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Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 25 - The Calculator.
//Version 1.6
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
//Ed, add headless body and another damaged robot for the dental sensor to get into //the power generator room. Ensure that body inventory contains the head.

// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.
// Steve, this is a conversation. This will have General Dekker and Initiate Wells. Just mark it off and we'll have //a spare actor join Dekker to record it in tandem.
// Steve: There is another character in the message below (Initiate Wells)


General Dekker[]


Well done, warrior!!! \n\n

You have breached Vault 0's outer perimeter. From here you must confront and destroy the Calculator. Dagger Squad was deployed earlier to clear the way for you, but expect heavy resistance from the robots.\n\n

This is a winner take all situation.\n\n


Hold on Brother.\n\n

Initiate Wells: Sir, six Behemoths and a large number of Pacification robots have slipped in our north perimeter. It looks like the Calculator is going for broke.\n\n

Very well initiate, bring up the tank to the north side and sound the alarm. Recall all patrols ASAP.\n\n

Initiate Wells: "Yes sir"\n\n

We have a situation here, Brother\n\n


You eliminate the Calculator and get home. We'll make sure you have a home to come back to. General Dekker out.\n\n


//Yes...yes we can. Steve look at this please.

// Mini-map Information Ed, you might have to change some of the info since we //changed some stuff. Also, insure that the info becomes available after the player //activates the info terminal.

M25_MiniMap_01 = {
The Vault-Tek vertical transport device can not be operated due to power loss.\n
Access to lower levels restricted till power has been restored.\n
We at Vault-tek would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

M25_MiniMap_02 = {
Vault Security Station G-03-B-4H.\n
All personnel needing access to the cryogenics and detention cells on this level must present themselves to the H-class robot for clearance checks.

M25_MiniMap_03 = {
Vault Storage Locker G-03-A05.\n
Hazardous weapons storage. Access restricted to military personnel.

M25_MiniMap_04 = {
Vault Detention Block L5-AA23\n
Access to this cell block is not permitted to non-military personnel.

M25_MiniMap_05 = {
Vault Re-education center .\n
All recently re-activated Vault citizens are required to present themselves to a re-education center within 1 hour of waking.

M25_MiniMap_06 = {
Vault Power and Processing.\n
Access beyond this point is strictly prohibited to all non-essential personnel.

M25_MiniMap_07 = {
Vault Defensive System Generators.\n
All interior defensive systems are powered by these generators.

M25_MiniMap_08 = {
Vault Power Nodes.\n
These generators are currently offline. Vault-tek apologizes for any problems that may be caused and promise that all systems will be made operational as soon as possible. We are awaiting the supply of parts, which should arrive within the next 2.274 years.
// Objective Breakdowns:
M25_OBJ_01 = { Our detonation of the warhead on the surface seems to have knocked out the primary power nodes that fuel the base's transport system. We need those nodes to be functional before you can enter the Calculator's main lair. Search out a path to the three power nodes and get them back online. }

// Objective Breakdowns:
M25_OBJ_01 = { Gain access to the lower level. }

M25_FAILUREA = {You have perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. The Brotherhood must prevail without you.}

M25_SUCCESSA = {With the information from the terminal, proceed into the Western Security Wing. Attempt to find a path into the Cryogenics or Power plant wings.}

M25_SUCCESSB = {This terminal has unlocked the Cryogenics wing. It is our hope that hidden somewhere in this area is a method of entry to the power plant. Proceed with caution, Brother.}
M25_SUCCESSC = {Congratulations, Brother, you have now gained access to the power plant. Advance into the power plant and locate the power nodes. You must get them online before you can enter the Calculator's main lair.}
M25_SUCCESSD = {It appears that the interior defense generators are still online. You will need to deactivate them before you can enter the inner power plant. Find these generators and take them offline, Brother.}
M25_SUCCESSE = {Excellent work Brother. With the security generators down you can now gain access to the power nodes. Victory is close.}
M25_SUCCESSF = {Power has been restored to the transport system. It is time to move to the elevator and enter the Calculator's main lair.}

Humanoid robot[]


// Name: Humanoid Robot HR-0Y2, aka 'Heroy'
// Role: A damaged robot that gives out information.
// Background: This robot has been damaged. The player can use science or repair on it.
// If successful the robot will become fully functional and attack the player.
// Ed, add another one or two robots with the same problems and reactions. One of //them can be next to the dead headless body. DL

// Situation A: This is what he will float.
M25_Heroy_A00 = { Bzzzt! Beep! }
M25_Heroy_A01 = { *Click* *Whrrr*}
M25_Heroy_A02 = { Zzzt ... Zzzt ... }
M25_Heroy_A03 = { Zzzt ... 011100110110001110101 ... *Whrrr* }
M25_Heroy_A04 = { *grind* }
M25_Heroy_A05 = { Bzzzt ... Main processor operating at 1.576 percent. }

Vault 0 citizens[]


// Vault 0 Citizens:
// The ones on this level have all suffered massive brain tissue damage. They
// all exhibit symptoms of severe mental retardation.

// Situation A: These are what the citizens may say at random. Floating by itself and //when clicked.
M25_Citizen01_A00 = { I drink out of toilet! }
M25_Citizen01_A01 = { Gaa Gaaa!}
M25_Citizen01_A02 = { Woo? }

M25_Citizen02_A00 = { You have toys?}
M25_Citizen02_A01 = { You want to scratch my back?}
M25_Citizen02_A02 = { I drink out of toilet! }

M25_Citizen03_A00 = { You want to see my ding-a-ling? }
M25_Citizen03_A01 = { Calculator takes care of us. }
M25_Citizen03_A02 = { Uh-oh. Booboo. }

M25_Citizen04_A00 = { You help me pee-pee?}
M25_Citizen04_A01 = { What is outside our home? }
M25_Citizen04_A02 = { I no like you! }

M25_Citizen05_A00 = { You here to play with me?}
M25_Citizen05_A01 = { I sleepy now! }
M25_Citizen05_A02 = { *gurgle* }

M25_Citizen06_A00 = { Uh-oh! It's too late for the potty! }
M25_Citizen06_A01 = { Me hungry! }
M25_Citizen06_A02 = { *giggle* }


Computer terminals[]


// Computer Terminals:Ed, add one or more identical terminals. DL
// There are several computer terminals scattered throughout the station.
// These may be accessed for information.
// Each terminal has static before releasing their text information.

// Situation A: As the terminals run, they hum softly and make little noises.
// These are the random sounds made by the terminals.
M25_Terminal_A00 = { *Click* }
M25_Terminal_A01 = { *Beep* }
M25_Terminal_A02 = { *Whrrr* }
M25_Terminal_A03 = { *Blip* }
M25_Terminal_A04 = { *Bip* }
M25_Terminal_A05 = { *Bleep* }

// Situation B: This VO will be triggered upon successful activation of the terminal.
M25_Terminal_B00_W = {

Thank you for activating Vault 0 information terminal. \n\n

It is seventy-five degrees with twenty percent humidity. \n\n

Information download to Pipboy Computer map directory complete.\n\n

Have a nice day.\n\n


// Elevator: This elevator needs to be accessed to get to the next level.
// Situation X: If the player has not restored main power to elevator.
M25_Elevator_X00_W = {

Elevator out of order until main power is restored. \n\n

Notify Vault Technician immediately. \n\n

Thank you. \n\n


// Elevator: This elevator needs to be accessed to get to the next level.
// Situation Y: If player restores main power to the elevator.
M25_Elevator_Y00_W = {


// VaultPA: This will inform the player that emergency power is in use due to the main power going to
// Situation Q:
M25_VaultPA_Q_W = {

Warning! \n\n

Outer perimeter breach. Outer perimeter breach. \n\n

Main Power Generator now offline.\n\n

Emergency Power engaged.\n\n

Toilets offline, sections A-5, A-6, A-9.\n\n

Vault Technician notified.\n\n

Have a nice day.\n\n


// Dentalsensor: This is the sensor lock to get into the power plant room.
// Situation R: Player does not have Scientist Head (in hand)
M25_Dentalsensor_R_W = {

Dental records not recognized. \n\n

Access denied.


// Dentalsensor: This is the lock to get into the power plant room.
// Situation S:
M25_Dentalsensor_S_W = {

Dental records confirmed. \n\n

Welcome Dr. Feargus.\n\n

Access Granted.

//Dan - these lines need to be in
// Situation C: This VO will be triggered upon successful activation of the
// second terminal. This unlocks the storage area and makes the nearby guards
// and turrets peaceful towards the player.
M25_Terminal_C00_W = {
Thank you for activating Vault 0 access terminal. \n\n
Security locks on hazardous weapon storage bay G-03-A05 have been removed.\n\n
All guards have been informed to allow you access. \n\n
Have a nice day.\n\n

// Situation D: This VO will be triggered upon successful activation of the
// third terminal. This terminal unlocks the cryogentics lab. Players need
// to hack into the computer (using science) to get this.
M25_Terminal_D00_W = {
Login name and password accepted. Welcome, Dr Mycroft.\n\n
Unlocking security door L16-AB23.\n\n
Access granted to cryogenics lab.\n\n
Have a nice day.\n\n

Lord Maximus[]


// Name: Lord Maximus
// Role: Leader of Dagger Squad. Here to provide the player with extra troops.
// Background: Noble and a little self-righteous.
// Situation A: When first encount
M25_Maximus_A00_W = {
Well met, warrior.\n\n
We're going to mop up any resistance up here and guard your tail.\n\n
Good luck taking out the Calculator and don't take any unnecessary chances in there. The Wasteland's future rides on your shoulders.\n\n


// Situation B: If the player's squad is short one or more warriors
M25_Maximus_B00_W = {
Wait, warrior!\n\n
No disrespect, but your squad looks a little light for this mission. Why don't you take one of my squad members? These are all seasoned, battle tested soldiers that you can trust with your life and your babysitter!

// Situation C: Floating text for all occasions.
M25_Maximus_C00 = { Glory hog! }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { We must prevail! }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { Time for the Calculator to get a lead upgrade. }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { It's good to be hero! }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { You're almost as popular as Dagger Squad. }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { I'm still better looking than you. }
M25_Maximus_C00 = { I love this job. I get all the chicks. }
