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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Unique Mission 25 - Brothers Grimm
// Version 1.0
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
// Two super-mutants are in a ruined building. One is hurt on the ground. The
// other is standing over him. If the player heals the wounded mutant, they will
// join his character pool (only if Super Mutants are already in the pool). One is Joe // Grimm, he is of average intelligence and
// excels in Repair. The other is Jim Grimm, with a low IQ but a good brawler.

// Name: Joe Grimm
// Role: Joe is one of the more intelligent Super Mutants, but he has simple
// needs. He wants his brother Jim to get better.

name_CORE_joeGrimm = { Joe Grimm }
desc_CORE_joeGrimm = { Joe Grimm is one of the Super Mutants blessed with an
above average intelligence, luxurious hair and good looks. }

// Situation A00: Floating text for Joe while he waits for the player.
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A00 = { You rest, brother. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A01 = { I'll get some help. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A02 = { Why'd you havta stand on a mine? }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A03 = { I swear, Bro, sometimes... }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A04 = { You'll be up and walking in no time. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_A05 = { You take it easy, you're hurt. }

// Situation B00: Conversation text for Joe.
MZ25_JoeGrimm_B00_W = {
Hey you! Yeah you!\n\n
Look, my brother Jim stepped on a mine and wrecked his foot. I know humans and Super mutants are supposed to kill each other on sight but I think it's time to leave the past in the past.\n\n
Now I don't want us to group hug and sing coom-bye-ya and shit but, maybe one of you guys can hook a mutant up, huh? What do ya say? Can you help my brother?

// Situation C00: Floating text for Joe after the player has healed Jim.

MZ25_JoeGrimm_C00 = { You better now, bro?. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_C01 = { Let's get outta here. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_C02 = { Maybe we should check out this Brotherhood? }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_C03 = { C'mon, let's go. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_C04 = { Stop dragging your feet, you're fine now. }
MZ25_JoeGrimm_C05 = { Don't tread on any more mines! }

// Situation D00: Conversation text for Joe, after the player has healed Jim.
MZ25_JoeGrimm_D00_W = {
Hey, thanks pal.\n\n

Maybe the Master was wrong. Maybe you normal humans -AIN'T- all scum-sucking fleshbags and maybe it's me but the old Brotherhood would of shot first and asked questions later.\n\n
We just might have to check out this new Brotherhood for ourselves.\n\n
Seeya around! Let's go gimpy. Heh heh.
// Name: Jim Grimm
// Role: Jim is a stupid SM. He found a mine and tried to "disarm" it by stamping
// on it.

name_CORE_jimGrimm = { Jim Grimm }
desc_CORE_jimGrimm = { Jim Grimm is happy to be your stereotypical Super Mutant. }

// Situation A00: Floating text for Jim while he waits for the player.
MZ25_JimGrimm_A00 = { Me hurt. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_A01 = { Big boom then foot now black with no toes! }
MZ25_JimGrimm_A02 = { Me no feel my leg! }
MZ25_JimGrimm_A03 = { Sorry, brother, me stupid. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_A04 = { Me try to disarm mine with foot. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_A05 = { Ouch. }

// Situation C00: Floating text for Jim after he is healed.
MZ25_JimGrimm_C00 = { Me much better now. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_C01 = { Me can walk again. Is miracle! }
MZ25_JimGrimm_C02 = { I still have 1,2... uh... toes! }
MZ25_JimGrimm_C03 = { Sorry, brother, me stupid. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_C04 = { Me watch out for mines now. }
MZ25_JimGrimm_C05 = { Jim smash mine!}
