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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault-Tec scientist.


1MQ101_Vault111_ExtraScene02MrsAble: Are we next?Wait for a second, Mister and Missus...?MrAble: Able. Mister and Missus Able.A1a
2MrAble: Able. Mister and Missus Able.Mister and Missus Able. We're detecting a very small anomaly in your biometric scans. Just hold tight right there for a second.MrsAble: Is something wrong?A1a
3MrsAble: Is something wrong?No, no, happens all the time. We'll clean things up real quick. Don't worry.A1a
4MQ101Vault111_Scanner{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} This one's good....A1a
5{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} A little high, but okay...A2a
6{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} Levels are good...A3a
7{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} Good...A4a
8{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} Yeah, looks fine...A5a
9{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} Looks good...A6a
10{to yourself, scanning people for radiation} Levels all normal...A7a
11-Running some scans. All very routine.
12Everything's fine. Scans are normal.
13You're fine. Don't worry. We'll take care of things from here.
14{polite, calm} Oh, I'm sorry. You need a Vault suit for this next part.
15{polite, calm} Just head back and get your Vault suit.
16{polite, calm} Just follow your guide.
17{polite, calm} Once we get everything sorted here, we'll show you to your rooms.
18{polite, calm} You're going to be fine. Don't worry.