Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Unique Mission 05 - The Canadian Invasion Recreationists
// Version 1.0
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
// They meet once a year in a muddy field to reenact the great American invasion
// of Canada, which consists of them drawing a line in the dirt and walking over
// it. Then they all get drunk. *** Pack their inventories with booze...***
// Object: Signpost

name_canInvRecreation = { Sign reads: Canadian Invasion Recreationists }
// Name: Clarisse
// Role: Clarisse is the head of the Recreationist Society and Knitting Club.
// She's a pepperpot woman from Monty Python.

// Situation A00: Initial floating text for Clarisse.
MZ05_Clarisse_A00_W = { Alright ladies and gents. The Invasion is about to start.
If we can all get to the American side of the line... that's lovely. }

// Situation B00: Floating text that follows.
MZ05_Clarisse_B00_W = { Now if you'll all just step over to the Canadian side
of the line... }

// Situation C00: Floating text that follows.
MZ05_Clarisse_C00_W = { ...excellent. Well done, everyone. Well done. Right.\n\n
Who's for a drink, then? }

// Situation D00: Floating text if the player talks to her after Sit C.
MZ05_Clarisse_D00 = { *sniffles* Ahhh, the glory of battle! }
MZ05_Clarisse_D01 = { Have another drink will you? }
MZ05_Clarisse_D02 = { Later, we'll put down the Uprising of Edmonton... }
MZ05_Clarisse_D03 = { There is a strong argument for showing that the Canadian Army wore pink... }
MZ05_Clarisse_D04 = { We always research our reinactments to the littlest details... }

// Situation A00: Floating text for everyone after the invasion...
MZ05_Everyone_A00 = { Good job! Good job! }
MZ05_Everyone_A01 = { Well done everyone! }
MZ05_Everyone_A02 = { That was close... }
MZ05_Everyone_A03 = { I nearly peed my pants, wait a minute... I did. }
MZ05_Everyone_A04 = { *drunken singing* Oh, say can you see... by the dawn's early light... }
MZ05_Everyone_A05 = { I can't wait until we do this again next year! }
