Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

// Speech File for Mission 24 - Cheyenne Mountains Exterior.
//Version 1.6
// The format for the speech file is explained in the README.txt file in the
// speech file directory.
//Ed, can you assign filenames for the repeating terminals please? DL
// Ed, ensure that there is a whistling sound effect that the player will here 'x' //seconds after activating homing beacon.
//Ed, make sure the 3 artillery homing devices only work outside!!!DL


General Dekker[]


// Mission Briefing
// Note: General Dekker's voice does the briefing and debriefing.


This is it Brother, the final push. Your squad's actions will dictate not only the future of the Brotherhood, but of the very wasteland itself. From here on out, you will have to scavenge supplies on your own. If you do set foot in this bunker again, it will be because the Calculator is no more.\n\n

Our technicians have secured our nuclear warhead to a vehicle for transport, which will be waiting for you on site. This warhead will be needed to crack an entrance into Vault 0. I know it sounds like overkill, but that Vault is designed to take several direct nuclear hits and our only hope is that a precise nuclear blast directed on the door will do the job.\n\n

We expect the entrance to be heavily protected, so make sure that your squad is ready for some heavy action. You must ensure that the warhead stays safe until detonate. The Calculator will not give us such an opportunity again.\n\n

Once you activate the bomb, you should immediately seek worthy shelter; "Duck and Cover" isn't going to cut it this time.\n\n

Power Armor should help to further aid your survival within the bunker.
Remember, you will practically be at ground zero of the resulting nuclear explosion. Be sure to take your anti-radiation medication.\n\n

It was an honor to work with you, Brother.\n\n



// Mini-map Information

M24_MiniMap_01 = {
This is your insertion point.

M24_MiniMap_02 = {
The nuclear warhead must be placed here.

M24_MiniMap_03 = {
There is a bunker here that should provide shelter from the blast ...

// Objective Breakdowns:
M24_OBJ_01 = { Pilot the nuclear warhead to the vault doors. }
M24_OBJ_02 = { Get your squad to safety. }

M24_FAILUREA = {You have perished. Your bones will rattle inside your armor as the insects search for carrion. If only you had another chance. }
M24_FAILUREB = { Failing to reach adequate shelter, you instinctively "Duck and Cover." In an instant, your body is reduced to vapour leaving only an eerie, shadowy silhouette on the canyon floor. If only you followed orders.}
M24_SUCCESSA = { The warhead did the job and the way inside Vault 0 is clear. Now get in there and finish the job. }


Andrew Reeves[]


// Name: Paladin Reeves.
// Role: To fling out this paragraph and then run for it.
// Background: Andrew is a nervous man [cause he's standing next to a bomb], but he's also a little deaf, having worked with explosives most of his life.
// Situation A00: Reeves will give you the beacons. brief the player on how to use the fire-support beacons.
M24_Reeves_A00_W = {

Well met, Brother.\n\n

I'm Paladin Reeves from Falcon Squad.\n\n

You have quite a reputation back at the base. I was expecting someone about eight feet tall and covered with grisly scars.\n\n

Looks like you're about two feet short.\n\n

Here are three fire-support beacons. These puppies will direct our artillery to them after activated. We've been saving up the artillery shells for a long time, as they're hard to come by, so be prudent when you decide to use them.\n\n

You'll have some time to run for cover, but I suggest you don't stop to smell the flowers.\n\n

Good luck, Brother.\n\n

The whole Brotherhood is aware and grateful for your part in this war.\n\n

Make it home in one piece.



Computer terminals[]


// Computer Terminals:
// There are several computer terminals scattered throughout the station.
// These may be accessed for information.
// Each terminal has static before releasing their text information.

// Situation A: As the terminals run, they hum softly and make little noises.
// These are the random sounds made by the terminals.
M24_Terminal_A00 = { *Click* }
M24_Terminal_A01 = { *Beep* }
M24_Terminal_A02 = { *Whrrr* }
M24_Terminal_A03 = { *Blip* }
M24_Terminal_A04 = { *Bip* }
M24_Terminal_A05 = { *Bleep* }

// Situation B00: Terminal Alpha provides information on how the Calculator
// woke up.
M24_Terminal_B00_W = {

(Static fading) ...is Third Scientist Lewis with the report on the cause for the perimeter alarm.\n\n

Late last night, a heavily armed group of mutated humans attempted to force their way into the vault. I have never seen such creatures. The smallest one was over seven feet tall and must have weighed at least four hundred pounds!\n\n

I believe that this group has seen fighting recently. Each one was carrying enough firepower to arm a small platoon, but the real shock came when a security camera was able to get a close up.\n\n

These poor creatures are severely mutated with the majority of their features only vaguely resembling that of human beings. I don't know if they are a product of nuclear radiation - they seem to share too many similarities with their muscle bound frames to credit a random mutation.\n\n

Their intrusion in the Vault has fully woken up the Calculator and the Emergency Pacification Protocol has been initiated. I don't believe the invading mutants were expecting to combat a Behemoth but the results were... (Fade to static).



// Situation B01: Terminal Alpha's good-bye line.
//Use situation A floating text. DL
// Situation C00: Terminal Alpha provides information on the Calculator and
// Vault.
// Note: We need dates for when this message took place. Some weeks after the
// war, things began to go wrong with the Calculator.
M21_Terminal_C00_W = {

(Static fades out) ...is Third Scientist Lewis.\n\n

Things are going from bad to worse. We should have installed more backup systems for the Calculator. The irony is that the committee members that voted on Vault 0's backup system budget cuts are now all dead, but it gets worse.\n\n

Sixty three percent of Vault 0's population is now dead, while fifteen percent of the living are now severely brain damaged and can no longer care for themselves.\n\n

My frustration builds with the fact that I can't even get into the Calculator's chamber anymore, due to lack of authorization!\n\n

If only First Scientist Napstarsky or Second Scientist Jones had survived instead of me. They might have been able to repair the electro-organic linking terminal, and who knows, they even might have saved Vault 0. I will do what I can, but... (Fades to static).
// Situation D00: Terminal Beta provides information on the funding cuts and
// reallocation of resouces.
M21_Terminal_D00_W = {
Committee rules 30 to 3 in favor of streamlining Vault-0's computer backup system costs from 24 billion dollars to 2.3 billion. These cuts will take place immediately.\n\n

This ruling was based on the dwindling chance for actual nuclear war taking place, along with much needed pay increases to senior committee members.\n\n

Furthermore, the subterranean Vault compartments that were designated for backup computer and life support systems will now be renovated for senior vault personnel leisure facilities.\n\n

The committee has a construction agenda that must be finalized by mid March. The new facility options are as follows: several top quality restaurants with 10,000 square feet of cold storage, seven smoke rooms with piano bars and two subterranean hunting grounds stocked with rare animals purchased from world renowned zoos.\n\n

All of these are feasible, but require an additional 12.4 billion dollars which can be acquired by... *click*\n\n

...which can be acquired by... *click*
// Situation E00: Terminal Gamma provides information on the Calculator's
// inner workings.
M21_Terminal_E00_W = {
... good question Dr. Jones. I would be happy to explain why we're taking 'the
path less traveled' when compared to mundane computer systems.\n\n

One advantage the Calculator has over normal computers is the electro-organic linking terminal. Our tests conclude that the CPU can share tasks and receive data from pseudo cryogenic stored brains that are maintained in an oxygenated tank.\n\n

These brains are currently that of lab rodents, but our calculations indicate that human brains can be preserved in the same fashion. The brains will be fed specifically formulated nutrients to sustain suspended life. In turn, they will assist the Calculator's CPU in Vault management including: life support, food production and distribution, Pacification-Robot protocol, and Vault-0 defenses.\n\n

This neural network will also assist in Vault-0's primary function: To initiate Mankind's post-war rebirth. When outside temperature, radiation levels, and poison particle counts return to acceptable levels, Vault-0 will remotely activate the Exodus Protocol, which will initialize the integration of all Vault Dwellers onto the planet's surface.\n\n

The brains are to be harvested from a select group of geniuses that were chosen, by committee, for their skills and... (fade to static).
// Situation P00: Player starts the bomb timer.
M24_Bomb_P00_W = {

Nuclear Bomb armed and activated.\n\n

Thank you for purchasing a product from Manhattan Projects Inc.\n\n

To hear the countdown in French, please press 1.\n\n

To hear the countdown in Spanish, please press 2.\n\n

To hear the countdown in Southern Drawl, please press 3.\n\n

If you are listening to this message, Manhattan Projects Inc. recommends that you run, seek shelter, and "Duck and Cover!"\n\n

Have a nice day.


