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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault-Tec staff.


1MQ101_019b_Vault111Greeting04{project voice, talking down a hallway as people are entering the vault} Just this way, please.A1a
2{project voice, talking down a hallway as people are entering the vault} This way.A2a
3{project voice, talking down a hallway as people are entering the vault} This way, please.A3a
4{project voice, talking down a hallway as people are entering the vault} Just this way.A4a
5MQ101_019b_Vault111Greeting05{directing people walking up to you} Step over to the table. Take a suit.A1a
6{directing people walking up to you} Welcome. Pick up a suit right over there.A2a
7{directing people walking up to you} Right over there, please.A3a
8{directing people walking up to you} Over there. Take a suit.A4a


1-Just step over to the table.
2Welcome to Vault 111. I'm sure you'll feel right at home in no time.
3Now don't worry. Once we get the last few folks settled, we'll close that door, and keep all that nasty radiation on the other side.
4I've got some paperwork I need to fill out. Don't mind me.
13MQ101Vault111_DoorCheckerMale{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Male...A1a
14{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Male...A2a
15{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Male...A3a
16{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Male...A4a
17MQ101Vault111_DoorCheckerFemale{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Female...A1a
18{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Female...A2a
19{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Female...A3a
20{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Female...A4a
21MQ101Vault111_DoorCheckerSpouse{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Male and infant...A1a
22{to yourself, checking people off a list as they walk into the Vault} Female and infant...A2a
23-Hello there. Once we seal the Vault, we'll all be getting to know each other a lot more, I'm sure.
24No need to concern yourself with these door controls. That's my job. You just relax.
25I gotta keep my eye on the controls. Need to close up at the right time, after all!
26{polite, calm} Lost? Just head back the way you came, and pick up a Vault suit.
27{polite, calm} You'll need a Vault suit. Should be a table out front.
28{polite, calm} Vault-Tec is here for you. Just follow your guide.
29{polite, calm} We'll try to be as fast as possible. You'll get settled in soon.
30{polite, calm} Sorry. Just need to check a few things.
31{player doesn't have his vault suit / Concerned} Oh, do you have your suit? You'll need one.
32{player doesn't have his vault suit / Concerned} You should really go back and get your suit.
33{standing around with a clipboard checking off names} Just checking everyone off the list as they come in.
34{processing people as they enter the vault (as the world is ending)} Lot of names to process. I'm glad so many people made it.
35{processing people as they enter the vault (as the world is ending)} Don't mind me. Go on ahead.