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This is a transcript for dialogue with Darla.


1-{in combat, referring to the detective you captured} He's here for the detective. Ice him!
2{in combat, referring to the detective you captured} She's here for the detective. Ice her!
3{in combat, referring to how your boss is going to kill the player} Malone's gonna have your guts for garters!
4{in combat, referring to the detective you've taken as prisoner} You and Valentine are both dead!


5-{you've been convinced to break up with Skinny Malone and go home to your family / Stern} I'm going home to my parents. Screw those low-life gangsters.
6{you've been convinced to break up with Skinny Malone and go home to your family / Stern} Some man Skinny Malone turned out to be. Hmph.
7{you've been convinced to break up with Skinny Malone and go home to your family / Stern} My parents were right. I should never have gotten mixed up with people from Goodneighbor.
8{you've been convinced to break up with Skinny Malone and go home to your family / Stern} Screw Skinny Malone. Who needs that big galoot anyway?
9{you've been convinced to break up with Skinny Malone and go home to your family / Stern} What a mess I got myself into.
10{Skinny Malone has given the player 10 seconds to leave before he starts shooting} If I were you, I'd run. Fast.
11{Skinny Malone has given the player 10 seconds to leave before he starts shooting} What are you doin'? Get goin' before the boss changes his mind!
12{Skinny Malone has given the player 10 seconds to leave before he starts shooting} You heard the boss. Get lost!


13006_MQ104_NickTalk03Nick: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your two-timing dame, Skinny. You ought to tell her to write home more often.{Mocking Nick Valentine's name. Your father, who you hate, sent Valentine here to find you and bring you home / Angry} Awww... poor little, Valentine. Ashamed you got beat up by a girl? I'll just run back home to daddy, shall I?SkinnyMalone: Should've left it alone, Nicky. This ain't the old neighborhood. In this Vault, I'm king of the castle, you hear me?A1a
14SkinnyMalone: And I ain't lettin' some private dick shut us down now that I finally got a good thing goin'!{Angry} I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the "old times."SkinnyMalone: Darla, I'm handling this! Skinny Malone's always got things under control!A1a
15007_MQ104_NickSkinny01{player just walked off, shouting / Angry} Where are you goin'? Kill 'em, Skinny!A1a
16Player Default: Skinny's no good for you, Darla. You put a bullet in him, and I just might let you go.{charmed by the player's show of force / Flirting} Wow you're... you're a bad boy, ain't ya?MobsterGirl: Sorry, babe, but this is the end for us. And for you...B1a
17Player Default: Skinny's no good for you, Darla. You put a bullet in him, and I just might let you go.{charmed by the player's show of force / Flirting} Wow you're... you're a bad girl, ain't ya?MobsterGirl: Sorry, babe, but this is the end for us. And for you...B2a
18Player Default: Skinny's no good for you, Darla. You put a bullet in him, and I just might let you go.{about to attack the player / Angry} What kind of a girl do you think I am? Kill 'em, Skinny!B3a
19{Malone says he has things under control, you beg to differ / Angry} Oh yeah, then what's this guy doing here, huh? Valentine must have brought him here to rub us all out!Player Default: Wait. Skinny. "Remember the Quarry. Lilly June on the rocks." Ring any bells?A1a
20{Malone says he has things under control, you beg to differ / Angry} Oh yeah, then what's this lady doing here, huh? Valentine must have brought her here to rub us all out!Player Default: Wait. Skinny. "Remember the Quarry. Lilly June on the rocks." Ring any bells?A2a
21Player Default: Darla, listen to me. You have a home to go back to. You don't want to throw your life away with these thugs.{breaking down after being convinced what she's doing is wrong / Sad} I... I... You're right! What am I doing? I've gotten all mixed up!SkinnyMalone: Darla? Wh-where are you goin'?A1a
22Player Default: Darla, listen to me. You have a home to go back to. You don't want to throw your life away with these thugs.{about to attack the player / Angry} Don't you try to confuse me! Get em, Skinny!A2a
23008_MQ104_DarlaLeavesSkinnyMalone: Darla? Wh-where are you goin'?{the player convinced you to break up with Malone and go back home / Sad} Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us.SkinnyMalone: Oh, come on, Nicky! You cost me my men, now you and your friend cost me my girl?A1a
24008_MQ104_DarlaTurns{player convinced you to turn against Malone / SinisterSmile} Sorry, babe, but this is the end for us. And for you...SkinnyMalone: You double-crossing, moll! Teach me to fall for a great set of legs.A1a
25008_MQ104_SkinnyLeaves{Malone is letting Nick and the player go / Puzzled} What are you doin', Skinny? Kill 'em!SkinnyMalone: No, Darla. They get one chance to leave. Skinny Malone's puttin' his foot down.A1a
26SkinnyMalone: No, Darla. They get one chance to leave. Skinny Malone's puttin' his foot down.{Angry} My mother was right. You mobsters are all just talk.A1a
27008_MQ104_SkinnyTurns{Player has convinced Malone to break up with you / Surprised} What are you talkin' about Skinny?SkinnyMalone: I'm sayin' you're draggin' me and this whole operation down a bad road, toots. We're through.A1a
28SkinnyMalone: I'm sayin' you're draggin' me and this whole operation down a bad road, toots. We're through.{Angry} Well, fine then! I'm going back home. I don't need you, you fat ass!SkinnyMalone: They always gotta hit you where it hurts...A1a
29-{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Angry} What? At a loss for words?
30{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Angry} Got nothing to say, huh? Huh?
31{waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Angry} Hey! I'm talking to you!