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This is a transcript for dialogue with Silver.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Yeah? What is it? 1
GREETING Surprise 80 Who the hell are you?! Where did you come from?! Did Moriarty send you?! 2
MegFFSilverCT01 Yes, and he says you owe him some caps. Anger 60 That bastard! He... he's a liar! He just wants me dead! Those caps are all mine. I earned them! 3
MegFFSilverCT02 Just hand over the caps, and I'll be out of your way. Anger 60 Owe HIM some caps? He's a liar! He just wants you to kill me! Those caps are mine, fair and square. 4
MegFFSilverCT03 I don't deal with junkies. Hand over all your caps. Now! Anger 90 You're not getting a damn thing from me! You hear me?! Not a damn thing! 5
MegFFSilverCT04 Slow down. Tell me your side of the story. Neutral 50 Look, I used to work for that slob. Doing... you know... favors for guys. 6
Neutral 50 Well, I got sick and tired of it. I told Moriarty I'm taking my share of the caps and leaving. I even slept with the pig to seal the deal. 7
Neutral 50 Next morning he tells me I couldn't leave. So I bolted. I took my money and ran. 8
Sad 80 Now he's branded me a thief and a junkie and sent his cronies to find me. I guess I need a new hiding place. 9
MegFFSilverCT04aSC Look, just give me the caps and I'll tell him you're gone. Neutral 50 I am tired of hiding out here like some kind of Wasteland dog. 10
Sad 60 I... I guess you're right. Here... this is all I have. Please leave me alone now. 11
MegFFSilverCT05 I don't care. I'm just here for caps. Neutral 50 Is there something wrong with your hearing? I just told you the caps are mine! You can't have them! 12
You can talk all you want, but I'm not leaving without the caps. Anger 70 This is never gonna end until I send him a message. Well, fine. If I have to kill you to send it, I will! 13
MegFFSilverCT06 Look, just give me some of your caps, and I'll tell him you're gone. Surprise 80 You'd do that for me? I never expected anyone to care enough. 14
Happy 70 Here you go. Thanks, kid. You're all right. 15
MegFFSilverCT07 I don't know. Maybe Moriarty's right and you're just a junkie. Disgust 80 Look... I feel awful about what I used to have to do for a living, okay? I use the Psycho to make the memories go away. 16
Anger 70 Who the hell are you to judge me? Tell Moriarty he can take his fucking caps and shove them up his ass! 17
MegFFSilverCT08 You know what, keep your caps and I'll tell Moriarty you're gone. Surprise 80 You'd do that for me? I can't believe it... you hardly even know me! 18
Happy 70 Thanks, kid. You watch yourself out there. 19
MegFFSilverPreMeetMoriarty01 Who's Moriarty? Neutral 50 Colin Moriarty... the owner of Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton. 20
Anger 60 That sack of shit is convinced that I'm some crazy junkie who stole money from him! 21
MegFFSilverPreMeetMoriarty02 Whoa, calm down... Who the hell is Moriarty? Neutral 50 Colin Moriarty... the owner of Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton. 22
Anger 60 That sack of shit is convinced that I'm some crazy junkie who stole money from him! 23
MegFFSilverPreMeetMoriarty03 You'd better calm down, before I put you down. Anger 70 That lying bastard. Roped you into finding me too, huh? 24
Anger 90 Well, you're not getting a damn thing from me! You hear me?! Not a damn thing! 25
MegFFTLSilverOffer You don't still offer your... services, do you? Sad 80 No, sorry. I've left that part of my life behind. 26
MegFFTLSilverStory What will you do now? Sad 70 Who knows. Shoot myself up until I forget who I am? 27
Neutral 50 The Wasteland sucks, kid. Just get used to it. 28
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 60 Look, I don't know who you are. I'm not just handing over my life's earnings to you! 29