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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault-Tec staff.


1MQ101_019a_Vault111Greeting02{cheery, handing over a vault suit, then directing people onward / Happy} Here you are. Head down the hall there.A1a
2{cheery, handing over a vault suit, then directing people onward / Happy} Take a Vault Suit, then head down the hall.A2a
3{cheery, handing over a vault suit, then directing people onward / Happy} One Vault Suit! Now just head down the hall.A3a
4{cheery, handing over a vault suit, then directing people onward / Happy} Here's your suit! Now, head down the hall.A4a
5MQ101_019a_Vault111Greeting03{cheery, handing over a vault suit / Happy} Each of you take one of these. Your brand new Vault suits!A1a
6{handing out vault suits as people arrive, player is standing there not doing anything / Happy} You gonna take your suit?A2a
7{handing out vault suits as people arrive, player is standing there not doing anything / Happy} You'll need a suit before we can get you settled in.A3a
8{handing out vault suits as people arrive, player is standing there not doing anything / Happy} Don't worry. Every suit is brand new and sterilized.A4a
9MQ101_019b_Vault111SuitPlayer Default: Thanks. What now?{Friendly} Just follow the doctor, here. He'll show you where to go.VaultTecEscort: All right, you three. Follow me!A1a


1MQ101Vault111_NeighborGrievingSceneNeighborFemale06: My mother and father down in D.C... Oh god, honey, what if they didn't make it?{grief counseling, sincere and calming / Concerned} I know this is a difficult time, but Vault-Tec will be with you every step of the way. You'll thrive here.A1a
2-{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} Please. These people need some space.
3{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} I'll be sure to sit down with all of you about adjusting to Vault life. For now, just follow your guide.
4{polite, calm, gentle, trauma counselor} Please stay with your guide.
5{gentle, polite} Hi there. Do you have your Vault suit? You'll need one.
6{gentle, polite} You'll need a Vault suit.
7{calm, polite} Just follow your guide. He'll step you through the process.
8{calm, polite} Everyone has to be decontaminated before we head further in.
9{calm, polite} Don't worry. The decontamination process is very quick.
10MQ101_Vault111_ExtraScene01NeighborFemale05: When do WE get our suits, huh? What's taking so long?Everything's fine, ma'am. We just picked up some odd trace elements in your luggage on our scanners.A1a
11Once we verify that it's safe for Vault containment, we'll show you right in.A1b
12-You'll need your suits before we take you further.
13Take your suit. You'll need it.
14Just pick up your suits, please.
15It's down the hallway right there.
16Down that hallway. They'll show you where to go.
17Just down that way.