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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault-Tec doctor.


1MQ101Vault111_NeighborCryopodSceneMrCallahan: It's a good fit, don't you think?The Vault suit is designed to be fashionable as well as comfortable.MrCallahan: "Prepared for the future!" Right?A1a
2-{calm, reassuring, everyone has just been through a traumatic event} Such a lovely family you have. I hope you'll see this as your new home.
3{calm, reassuring, everyone has just been through a traumatic event} Just follow your guide. He'll get you all situated.
4{calm, reassuring, everyone has just been through a traumatic event} Go on. Nothing to worry about.
5-{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} Please. These people need some space.
6{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} I'll be sure to sit down with all of you about adjusting to Vault life. For now, just follow your guide.
7{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} Please stay with your guide.
8{gentle, polite} Hi there. Do you have your Vault suit? You'll need one.
9{gentle, polite} You'll need a Vault suit.
10{calm, polite} Just follow your guide. He'll step you through the process.
11{calm, polite} Everyone has to be decontaminated before we head further in.
12{calm, polite} Don't worry. The decontamination process is very quick.