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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 26 - The Calculator's Lair
// Version 1.5
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.

// Mini-map Information
// N/A

// Objective Breakdowns:

// N/A

M26_FAILUREA = { The sound of your lifeless body hitting the ground echoes the collapse of the Brotherhood... The war is over. If only you had, another chance. }

General Barnaky[]


// Name: General Barnaky.
// Role: Missing General of the Brotherhood, now a brain in a robot body.
// Background: General Barnaky is the solid presence that has guided the player
// through his/her earlier missions. He is an experienced warrior and a shrewd
// strategist. He has a talent for spotting talent among the raw recruits, and
// the ability to nurture them into proud warriors.
// Unfortunately, the General is now a tool of the Calculator, won over by the
// power of his transformation.

name_CORE_m26_Barnaky = { General Barnaky }

// Situation A00: The General comes out of the shadows, revealing his new body
// to the player.
M26_Barnaky_A00_W = {

That's far enough, warrior.\n\n

Can you recognize me now, even in my new form?\n\n

You've come along way since my departure, but you haven't come far enough.\n\n

The Brotherhood has caused many setbacks for us recently, but that's all they are... just setbacks. You cannot stop the future, just as you can't stop falling rain from reaching the ground.\n\n

The Calculator offers humanity a world of order and peace, a world free of war, of mutants, and chaos.\n\n

The Brotherhood would be wise to realize that their cause has been tainted by misdirection and genetic mutation, but they can still save themselves if they stop trying to prevent the unavoidable.\n\n

However, you are too close to my new master and salvation, to be allowed to continue.\n\n

I salute you warrior, but this is where your mission ends...


// Situation B00: The General has taken a set amount of damage, and the player does
// not have the locket in their inventory. The General is impressed, but determined
// to win the fight.
M26_Barnaky_B00_W = {

Your efforts are for naught. I am too powerful in my new form.\n\n

The Calculator was logical to enlist me into its service. My knowledge of the Brotherhood's internal and external workings insured us time and space to complete many of our objectives. \n\n

While you have disrupted a fair amount of these plans, rest assured, (pause) you are here now only because the Calculator arranged it so.\n\n

Now, let's finish this.


// Situation C00: The General has taken a set amount of damage, and sees that the
// player has the locket in their inventory. The spell of invincibility is broken
// as the General is reminded of his own mortality, and of his ties with his
// fellow Brotherhood Warriors. Ed, have him walk into the next room (Calculator's //Room?) when he's done delivering this please. DL
M26_Barnaky_C00_W = {

What are my scanners detecting?\n\n

A mere trinket...? \n\n

My locket... \n\n

Maria... \n\n

What...what have I done?\n\n

I have almost forgotten you... my love. \n\n

I will not hinder you anymore, warrior, at least until I am able to sort out this conflict between my new programming and these revived feelings. \n\n

I need time to think... to remember... my Maria...


// Situation D00: The General has taken a set amount of damage, and sees that the
// player has the letter in their inventory. The spell of invincibility is broken
// as the General is reminded of his own mortality, and of his ties with his
// fellow Brotherhood Warriors. Ed, have him walk into the next room (Calculator's //Room?) when he's done delivering this please. DL
M26_Barnaky_D00_W = {

What are my scanners detecting? \n\n

A mere trinket?.. \n\n

My holodisc to...my wife... \n\n

Maria. \n\n

What have I done? \n\n

I have almost forgotten you...my love. \n\n

I will not hinder you anymore warrior, at least until I am able to sort out this conflict between my new programming and these revived feelings. \n\n

I need, time to think.... to remember... my Maria...


// Situation E00: Floating text for the General while he still fights the player.
M26_Barnaky_E00 = { Just imagine what you and the Calculator could accomplish together. }
M26_Barnaky_E01 = { The Calculator wants to restore civilization. }
M26_Barnaky_E02 = { I've always disliked mutations due to them always being different.}
M26_Barnaky_E03 = { Humanity was meant to rule this planet! }
M26_Barnaky_E04 = { Pure blood humans need to rule over their subhuman cousins.}
M26_Barnaky_E05 = { When was the last time you shined that armor? }

// Situation F00: Floating text for the General after he saw //the letter/locket on the player.
M26_Barnaky_F00 = { Maria... what am I to do? }
M26_Barnaky_F01 = { This goes against my programming. }
M26_Barnaky_F02 = { Doesn't compute... Maria... I promised...}
M26_Barnaky_F03 = { ...but the mutations will roam unchecked... }
M26_Barnaky_F04 = { *sob* I'm so sorry... but...}
// Situation G00: If the player clicks on the General after the Calculator speaks to him and asks the player to sacrifice his brain.
M26_Barnaky_G00_W = {

I... I... might have another answer, Brother.\n\n

Fate has seen fit to use my Maria to show me that my life is not whole anymore. \n\n

Through my quest to pull humanity from the darkness... I, in turn, have become inhuman. \n\n

My Maria would be horrified at what I have become and that is one burden that I cannot bear to carry. \n\n

I would sacrifice my own brain, my own existence, to make the Calculator whole and to help form a world that would make my Maria proud. \n\n

(deep breath)\n\n

I leave the decision to you, Brother. \n\n

Talk to me again if you wish me to become one with the Calculator.
// Situation H00: If the player clicks on the General after the General offered to sacrifice his OWN brain he will VO the next line and walk into the brain extractor.
M26_Barnaky_H00_W = {

Thank you for granting me this, Brother.\n\n

Just tell her... tell her that I love her with all of my heart... oh wait... that's gone...\n\n

Tell her I love her with all my immortal soul. \n\n

And please... tell her I did not forget my promise.

M26_Barnaky_G01 = {I have another answer...}
M26_Barnaky_G02 = {I would sacrifice myself for Maria and the Wastelands.}
M26_Barnaky_G03 = {Allow me this final honor for Maria!}
M26_Barnaky_G04 = {Look past the obvious choices, my child.}




// Name: The Calculator
// Role: This is the bad-guy.
// Background: The Calculator is a bizarre mix of mechanical computer parts [like
// Univac] and human brains. It is a cold, calculating [literally] machine that
// has no pity or remorse. It is simply fulfilling its function. Its voice is calm
// and quiet [much like Hal]. Female might be cool. Maybe the same voice as the //previous level doors, elevator, PA system? Male Hal has been done to death. // ALSO WANT THE ELCTRONIC ERRORS MIXED INTO HER VOICE HERE. WANT THE CALULATOR TO SOUND LIKE IT'S MALFUNCTIONING. OK DL
// Female voice is good. I like it. - crt

name_CORE_m26_Calc = { Calculator }

// Situation A00: The Calculator detects the player's presence.
M26_Calculator_A01_W = {

Intruder Alert. Intruder Alert. \n\n

Countermeasures activated.\n\n

Defense systems engaged.


// Situation B00: The player destroyed all of the brains, and the main character gets within speaking distance the Calculator will initiate this VO
M26_Calculator_B01_W = {
Greetings. I am the Calculator, overseer of the Vault Network. \n\n

You have proven to be a statistical anomaly that crashed my logistics programs time and time again. It is my admiration of your adaptation and ingenuity that brings you to me. \n\n

I assume that you would agree that ten Behemoth robots would terminate you and your squad? I have the resources to make such an offensive, but it is not in my interest. \n\n

After all, you are quite the remarkable human and, more importantly, you have something I need.


// Situation C00: When the player clicks on him or it will self initiate if the main character is in the room.

M26_Calculator_C01_W = {

It is the organic portion of my mainframe that has become corrupted. The degeneration of my symbiotic brains has corrupted eighty-five percent of main protocol programming. \n\n

It would take only one brain to bring my organic subsystems back online, but finding a feasible brain has become a problem. \n\n

I would use a brain from one of Vault 0's residents, but I compute that my CPU would only become less efficient.

// Situation D00: When the player clicks on him or it will self initiate if the main character is in the room.
M26_Calculator_D01_W = {

However there is another solution. \n\n

Yours is a brain can bring balance to my organic neuro-network. \n\n

I am offering you what you humans call a "dream come true." \n\n

You can shed your mortal shell and join with me. You will share my power and resources to save humanity and restore civilization from the smoking ruins of the wasteland. \n\n

Your name will never be forgotten and be synonymous with the word "hero."

// Situation E00: When the player clicks on him or it will self initiate if the main character //is in the room. Once he finishes this line start the counter on the top of the screen. //DL
// Please check the bold print and adjust. DL
M26_Calculator_E01_W = {

What say you, warrior? \n\n

Will you continue to fight me? \n\n

Destroy me and continue to carve some small, insignificant niche for the Brotherhood? \n\n

While the Brotherhood may tame a region, they will never have the lasting impact I alone can. \n\n

The machinery you see before you has the capacity to remove your brain from its mortal vessel. \n\n

It is in this machine that your journey to save mankind will truly begin.\n\n

You must hurry, human. My systems cannot function long without a symbiotic brain.


// Situation F00: The player chooses to join with the Calculator. The voice here
// should fade from error-ridden speech back to normal, calm speech.

// WE REALLY NEED THESE LINES BACK. THY HELP EXPLAIN WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN THE END MOVIE. OTHERWISE IT IS TOO JARRING. The scream will be a high pitch unisex scream when the player gets his head cut open by Ed's grisly machine.

//We should just fade to black and start the appropriate end movie. DL

M26_Unisex_F01_W ={*Scream!* }

M26_Calculator_F01_W = {

Neural net stabilizing. Organic processor installation complete.\n\n

Transmitting halt orders to all external units.\n\n

I/we/our merge begins...


// Situation G00: The player chooses to use the General's brain with the Calculator.
// The voice here should fade from error-ridden speech to something similar to the
// General's robotic voice.


//We should just fade to black and start the appropriate end movie. DL
M26_Calculator_G01_W = {

Neural net stabilizing. Organic processor installation complete.\n\n

Transmitting halt orders to all external units.\n\n

I/we/our merge begins...


// Situation H00: The player chooses to either destroy the Calculator or let the
// timer run out. The speech should be overly error ridden, ending in garbled
// electronic noises. Adding sparks and such would be perfect. DL


//We should just fade to black and start the appropriate end movie. DL
M26_Calculator_H01_W = {

Alert! Alert! Communications grid offline, external operatives in dormant mode.\n\n

Calculated neural net collapse in three, twoooo, onnnnnnnneeeeeeee...\n\n

End program.





name_CORE_m26_Brain = { Brain }
// If these brains are going to be separate entities, can we name them by their Role name? Not as subtle,
// but I think it will work better - crt The proper occupational name for mouse over and any kind of identity check is //very important. If we don't we risk the chance of confusing the player. DL




// Name: Lawyer
// Role: Lawyer Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Lawyer_A00 = { I can solve this dilemma for all involved parties. My services are reasonably priced. }
M26_Lawyer_A01 = { We can take this conflict to arbitration. }
M26_Lawyer_A02 = { The Calculator has a good case. I think you should settle. }




// Name: Doctor
// Role: Doctor Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Doctor_A00 = { Without having a tongue, I can't tell the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer. }
M26_Doctor_A01 = { Lean your pelvis on my container then turn and cough. }
M26_Doctor_A02 = { I can't speak with you unless you have medical insurance. }




// Name: Artist
// Role: Artist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Artist_A00 = { The wasteland is too drab. Some lush greens and deep blues would liven things up nicely.}
M26_Artist_A01 = { Beauty is in the optical sensor of the beholder. }
M26_Artist_A02 = { I was painting masterpieces before Rembrandt soiled his first diaper.}


Game designer[]


// Name: Game Designer
// Role: Game Designer Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_GameDesigner_A00 = { I told them, "We have to optimize the graphics for Pip98." }
M26_GameDesigner_A01 = { Guys! I have a great game idea about a post-nuclear RPG! }
M26_GameDesginer_A02 = { Now is the time to put out some games! The market is wide open! }




// Name: Scientist
// Role: Nuclear Scientist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Scientist_A00 = { I scrammed my first reactor prototype when I was fifteen. }
M26_Scientist_A01 = { I prefer enriched plutonium as fuel due to a more constant power distribution. }
M26_Scientist_A02 = { Coolant purity is essential within the reactor's primary system. }


Porn actor[]


// Name: Actor
// Role: Porn Actor Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Actor_A00 = { Next, I will reenact a scene from "Catz: The Mounting". }
M26_Actor_A01 = { I told them that an actor of my caliber would not share a dressing room nor a cryogenic container. }
M26_Actor_A02 = { I was up for the lead role in "Shaved and Dangerous" and "Backdoor Shenanigans 5!" }


TV evangelist[]


// Name: TV Evangelist
// Role: TV Evangelist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_TVEvangelist_A00 = { Jesus will set you free if you send a pledge to the number on my container.}
M26_TVEvangelist_A01 = { How dare you! I bring the word of God to trailer parks everywhere! I did not touch that prostitute! }
M26_TVEvangelist_A02 = { God wants you to get to heaven, but believe me when I tell you... it ain't cheap! }




// Name: Politician
// Role: Politician Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.
M26_Politician_A00 = { I give you my word that I did not have sexual relations with that actor brain. }
M26_Politician_A01 = { I honestly don't remember making any tax-cut promises during my election. Besides, I don't have any lips to read...}
M26_Politician_A02 = { Why don't all of us go to Camp David and work this out? I'll bring the cigars.}
// Situation B00: Floating text for the Brains that pop up when they are killed.
// Name: Lawyer
// Role: Lawyer Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_Lawyer_B00 = { Do you know who I am? I'll hang you by your balls in the courtroom! }

// Name: Doctor
// Role: Doctor Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_Doctor_B00 = { Arrgg!! My Cerebellum! }
// Name: Artist
// Role: Artist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_Artist_B00 = { Damn it! I though it hurt when I cut off my ear! }

// Name: Game Designer
// Role: Game Designer Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_GameDesigner_B00 = { Ow! Shit! Why didn't you go after the fucking programmers first?! }

// Name: Scientist
// Role: Nuclear Scientist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_NulearScientist_B00 = { Stop! Such actions have severely weakened the covalent bonds of my gray matter! }

// Name: Porn Actor
// Role: Porn Actor Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_PornActor_B00 = { Well I was always renowned for being stiff! }

// Name: TV Evangelist
// Role: TV Evangelist Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_TVEvangelist_B00 = { No! I'm not ready to face judgment! *Sob* I am soooo in league with the Devil! }

// Name: Politician
// Role: Politician Brain
// Background: One of the brains that make up the gestalt that is the Calculator.

M26_Politician_B00 = { I'm hit! I'm hit! Where in damnation is my secret service brain? }
