActor: What? You can't leave me here!B1a
8095FemaleEvenToned: Thank god! I knew you wouldn't let these bastards get away with this.I wouldn't leave you here. Let's go.caravanActor: You don't have to tell me twice. Lead the way.A1a
8096WorkshopRE02IntroWorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Confident} Here's the ransom. Pay them when they come back.WorkshopSpokesman: Well, then what are we supposed to do?X1a
8097WorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Apologetic} I can't pay that kind of ransom.WorkshopSpokesman: Well, then what are we supposed to do?X2a
8098WorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Neutral} They can kill him for all I care.WorkshopSpokesman: What? You're really not going to do anything to help?B1a
8099WorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Neutral} They can kill her for all I care.WorkshopSpokesman: What? You're really not going to do anything to help?B2a
8100WorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Confident} I'll get him back, don't worry.WorkshopSpokesman: Good. We need that caravan route back.A1a
8101WorkshopSpokesman: What do you want to do?{Confident} I'll get her back, don't worry.WorkshopSpokesman: Good. We need that caravan route back.A2a
8102MaleOld: We've got a problem. Raiders grabbed one of our traders.{Question} Do you know where he's been taken?WorkshopSpokesman: Yeah. We followed them back to their hideout.Y1a
8103MaleOld: We've got a problem. Raiders grabbed one of our traders.{Question} Do you know where she's been taken?WorkshopSpokesman: Yeah. We followed them back to their hideout.Y2a
8104MaleOld: We've got a problem. Raiders grabbed one of our traders.Just give me the details.X1a
8105MaleOld: We've got a problem. Raiders grabbed one of our traders.{Angry} This has got to stop.B1a
8106MaleOld: We've got a problem. Raiders grabbed one of our traders.{Confident} Don't worry, I'll take care of it.A1a


8107MinRadiantOwned04Confirm{Question} Do you have any supplies I can use to build defenses?SettlementSpokesman: Sure, use whatever you think is useful.Y1a
8108I'll do what I can.SettlementSpokesman: Okay, good. And take whatever you can use to fortify the place.X1a
8109{Apologetic} Sorry, I don't have time to help.SettlementSpokesman: I should have known better than to count on the Minutemen for help.B1a
8110MinRadiantOwned04SettlementIntroMaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Question} You think the Brotherhood is coming to take out the artillery?SettlementSpokesman: Oh, you don't know? We sent word to the Castle. I assumed they sent you.Y1a
8111MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Question} Why do you think the Brotherhood is coming?SettlementSpokesman: Oh, you don't know? We sent word to the Castle. I assumed they sent you.Y2a
8112MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.Just give me the situation.X1a
8113MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Irritated} Too bad you couldn't defend yourselves.SettlementSpokesman: Raiders is one thing. The Brotherhood is something else entirely.B1a
8114MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Irritated} I don't know what you're talking about.SettlementSpokesman: Raiders is one thing. The Brotherhood is something else entirely.B2a
8115MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Confident} Don't worry. They'll be sorry they messed with the Minutemen.SettlementSpokesman: I hope so.A1a
8116MaleOld: Whew. You got here before the Brotherhood.{Friendly} You'll have to explain what's going on.SettlementSpokesman: I hope so.A2a
8117-{Concerned} Bad news. I wasn't able to defend that artillery battery from the Brotherhood.
8118{Stern} Good news. We held off that Brotherhood attack. The artillery battery is safe.


8119MinRadiantOwned05ConfirmScene{Confident} Super Mutants don't scare me. I'll help you.SettlementSpokesman: It's going to be all right then, I'm sure of it.A1a
8120MinRadiantOwned05SettlementIntroMaleOld: I hope you're here to help.Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: Hold on. Please. We're desperate here.B2a
8121-{Question} What else have you got for me, Preston?
8122{Apologetic} I'm sorry to report that the Super Mutants came back and tore up that settlement pretty bad.
8123{Stern} We wiped out that Super Mutant raiding party. They won't be attacking any more settlements.


8124MinRadiantOwned06RewardI planted some more crops. You should have enough food now.SettlementSpokesman: Thanks, friend. Not everyone would have taken the time to help out folks in need.A
8125You should have plenty of clean water now.SettlementSpokesman: Thanks, friend. Not everyone would have taken the time to help out folks in need.A
8126You should be good to go now. No more shortages.SettlementSpokesman: Thanks, friend. Not everyone would have taken the time to help out folks in need.A


8127MinRadiantOwned07RewardYou should have all the power you need now.SettlementSpokesman: That's great. We really appreciate the help.A


8128MinRadiantOwned08SettlementConfirmScene{Question} What have you got in the way of supplies?SettlementSpokesman: I'm not sure how useful any of it will be, but if you think it will build some better defenses, you're welcome to it.Y1a
8129Can't make any promises, but I'll stand by you.SettlementSpokesman: Well, that's something. We'll take any help we can get.X1a
8130{Apologetic} Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: Did you just turn tail at Quincy too?B1a
8131{Confident} Not a problem. Gunners are just raiders with better armor.SettlementSpokesman: Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure you're right. We can do this.A1a
8132MinRadiantOwned08SettlementIntroMaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Friendly} Yes, can you tell me about your trouble with the Gunners?Y1a
8133MaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Question} The Gunners giving you trouble?Y2a
8134MaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Neutral} Maybe. Tell me the situation.X1a
8135MaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Confident} More than happy to stick it to the Gunners.SettlementSpokesman: Please, just hear me out at least.B1a
8136MaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Apologetic} Not right now.SettlementSpokesman: Please, just hear me out at least.B2a
8137MaleOld: Please just- wait, you're not with the Gunners... Are you here to help us out?{Friendly} I'm here to help. What's the problem?A1a
8138-{Question} Hey Preston, what can I do to help?
8139{Somber} The Gunners came back. Hit that settlement pretty hard, and they're in bad shape.
8140{Confident} Well that's a few Gunners that won't be attacking our settlements any time soon.


8141MinRadiantOwned09IntroMaleOld: We're in some trouble here. We've spotted a pack of feral ghouls in the area. I'm sure they were just waiting for it to get dark.{Question} Do you have any supplies I can use to build defenses?SettlementSpokesman: Sure, you can use anything you need.Y1a
8142MaleOld: We're in some trouble here. We've spotted a pack of feral ghouls in the area. I'm sure they were just waiting for it to get dark.I'll do what I can.SettlementSpokesman: I'm sure with your help, we'll be able to hold them off.X1a
8143MaleOld: We're in some trouble here. We've spotted a pack of feral ghouls in the area. I'm sure they were just waiting for it to get dark.{Apologetic} Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: I guess we're on our own, then. So much for the Minutemen.B1a
8144MaleOld: We're in some trouble here. We've spotted a pack of feral ghouls in the area. I'm sure they were just waiting for it to get dark.{Confident} Don't worry, I'll help you defend yourselves.SettlementSpokesman: Oh, good. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't showed up.A1a


8145MinRadiantOwned10IntroSuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{in a low confidential tone / Conspiratorial} Look, if you're a synth, you better admit it. I can help you.SuspectedSynth: Okay, I am a synth. But you've got to get them to lay off. You're blowing my cover here.Y1a
8146SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Puzzled} It's your call. I don't want to get involved.X1a
8147SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} He's a synth. Kill him.B1a
8148SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} She's a synth. Kill her.B2a
8149SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} He's a synth. Kill him.B3a
8150SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} She's a synth. Kill her.B4a
8151SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} We can't risk letting the Institute infiltrate the settlement. Kill him.B5a
8152SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Angry} We can't risk letting the Institute infiltrate the settlement. Kill her.B6a
8153SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} Let him go. He's not a synth.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A1a
8154SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} Let her go. She's not a synth.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A2a
8155SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} Let him go. He's not a synth.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A3a
8156SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} Let her go. She's not a synth.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A4a
8157SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} You've got to let him go. Don't give in to paranoia.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A5a
8158SuspectedSynth: Please, don't let them do this!{Confident} You've got to let her go. Don't give in to paranoia.SuspectedSynth: My god, thank you.A6a


8159MinRadiantOwned11SettlementConfirmScene{Question} Do you have any supplies I can use to build defenses?SettlementSpokesman: You can use whatever we've got. I don't know if any of it will be useful, but you're welcome to it.Y1a
8160I'll do what I can.SettlementSpokesman: Oh great, thanks. I'm sure with your help we'll be okay.X1a
8161{Apologetic} Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: I should have known we could never count on the Minutemen.B1a
8162{Confident} There's nothing to worry about from those synths. I'll make sure of that.SettlementSpokesman: It's going to be all right then, I'm sure of it.A1a
8163MinRadiantOwned11SettlementIntroMaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?{Friendly} Yes, I'm here to help. What's the problem?Y1a
8164MaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?{Question} What's the problem?Y2a
8165MaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?Just tell me what you need help with.X1a
8166MaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?{Confident} Of course. Whose ass do you need me to kick?SettlementSpokesman: Hold on. Please. We're desperate here.B1a
8167MaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?{Friendly} That's right. What's the trouble here?A1a
8168MaleOld: Are you with the Minutemen?{Friendly} I'd be glad to help. What's the trouble?A2a
8169-{Question} Hey Preston, what can I do to help?
8170{Somber} The synths attacked that settlement you sent me to. They did a lot of damage.
8171{Confident} The synths attacked that settlement you sent me to, but we managed to hold them off without too much damage.


8172MinRecruit00PrestonOutro{Happy / Happy} You know that settlement you sent me to help? They've decided to join the Minutemen.PrestonGarvey: That's a real shame. We can't afford to waste opportunities to show people that the Minutemen can make their lives better.A
8173MinRecruit00SettlementIntroSettlementSpokesman: Most people don't put much stock in the Minutemen these days, after Quincy. Bad business, that.{Puzzled} Is there something you need my help with?SettlementSpokesman: Oh, yeah. I'm damn glad you're here.Y1a
8174SettlementSpokesman: Most people don't put much stock in the Minutemen these days, after Quincy. Bad business, that.{Uncertain / Puzzled} Do you want my help or should I be on my way?SettlementSpokesman: Don't get the wrong idea. I'm damn glad you're here.X1a
8175SettlementSpokesman: Most people don't put much stock in the Minutemen these days, after Quincy. Bad business, that.{Irritated / Irritated} I didn't expect to get lectured by the people I came to help.SettlementSpokesman: I didn't mean to give offense. Damn glad you're here, no mistake.B1a
8176SettlementSpokesman: Most people don't put much stock in the Minutemen these days, after Quincy. Bad business, that.{Friendly / Friendly} We're rebuilding the Minutemen from the ground up. We're the good guys again.SettlementSpokesman: Glad to hear it. No question that things have been worse since the Minutemen fell to pieces.A1a
8177MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Puzzled} Didn't you ask the Minutemen for help?Y1a
8178MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Sarcastic / Sarcastic} If I told you I'm with the Minutemen, would you still want to shoot me?X1a
8179MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Calming / Neutral} I'm not here to cause any trouble, I'm here to help. I'm with the Minutemen.X2a
8180MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Irritated} Do you always point a gun at everyone you meet?SettlementSpokesman: I'm afraid I do, these days. If we lose any more of our crops, we'll be done for.B1a
8181MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Irritated/insulted / Irritated} Settle down, I'm with the Minutemen. I thought someone actually needed some help around here.SettlementSpokesman: I'm afraid I do, these days. If we lose any more of our crops, we'll be done for.B2a
8182MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Friendly} Take it easy. I'm with the Minutemen. I'm here to help.A1a
8183MaleOld: What do you want? We don't need any more trouble around here.{Friendly - talking to a worried settler / Friendly} It's ok. I'm with the Minutemen. I'm here to help.A2a
8184SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Friendly} I already took care of those raiders. Now, what do you say about joining the Minutemen, helping out others who need it?SettlementSpokesman: Well, now. That's some good news.Y1a
8185SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Question} Will you be willing to join the Minutemen once I've dealt with those raiders?SettlementSpokesman: Well, now. That's some good news.Y2a
8186SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Neutral} I'll take care of them.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.X2a
8187SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Conceited / Amused} I already kicked their asses. You're welcome.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.B1a
8188SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Confident} I'll kick their asses for you, no problem.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.B2a
8189SettlementSpokesman: We know where they're coming from, but we can't go up against a gang like that.{Friendly} Don't worry. I'll take care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.A2a
8190MinRecruit00SettlementRewardMaleOld: You find those raiders?{Friendly} They're history. Now what do you say about joining the Minutemen, helping others when they need it?SettlementSpokesman: You helped us, so it'd be pretty ungrateful of us to turn our backs on other folks.Y1a
8191MaleOld: You find those raiders?{Bragging / Amused} Yeah, I kicked their asses for you.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.B1a
8192MaleOld: You find those raiders?{Neutral} Yeah. I took care of them.SettlementSpokesman: No kidding? That's the best piece of news we've had around here for a good long time.A1a


8193MinRecruit01AcceptScene{Neutral} I'll see what I can do.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!X2a
8194{Neutral} Sorry, I can't help.SettlementSpokesman: Oh. That's disappointing.B1a
8195{Friendly} Don't worry. I'll take care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A2a
8196MinRecruit01ConfirmScene{Question} Any idea how many raiders we're talking about?SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!Y2a
8197{Neutral} I'll see what I can do.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!X2a
8198{Confident} Those raiders are already yesterday's news. Thanks to yours truly.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!B1a
8199{Irritated} More raiders... fine.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!B2a
8200{Friendly} Don't worry. I'll take care of those raiders for you.SettlementSpokesman: Really? Well, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!A2a
8201MinRecruit01SettlementIntroMaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Question} Yes, I'm here to help. What's the problem?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.Y1a
8202MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Question} Is there some kind of problem?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.Y2a
8203MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Neutral} Of course. Just tell me what you need help with.SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.X1a
8204MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Question} Maybe. Why do you ask?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.X2a
8205MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Question} Maybe. What's the problem?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.X3a
8206MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Irritated} I'm not the tooth fairy. Just tell me what you need so I can get out of here.SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.B1a
8207MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Neutral} No. I'm just passing through.SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.B2a
8208MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Neutral} Yes, I'm here to help. What's going on?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.A1a
8209MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Neutral} They didn't send me, but I am a Minuteman. Is there some way I can help?SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.A2a
8210MaleOld: Did the Minutemen send you?{Friendly} I'd be glad to. Just tell me what's going on.SettlementSpokesman: There's a group of raiders that won't leave us alone. Stealing our food and supplies. Threatening us if we can't give them what they want.A3a
8211-{Confident} I took care of the raiders that were harassing that settlement you sent me to. The people there have decided to join our cause.


8212MinRecruit02AcceptScene{Question} Do you know where they took her?SettlementSpokesman: I'm pretty sure. I'll mark it on your map.Y1a
8213{Question} Do you know where they took him?SettlementSpokesman: I'm pretty sure. I'll mark it on your map.Y2a
8214{Neutral} Here's the ransom. Pay them when they come back.SettlementSpokesman: Oh, okay, thanks. I just hope I can trust those Raiders to keep their promise.X1a
8215{Neutral} I can't pay that kind of ransom.SettlementSpokesman: Oh, okay, thanks. I just hope I can trust those Raiders to keep their promise.X2a
8216{Neutral} Sorry, I can't help you.SettlementSpokesman: I guess there's no hope then. Well... maybe the Gunners will give me more time to get the ransom together...B1a
8217{Neutral} Don't worry, I'll get her back.A1a
8218{Neutral} Don't worry, I'll get him back.A2a
8219MinRecruit02CaptiveSceneMaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Question} Are you the one who was kidnapped?KidnappedActor: Oh, thank god, someone sent you after me? Yes, they're holding me for ransom... but I know we can't pay what they're asking.Y1a
8220MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Puzzled} What are you doing here?KidnappedActor: Oh, thank god, someone sent you after me? Yes, they're holding me for ransom... but I know we can't pay what they're asking.Y2a
8221MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Neutral} Hold on. I'll be back for you.KidnappedActor: No, don't leave! Please, cut me loose first!X1a
8222MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Neutral} I don't think I can get you out of here.KidnappedActor: I don't care about the risks. I'd rather get killed trying to escape than wait here to die.B1a
8223MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Neutral} This is none of my business.KidnappedActor: I don't care about the risks. I'd rather get killed trying to escape than wait here to die.B2a
8224MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Neutral} Don't worry, I'm here to rescue you.KidnappedActor: Oh my god, thank you. Let's go.A1a
8225MaleOld: Please. You've got to help me!{Neutral} Don't worry, I'll get you out of here.KidnappedActor: Oh my god, thank you. Let's go.A2a
8226MinRecruit02ConfirmScene{Question} Do you know where they took her?SettlementSpokesman: I'm pretty sure. I'll mark it on your map.Y1a
8227{Question} Do you know where they took him?SettlementSpokesman: I'm pretty sure. I'll mark it on your map.Y2a
8228{Neutral} Here's the ransom. Pay them when they come back.SettlementSpokesman: Oh, okay, thanks. I just hope I can trust those Raiders to keep their promise.X1a
8229{Neutral} I'll take care of it.SettlementSpokesman: Oh, okay, thanks. I just hope I can trust those Raiders to keep their promise.X2a
8230{Confident} I'll teach those bastards a lesson they'll never forget.B1a
8231{Neutral} Don't worry, I'll get her back.A1a
8232{Neutral} Don't worry, I'll get him back.A2a
8233MinRecruit02SettlementIntroMaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Question} Who kidnapped him?Y1a
8234MaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Question} Who kidnapped her?Y2a
8235MaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Neutral} Just tell me what happened.X1a
8236MaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Confident} You're in luck. Rescuing kidnap victims is my specialty.SettlementSpokesman: Please. You've got to help. I don't know what else to do.B1a
8237MaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Irritated} I don't have time for this.SettlementSpokesman: Please. You've got to help. I don't know what else to do.B2a
8238MaleOld: You've got to help! My mother's been kidnapped!{Neutral} It's okay. You just need to tell me what happened.A1a
8239-{Question} What next?
8240{Neutral} Things didn't work out at that settlement you sent me to.
8241{Confident} I rescued that kidnapped settler. We've got another settlement on our side now.


8242MinRecruit03AcceptSceneSettlementSpokesman: If you could get it back, it'd mean a lot to us.{Neutral} Sorry, I can't help.SettlementSpokesman: Oh. Okay. I guess we're on our own, then.B1a
8243MinRecruit03ConfirmScene{Question} Do you know where they're coming from?SettlementSpokesman: Yeah, pretty sure I do. One of them mentioned Olivia while they were here. My guess is they're holed up in the old USAF station.Y1a
8244{Neutral} I've got that locket back for you.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news! Connie's going to be speechless.X1a
8245{Neutral} I'll see what I can do.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news! Connie's going to be speechless.X2a
8246{Disgust} Raiders again? I'm sick of those guys.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news! Connie's going to be speechless.B2a
8247{Neutral} I took care of some raiders earlier. I think I found the locket you're talking about.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news! Connie's going to be speechless.A1a
8248{Friendly} Don't worry. I'll get that locket back for you.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news! Connie's going to be speechless.A2a
8249MinRecruit03SettlementIntroMaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Question} What do you need?Y1a
8250MaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Neutral} Just tell me what you need.X1a
8251MaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Confident} Whatever it is, I'm sure I can handle it.SettlementSpokesman: Please. You've got to help. I don't know what else to do.B1a
8252MaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Irritated} I don't have time for this.SettlementSpokesman: Please. You've got to help. I don't know what else to do.B2a
8253MaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Friendly} I'm with the Minutemen. How can I help?A1a
8254MaleBoston: We could really use your help.{Friendly} I'd be glad to help if I can.A2a
8255-{Neutral} Bad news. That settlement you sent me to isn't going to ally with us.
8256{Confident} Those raiders won't be bothering anybody again. We've got one more settlement on our side.


8257MinRecruit04AcceptScene{Neutral} Sorry, I can't help.SettlementSpokesman: Oh. Okay. I guess we're on our own, then.B1a
8258MinRecruit04ConfirmScene{Question} Super Mutants? Those guys are already taken care of.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!Y1a
8259{Confident} I took care of those Super Mutants for you.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!X1a
8260{Neutral} I'll see what I can do.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!X2a
8261{Confident} Super Mutants? No problem.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!B2a
8262{Neutral} Those Super Mutants are already taken care of.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!A1a
8263{Confident} I'll take care of those Super Mutants. I promise.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!A2a
8264MinRecruit04SettlementReward{Confident} Those Super Mutants won't be bothering you again.SettlementSpokesman: I guess you were the right person for the job, huh? Thanks, friend!A
8265-{Apologetic} Things didn't go well with that Super Mutant problem. The settlers aren't too happy with us.
8266{Neutral} I took care of those Super Mutants. The settlers were relieved to not have them to worry about any more.


8267MinRecruit05ConfirmScene{Question} Where is this place?SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!Y2a
8268{Confident} I already cleared that place out.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!X1a
8269{Confident} Consider it done.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!B2a
8270{Confident} I already cleared that place out. You're safe now.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!A1a
8271{Confident} No problem. I'll take care of them for you.SettlementSpokesman: You serious? That's great news!A2a
8272MinRecruit05SettlementReward{Confident} I cleared that place out for you. Should be safe for your friends to move in now.SettlementSpokesman: Nice to have some good news around here for a change.A
8273-{Apologetic} Remember that settlement you sent me to help? It didn't turn out well.
8274{Confident} The Minutemen are on a roll. I helped that settlement you sent me to, and cleared the way for a new settlement in the process.


8275-{Confident} I cleared out that spot you sent me to, and set up a radio beacon there.


8276MinRecruit07AcceptScene{Question} Where are they holed up?SettlementSpokesman: Here I'll mark it for you. Thank you your help. It means a lot to us.Y1a
8277{Confident} I've already taken care of those ghouls.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's great news!X1a
8278{Neutral} I'll give it a try.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's great news!X2a
8279{Neutral} Sorry, I can't help right now.SettlementSpokesman: And here I thought you were going to help us out...B1a
8280{Confident} Already done. Went by that place on my way here.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's great news!A1a
8281{Confident} Not a problem. Those ghouls are as good as gone.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's great news!A2a
8282MinRecruit07ConfirmScene{Question} Are ghouls a common problem?SettlementSpokesman: We're usually fine to deal with one or two, but more than that? Well...Y1a
8283{Neutral} It's already done.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.X1a
8284{Neutral} I'll have a look, but I can't promise anything.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.X2a
8285{Irritated} I already cleared those ghouls out, so thanks for wasting my time.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.B1a
8286{Irritated} Damned feral ghouls...SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.B2a
8287{Confident} I already cleared that place out.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.A1a
8288{Confident} I'm on it. It's as good as done.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's a relief. It's been hard on everyone, having to keep an eye over our shoulder all the time.A2a
8289MinRecruit07SettlementIntroMaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Question} What seems to be the problem?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.Y1a
8290MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Question} You in some kind of trouble?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.Y2a
8291MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Not annoyed, but as if in a hurry. / Neutral} Sure, tell me what's going on.SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.X1a
8292MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Neutral} Maybe. What did you need?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.X2a
8293MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Neutral} Let's hear it.SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.X3a
8294MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{willing, but annoyed / Stern} Get to the point. What what do you need?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has wandered in nearby. It's too risky to have them so close and we need someone to clear them out.B1a
8295MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Irritated} Sorry, I don't have time right now.SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has wandered in nearby. It's too risky to have them so close and we need someone to clear them out.B2a
8296MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Confident} The Minutemen are always happy to help. What did you need?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.A1a
8297MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Confident} No one sent me, but the Minutemen are always here to help.SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.A2a
8298MaleOld: You're with the Minutemen, right?{Friendly} Glad to help out. What seems to be the problem?SettlementSpokesman: A pack of feral ghouls has holed up nearby, and some of them have started wandering out lately.A3a
8299MinRecruit07SettlementReward{Neutral} Took care of those ghouls that were giving you trouble.SettlementSpokesman: You did? That's great news!A
8300-{Neutral} I cleared out the ghouls that were giving that settlement trouble.


8301-{Confident} I took out that courser you were worried about.


8302MinRecruit09RefugeeIntroRefugeeSpokesman: I know you have no reason to want to help us, but we're just trying to put the past behind us and start a new life up here.{Stern} You don't deserve my help.RefugeeSpokesman: I understand why you feel that way, but please. We don't have anywhere else to turn.B1a
8303RefugeeSpokesman: So... we were hoping you could clear it out so that we could make a new home there.{Disgust} I already cleared that place out. I might not have if I'd known I was helping you.RefugeeSpokesman: I understand. The Institute didn't make many friends out here. But we're grateful, even so.B1a
8304RefugeeSpokesman: So... we were hoping you could clear it out so that we could make a new home there.{Stern} I'm not going to help you. You're on your own.RefugeeSpokesman: I understand. The Institute didn't make many friends out here. But we're grateful, even so.B2a
8305RefugeeSpokesman: So... we were hoping you could clear it out so that we could make a new home there.{Confident} I already cleared that place out. You can move there any time you want.RefugeeSpokesman: Oh, really? That's... that's fantastic news.A1a
8306RefugeeSpokesman: So... we were hoping you could clear it out so that we could make a new home there.{Friendly} Don't worry, I'll make it safe for you to move there.RefugeeSpokesman: Oh, really? That's... that's fantastic news.A2a
8307MinRecruit09RefugeeReward{Confident} I cleared out that place for you. It's safe for you to move there now.RefugeeSpokesman: Thank you. I wasn't sure if you'd be willing to... you know, help us, after everything...A
8308-{Defiant} I decided not to help those Institute refugees. They don't deserve our help.
8309{Confident} I set up those Institute refugees in a new home. I think they're going to be okay.


8310-Hey, Ronnie.
8311{getting their attention real quick} Hi, Ronnie.
8312{getting their attention real quick} Got a minute?
8313Don't worry. I'll take care of those raiders for you.


8314MinVsInstMinutemenStage30CitizenQuestion{intimidating} You sure you're willing to risk being wrong about this?Companion: Cait interjectsY1a
8315{impatient} You don't have all the information. I do, and I'm telling you this isn't what it looks like. That man's not in danger.Companion: Yeah, I don't think he's listenin'.X1a
8316I know for a fact they won't hurt that man, and if you get in the way, I'm going to have to take you down.Companion: Oh just shoot them and get it over with.B1a
8317The Institute wants the same things you do. We can find a way to work together.Companion: Are you daft? The two mix like oil and water.A1a
8318MinVsInstStage50EnricoSavagesSceneWeren't you prepared for some amount of resistance?Enrico: Of course not!Y1a
8319"Those ""savages"" had you pretty well cornered."Enrico: Did I not mention the part where we didn't expect this? This was supposed to be a simple extraction.X1a
8320Those are good men out there. You have no right to insult them like that."Enrico: Those ""good men"" of yours wanted to kill me. Forgive me for not thinking terribly highly of them."B1a
8321The Minutemen were only doing what they felt was right.Enrico: Well from here it looked like they were out for blood. And if you hadn't arrived, I think they might've gotten it.A1a
8322MinVsInstStage50EnricoSceneEnrico: Let's just get Wallace and get out of here.What does this Wallace guy have to do with Phase Three?Enrico: Wallace is... well, brilliant by all accounts. Like nothing we'd seen in the Commonwealth prior.Y1a
8323Enrico: Let's just get Wallace and get out of here.We've already drawn enough attention. Time's wasting, so let's pick up the pace.Enrico: I'd love to.X1a
8324Enrico: Let's just get Wallace and get out of here."{annoyed} What do you mean, ""get Wallace."" You don't have him already?"Enrico: I know...B1a
8325Enrico: Let's just get Wallace and get out of here.No argument from me. Let's go.Enrico: Right...A1a
8326Enrico: I was starting to worry we might not make it out of this mess.How exactly did this happen?Enrico: I'm not suited for field work. I've said that over and over... and they sent me anyway.Y1a
8327Enrico: I was starting to worry we might not make it out of this mess.Let's focus on getting back.Enrico: I couldn't agree more.X1a
8328Enrico: I was starting to worry we might not make it out of this mess.It wouldn't have been such a mess if you'd handled it differently.Enrico: I never claimed to be suited for field work, and I explicitly stated that when given this assignment!B1a
8329Enrico: I was starting to worry we might not make it out of this mess.Everything's taken care of. You're safe.Enrico: Good, good. It was bad enough that Wallace started giving us trouble, but then he called in those... savages.A1a
8330Enrico: I know he's potentially important to Phase Three and all, but I'm not sure it's worth putting ourselves in harm's way...Why did the Institute send you, specifically?Enrico: They thought I'd be able to relate to him, with my scientific background.Y1a
8331Enrico: I know he's potentially important to Phase Three and all, but I'm not sure it's worth putting ourselves in harm's way...This does seems like lots of effort for just one man.Enrico: If things were different, we might not be here. Not now, at least. But with the situation in the Commonwealth being what it is...X1a
8332Enrico: I know he's potentially important to Phase Three and all, but I'm not sure it's worth putting ourselves in harm's way..."Far as I can tell, you were only in ""harm's way"" because you screwed this up."Enrico: Look, I had the same intelligence reports as everyone else. No one saw this coming.B1a
8333Enrico: I know he's potentially important to Phase Three and all, but I'm not sure it's worth putting ourselves in harm's way...If he's really important to the Institute, then it's worth it.Enrico: You're right, I suppose.A1a
8334MinVsInstStage50EnricoWallaceSceneEnrico: I was thinking... Maybe you could try and talk to him.Any advice on how to talk to him?Enrico: Don't make him angry. Let him know we're not going to hurt him... In fact, his life would improve considerably.Y1a
8335Enrico: I was thinking... Maybe you could try and talk to him.Talk is cheap. Maybe it's time to kick in the door.Enrico: No, no! We need this man on our side. He needs to see that we'll help him as much as he'll help us!X1a
8336Enrico: I was thinking... Maybe you could try and talk to him.{frustrated} I guess I'll have to, since you're useless.Enrico: I think that's a little unfair.B1a
8337Enrico: I was thinking... Maybe you could try and talk to him.No problem. I'm sure I can get him to see reason.Enrico: I hope so. We really need him.A1a
8338MinVsInstStage60EnricoFinalSceneEnrico: Thanks... I mean, thanks for the assist.You're going to bring him in immediately, right?Enrico: Oh, yeah. Don't want him to start second-guessing the decision.Y1a
8339Enrico: Thanks... I mean, thanks for the assist.I'm here for the Institute, not for you.Enrico: Right, right. Okay. I gotcha.X1a
8340Enrico: Thanks... I mean, thanks for the assist.Oh screw you. There are plenty of things I'd rather have done than come fix your mess.Enrico: Wow... Okay, message received.B1a
8341Enrico: Thanks... I mean, thanks for the assist.Hey, I'm here to help. You're welcome.Enrico: I really mean it, I owe you one.A1a
8342MinVsInstStage60WallaceCalmSceneMr. Wallace, would you be willing to help the Institute?DoorTalkingActivator: Help... the Institute? But... aren't they... you... I mean, the bad guys?Y1a
8343It's important, and it will benefit you. Just... trust me.DoorTalkingActivator: You can't just barge in here and insist that I... I'm not even sure what. Please, tell me something about what's going on.X1a
8344I can't tell you what it's about, but it's important.DoorTalkingActivator: Look, I'm really not comfortable with anything that's happening right now.B1a
8345The Institute needs your help, Mr. Wallace. It's as simple as that.DoorTalkingActivator: My help? With... with what?A1a
8346Enrico: You'd be safe and secure in a way that's completely impossible anywhere else.You have a better option than what we're offering you?DoorTalkingActivator: No.... No, I guess I don't.Y1a
8347Enrico: You'd be safe and secure in a way that's completely impossible anywhere else.Think about your future, Wallace. This is a way to secure it.DoorTalkingActivator: I suppose that's... one way to look at it.X1a
8348Enrico: You'd be safe and secure in a way that's completely impossible anywhere else.This is an opportunity you will never have again. Don't be stupid. Don't pass it up.DoorTalkingActivator: Don't call me stupid.B1a
8349Enrico: You'd be safe and secure in a way that's completely impossible anywhere else.You'd be helping us create a better world.DoorTalkingActivator: That... That sounds good.A1a
8350MinVsInstStage60WallaceSceneDoorTalkingActivator: You're another one of... of them, aren't you? Are you a robot?Sir, are you okay? Have you been injured in any way?DoorTalkingActivator: I'm locked in a bathroom to avoid killer robots... Of course I'm not okay!Y1a
8351DoorTalkingActivator: You're another one of... of them, aren't you? Are you a robot?I mean you no harm. No one here does, all right? We're just here to talk.DoorTalkingActivator: You're not stealing my organs, or shooting me into space, or whatever it is you do! I won't let you!X1a
8352DoorTalkingActivator: You're another one of... of them, aren't you? Are you a robot?Don't be ridiculous. Of course I'm not a robot.DoorTalkingActivator: That's exactly what a robot would say!B1a
8353DoorTalkingActivator: You're another one of... of them, aren't you? Are you a robot?Please try and relax. I know this is an unusual situation...DoorTalkingActivator: No, you're here to kidnap me. That's what you people do, isn't it? If you even are people!A1a
8354Mr. Wallace? I'm here to talk to you.DoorTalkingActivator: You're another one of... of them, aren't you? Are you a robot?A
8355DoorTalkingActivator: I've heard all the stories. I know exactly what happens to people when the Institute shows up... Well, it's not happening to me!What can I say to convince you that we're not going to hurt you?DoorTalkingActivator: That you're leaving and never coming back!Y1a
8356DoorTalkingActivator: I've heard all the stories. I know exactly what happens to people when the Institute shows up... Well, it's not happening to me!{sarcastic, annoyed} Right, we're here to steal your kidneys and your memories. That's why I'm wasting time talking to you through the door.DoorTalkingActivator: That's not funny! None of this is funny!X1a
8357DoorTalkingActivator: I've heard all the stories. I know exactly what happens to people when the Institute shows up... Well, it's not happening to me!{frustrated, losing patience} Shut up and listen to me. We're not here to hurt you, but if you make this difficult you're going to regret it.DoorTalkingActivator: Okay, all right... What do you want from me? Why are you here?B1a
8358DoorTalkingActivator: I've heard all the stories. I know exactly what happens to people when the Institute shows up... Well, it's not happening to me!Hey, just calm down, okay? I just want to talk to you.DoorTalkingActivator: Fine, fine... What do you want from me?A1a
8359MVIFatherStage10SceneShaun: I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.Why all this effort? What's so special about this person?Shaun: Mr. Wallace? Despite a lack of formal training, our surveillance has shown he has an incredible intellect.Y1a
8360Shaun: I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.I don't know if I can settle this peacefully. There may not be an easy solution to this.Shaun: They are your people, are they not? They follow you? Then they should listen to you.X1a
8361Shaun: I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.I'm not going to betray the Minutemen.Shaun: I am not asking you to!B1a
8362Shaun: I know you can resolve this situation, but it is of paramount importance that this special individual be brought to the Institute immediately.They'll listen to me; I'll figure something out. You can consider this handled.Shaun: Believe me, I already do.A1a
8363Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.What do you mean by that? What's happened?Shaun: Well...Y1a
8364Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.I find that very hard to believe.Shaun: Yes, which is why I said I believe it to be unintentional.X1a
8365Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.I've risked myself repeatedly for the Institute, and this is what I get? Whatever's happened, it's not my fault.Shaun: Calm down. Let me explain.B1a
8366Shaun: This situation, I'm afraid, is something of your creation, however unintentional.If I've done something to jeopardize the Institute, I'll fix it. You have my word.Shaun: I have no doubt that you will. But it's nothing quite so dire.A1a
8367Shaun: I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.Do you need more parts for the reactor? I could've gotten them while I was out.Shaun: No, this is a different matter.Y1a
8368Shaun: I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.Oh, good. Here I was afraid I'd have nothing to do.Shaun: Very funny. There's something that needs your immediate attention.X1a
8369Shaun: I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.I only just got back. Now what?Shaun: I understand, but we have a problem.B1a
8370Shaun: I'm wasting time. You're needed elsewhere at once.Whatever it is, I can take care of it.Shaun: I certainly hope so.A1a
8371Shaun: I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.What did you hear?Shaun: Dr. Filmore's report was quite thorough.Y1a
8372Shaun: I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.The job is done. That's what matters.Shaun: For the moment, yes.X1a
8373Shaun: I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.It would've been much quicker if they hadn't gotten in the way.Shaun: Yes, they are becoming a nuisance.B1a
8374Shaun: I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.We handled them just fine.Shaun: That's what Dr. Filmore reported. I'm quite pleased at the results; it would've been a terrible setback to lose that technology to those savages.A1a
8375You wanted to see me?Shaun: I understand Mass Fusion was a success, despite interference from the Brotherhood of Steel.A
8376Shaun: Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.Do you often extend invitations to join?Shaun: No, certainly not. Ordinarily it would never be considered, but this case presented very special circumstances.Y1a
8377Shaun: Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.That sounds... unusual. I thought you didn't let anyone in here.Shaun: Usually you'd be correct. This time, however, an exception was made.X1a
8378Shaun: Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.Let me guess... He botched the job.Shaun: It is unclear exactly what happened, but at this time I am not concerned with placing blame.B1a
8379Shaun: Dr. Thompson was tasked with... inviting someone from the Commonwealth to join the Institute.Sounds simple enough.Shaun: It was supposed to be, yes.A1a
8380MVIMinutemenStage30SceneMinutemenContact: That makes sense, right? So, you want to lead the charge?What do you know about the person who lives here?MinutemenContact: Not too much. Wallace is his name. Kind of an egg-head type, but real squirrely. Keeps to himself.Y1a
8381MinutemenContact: That makes sense, right? So, you want to lead the charge?Have your men hold their ground. I'll go in and assess the situation.MinutemenContact: I don't think that's a good idea... sir.X1a
8382MinutemenContact: That makes sense, right? So, you want to lead the charge?No one is going to do anything. Tell your men to stand down.MinutemenContact: I don't... Are you kidding me?B1a
8383MinutemenContact: That makes sense, right? So, you want to lead the charge?Let's take them now, before they have a chance to get away.MinutemenContact: All right! We'll follow your lead.A1a
8384MinutemenContact: We don't know quite what we're up against, but it's good you're here to help. How... how did you hear about this?Can you bring me up to speed on the situation?MinutemenContact: Commonwealth citizen lives in that there Observatory. Institute thugs showed up to haul him off, only he spotted them coming.Y1a
8385MinutemenContact: We don't know quite what we're up against, but it's good you're here to help. How... how did you hear about this?I'm not sure you know what's going on here. This situation is... complicated.MinutemenContact: Oh I know exactly what's going on. These assholes think they can kidnap whoever they want, whenever they want.X1a
8386MinutemenContact: We don't know quite what we're up against, but it's good you're here to help. How... how did you hear about this?I can't believe you thought this was a valuable use of time and resources.MinutemenContact: Are you kidding me? The Institute is clearly trying to kidnap a Commonwealth citizen... again... And you're saying we shouldn't be here?B1a
8387MinutemenContact: We don't know quite what we're up against, but it's good you're here to help. How... how did you hear about this?You've done good work.MinutemenContact: Thank you, uhh, sir.A1a
8388MinutemenContact:You'd risk that man's life? You could get him killed too.MinutemenContact: If we don't do anything, he's as good as dead.Y1a
8389MinutemenContact: Are you going to lead us in there, or what?This whole thing is just... a misunderstanding.MinutemenContact: A misunderstanding? Can't wait to hear this... Explain to me how this is a misunderstanding.X1a
8390MinutemenContact: Are you going to order the attack or not?I'm giving you an order, soldier.MinutemenContact: Maybe you don't understand. This ain't the military, and I don't have to take orders from you.B1a
8391MinutemenContact:You're right. Let's go in there and get them.MinutemenContact: All right then. Let's go!A1a
8392What's going on here?MinutemenContact: You're an unexpected surprise. We could use the back-up.A