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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault 111 overseer.


1MQ101_019a_Vault111Greeting01bVaultTecFriendlyGreeter: No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.Everyone just head up these stairs, and through the door there.A2a
2VaultTecFriendlyGreeter: No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.Please, keep moving. Up the stairs. Through the door.A3a
3VaultTecFriendlyGreeter: No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.We'll get everyone through this as quickly as possible. Just head up the stairs.A4a
4VaultTecFriendlyGreeter: No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.Up the stairs, please!A5a
5VaultTecFriendlyGreeter: No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.Please head up the stairs. Got a lot to do to get you oriented!A6a
6MrAble: I can't believe it... if we had left a minute later... We'd all be...{project voice, trying to reassure the group of people everything is fine / Friendly} No no! Don't get caught up thinking about all that. You're safe now.A1a
7VaultTecSecurityGreeter: Everyone please step off the elevator and proceed up the stairs in an orderly fashion.{project voice, project to a group of people over the sound of large gears grinding / Friendly} No need to worry, folks! We'll get everyone situated in your new home. Vault 111! A better future. Underground!MrRussell: So we just...?A1a


1-{greeting people as they enter the Vault} Welcome to your new home!
2Just head up the stairs. We'll take care of everything.
3{greeting people as they enter the Vault} Head inside! Just up the stairs there.